A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi LV, im sure you'll succeed soon. Meanwhile, do take care of yr body. have u tried Bai Feng Wan b4? i used to have really big bloodclots n after taking it since Mar, my apr n may AF was almost clot-free. my hubby was looking at the ingredients n he said most r rather ex ones, thats y it cost like 42 for 6 small bottles. Avoid drinking cold water fr now on, cos old folks think cold water is 'leng', may not be gd for uterus cos they think it'll be weak ( at least thats wat my mom warns me bt ). Now i drink room temp water. On really hot days, i mix half cold, half room temp water.

Welcome Tidy Fairy
im pretty new too *hee*

Hi SSL, im not so sure wat is yr condition, but it does sound like wat my frd's kid is experiencing ( well sort of ). He has sth called 'Urine backflow' prob. He's had this prob since he was born. both his kidneys r failing ( with capacity of 30 - 50 % left on both kidneys ). as the kidneys r not working efficiently, so there's this risk that urine gets to 'backflow' fr the kidney onwards ( contaminating other organs ) esp when he lies down. So his doc advised his mom not to let him sleep too long, shd be in an 'standing' position more often ( gravity will prevent the urine fr backflow ). Yr case sounds a lil like his? Have u consulted yr gynae to c if u can sleep in an elevated manner ( yr head ) so that AF cannot backflow ?

Hi Ladies
my cramps or more or less gone as the med given by my gp did cure my built-up gases BUT im now constipated ahhh!!! heard this med is famous for causing constipation.C lah, solve 1 prob, now comes another. So walkling with a constipated look *heheeh* now able to poot n burp, so happy *hee* my gp did ask me not to take my usual routine of 1000mg Vit C + Zinc. She said too much Vit C is acidic. so maybe i'll try fruits now. She also told me to eat banana for potassium, but its my most hated fruit :p. Juz found out that Prune Juice contain Potassium n Vit C n Iron ( or was it calcium ), n 1 bottle costs only 3+. Will take that instead to ease my prob
Morning Morning Ladies

Wow...Seiko, you are early today again...

I get tired very easily recently so I didnt really log in these two days to read the messages...

Emm..we have quite a number of new frenz here..Welcome! Welcome!

Ok, got to go now, breakfast time....
Hi Seiko,

No, I did not take any types of pills as my menses is usually qutie accurate. (29-32 days)For this last cycle, it went to 37 days. Perhaps monitor for a few cycles and see how it goes. Currently it's my 3rd cycle of trying. So will continue to work harder. Coming week it's my fertile period, so need to conserve energy and 'work hard'. Good luck to others TTC too
Hi Seiko & Dawn

Was diagnose by gynae to have blood cyst (not serious) early this year. AF backflow is the term i used myself. cant remember the exact wordings from gynae. My menses blood sometimes back flow (instead of flowing out) hence some of them got "stucked or attached" to the ovaries.

Got slight endometrosis problem, and everytime menses come, will be quite painful and irregular too. This problem affects fertility thats why gynae told me to "jia you".

Gynae didnt give me anything to take cos she say my problem is not serious, now the only thing to do is to get pregnant soon, which also helps to reduce this "backflow" problem.

Went chinese physician yesterday cos having hives (rashes) problem lately. Was told that my current inner health is too "liang" (cooling) hence on medication to reduce the "liangness". And when that is better, she will give me medication to regulate the menses flow and reduce the cramps. and hope that the backflow problem will be better and thus higher chances of getting pregnant.

Both problems i'm having now reduces my chances of getting pregnant.
hi lbs
im used to getting up early in the wkdays, so even on wkends, even if i wish 2 laze in bed oso cannot cos body will automatically wake up me ard 7+ *hee* i don't feel more tired than usual, but will suddenly get hit by the zzz bug. normally i get sleepy gradually, but the bug attacks instantly... then if i ignore it, it'll pass after sometime... weird isnt it?
I passed by Body Shop juz now, they having 20% discount last day today, so i bought a stick of the cocoa butter ( 2 b used next time for stretch marks ) after discount bt 15

you've juz started TTC-ing, so need t observe n take notes on yr cycle. Gd Luck on yr O period!

Hi Tuffy
b4 i was preg, i was taking 1000mg VitC + Zinc. after i tested +ve, my gp told me too much vit c is acidic to the foetus. So now im trying 2 increase intake of fruit n vege.

maybe when u're having yr menses, u cld place some pillows under yr back so tt yr upper half of body is raised higher than lower half? will that reduce the back flow prob? if you've been diagnosed as liang, then muz avoid liang foods like bittergourd, 'white carrot', cabbage etc. that means u cannot drink liang teh too?

