A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hihi ladies
Been so busy just now & this thread is growing really fast!!

Hi Mrs Tan
I will be cheering for you tonite, k?

Hi joice
Hope your AF forget its way for the next 9 months!!

Is soooo cold in the office...thinking of my warm bed already~~~
<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
Think should be 8 days ?? I only took a glance at the mag. as i was just walking past the store. The 1st thing that caught my eye is her 6 mths old tummy. Well.. i hate to admit it, but she does look good in that pic.
How r u doing? Still having MS?

me trying for a few mths liao... but past 2 mths n tis cycle lazy to do charting. jus bo chap attitude lor..
hi Oreo,

ok i go check it out later. wah lau 6 mths shld be quite big oredi rite? haha i know wat u mean..its amazing one can still look good despite being pregnant.
so u like her or not? for me, ok only lah...
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
When she first announced, she was 4 mths.
Should be 6 months by now!! Think it was 2 mths ago she announced.

<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
i don't really like her leh.. find that she always like to act cute and got the "zi yi wei shi" attitude.
Hi joice
Yups..MS on &amp; off but today feeling a bit crampy...

My breasts are really sore &amp; painful too
hi mrs tan
haha sometime i try to give in lor but at time really pissed off lor. sometime i guilty then i will be more nice to him lor haha

ya saw the show but when feature one couple where their bb was in hospital for 8 mth i feel so bad and upset and pity them. feel quite hurt and depress after the show
lilin really look good when she pregnnat.
hi to all gals,
Thanks for all ur wishes and concern......
just back from Gynae....He listed out some possibilities....inclusive, hormone disorder, womb got something, virginal got something, pregnancy or others....Out of so many items, he did an ultra scan for me, and say my womb looks fine, and he also cancel out the possibility of cancer. So , only 3 choices left. 1) Virginal got something, 2)hormone disorder 3) Preg. If by sunday, menses dun come, do a urine test on own. If negative, and the spotting continues for a wk, go to him for a pap smear. If spotting clears, and menses comes, means hormone disorder....Hope my explanation clear...U guys know lai....Medicinal terms, difficult to remember...As for myself, I dun really pin too high hope on Preg, cos not active this month....Just pray that it is hormone disorder, and not something wrong with the virginal.

So Mrs tan,
Jia You for 2nite....!!!!Give out all ur best shot :)

keep my finger cross that ur AF won;t visit u for another nine months...
Morning stupid
stay +ve, maybe u may be preggies? dun doubt the possibility, cos all it takes is one 'strong swimmer' *HEE*
meanwhile, stay cheerful n dun think too much, cos take 1 step at a time

Good Luck + lots of BB dust 2 all!
****** BB dust flies all over the place *****
hi lbs,

ask hubby to massage ur sore boobs for u. Am sure he will be more than willing. hehe...

hi Laugh &amp; Stupid &amp; all,

yes last nite i BD with dear hubby and it was quite enjoyable. Altho I was quite tired but not too bad lah. (wont go into details here, I shy)
I elevated butt with pillow and stayed for abt 10 mins then cannot tahan, quickly go and wash up. Since got infection, better not leave it too long. Some more, bladder so full...need to shee shee, haha....u girls experience the same as me? after BD, always want to wee one...
hi Oreo,

yup, it was correct, 8 Days mag. I bought it on way home yest. Had a few pgs feature on her, photos and article write-up. Its quite amazing she actually lost weight cos of lack of appetite during 1st 3 months. But her tummy dam big though. I always see pregnant women who either swell up a lot or their features jus change, how come Wong Lilin look exactly the same as before ah?? Btw in the mag where they featured James Lye/Dianer Ser's wedding, one of the guests was Annabelle Francis with hubby Sheik Haikel. She is heavily pregnant! Its her 2nd one, if i'm not wrong rite? wah lau...
Hi stupid
yeap..stay positive ok? Hope you are really preggy...

