A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Seiko and Angelia,
Will the Bai Feng Wan medicine cause pimples?
Just take 1 dosage once a week will do?

Thanks, TidyFairy

Hi Girlz,

I've not been into this portal for sometime (hehee, since my wedding in 2002)...
Well.. my hubby and i finally feel ready to try for a baby soon.
Was wondering if the experienced ones amongst you can help me out.

Is there anything i should take note off before trying for a baby? As in, are there any vitamins that I should start taking or preparations that we should be aware of before actually trying?
So exciting... =)

Hope to have some inputs from you soon.
hi stupid, yr temp is high even tho u measured in the afternoon. i did measure mine ard CD26 in the afternoon, n it was 37.5. but when i woke up in the morn the next day, it was ard 37. do take yr temp tomorrow morn n compare.you're at CD24 today, so keep observing for a few more days... meanwhile get more rest...read tt ur breasts r swollen n painful? mine was exceptionally painful in June when i 'strike'. think it happened on my CD25 or was it 24?

Hi Lina,so far you've been spotting for 2 days, y not observe for another 1-2 days n c? im not too sure bt the calculation part leh, mayb need the more experienced gals here 2 help u out....

Hi Tidy Fairy, i only took like 2 bottles per mth as i found it heaty leh, or mayb i shd have downed more water. After taking 1 bottle ( spread over 2 days ), zits, 2 huge zits popped up on my jawline..... i took them on alternate days.
so in the 2 mths i took BFW, i only finished 4 and a half bottles. tho i took only a small quantity, it really helped in clearing n reducing my clots.

hi bleuz, im oso v inexperienced, been reading alot fr thi thread too... i think u can start taking folic acid already. its sold everywhere, try guardian.
hi lilaz,

the best time to try??Well, depend on individual. Each has different cycle. As for me, my cycle is 28 days. So most probably, Ovulation ard Cd 14. So I will BD from CD 10-18 on alternate days. A good time to try is 1-2 days b4 ovulation. Mayb u can read the past thread regarding these issues. I got to know by reading what these "senior " had wrote.
U onli started in Jume, so dun lose heart. I started planning since April, still fail. Plus , having unprotected sex for 5 months...
hi seiko,
yap, will monitor tempt tml morning to c how.....Mayb it is AF, but just been "blocked" due to my work stress and weak body (taken medicine almost everyday)
wow... haven come in since last weekend and the thread is moving so fast! N there's quite a few numbers of newcomers too.... Welcome...

<font color="0000ff">classy</font>
Thank you.... Baby dust to u....

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
hehe... me finally catch up with u! Hmm... im ur "mentor" rite, so i cant be behind u for too long!
So ourr EDD are ard 2months apart...
Well, my SIL also ask me if my bb was made in USA.. Hahaha... its not lor... cos i had my AF there and my fertile period was in Spore. N we only BD once in USA and after that all done in our own country.... If not i can tell my bb that "u are made in USA"....

<font color="0000ff">jara</font>
u mean u haven see GP/gynae to confirm ur preg?? Hmm... uve gt the same EDD as mine.

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
hmm... seems like my EDD is ealier than urs.. But i gt late ovulation and so maybe i will end up with the same EDD as urs when i had my bb "measured"?
BTW, u visited ur gynae rite? Still the same one(Dr Heng)? Ive not find one yet... Thking of trying KKH but ned some recommendations. If not, will go for one of my frd's gynae at GlenE.
Hey, u so fast gt MS liao? Me still the same old me... hopefully wont encounter MS! R u drking ANMUM? Im taking it now cos my SIL told me its very impt for the bb's development.
hi ladies
I am soo excited..been to the gynae just now..

Finally, I sort of having a real feeling that I am indeed pregnant because I can see my bb (at this stage looks like a peanut to me, though..
) while doing the scan..

But hor very funny ler..initially by counting (using my 1st day of last AF), gynae thought I shld be in week 5 plus 5 days..with the scanning, from the size of the little 'peanut', I am only abt 4 weeks plus..**scratch head**. So, my EDD would be 14 Mar 2005..

And also hor , we spotted an extra peanut look alike dot-dot ler..but the outer layer doesnt have white bubble yet..so cannot conclude whether is another fertilised BB-to-be...WOW, gynae said may be twins!! My hubby got another shock I think..hahahahaaa...We are going back in two weeks time &amp; will do another round of scan...by then, shld be able to know already,if indeed we are having twins...if not, the dot-dot can be just normal blood vessel...

Hi lilac
Yupz, still back to Dr Heng..will look arnd for others for comparisons though.
Yea lor, MS started liao...on &amp; off...but gynae said is good to have MS..because it shows that BB is growing well..