Hi Laugh
i checked the EDD fr 1 of the websites, not confirmed as i haven seen a gynae yet. Most of my frds EDD date was early by 1-2 wks as theirs was the 1st born
u seen a gynae already?
hi ladies,

how long do we try before going to see a conception speciaist?

we've been off contraception for 9 mths, and have been really trying for 3 months, but no news... also been taking folic acid. was wondering if i should see a specialist.
hi Tuffy
i think 500mg sounds ok, but if you're still worried, maybe can cut down to 250mg?

Hi Orchid
I once read somewhere that normally fertility experts wld encourage couples 2 try for at least a yr b4 they c a specialist. That was the time frame i alotted myself too. Since you've been off the pill for 9 mths already, it shouldnt interfere with yr TTC. Ive tried for 10 mths ( after AD ) b4 i 'strike'. Do be patient, as anxiety will contribute to stress too.
Hi Orchid
Just to add on to what Seiko's has said abt stress.. Many of us graduates when we start to 'bo chap' abt this whole TTCing thingy...


Time to battle..Good Luck!!

Dont be disheartened. If you read my previous postings, my hubby was diagnosed having varicocele & his sperm quality is very low. According to the urologist, our chances is pretty low too. But who knows, before he even start his medication, I bingo liao..

Try to relax (know is hard) & dun stress yourself or hubby too much, yea?

Hi Tuffy
How are you lately?
hi lbs,
am ok - still waiting for O. Looks like its going to be v late or never this cycle. I think it's cos of stress at work. Am very envious that both you and Lilac have made it. Wonder when's my turn... Are you experiencing any MS?
<font color="aa00aa">ssl,</font>
finally see u here

for a start, maybe u can try taking Bai Feng Wan (BFW), which can help regulate ur menses &amp; nourish ur womb.

i took BFW for abt 2~3 mths then i hit jackpot
3~5 days after my AF cleared, i took a small bottle on alternate days till abt 7~10 days b4 next AF comes.

meanwhile "RELAX". this is a very important "KEYWORD" to conceiving. the month i conceive is also the month i "hack care, kenna or not oso doesn't matter liao lah"

<font color="aa00aa">oreo,</font>
guess it's almost time to find a "successor", yah?
cos i think u might "strike" anytime from now
Morning ladies,

need some advice here...suspect i have vaginal infection cos feels itchy and raw for last few days. Do i have to see a gynae for this or just a normal gp will do?
Hi Tuffy
are you still charting your temp dutifully? At least you can know for sure if you ovulated or not...

Dun stress~Dun Stress..i am sure your turn will be here soon...
Remember the magic word is **RELAX** hor?

Emm..Start to feel a bit MS now &amp; then...especially after each meal, feel very bloated &amp; want to 'puke'..

Occasionaly a bit of dizzy &amp; tired feeling...
hi SSL,

just saw ur posting. I have been suffering from hives (on face only) for past 2 yrs or so...very sensitive skin and it gets really very annoying cos it can appear anytime and anywh on my face. I dont think its anythg that I ate. Have seen a skin doc on this but after i stopped the antihistamines he gave me, the hives re-appear again, so i just gave up and am living with this problem until now. Is this one of the causes for lower conception? I am so worried...
Hi Mrs Tan

You would need to seek gynae's advise on this. If it is really infection, then you would be given some antibiotics (can be oral/insertion) to cure the infections.

I had the infections too when I went for my papsmear tests few months back..Then, was given a day medication, two tablets in the morning &amp; night together with a pill for vaginal insertion.
hi lbs,

thanks for your quick reply. aiyah...so ley chey to go all the way to gynae leh. well, no choice think i better make appt then. so did the medications help? ur infection no more now? i was actually thinking, maybe just leave it for a while, see if it disappears on its own. wat do u think?
<font color="0000ff">tidyfairy</font>
I take clomid from CD2-6 only.
And yes, i use a digital mouth thermometer given out free during the SARS period.

<font color="0000ff">angelia</font>
Don't put pressure on me leh! I try to bo-chap but subconsciously telling myself don't waste this clomid cycle, pills doesn't come cheap leh!

Yar lor.. think i need a backup too!
Anyone wants to be my backup if i ever kenna (hopefully i do!!) ??

<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
If you suspect u have infection, then better see a gynae. Or you might want to try those vaginal wash that you can find from watsons or the pharmacy. It does help a lot in easing the itch and at the same time clean the area around it.
Hi Mrs Tan

Actually to really know if infection goes away is to do another vaginal check lor. But I also ler cher lor...

