A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="ff6000">stupid</font>
do let us know !
im sure everyone here is anxious for you

im fine .. thanks !
but feeling sleepy coz went for a wedding dinner last night and ended quite late

<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
Take care ya! Let us know once you have your correct EDD, ok?

So... did you tell your new boss/colleagues that you are pregnant?

<font color="0000ff">stupid</font>
Keep us updated, ok?

<font color="0000ff">tuffy</font>
alamak, why your co. block SB forum. Cannot chit-chat with you so often already.

just wanna keep u informed of a coming talk from kkh meant for preggies and ttc:

Public Forum: Having A Healthy Baby

Date: 31 July 2004 (Saturday)
Time: 2- 4 pm (Registration starts at 1.30pm)
Venue: Auditorium, Training Centre, Podium 1, Women's Tower, KK Hospital
Fee: $5 per person (includes light refreshments)
Registration: On first-come, first-served basis. Download the registration form or call Patient Education Centre at tel: 6394 5038 for a copy of the registration form.
Who Should Attend: Parents-to-be and couples planning to start a family


Will My Pregnancy Be Smooth? What Are The Risks?
How Can I Assess My Risks? What Are The Tests Available?
Ultasound In Pregnancy - What We Can See And What It Means?
Twin Pregnancy - Double Happiness Or Double Trouble?
Good Pregnancy Care - Making Sense Of It All

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 12 Jul 04
joice .......... CD 05
yippy .......... CD 10
classy ......... CD 10
dawn ........... CD 11
oreo ........... CD 11
tidyfairy ...... CD 13
mrstan ......... CD 17
tuffy .......... CD 24
stupid ......... CD 31
funny .......... CD 32
ENJ ............ CD 34
ribena ......... CD 35
jamci .......... CD 35
wennia ......... CD 49
maya ........... CD 50
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
lilac .......... 28/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
seiko .......... 07/03/05
lbs ............ 14/03/05
KC ............. ??/03/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
hi ladies!

wow this thread is really moving dam fast boy...
Stupid, congrats to u, if u really hit the jackppt this time. Am so eager to know ur result with gynae.

As for me, am in my CD 17 today, but so far, dont even know if i ovulated or not. No drastic rise in temp, except in CD 09, but cannot be so early mah rite?? This is the 1st time that I dont know how to detect my ovulation day. Anyway my appt with gynae is tmr morning, so i will be taking 1 day leave tmr, so cannot log on. Wil let u girls know abt it on Wed...
<font color="0000ff">joice, mrstan</font>
unfortunately, no. Can't bear to "xia shou"....
Hubby still sick.. got another 2 day MC for today n tomorrow.

I'm in CD11 today..don't think i've O yet ... i'm praying and hoping that i won't O til he recovers.
hi Oreo,

dont worry girl. just pray hubby will get well before ur Big O day. meantime, keep track of ur CM and temp too. Hubby's health is more impt...
ya agreed with mrs tan.. hubby health more important. since u have not O yet, think there's still chance to wait for ur hubby to recover n BD..
Hi Stupid &amp; Seiko &amp; mrstan &amp; lbs,
Can i ask something? 2 wks ago, hubby comes inside me and pulls out before ejaculation took place. can i know what is the chances that i'll conceive from there? *scratch head*

I knew the chances should be very slim, but i've been experiencing bloated stomach and keep wanting to burrrrp for the past one week.

Like you("Stupid"), AF supposed to come last friday, but is still MIA. It has always been a accurate thing last time. Btw, I'm also feeling abit nausea as well.... This nausea feeling keeps coming on and off thru'out the whole day. If really preggie, symptoms will not be shown so soon right?

i dont quite underst. what u are saying. Hubby comes inside u already means he has ejaculated rite? but then u said he pulled out before ejaculation take place??

Even if he does pull out before ejaculation, there may be a small chance of getting pregnant cos of the pre-come liquid due to stimulation. Not too sure abt the nausea...cos may be a little too soon for symptoms to show. Seiko &amp; lbs may be able to help here?
Hi Joice,
I'm of the same age as you.
Am turning 25 in Sept this year. Hubby is 5 years older than me....

