A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi gals,
haven't have time to log in until now. I tested negative this morning,
so now telling myself not to pin too much hope, that my AF is going to come. But very confused now, dunno what is happening...

Today is already CD33 for me, normally my menses will come on CD30 or lastest CD32. My hubby said that maybe I too stressed and mentally stop the menses from coming?? But I don't think so lor, cos first few months I was even more stressed but it still come on time.

Hai... now I can only wait and see how....

hi Gebbera,

wah piang...u really dunno anythg abt O or CD hor? sorry hor, i very frank one. anyway, just to clarify, CD means cycle day, so if your next AF comes on 8 July, then 8 July will be your CD 01 again (that means once AF comes, all will be reset liao). Then u start counting ur CD from then on. Lets say after that, ur next AF comes on 8 Aug, then 8 Aug will be your CD 01 again. (since your previous cycle is until CD 31 on 7 Aug)
* It may help if u refer to a calendar and count the number of days from 8 July to 7 August, there are a total of 31 days there)

As for ovulation, it is usually around CD 13 (13th day of your cycle) for those with regular 28 day cycle, but every person's ovulation varies, so it does NOT mean that since you and ENJ are on same CD, you two will O on the same day! The whole purpose of taking temp and charting and checking your mucus discharge, is to find out when u O. Every woman is diff, have diff bodies, diff temperature, so yours may not necessarily be the same as ENJ or anyone else's.


forgot to add to previous posting that the most fertile period should be around CD 10 to CD 18 of your cycle. But the impt thing is to keep checking your discharge every day to determine if you are most fertile. As for discharge, egg-white stretchy kind is what you shld be looking out for.
Hope its clear.
ST article linking lower fertility rate to high protein consumption in white mice. The article suggests that women TTC consume no more than 20% protein in their diet, and avoid Atkins diet. However, studies new and inconclusive lah.
hey gals.......
i just now cant help it liao and i went to test using clearblue. I cried out when i saw a very faint positive! Does that mean im really pregnant???
I called my hubby and i cried... he thgt what had happen to me
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
u at home now?
wan to do a snapshot of it n post it to let us see?
if u realli get a v.faint positive, means bingo lah ..

congrats !!!!
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
i try to take down the pic and post up here later...
Me now hands shaky and im very very nervous and happy... i duno what to do next!
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
can understand how you feel
now, go get camera n take pix .. kekeeke
so happy for u !
<font color="0000ff">chihiro, joice</font>
thank you...... i REALLY pregnant isit?? Im still figuring how to take and download the pic. Cos its normally done by my hubby...
If clearblue shows a faint positive means pregnant isit??
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
is your test result somewat similar to that of lbs?
u need to refer to archives starting from sun (27 Jun), tink there are a few pix taken from lbs and seiko of their test kit ..
if its abt there, then cfm lah
anyway .. like wat i've mentioned before, HPT picks up HcG which is only produced when u R PREGGIE !!
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
can see the + quite visibly leh .. even my screen is not adjust to bring up the brightness
BINGO liao lor..
Hi lilac,
The positive is very obvious... so 100% u are preggie
Congrats again... so u intend to go to which gynae?
<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">CONGRATS!!!!!!!!</font></font>

what a good news after lunch.

me so happy for u, think i got a bit of tears in my eyes liao

relax okie.. &amp; be careful not to run/jump/hop from now on!!!

do let us know again when u go gynae to confirm
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
meanwhile u still must cont' to take ur folic acid ok ...

juz conc on An Tai .. the rest throw to hubby..

so excited for u now !!

That's a definite positive! in fact look more clearer when i first tested positive, my line could not be even be picked up by my digital camera, so you can imagine how faint that was. and yours, SO CLEAR!

congrats! so happy for you!
<font color="0000ff">angelia</font>
thank you.... im still having tears in my eyes when i look at my test strip again! I finally graduated! Looks like we really gt to keep our mind off TTC in order to bingo! Cos im so much conc in finding a job rather than in TTC.

So what shall i do next??

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
ive not decided on which gynae cos i have bad experience with the one i went for my chkup at TMC. Looks like i gt to ask ard now.
Just told my mum and she say dun ned to hurry in finding a gynae. She say ard 3-4months than find

<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
yup... will definitely continue to take my folic acid!
hehe... now i gt excuses not to do hsewk ..... hahaha....