I think it really depends on what type of infection it is..Some is just very mild &amp; one may not even know if dont go for a checkup...But for some infections, it can be quite serious &amp; may affect fertility...
hi gals...
wow..this thread is really moving fast...dat's gd!!! welcome to all newcomers.....let's all jia you together...

hi lilac,
big congrats to you

hi lbs,
do take good care since yr ms just started...try to rest as must as possible

hi oreo,
kindly update me at cd3 today....af visited me last saturday
.....anyway, i will not lose heart, will keep on trying and trying til the day i bingo....so to all ttc's....jia you jia you...our graduation day will arrive one day!!
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
dun lose heart ok
ur turn will be here soon

~ sprinkle more bbdust ~
hi lbs and oreo,

thanks for your reply. I think i will just pop by the clinic near my office after work today. Cos if go to gynae have to make appt way in advance. I dont want to wait lah, cos keep worrying abt it.
If the medication from gp doesnt cure it, then I will see a gynae. Like that ok hor??
Hi Mrs Tan

I am not sure if GP is able to prescribe you anything for vaginal infection ler. Emm...is GP able to do the vaginal check?

At least from gynae, she/he can do a check for you to be more certain mah..
hi lbs,

yaa...i know...but then how? I read from other threads that those with yeast infection went to see a gp and got medication for it. thats how i got the idea lor.

aiyah but if gynae, i have to call then make appt and still must wait. very worrying lah... there is hardly any walk-in gynae around.
hi mrs tan,

tink u better see a gyane as they more expert in this. get the infection clear off soon in case u bingo this cycle.
fyi, i got yeast infection b4 pregnant and aftter taking medicine 2 week later i found out tat i pregnant.
tink lbs and lilac both and infection not long ago and both bingo recently oso

actually i am in a dilemma now. I intend to see a gynae if AF comes this month, to go for a checkup for me and hubby, altho only ttc for 3 cycles.
So, if i go see a gynae now for yeast infection, then i have to go and see him again if AF comes? Its double time lor. If i see him for both infection and conception, then its a bit early. Aiyah...wat shall i do? its soooo frustrating to have these problems together now...
hi wendypooh,

the thing is, its my fertile period this week (CD 10 onwards), so I have to BD actively this week. But then, now i kena this, I know that by right, supposed to refrain from sex. But then how??? Its my fertile period leh... I dont want to miss it.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 05 Jul 04
classy ......... CD 03
dawn ........... CD 04
oreo ........... CD 04
tidyfairy ...... CD 06
mrstan ......... CD 10
tuffy .......... CD 17
stupid ......... CD 24
funny .......... CD 25
ENJ ............ CD 27
ribena ......... CD 28
jamci .......... CD 28
joice .......... CD 29
KC ............. CD 30
wennia ......... CD 42
maya ........... CD 43
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
lilac .......... 28/02/05
jara ........... ??/02/05
lbs ............ ??/02/05
seiko .......... 07/03/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
Hi Mrs tan

yr gp or gynae shd be able 2 test if u have a yeast infection with a new kit called CanDia5. it can accurately detect yeast infectioif juz a drop of blood. Can get a reliable result in 5-6 mins. was reading bt this kit in a recent mag. test shd cost $20.

meanwhile, do:

1) wear 100% cotton underrwear if possible.
2) Try washing that area with hygiene wash
3) cut down on long baths or bubble baths
4) avoid tight clothing esp when u exercise
5) Use pads rather than tampons

( got this fr the mag )
Hi Mrs Tan
Actually, I also didnt know I have infection until I went for my check up. At that time, it was my fertile period too.. And my gynae didnt say i shld be refraining from BD ler.

Since Seiko has mentioned that nowadays GP also able to do the test, then you go to the GP first &amp; fix an apptment with gynae later. Actually, with the gynae, you can actually fix anytime a week or two from now. Even if you bingo, the checkup wont affect the baby.

I am not sure if you want your hubby to also go thru the checkup (I think the basic is to do a SA)as you know men can sometimes be very affected by this ego thing (shld test result come back not good..*TOUCH WOOD**)Probably, you two need to communicate more on this before deciding to go ahead.
sigh..saturday saw a small of brownish discharge and yesterday my menses came..but very little flow. Am wondering if my past ttc effort wasted ya? today is monday, should i start counting cycle flow Cd as 03 ?
hi all,
long time didn't log in, thread runs fast...

To all newcomers,

Mrs tan,
My advise . Go for a gynae. At the same time, can oso seek prof advise fr them.