Hi Mrs Tan
Cannot lar..even hubby touch also 'Ouch!" hahaaa
so, got work hard yesterday?? heheee
hi lbs,

GOT! work my butt out man. heehee, kiddin lah. btw wanna ask u (and other ttc-ians also) something quite private...when hubby come inside that time, can u all actually feel his soldiers being "expelled" inside u? sorry hor, describe until so explicit..hehe, aiyah but we all married women liao, so its ok hor? *wink*

aiyoh, that means ur boobs must be really very painful, since just a touch is that sensitive...poor u. But hey, i'd do anything to have that kind of pain leh! cos its a sign of pregnancy mah.
Hi Mrs Tan
Usually, I will feel like having very warm liquid spilled out inside me..

yeap, now wearing those T-short bras (without metal) liao.
Morning gals!

Hi stupid,
There's still a possibility tat u are preggie. Hope tis is the one the gynae is referring to..

Hi mrs tan,
I oso bgt a copy of eight days yesterday. Really envy her tat she's still so slim n pretty. I oso have the same feeling as Ibs. Will feel very warm liquid spilling inside me..
hi lbs,

ya without underwire bras are more comfy, not so tight also. aiyah u might as well go w/o bra, hee hee...

lbs &amp; Joice,

for me, I dont usually feel anythg when he come inside, but last nite, dunno why, felt the liquid like squirting inside like that, hard to describe that kind of feeling. I am wondering, could it be hubby's ejaculation is not strong enough? as in, cannot shoot far, thats why cannot reach my egg.
sigh...i think until so far hor...
wow Mrs Tan
Emm..Some different feeling may be a good sign?? hehehee...This time perhaps your hubby's soldiers shoot far far liao!!
Hi oreo,
My mission failed. Jus went toilet n saw red. Kindly update me as CD1 today. Didnt manage to catch some of the baby dust here..
Mrs Tan, I will feel some "chi chi" type of feeling when hubby ejaculates. Dunno how to describe the feeling.
hi lbs,

hopefully lor... hehe

Hi Joice,

dont lose hope! we are in this together...try again next month ok girl?

Hi Jara,

yes thats it! thats the kind of feeling i felt too...something like those water gun shoot inside like that rite? but not that strong lah...
Hi mrs tan,
thks for ur console.. actually me more or less knew tat tis cycle not very high chance as it clashed w the euro cup mah.. Will try harder again tis mth..
hi oreo &amp; mrstan,
looks like my CD is sandwiched between you both, but not sure about the ovulation day.
From Jan to Mar, my cycle was between 30 - 36 days. But from April, AF din come for 55 days.
Wonder if I'll revert back to a 30 plus day cycle this time.

i've been doing loads of travelling but have been blessed to be assigned to go KL next week coz my hubby also has work there next week. So i'll have chance to BD from CD 12 to CD 20 (in a nice hotel) before I have to travel again.
Hope the hotel room &amp; yummy KL food will relieve our stress from work.

I intend to buy a clearblue ovulation predictor when in KL. Any advice on which CD to use the ovulation predictor kit?
Should the ovulation test be positive, do we have about 12-24 hours to pray for a strike?

cheers, TidyFairy
Mrs Tan,
Maybe your next BD, when your hubby's soldiers coming, try to ask him to push all the way in dont come out until 'ta-ta'(empty). U lift your buttock as high as possible when his soldiers are coming in. After that u just lay there with elevated pillow and dont wash anything.. better still sleep...
Hope I am not too gross on this thing, just really hope it works for you.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 08 Jul 04
joice .......... CD 01
yippy .......... CD 06
classy ......... CD 06
dawn ........... CD 07
oreo ........... CD 07
tidyfairy ...... CD 09
mrstan ......... CD 13
tuffy .......... CD 20
stupid ......... CD 27
funny .......... CD 28
ENJ ............ CD 30
ribena ......... CD 31
jamci .......... CD 31
wennia ......... CD 45
maya ........... CD 46
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
lilac .......... 28/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
seiko .......... 07/03/05
lbs ............ 14/03/05
KC ............. ??/03/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
Hi Oreo &amp; other ladies!
Joice, Its ok, let's try again together this mth!
Ibs, Take care of urself, enjoy
Mrs tan, Jia you jia you! hope 1 of the soldiers managed to find the "target" !
Stupid : Stay positive !
Hi KC,