<font color="0000ff">Micky</font>
Thank you.... actually im in shock when i see positive. My AF shd be due today and i din expect to see a "clear" positive....
Hi Lilac,

That's a very obvious positive! CONGRATS!
you have graduated.... so envy! am very happy for you....
your effort has not gone down the drain.....
Take good care of yourself now and dun over tired yourself! wish you happy mother-to-be!
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
Oooo... just came back from lunch.
Congrats!! You've finally graduated!! I'm so happy for you!!

No words can describe how i feel. Wanna shed tears but cannot as i'm in the office.
Plz.. sprinkle lots of baby dust on us!!
We really need it badly!!
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
Thank you......
Oh yes.... almost forget..... <font color="ff0000">~~~ tOnS &amp; TonS of BabY dUSt tO AlL~~~</font>
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
its up to u when u wan to start seeing a gynae, (of coz not too late in ur pregnancy lah)
usually our parents will say no need to look for a gynae so early, but being ks n kc i start looking for one and start gg for chkup early,
to ensure everything is ok lor

perhaps u may wan to consider to go back to tt gynae who has conducted the chkup for you? if u r still ok with her
<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
juz be careful with what u eat, nothing cooling, most importantly, NO pineapple!!! and do watch ur movements.. be careful okie.

well, i think it's better to go gynae early nowadays cos we're not as "strong" as our mums, who are used to hard work &amp; have strong bodies.

think u can delay going to the gynae for 1~2 wks, then by the time u go, can see bb heartbeat alr cos u might hv ovulated early this time &amp; that'll mean ur bb is few wks old alr

u'll be AMAZED!! nothing beats the exciting of seeing the heartbeat urself, though u hv heard so many of us telling our stories here.

again <font color="0000ff">welcome to the CLUB!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
its definitely a no for me to go back to that gynae who do the chkup for me cos i dun feel comfortable with her.
BTW, which gynae u seeing now?

<font color="0000ff">dawn</font>
thank you....
Baby dust to u too.......
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
im seeing Dr Adrain B.Woodworth from Thomson Women's clinic
he got a clinc nearby my pl in CCK
yah lor... i oso kanna when i only trial run leh... not even mentally prepared yet... that's why now suffering bad symptoms... think if u mentally prepared, at least can tahan the symptoms...

btw, lilac, i also seeing same gynae as chihiro and angelia... he got clinic in SK...
ohh yah.... lilac, do continue to stay with us in this thread and share with us your experience.... ;) am still smiling for your good news... hee hee....
lbs, you too.... do share your experience with us.... wish you happy mother-to-be too!


I am really really delighted to hear your good news! Well done girl. Do take care as now is the crucial period.

Wow...lbs, seiko and now yourself! really good news this week hor?
<font color="0000ff">chihiro, angelia, jen</font>
so the 3 of u seeing the same gynae. Hm... thk i wont go for male gynae unless no choice cos i very paisay....

<font color="0000ff">Gebbera</font>
yup, will stay in this thread to share with u all.
Anyway, the key to sucess is "RELAX"! It really is true! Cos i didnt chart and so duno when i actually O. We just BD as and when we want. Who knows i bingo during my 2nd month of no charting.

<font color="0000ff">MrsTan</font>
thank you! Its indeed alot of gd news this week! Hope that there will be more coming up!

<font color="0000ff">Seiko</font>
hehe... thank you... I gt no faith cos i dun thk im that lucky mah. N ive been trying for abt a year liao.
hi Laugh
i haven seen a gynae yet ( never seen a gynae in my life yet *hee* ). hb sourcing for gynae now. he said no use seeking a gp yet, cos they also test wif urine. so far ( me super KS ) tested with 7 kits liao *HEE* so prob will visit the gynae say in 1-2 wks time. actually some frd told me even if i c gynae when im 2 mths oso can....

