A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yup, will try to look on a brighter side.
So u oso in ur 2WW right? Hope u are the nxt to spread the gd news

so nxt time we r preggie can ask u for advice liao..

hi jamci n KC
yalor, thanks for the advice, think it's better to lay off sashimi for now. *sobsob* i'll miss salmon so much *hee*

Ladies, my cramps got quite bad today, so went to c my family doc who happens to have a antenatal services. tested +ve on kit, she measured my blood pressure listened to heartbeat, said it was normal. then i complained bt the cramps. She made me lie down n pressed gently on my abdomen. Later she said my gut wasnt 'working properly', indigestion caused all the wind 2 b trapped. She told me that contrary to pop belief some preg ladies muz lay off milk as it exacerbates the situation. so she said drink as lil milk as possible for these beg mths. got some medication for cough, 4 repelling 'wind', anti-vomit pills, gastric pills. told me to return 2 wks later for follow-ups. She said im in my early 5 wks, n that there wasnt any need to do ultrasound now as got nothing 2 c, dun waste $. after 2 wks, she'll do ne for me.
Hope i Pooooot all the wind/gas. dun mind burping too *hahahah*
hi skinnyma,

I'm from another thread .. happen to read that you'r pregnant!..

Oh ya.. Thanks for sharing with us your experience..
I DID IT!!! I JUZ HAD MY FIRST BURP ( after taking the med gp gave! ) *HEEEEEE*

ok now juz waiting to Pooooot all those wind out :p
hi KC, me had very late ovulation (CD33)this cycle....today is DPO12....temp still high...but dun dare to test cos not much symptoms...so will wait a few more days lor....
<font color="0000ff">eVErBodY.....</font>
There's so many of u to thanks and here's a short one........
Thank you all very much for the wishes... I believe that everyone here will make it one day!
<font color="ff0000">***BABY DUST TO ALL***</font>

<font color="0000ff">jen</font>
u are correct, im in my 6weeks now. Just went to see GP to confirm and was told that my EDD is 28/02/05. Hehe.... so excited

<font color="0000ff">MrsTan</font>
we did nothing special bt just BD as and when we feel like it. N what <font color="0000ff">jen</font> said was correct, the very one thg that i did is that my mind was out of TTC but on finding a job 1st.

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
i believe that if u try to relax and dun be too concerned about getting preggie, u will bingo without knowing.....

<font color="0000ff">babyvon, skinnyma</font>
CONGRATS to the both of u!!! It really is a baby boom month next year Feb!

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Thank you.... today i feel as usual but im beginning to be very careful abt the way i walk and do thgs ever since yst afternoon when i knew im preggie.
Thk its too "qua zhang" to act in such a way. Anyway to divert my attention abit??
Hi girls

Great to see so many of you got preg.

If anyone could still rem, I tested with faint positive too with Watson's kit but after about 3 days, AF came. Sigh...Really want to join you girls but too bad it didn't happen.

Hopefully God will bless me too and the rest of us who are still TTC.

Congrats to those preggie again
hi LV, how come like that one....izzit the watson brand not accurate? or are you on any medication that will produce HCG? Dun be discouraged and jia you ok!
Hi Dawn,

Also dunno what happen for my last cycle. The AF was quite bloody state with chunks of blood clogs. Maybe my body too weak. As for the faint line, I couldn't explain because I showed it to my hubby and he also saw it too. Anyway I just leave it to God if I should have a baby or not
Hi LV, am sorry to hear that. but since the kit shows 2 lines, it means a significant level of hcg muz have been present. How about checking with a gynae? r u on fertility drugs? I used to get chunks of blood clots, i mean huge ones till i avoid eating pigs liver cos of the resemblence. mine was extreme too. But after 2 mths of bai feng wan ( total 4 n a half bottles ), my flow was smooth, hardly any cramps. dun give up hope yet. seek a 2nd opinion.
<font color="aa00aa">LV,</font>
one reason might be the implantation is not strong enuff or the egg is not attached properly, so it resulted in a misca**y. but since it's not "develop" in any sense yet, it juz flushed out the uterus lining (whh is = our menses)
<font color="0000ff">skinnyma</font>
Need to check with you, at which CD did you start taking your EPO and for how often and how much to take?
I read somewhere abt what angelia has mentioned above...I think it is called chemical pregnancy...