Emm..ANMUM, I think I saw the brochures abt this at the clinic just now..I havent start taking anything besides the medicines given by gynae &amp; folic acid.
hi lbs, wendypooh and chihiro,
thanks for your encouragement! I will stay positive and hope for the best.
sighz.. today whole day only discharge few drops..*scratch head*..

am wondering what is happening leh..??
thanks to seiko and stupid and the rest that help to answer my questions..i will observe this few days lor..
hi ladies

this thread is really too fast for me to keep up.

Hi Seiko,

I dont take liang teh one, so its ok. But i like to take ice cream, drink cold water lor. :p am trying to avoid cooling food. err.. duno if your method works to prevent the backflow problem or not leh. maybe will give a try. heehee

Hi lbs,

Thanks for your encouragement.
i know that sometimes the more u want, the more u wont get. so must adopt the Bo CHAP attitude.

i think both hubby and myself are more ready than ever now. but just that no news lor. with my current health, am trying to cure it soon cos i'm not young also liao.

Hi angelia

long time no see ah. Ya Ya me me here to get tips from the graduates. heehee.

I've been super lazy when it comes to pills lor. the only pill i'm habitually taking is my folic acid.
now taking chinese med so didnt want to mix the BaiFengWan (though i bought it and ate it a couple of times)

Did u take the Yu Ren Sheng ones?? one bottle alternate days!!! maybe too heaty for me. i took only 14mini pills each time :p probably on alternate days too.

Will relax. . . . . .

Hi Mrs Tan

For my case, i used to be having sneezing and hives problems (on face and body) many years back. But for sometime, i try to build up my own immunity by drinking fruit juices every day. it sort of heals the problem and have not been having this since then.

But recently, probably due to work stress and health problem, my hives problem came back. went back to see my chinese physician and was told that my inner health too "liang" (han) thats why.

She asked me how i feel when the rashes came out. is it hot and itchy?? i told her i dont feel anything at times. she told me then its due to my inner health too liang. If the rashes felt hot and itchy, then the inner body is too " heaty". (chim hor)

Anyway, i know that if the body is too liang, its not so easy to get pregnant. body more weak mah. but then again, you may wish to check with gynae or your own chinese physican to confirm on that.

For me, I got this "liang" problem and the AF problem so " double trouble"
<font color="aa00aa">tidyfairy,</font>
i took one bottle alternate days, no problem for me, guess i'm used to "heaty" stuff

i took it abt 3~5 day after AF cleared, then took for abt 1 wk ~ 10 days (cos my cycle can be 36~40 days), stopped during the 2WW

<font color="aa00aa">ssl,</font>
haha.. everyone oso lazy when comes to pill. me too. previously was folic acid, now is my prenatvit. always forget to take.... hiaz.. dunno my bb / me got enuff nutrients or not

<font color="aa00aa">oreo,</font>
not pressure u lah. but give u "signal" to find a successor 1st mah
hi lbs,

twins?? wow...we are waiting for good news! do keep us updated okie??
Btw lbs, i'm really happy for you.

hi SSL,

so u never did find out wat triggered off ur hives in the past? it can be anything, perfume, hair dye, cosmetics, high protein foods, the environment etc...so its very hard to pinpoint. I am getting most frustrated with this hives problems cos I am getting it almost everyday. Esp at nite. dam ugly and red and itchy too. So that means mine is the heaty sort lor, since its red and itchy. Cos I dont think its allergy to food or anythg else. It's just like in me already, know wat i mean? and it only appears on my face, of all places! Anyway I am gonna start taking bai fong wan today so hopefully can start building my health.
hi lbs,

wow twin? congrats to u, all at one time so good.

hi lilac,
u are right u r my mentor. i feel so bad after getting pregnant and while u still trying 2 mth ago. so now i so happy and relieve to know tat u are going to be mummy too. my EDD had brough forward to 15 Dec and all these day are subject to change. btw i have switch my gyane from Glen E to KKH after recomendation for both friend. i have seen him alry last week and feel comforatable wif him. u still prefer female gyane?
maybe u are the lucky one wifout MS. i started ms at week 5
Morning ladies

aiya..not conclusive yet since we didnt see any white bubble arnd the dot-dot yet mah..will find out in two weeks time...

Twins? I like the idea too...pain once, get two..
Hi lbs,

wow... you've got twins! so good! it's lovely to have a twins. think you super "li hai" too. keke.... so envy of you! me has been drooling for twins..... keke
do keep us posted on the good news....

so now you must be extra extra careful with your movement... cos it's gonna be 3 in 1 now.
good morning ladies,

WOW!!!Twins...That's really wonderful. Dun have to suffer twice..hee.ee

Seiko &amp; lbs,
my browish spotting still on and off...Inclusve today, will be the 4th day oredi...Took Tempt this morning..It's 36.8C.Is it considered high???I really dun know...Thinking of seeing a gynae, but too busy recently...sigh

hi lina,
u r welcome...Feel free to ask any questions, cos we are all very friendly :) Anyway, I am having the same problem as u...Mayb shld see a gynae..
Hi wendyl
My aunt (mum's sis) has a "Long Fong Tai"..hehehe.