hi wendyl
hope my explanation is okie

thanks for the info
now that u mentioned Birkenstock, its my hb's preferred brand of shoes! he swears by it. though its like few hundreds per pair, but they can last like 3-5 years. He brought it over to Ireland and when he graduated after 5 yrs, still as gd as new ah! but the ladies choices not too appealing leh. when we were in germany last yr, din c any nice designs leh or else wld have bought, cos its really much cheaper there
was juz complaining to hb after bb, how to travel? actually we made plans to go hk ( cos got free tix ) but now everything KIV, or even maybe put aside plan perm loh.
hi Lilac,

wow that means u also quite lucky. since u never chart or take temp or check CM and not that active this month, yet u hit jackpot.
anything special or out of the ordinary that you did this month? can u recall?
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
well, its most impt tt u r comfortable with the gynae lor

when's ur CD01?
woh 7 test kits... really very KS leh..
maybe u can start on folic acid first during these 1,2 wks.

tis is oso my 2nd mth w/o charting.. hope Im as lucky as you..
mrs tan, lilac did one impt thing... she bo chap and kept her mind OFF TTC... so no stress, easier to hit jackpot...
hi Jen,

i know...but how?? how to keep ur mind off it, when u know that if u miss out this month, u have to waste another month again....
i cant help thinking lor...
hi chihiro
any dietary changes for u rite now?

hi, yalor, bcos i still can believe it, thats y i used 7 over 3 days *hee* think i tried almost all brands sold here liao hahha
wow lilac, congrat to you!!!! So happy to hear one more good news!

Throw more baby dust to me and the rest who are TTC
<font color="ff6000">hi seiko</font>

bo leh
still eat everything as normal
no extreme likes n dislikes for me
no big eat big drink oso .. mayb engine hvnt start yet? kekeke

for the 1st 3mths, i can only take qing dan food, like kway teow soup/bee hoon soup/plain porridge, can't realli bear oily stuff...
mrs tan, i can't teach you how to relax and how to dun think... but ask yourself why you BD with your hubby... is it becos:
1. you love him and want to be close and have fun with him?
2. you want bb, irregardless whether you enjoy or not?

i think that when u BD solely for #2, you will tend to stress yourself and your hubby is stressed to "perform" and give more soldiers... in the end, both of you dun enjoy it and find it a chore MONTH AFTER MONTH... how to make bb?

whereas, if you BD cos of #1, both of you will be more relaxed because you dun keep thinking "must make bb, must make bb"... just think that if you strike, that's great! if not, never mind... what is impt when u BD is to enjoy and pleasure each other... to show each other your love and care... if you can achieve orgasm, it will also help to "suck" his soldiers in... and who knows, you might be lucky...

sorry for being so explicit... :p i'm just trying to say that couples should remember why they marry each other... it is because of one another rather than because of a future child together... if the couple produce a child in the process, it will be a love child rather than a "planned and produced" bb...
Jen, i also agreed with you. That is why we decided to relax and stopped taking note of the chart for this cycle. And cannot imagine we are able to BD twice in a day and also the day after too! Unlike last month, my hubby will be too tired cos too stressed to perform well.

Of course for this cycle, i do not dare to hope for BINGO cos my hubby just had recovered from his accident. We were in no mood for BD.
hi Jen,

you are such a gem. thanks for your encouraging words and advice. u brought to my attention the whole purpose of me getting married to my hubby. Of cos I wanna BD due to #1 reason and not merely for the sake of having baby only.

I'll try to change my mentality the next time we BD this month...thanks so much *muaks*

ok logging off for today liao...

Mrs Tan
ive been thru n know how exhausting the journey is. every mth when i suey already, n c so many pple ard 'getting lucky' i'll share their joy n still hopeful thinking that the gift will come eventually, it wasnt my time then. Seems bb knows when 2 pick their arrival, when most pple r caught offguard. Im 29 this yr, so i was more kancheong than most of u gals here... whenever i get my AF few mths back i'll b v depressed. even scolded hb that he seems bo chup bt the whole issue. He calmly told me, wat gd does it do if 2 pple both kanchiong? He's staying calm cos he has to assure me that life goes on, n he was prepared to adopt even. after hearing that my tensed muscles all 'loosened' and i cheered up alot too. Cos i didnt make bb making my sole aim liao. more of staying happy n in love *hee*

hi chihiro
me sucker for anything sweet until my mom says im gonna get diabetes. But since last wk, i crave for anything salty. most food muz dip in soy sauce etc. Yest, during meal, hb suggested ordering ice cream. i was like YEE! ( when i never say no to ice cream b4! ) also lost appetite 4 my 1 pack of M&amp;M's ( peanuts ) per day too.