thanks for your suggestion! ok i will try wat u said the next time i BD. when u said lift buttock as high as possible, which position are u talking abt? if doggie then how? usually hubby will come in that position, so do i turn around to lie on my back and put pillow under butt? correct rite? btw cannot lah, i have to wash up after that, cos i used to not wash or pee after sex, end up infection. ;(

hope u r ok, understand the disappointment....but jia you ok!

there are alot of baby dust around this month....hopefully we will catch some!

stupid, hope your AF wun come!

hmmm....lbs and Mrs Tan, usu. i wun feel when my hubby come inside me leh...izzit his shooting not strong enuff or i am not sensitive enuff?
Hi Mrs Tan,
KC is right, U lift your buttock as high as possible irregardless wat position (eg if doggie than you lie on ur front with buttock high loh) and ask ur husband not to come out so fast. Try to wash up/pee aft abt 10 mins or more. Hope this help as this was wat i did.
Hi joice
Dun be discouraged, yea? Now the Euro fever is over, can start planning for the battle liao!

Hi Mrs Tan
I used to go &amp; clean up everytime right after BD with hubby. But then, in order to increase my chances, I will at least lie dwn for 15 mins (sometimes with pillow...sometimes not). If I BD late, then I go zzzZZZ straight away..

Actually, i think the infection does not cause by not cleaning up immediately after BD ler..I remember my gynae said this yeast infection usually caused by the moist at that part &amp; if we are wearing panty, it will be warm &amp; yeast can grow easily..so is advisable to wear cotton panties/ change pantyliners as frequent as possible...

So, if you going to sleep immediately, make sure you dont wear back your panty hor...must bare-bare
Hello everyone,

For those preggys, can i please ask what is your cervical mucuous like before you found out that you are pregnant? is it wet, creamy? The same as when you will have AF? Thanks.
Hi everyone!
Joice - Lets try harder this mth!
Ibs - Take care
Mrs Tan - Seems like u really enjoyed last nite! Hope that 1 of the soldiers can find the target! Jia you &amp; good luck!
Stupid - Stay Positive!
hi Laugh,

ok got it! will stay in that position for 10 mins. But if doggie position quite shack hor? must lean on ur elbows....kua kua...

hi lbs,

thanks for ur advice. aiyoh but then if u ZZzzzz straight away, ur down there not gross meh? cos all the liquid quite messy and sticky and uuurgh.. I cannot lor.

you are rite abt yeast infection. I know that also but i think its more hygienic to wash up after BD, and the impt thing is to prevent Urinary Tract Infection, its best to wash up before and after BD and also pee before and after BD. To prevent bacteria from entering and to wash it away by peeing.I have switched to cotton panties already and try not to wear pantiliners also cos want to ventilate as much as possible.
Aiyoh...how can dont wear back panty? sure got some left over sperm flow out one leh...then some more vagina catch cold how? *big grin*
ya loh, very messy &amp; sticky if don't pee &amp; wash out aft BD leh... Read fm somewhere, to prevent urinary tract infection, must at least pee aft BD.
alamak...yea lar, I will sure pee-pee after but wait after lie down for 10-15 mins lor...~~REN~~ If not the little soldiers will flush out like nobody business mah..

But sometimes, I too tired &amp; dun bother to go pee &amp; sleep straight away...emm, I think my hubby's soldiers didnt dare to 'retreat' while I was sleeping!! hahahahaa..

I also used to really must go clean up thoroughly everytime after BD..with soap somemore!
Hi gals,
Thks for ur console! I did feel a bit of disappointment when i saw AF just now. But now Im ok liao.. Will try again tis cycle
btw, may I kw who is still doing charting every mth?
<font color="0000ff">stupid</font>
Don't worry so much. I really do hope that AF don't come this weekend!!!
Keeping my fingers cross for you

<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
Wow... seems like you did enjoy yourself last nite.