If you dun mind me asking, how long have you been married already? Me only married for abt 1~2 months, still considered newly-web.

haha... sorry for the confusion.... abit difficult to describe this out. in short, i'm trying to say hubby pulled out before his "soldiers" shoot out....

think i "yu wu lun chi" liao.....
hi Geberra
dif pple experience dif symptoms ( some none at all ) at dif times, some get it early, some get it much later... so it really depends.... but yrs sound like a probable case too!!! am keeping my fingers crossed 4 u n stupid!
hi oreo,

add mine in..my mense came on 3 july but very light red flow only and it end on 7 july..but still got a bit of spotting.. so my CD should be 10 (as at today)?
mrstan &amp; seiko,
really? both of you think mine is a possible case? pls dun be mistaken... i'm not having doubts in your words. just find it very extreme case.
sometimes i'm wondering if i've been thinking too much.... that kinda of feelings is really undescribable..... just duno how to put it.....
hi Gebbera,

well, in any way, wait till u miss ur AF, then u may want to test. Missing AF is the best symptom. Anyway u are still a newly-wed so dont have to worry or rush things.
Hi Seiko and lbs,

Can i please ask what is your cervical mucuous like before you learned that you are preggy? is it also wet and creamy just like having an AF? Thanks.
Hi TTCs out there,

can someone helps to clarify my doubts on CM

- when CM is clear &amp; slippery ( like egg white ) is the day that we ovulated or this is only a sign that Ovulation is going to take place the next few days.

Pls help... Thanks
Hi mrstan,
Hmm... you are right... think perhaps this is just a false alarm. Anyway, i'm thinking of building up my health first before i conceive. just learn about the folic acid thing and has started taking the tablet on a daily basic.
Hi Melody

My daughter is also 1yr old. I am also thinking to have a 2nd one as soon as I can but there is a lot of consideration to be taken into. First thing is my HB din approve me of being a SAHM, moreover I am also not used to spending his money as now I am working, I am able to buy whichever things that I like. On the other hand, my hb is born in the year of pig n i m born in the year of rabbit, so for the next two year is rooster n dog, i heard tht it will clash w the both of us, can somebody advise me whether this is true. I oso wish that i can give birth as early as I can becos if i were to wait for the year of pig, than i will be 32 n my hb will be 36, will it b too old for the both of us?
hi Gebbera,

wow u are so diligent. i also need to build up my health too but havent started on folic yet, will get some from my gynae tmr...
hi lbs,

me too have very 'suan' backaches.. why is that so ha?.. feel like just came back from a marathon.
Also, u said its normal to have crampy feelings ah?.. I got worried esp. during the nite i cld feel quite cramp at my tummy area leh.. I scared something's wrong with me.

Do you wake up wee wee in the middle of the nite also? Last time i can sleep all the way till morning.. now my sleep got disrupted by the urge to go wee wee and yet very little urine come out..
Hi mrstan,

Yah... am working very hard now to build up my health. was advised by a colleague of mine that i should at least take the folic tablets for about 3 months before i try to conceive. She's a mother of 2 now, so i though i better listen to her... and went to buy it immediately after work.

She recommended me to buy from NTUC unity. Is very cheap. 100tablets only costs me $2.50. Heard tat some gynaes also prescribe the same tablets to the preggies.

Suggest you also start taking the folic tablet now since you are currently trying for a baby.
hi Gebberra
like wat Mrs Tan says, missed AF is the most obvious sign. When is yrs due? i only started on folic + vit B after i found out i was preggies, dunno if its too late to start taking cos i know lots of gals who r TTCing started taking them quite early....

hi Berry
normally for my cycle, i'll get watery, followed by egg white discharge, then creamy , then dry for bt a few days b4 AF visits. But those few days b4 AF suppose 2 come, i was still having egg white discharge... it continued for a few days after i tested +ve. now i get some creamy discharge ( think more than my normal ), so muz change panty liner more frequently

hi Yippy, erm, im not too sure leh, cos i rem few mths ago, when i was using the clearblue Ovulation kit, once i see egg white discharge, i immediately tested with the kit, n was +ve that i ovulated. Think muz BD within 36 hrs ??? sorry not too sure bt this....

hi quietbird
me oso a Labbit *hehehe* my hb is a cow, n we did go to a fengshui master b4 my AD last yr, n he said a rooster kid wld be 'suited' for us.... my mom is a rooster n i get along well wif her ( of cos cant stand her lor lor sor sor lah ) *heheh* i think its gd 2 have a kid early, at least u got more energy now. my hb is 31 this yr, he's already worrying bt the kid being only 18 when he's 50....