Do you test in on the day your AF suppose to due?

Dun worry, your time will be here very soon too!!


yeah... i think if u had read the test kit within the stipulated timing, then it should be a chemical pregnancy. Experienced the same thing as you in march. My AF also came on time even though I tested positive for a few days and started taking duphaston. The funny thing is 1 week after AF came (and din stop), my hcg level shows that it has more than doubled. Untill later, it drops again... so another round of heavy bleeding.. it last abt 6 weeks. If your AF stops after abt 1 week, then shd be ok. If it persist, do see a gynae. May need to take antibiotic to prevent infection.
hi lilac and Seiko,

my EDD is 5-6 Mar 2005 ... so i am just abt 5 weeks now.. same as you Seiko.

hi oreo,

i take EPO from CD1 to about CD15 (or when you feel you have O already) then i stop after that. i take nothing but EPO it self and the EWCM is very clear and stretchy - this is very important. i take one capsule a day , sometimes kiasu - then take 2 caps per day (just for one or two days)
Good Morning Ladies,

Chance upon this thread so wld like to join in (though cannot really catch up :S) since I'm also trying for baby. Can I check izzit true tt taking Folic Acid will help to increase the chance to conceive??
<font color="0000ff">Thanks, skinnyma</font>
I'm supposed to start my clomid on the 2nd day of AF.
Guess later got to buy EPO already as my AF starts today.
Any particular brand u taking?
hi oreo,

i was taking Healtheries brand which u can get from guardian or watsons. Clomid will dry u up so taking EPO will help alot...and make sure u drink enough water as well. i pray that Clomid will work for u as it does for me.
<font color="0000ff">jenifur</font>
Hmm.. you've got an interesting nick!!


OK, regarding your question, folic acid will not increase your chance to conceive.
Folic acid is a B vitamin found mostly in leafy green veg, orange juice.. etc..
Repeated studies have shown that women who get 400mg daily prior to conception and during early pregnancy reduce the risk that their baby will be born with a serious defect.

That's why it's so important for women who's planning to conceive to comsume folic acid. It will help in cell growth and development as well as tissue formation.

So, since you're planning for a baby, start popping one folic pill today! You can get the cheapest folic acid (housebrand) from unity pharmacy.
<font color="0000ff">skinnyma</font>
This is my 1st clomid cycle and i really do hope that it will work for me too.
You're my motivation!

Oh, btw, skinnyma and seiko
do you gals want me to add you into the CD list under the graduates? Let me know, ok?
hi oreo,

when taking Clomid, timing is important so make sure u don't miss the boat. i missed the boat on my 1st cycle as i was travelling and we have little time/energy to BD then.

i think it's ok not to add me to the CD list coz i was MIA for while..thanks for asking

you jia you ok!
Hi poohy

Sorry..I dont really get you..

You were saying that your AF came on time even though you tested positive for few days? Emm..does this mean you tested before your AF supposed to due or ?
Hi, those MTBs, do you feel your breasts, especially the nipples very itchy and pain huh? I really cannot stand it!!!

lbs, think we conceive abt the same time, any idea when is your EDD? I used several URLs to check, the most common date I got is 28 Feb 2005. But haven't confirm with gynae yet.
hi lilac,
congratulation to u , u bingo. i was on leave yest for my check up and so happy to see the good new tat u posted. i cant describe my happiness for u after knowing tat u pregnant. So your carefree life this mth and holiday in USA did help u to relax and bingo. Is your BB made in USA?
At the moment take great care of yourselves and have plently of rest.Once again congrats, me still feeling happy.

lbs, lilac
all of us finally bingo after sharing so much. hope we can continue to share more of our MTB tips maybe next time we can meet up and discuss further hee.. btw, i have switch my gyane to KKH and will be deliverto KKH instead of GlenE. My currently gyane is oso a male and i feel comfortable iwf his after yest check up. was recommended by 2 of my friend charges ia abt 3 tiem lower then my previous. I will be doign my detail scan by end July. FYI EDD are bound to change as day went by mine changes eevry check up, and as per yest my EDD will be 15DEC. remmember initailly was 24 Dec and now abt 10 day ealrier. Take great care of your selves okie and rest well

all other MTB
congrats again.. and take care.

oreo, tuffy,mrs tan and other...
dun loss hard okie keep trying and your day will be here soon. see we got gradute day by day.
Baby dust to all of you....
Hi to all new MTBs,

just want to say a big congrats to the new graduates. Been following this thread though not contributing. Happy and Healthy 9 months!