To all,
I have a slight problem here, and need you guys for advice. I had a slight spotting from saturday morning (CD 22), and till now the spotting is on and off. Have not experience this b4, except last month when I had spotting for 12 hr b4 mt AF came. But, AF came at the exact date , which is CD 28. I thought my AF this month may come early, since spotting came on CD 22, but since then till now, it carry on for more than 2 days oredi... Quite worry. Wonder if it is b'cos of stress or medicine that I take. I have been unwell since last monday, and till now, still takig medicine...I oso dun think it is implanation spotting, cos not active BD this month (onli on CD 20 &amp; 26), and implanation spotting shouldn't drag this long, rite??
Anyone experinence this B4?? What happen to my AF??
Mrs Tan,
As advised by the ladies here, better to seek GP/Gynae help early. At least, ease your mind on what's the problem.

BTW, today is my CD30 alreadi.. hope my AF dont oome leh.. maybe I should catch some baby dust from the new graduates.
hi Seiko, lbs &amp; Stupid,

thanks u all for ur advice. I think to save $$, I will just make appt with gynae lah, then no need go gp. one shot go lor.
lina, normally how many days will yr menses come? is it a lighter flow than yr usual flow? maybe u shd wait 1-2 more days n observe...

stupid, stress + medication may have altered yr current cycle, btw what medication u taking? if in doubt better check wif yr gynae....

KC, aiyo y not do a test? u cld have gd news!

Mrs Tan, think a gynae wld be able 2 advise u on this prob better thn a gp...
Hi 'stupid'
actually, me not active this cycle too but manage to bingo..so, you will never know.

But, I also not sure if implantation can drag for days..Did you take temp?
hi seiko &amp; lbs,
just went to gp for follow up, cos sore throat not getting better. at the same time, oso ask him if will affect my menses, he says this is not hormone medicine, so totally not affected.
hehee...lbs, me dun think i m as lucky as u...my main worry is if anything happen to my womb, or cycle...sigh...
oh ya lbs,
actually this cycle didn't monitor my tempt alredi, cos dun want to be stress by this ttc thing. Me onli stress by work now. Just took it , measure 37C. I know it may not be accurate...
hi seiko,

my menses usually come on the 1 to 3rd of the month. quite regular one and it usually will last for 6 days lor. And it usually come with brownish discharge b4 the actual menses come. the actual menses (AF) should be quite heavy on the 2 day, but now i only see little bit of spotting, some time have spotting, sometimes no spotting. How should i calculate the Cycle date ? should i calculate my CD 3rd days ?
Hi stupid

Your temp seem to be high even though you are taking it now..

Maybe tomorrow morning, the moment you wake up, just pop in the thermo &amp; see..If it's still high, most likely the spotting not the BIG FAT AF lor...

Btw, do you experience any crampy feeling or abdomen pain?

If the spotting still persistent &amp; you do experience some pains, perhaps try to book an apptmt with gynae for checkup asap. Sometimes, I rather be kiasu a bit than worrying too much at my end..
hi lbs,
thnxs for the advise..
me will do it tml morning, and see how..
Dun feel any cramp or abdomen pain leh...Except breast pain and swollen...
Anyway thnxs. will see gynae if persistent..:)
also, muy last menses start 5 June and end 12 june (7 days). My "contact" BD is on 20 june (suppose to be my ovulation date?), so i thought if my menses didn't come on 3 july, then i should be "expecting".

But I think I shd hv my BD on 25 june (Ovulation date suppose to be 14 days after my menses finished ya?). Think i calculate wrongly.

last menses started: 5/June
last mensese ended : 12 june (total 7 days)
(Ovluation date is it 14 days after menses ended ?)
Usual Menses Cycle : 28 - 31 days.
Current menese started: 3/July (brownish discharge)
4/July until today just light spotting, no heavy flow..

CD : ?
Ovaluation date : ?
Best day to BD : ?
hi lina,
Ovaluation does not happen 14 days after your last menses ended. It happens (most of the time) 14 days prior to the beginning of your next menses. So suppose your next menses is 3 july, then ur Ovulation shld be ard 19th or 20th.

As for you spotting, I really can't answer u, cos I m facing the same problem. Having Spotting on and off. now spotting off, but 2 hrs ago, have slight...

As for the best day to BD, we actually recommended CD 10-18, for alternate days...
Hi gals,
Been busy from morning till now..

Mrs Tan,
I oso think its best to consult a gynae as they r more experience in tis.

I have been having cramps on n off since morning, think AF is on her way to visit me liao...

Hi stupid,

If O is 14days prior to next menses, when is a gd time to try?How many days before and after O?I started trying in June, but AF just came...*sighz*