Hi Mrs Tan
me eating guardian pharmacy;s folic now coupled wif Vit B complex fr gp. hb said folic muz team up with vit B 4 effective action...

hi Elle
cld u have wind in yr stomach juz like wat i experienced earlier? cos the cramp was worse than wat i had when i had my menses then.
im peeing more than usual. in the passt, i cld zzz without waking up till next morn.... now muz wake up bt once. during shopping worse, muz visit loo twice within like 3 hrs span.
i thot frequent trips to the loo wld only start when the uterus gets to squash the bladder? eachtime i also got very little 'Load' *hehe*
hi seiko,
yah hor.. could be due to the wind in my stomach. I recall my crampy/bloated feeling subsided after i've puuuuuuu .. when i go toilet in the middle of the nite i release more gas than urine.. hahaha.. But i've cover my belly button leh.. how come wind still get in so easily.. Or is it pregnant ladies tend to have more 'wind' inside? Me too last sat went shopping .. went to toilet nearly every hour.. wah.. cant imagine when tummy gets bigger wld the frequency increase even more..
hi Elle
maybe u cld c a gp if the cramps get a lil too unbearable. mine was so bad, i had 2 walk so slowly! initially i thot this was how pregnancy felt like, n was thinking it sucks real bad man... after the gp diagnosed as wind in stomach n tapped my stomach, aiyo, i cld hear the 'sounds of drums' *hehehhe* the med shd gave me caused me to pooot n burp, so i felt much better after a few days. She also told me to keep off milk pdts. I still take vitagen once every few days, but not on a daily basis anymore

a gp frd of my hbs gave me lactobacillus acidophillus tablets ( wifout the milk ) called Diarrstope, n its suppose 2 aid the gut, and aid digestion. Its chewable n tastes great, plus im now burping after every meal, n tat has helped repel much of the wind.... plus i pooot when i pee 1st thing in the morn, so its a gd sign that my gut is working efficiently again
Hi Seiko,
what i understood from my colleague is that folic is normally taken before you conceive or during the 1st trimester of your pregnancy.

Once she reached her 2nd trimester, her gynae stop prescribing her folic anymore. But was given calcium and iron instead. Maybe you would like to check with your gynae regarding this.

May i ask, how many weeks are you in now? And how are you feeling today?
miss out 1 part. my AF is due last friday but currently MIA. perhaps it's just a simple delay that's all. aiyoh... just when i'm getting started to monitor my own cycle, AF goes haywired liao.... ~sigh~
Hi gebbera,
u missed ur AF since last Fri n you said tat ur AF is always accurate, think u can test nw.. Gd luck to u!
Afternoon Ladies:

Jus accompanied my fren for abortion this morning. She got pregnant despite wearing condom so had to abort as both husband &amp; wife not mentally prepared for a kid. Feel so sad tt they decided to make such a decission. It's kind of unfair tt couples like them who dun want kids strike so easily whereas ppl who are trying so hard cannot get

Anyway like to check - if my menses is suppose to be due today, izzit possible to still "strike" if we BD yesterday huh. I'm keeping my finger cross as till now menses have not come yet (though still got half a day to go) &amp; my period are usually very accurate one. When is e earliest I can test?
hi Jenifur,

Sorry to be so frank... but everytime i read abt such cases of abortion due to such a reason like not mentally prepared for a baby, I get so PISSED. God decided to give them a baby and they choose to take the baby's life away. Do you know that everytime an abortion is done, it decreases the chance of conception the next time round? Why can't ppl like them just take up this responsibility and keep the baby? Since they are already married. It's just a matter of give and take. How many couples are trying SO HARD to conceive thru IVF and such methods, just to have a baby, and here these ppl are, giving up so easily just like that. Taking the easy way out. It's so selfish.

Sorry if i sound too blunt, nothing against ur friend, just feel quite fed up. grrrrr...
Hi Jenifur,
That's a very sad thing your friend did.
To me, mentally prepared is not an issue at all. ~sigh~

Your case is the same as mine, AF supposed to be due but still not here yet. I'm giving myself another 1 week's time before going for a test. I'm thinking the delay might be due to work stress. As for the nausea feeling i'm having currently, i really duno why.
Mrs Tan: I understand how you feel cuz I felt e same too. It's such a stupid reason but e baby is in her stomach so nothing much I can do. My fren did thought of keeping e baby but her husband dun want any kids now. She thinks tt since they're both young so shldn't be a problem next time. Was very pissed with her husband, didn't even bother to accompany my fren for e abortion, leave everything to her as if he had no part in this whole thing.
Halo ladies

wow..this thread is moving really fast...

Me like Tuffy, can't really log in as often now during office hr..though not because my coy is blocking SB but I am beginning to be very busy at work for the next few weeks..so, can only log in at home liao..

hi berry
My CM just before I confirm my pregnancy is abt the same as when AF is approaching lor..a bit dry...
Also, same like Seiko..now I am having creamy discharge..quite a lot actually &amp; need to change pantyliners very frequently..