Skinnyma, I read that you use EPO but stop after o. Is there any particular reasons? I am currently taking EPO, but more for arthritic pains and the pharmacist did not say I need to stop after o and that it is ok to take even during preg. Let me know if there is any side effects ok? Thanks.

Thanks Orea.

Will pop by Pharmacy later. I've also start measuring my temp for e past 2 mths. But notice tt there were no much changes to my temp, always ard 36.7~36.8 leh. Considering whether to take Clomid since have been trying for 2 mths liao.
<font color="0000ff">jenifur</font>
Since you've only started trying for 2 mths, give or take, give yourself another 4-10 mths.

After you O, you should be able to see at least a 0.3 degrees rise in temp. Is your temp. always consistent?

Hmm.. wanna post your chart for us to see??
hi skinnyma
looks like yr bb will be 'pop' by earlier cos mine shd be ard 7th *hee*

hi jenifur
i started taking folic acid after i tested +ve. but its advisable to start taking b4 n while you're trying

hi Oreo
paiseh leh, cos i onli joined recently....

hi Jara
no itchiness or pain. seems like the pain on breasts has subsided.
Hi Jara,

when you say nipples very pain, mean what huh ? is it the center tip (1 tiny thin nipple tip) on your nipples very pain ? especially when you don't wear bra and when it touches external clothing ?
oreo, stopped liao. Will try naturally first for this year. If still cannot, then take clomid next year.
Hope you can success on this cycle.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 02 Jul 04
oreo ........... CD 01
mrstan ......... CD 07
tuffy .......... CD 14
stupid ......... CD 21
funny .......... CD 22
classy ......... CD 24
ENJ ............ CD 24
ribena ......... CD 25
jamci .......... CD 25
joice .......... CD 26
KC ............. CD 27
wennia ......... CD 39
maya ........... CD 40
dawn ........... CD 46
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
lilac .......... 28/02/05
jara ........... ??/02/05
lbs ............ ??/02/05
seiko .......... 07/03/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
hi folic,

there are 2 reasons why i take EPO only up to O day :
1. read somewhere before that EPO will cause uterine contraction if you are pregnant (don't really know what's that, but thot it might affect implantation etc??)
2. since i only need EPO to give EWCM, so i gather i only need it up to O - save the pills and $$

but since u are taking EPO for other reasons, you might want to consult your gynae on that.

wishing u all the best!

hi girls,
my bbs are sore too and my nipples are shiny looking and looks redder than usual
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
No prob.!

I'm doing ok.. try 6 cycles till now... sigh .. so more or less 'ma mu' already.
Still taking temp. in the morning though.. it's become a habit for me, like brushing teeth

Now, i just hope that i can succeed for this 1st cycle of clomid.
thanks Oreo
rem not 2 give up hope as i tried for 10 cycles, so i know how it feels 2 b disappointed .... the bo chup attitude really works. i suspect my illness coincided wif O period, thats y my defence system down, mayb tt made it easier for 'froggies' 2 penetrate.
Thanks girls for all concerns, encouragement and advices. I'm not really affected by it coz like what you all said, it's not developed or confirmed and flush like menses. Perhaps next time round will wait even longer to test. Maybe at least 2 weeks after AF due. (i tested 3-5 days after AF due) Thanks for all baby dust sprinkle.. Hope to catch some
Hi Oreo,
What's the advice or prerequisites on taking clomid? What sort of checks does the gynae do and on which CD are the checks done, before he prescribes it for us?

I'd like to join in this thread - CD 4 on 3rd July. Been off the pill for 9 months but only really TTC about 3 cycles.