Tell you gals something unexpected.
I haven't told my hubby that this weekend onwards is gonna be my fertile window.
Last nite during dinner, he told me that he will do it with me this weekend..
I was kinda shocked, coz' i wanted to tell him but ended up he told me 1st!
"Xin You lin xi ! "

Hopefully, this will my weekend.

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
Jia you!!!

<font color="0000ff">tidyfairy</font>
When the OPK is positive, it could mean that you will be ovulating in 12-36 hours time.
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
Me! Me! I'm still charting!
I find that if i don't chart, i won't know if i ovulate or if AF doesn't come. At least i don't have to keep guessing and wondering.
So tis weekend mus jia you huh
I was thinking whether to chart again or not? At least i kw when Im ovulating but on another hand, I oso dun wan to pressure myself... Aiyooo so confusing right...
hi lbs &amp; Laugh,

actually when i wash up 10 mins after BD, i wash with soap also leh, otherwise like not clean like that, if use only water.

hi Joice,

me me! I am still charting! its my 3rd cycle this month lor. At least with my charts, if i still dont conceive, then i can bring and show my gynae to analyse wat i am not doing rite mah...

Hi Oreo,

ooh...sounds exciting eh?? so must prepare urself for the BIg Day hor? get out some romantic CDs to play, dim the lights, light some aromatherapy candles, and off u go....the rest i dont have to elaborate...all yours babe!!
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
Chart or don't chart, choice up to you lor... !!
btw, did you book your appointment with Dr. Heng already?

<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
ya lor, i can't wait for the weekend to come!!

Just now, which is just only, i received another news.. A friend of mine just got his gf pregnant after being together for a couple of months only.. now busy preparing for the wedding. Sigh!!
I dunno what to say anymore already. Sigh!!
Hi Oreo, so this weekend is the time again. Good luck!

Hi Joice / oreo / mrs tan,
can i check wif u, r u taking any folic acid to prepare for the bb to come?? heard that its best to start taking when planning to get pregnant. I'm gg to buy some this weekend!
me still haven book another appt with her since the last cancellation..
Im really a lazy bum.. will try to book an appt with her after my AF clears..

Hopefully all of us here can graduate together n move on to another thread cos we 'know' one another for so long liao...
hi Oreo,

sigh...i know exactly wat u mean. wahh..know for few months then so fast kena pregnant liao ah? hmm....

hi Yippy,
no leh, am not taking any folic acid at the moment. I may ask gynae for some when i go for checkup next tues. yes it is better to take b4 conception to prepare...

Btw everyone, I have a suggestion, do let me know wat u girls think ok? u think it would be a good idea to include the no. of cycles each of us ttc-ians are at? that means beside my CD day, just put 3rd Cycle, so we all know how many cycles we each have been trying, and if more than a year, we can remind each other to go see gynae to check up. What do you think? Or would this be too stressful for those who have been ttc for a long time?
<font color="0000ff">yippy</font>
Folic is a must if you're TTCing now.

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
I thought i'm already such a bummer.. didn't know i've met my match in you.

Actually, you can call now to book leh.. since you're CD1 today, you might want to consider seeing her around CD14 onwards.
C'mon, girl!!! You and lbs encouraged me to see her and i did! You're next!!! Go leh!!
Hi joice
yeap...u must start to make your apptmt liao since you know her schedule is always very tight..hehehee..

go~go~ make a phone call now, ok?

Hi oreo
How are you feeling now, you are into your fertile period liao? Did Dr Heng said to go back to her when?

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
i don't feel anything yet. except the last few days got splitting headache, could be due to the side effects of clomid ... this weekend and next, i'll be in my fertile window liao.. getting more and more excited and nervous.
Dr Heng told me to go back on my CD14 lor which is next week!