Hi Elle
Yups..my back was really suan just before I tested +ve &amp; it continue for abt a week..Now ok liao but started to have on &amp; off crampy feeling..usually in the evening/night time..

Oh, my gynae said is normal to have crampy feeling as our womb now is expanding to accomodate the growing foetus..but then if the cramp is unbearable (even without spotting) was told to seek gynae's advise then..

I do have frequent urination (not necessary in the middle of the night) I am not sure if it is due to I drank a lot of water nowadays..I dont know why but I seem to have slight craving for plain water ler...

Hi Seiko
Are you still feeling bloated? Nowadays, I only feel bloated before I eat (I supposed I am hungry?) &amp; after I eat (maybe too full?)..hahahaa

Hi Oreo
The girsl are right, your hubby's health is more important...hopefully he is well enough before your BIG 'O' day

Hi stupid
How are you gal?? Cant wait for your good news liao
hi oreo,
yah roar. v sad that they blocked the site. So now can only log on twice a day - usually would have lost out in the conversation/exchange...

hi lbs,
don't get too stressed at work yah? first trimester is usually tougher, so must take good care of yourself!
hi gals,
sori for disappointing u all...:-( Me very disappointd and sad too....The gynae did a scan for me, can't see the sac...Then he did a urine test, and he say that the result shows -ve. 2 possibilities : 1) me not preg 2) it's too early to know.....so, I am told to wait for another week, and observe. If AF comes, mean me not preg. If not sign of AF, go back to him again for the test again. If test -ve, then he will subscribe medicine for my AF to come....Frankly, both me hubby and I quite disappointed....Luckily didn't tell MIL or any close friends...else so embrassed....:-(
Anyway gals, thanks for being with me all these things...:)
hi Oreo,
it's ok not to BD on CD11, anyway u have not O yet, rite???As long as ur hubby is healthy, a delay of one of two is ok...Anyway, he also need strong body to "do" the job, rite??hee....:)
Hi Geberra
ive juz started my 6th wk today... feeling not so gd these few days, cos after the wind has cleared, now i think the MS is creeping up ... argh!!! solve 1 prob, only 2 have another. whole day been feeling chest area a lil queasy, not much appetite... eat 2 fill only. i cant eat too much or i'll wanna puke. so its better 2 take small meals, wif some fillers in btn.
Fri till today is 4 days already, can test liao! my frd tested +ve on CD27 ( hers a 28 day cycle ). mine 28 day cycle too, n i tested on CD28. my most obvious sign was lots of discharge few days b4 &amp; few days after i thot AF was due. I rem the CM gushing out on my CD28, n i hadd 2 rush 2 the loo a few times 2 check if AF was here. i thot the situation was quite dif fr past mths, so i tested when i got home. aiyo, u shd test already, so kan chiong 4 u *heheh*

hi Jenifur
kids r hard 2 come by, thats y cannot take fertility for granted like wat yr frd did leh..... so sorry 4 her case...

Hi lbs
aiya i think that MS thing may be making an appearance liao .... me n my big mouth, was telling my parents i dun have MS last few days **slap big mouth** hehehe today felt a mild MS, bad enuf 2 wonder how am i gona function if this gets worse? *touchwood many times* my wind is okie now, cos i do Manual burping ( aka pat my chest a few times 4 wind 2 'comeup' ) :p how u doing?

hi stupid
all hope is NOT lost yet. there cld b a possibility of Option 2... hold on pal
dun let this affect u.... always look on the +ve side of things .....
Hi Tuffy
Thks..I will..nothing else more important than the baby mah

You are in your 2WW, right?


Hi stupid
yups, like what Seiko said, is not definite yet...but did you tell gynae that you tested positive with Clearblue? It can be the test kit used by the gynae is only detecting higher HCG level..It might be possibility of 2 as long as AF not arriving..stay positive, yea?

Hi Seiko
oh..my MS has started to switch to morning now..so, every morning I will feel nausea &amp; things really get worst especially me in the super crowded MRT..
Hi Gal and Oreo,
Please add me in the chart. But how do u count on the CD? from the day our AF on? OK, I just got a very unfortunate month. AF late for 2 days so tot I "hit Jackpot" which I might be cos I tried the hpt.. results out to be very faded. However, i have great migraine so I just took my migraine pill which my gynae alr told me not to if I suspect preggy... but due to the pain for 2 days, i couldn't take it further, I just popped the pill and the next thing at nite, AF arrived! I was very sad about it but my hubby said it is not good to see me suffer from my migraine so we will work hard again this month.
Wish everyone here "All the Best!" Hope all of us graduate soon.