I cancelled an appointment with the gynae today thinking that with my AF it'd be messy to examine me, but I just found a website on clomid suggesting that fertility testing could be done on CD 3.
Wondering if I'm too kan cheong - should be more patient with TTC. Already din have AF for 12 weeks - got my hopes up but was disappointed.

<font color="0000ff">tidyfairy</font>
Welcome to the thread!!

The recommended time to see a gynae is at least after 6mths to a year of trying.
Since you've only started trying for 3 cycles, you might want to hold on.

The gynae would not anyhow 'suka suka' prescribe clomid for us unless there's a need for it coz' i understand that clomid does have some side-effects too.

Ok, i happen to read in another overseas forum and coincidentally, someone actually posted a question on how clomid helps in producing a better egg.

Here it is:

<font color="ff0000">How does Clomid help with ovulation?</font>

<font color="0000ff">There are various causes of infertility, one of them being anovulation (lack of ovulation) common among women with infrequent or absent periods. Such women don't secrete enough Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) at the right time during the cycle resulting in an immature egg that is not released. In such cases, the most commonly prescribed drug is Clomiphene Citrate also known by its brand names Clomid or Serophene. If the lack of ovulation is the only cause of infertility, most women on Clomid treatment will achieve a pregnancy within four to six months of treatment.

Structurally similar to estrogen, Clomid works as a selective estrogen modulator, by attaching itself to the estrogen receptor sites in the brain disallowing them to bind with naturally circulating estrogen. In response, the hypothalamus releases more Gonadotropin Releasing hormone (GnRH), stimulating the pituitary to drain more LH and FSH, which then cause the ovary into producing more eggs and follicles, resulting in ovulation. Generally, a woman taking Clomid doubles or triples the amount of estrogen production in that cycle compared to pretreatment cycles.

In women with irregular menstruation, Clomid helps small and immature follicles grow to maturity (about 20 millimeters in diameter). Also, low estradiol level in a woman's blood correlates with an inadequately stimulated, small follicle. Although she may have enough hormones to produce an egg, but if her estradiol production is low (less than 100 pg/ml), she may not get ready to accept a fertilized egg for implantation. In such candidates, Clomid augments the stimulatory signals from the hypothalamus to the pituitary to the ovaries.

Clomid is also often effective in women with luteal phase defect (LPD). LPD causes a break in the natural ovulation process in women resulting in low production of the hormone progesterone in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Clomid has provably enhanced the hypothalamus and pituitary functions so as to keep producing the hormones the ovary needs to manufacture progesterone throughout the luteal phase, resulting in ovulation.</font>

For my case, why i think the gynae prescribe me with clomid, is because:-

1. Low Pre-O and Post-O Temperature (35.8-36.3)
2. annovulatory cycle (I do get menses but from some of my temp. charts, i know i didn't O)
3. 1st visit to her on my CD16, i had good eggs, but it sort of burst out prematurely, causing me to have a short cycle, resulting in 23 days.
4. 2nd visit to her on my CD17, i had out-of-shape eggs. and my lining was not good.

That's when she decided to prescribe me with AF inducing pill and clomid. I realise that after taking the AF pill, my temp shot up to 36.5-36.6 and went down to 36.0 when my AF came. So, at least i know the pills are working on me.

Well, since you've only been trying for 3 cycles, you might not want to see a gynae so soon unless you do have irregular menses. Normally, the gynae will take your pap smear and do a u/s on you. I dunno abt. doing a fertility test on your CD3, but if you decide to see a gynae, i personally think it's best to see nearer to your O period, then at least the gynae can see your egg.

Was told by my gynae that i'm having " AF back flow" problem, hence it affects my fertility. Does anyone has this problem?

I only started TTC in April but still no luck. Menses are not regular too.
Wondering how soon should i approach my gynae to do any kind of test??

Is there anything i can do to improve my chances of conceiving?

Hi Oreo,
Thanks for the advice and for sharing your experience with the gynae.
You just have to take clomid from CD2-7?

Do you use a digital mouth thermometer?
I've tried using a braun ear thermometer but i always get a high temperature reading and both ears are different temperature.