But again, the dot-dot can be just a normal blood vessel or water...as long as I know for sure, I have a baby growing inside me now, i am happy liao..If this extra dot-dot is another baby, of cos, this will be double happiness lor..

Hi stupid
36.8 is consider very high liao since you are taking early in the morning...is your spotting a lot? I am not trying to scare you but it would be good if you could go to see a gynae asap...or at least a GP first..
congrats lbs...
do share with us once you have confirmed...
acherly i do think it's quite likely u might have twins... cos MS usually starts around week 6 onwards... if you starting as early as week 4 then likely to be more than 1 bb... :p
wow twins... mus update us when u go for checkup in another 2 wks time
Think u have high chance of getting twins since ur aunt gave birth to twins too.. the genes is in there...
Hi ladies
Thks for the best wishes...if really twins..my hubby will be confirm shock! Just imagine he was diagnosed that he is "not that fertile" but we got twins!!!hahahahaa..Can't imagine the look of the urologists if we tell him that...
hi Lina
how did it go?

hi SSL
actually try not to drink too much cold water now that you're TTCing. most old folks wld agree tt cold water too leng for the uterus...

hi stupid
lbs is rite.... vertify wif the gynae so tt u can put yr mind at ease....4 days of light spotting quite unusual leh,.,.
hi lbs,

So happy for you.. at least you r able to see your BB liao..

Dun mind me asking, when u 1st do the scanning when u realise preggie, its already at how many weeks? I just came back from gyne visit.. tested +ve from pregnancy kit and thereafter went to do ultrasound scan.. But nothing cld be seen. I even do the vaginal scan also cant see anything from the screen..

I getting very worried.. But they saw a very very small dot..but even gyne cant confirm whether this is the BB.
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
wat a surprise isnt it?
was still worried abt ur hubby's soldiers earlier on and now u might hv 2 bbs on the way!!!
so exciting !
do keep us update ok ..

<font color="ff6000">hi elle</font>
which wk r u in now may i ask?
when will be ur nx visit?
i've done a scan in wk4 also can't see anything
tink saw the waterbag at wk5
dun worry too much ok ..
Hi Elle

I went for my scanning yesterday..technically, I thought I shld be 5 weeks plus preggie liao (by counting).

But from the scan of the size of the DOT, I shld be 4 weeks plus..

Your gynae did see a dot? Maybe you are in your very early stage, says 3 weeks plus, that's why the DOT is very very small..? My DOT also pretty small &amp; gynae has to "Fang Da" for me to see. Then only we see the white DOT with bubble surrounding it...

If by counting from your 1st day of last AF, how many weeks you shld be now?
hi lbs,

Frankly i dunno how to count leh..
My 1st day of last AF is on 31May, so how many weeks shld it be ha?
Hi elle
So, which mean today is your 37th day (37/7), so you prob in your Week 5..but again, this is rough estimates, so you might still in your week 4...

Dun worry, yea?

you may have ovulated late in your cycle, thus it may still be too early to tell. did your gynae take beta HCG level (blood test) for you today ? The HCG level may be a good indication of the gestational age (unless twins which is different).
alamak...later turn out just a sac of fluid or blood vessel...hehehehe..But hubby &amp; I are already very contented that we are having a baby on the way liao..
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
if its realli a bb, its a pleasant surprise lor
how r u feeeling liao?
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Hope you'll get twins, "2 birds kill one stone", can save on your maternity package expenses liao!
hi chihiro
No appetite as usual..MS on &amp; off...morning, afternoon, evening or nite.. still burping but not that heavy liao..

Btw, all ladies in fertile period,
You all got work hard to seduce hubby or not??
~Jia You ~Jia You~

Sprinkling all the BB DUST to ALL~~~~
hi lbs,

try eating some plain cracker, liek meiji those small pack plain biscuit. last time i have very bad ms during 5 weeek i eat alot of tat and it really help me esp evening time is the worst.
till now me still having ms and on and off burping too.

can u take milk? if can then try taking some me only start in week 12 cos will throw out due to ms
hi lbs,

me me! i m in fertile period now! today is CD 11, but not much mood to BD leh...with infection and all. btw i made appt with my gynae for next tues liao, to have it checked out.
so help is on the way for me!

thanks lbs, for ur baby dust! u are really so thoughtful, altho u already graduated, u still remember us ttc-ians.
Hi all,
I'm planning to hv another one soon
My first one is a girl and now i hope to get a boy this time. Anyone has any ideas on getting a boy? Thanks in advance!
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
me decided to try my frd's gynae at GlenE. Its a male... no choice cos i dun have many frds who are preggie and so not much recommendation lor.
So far, my cousin also having male gynae.

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
har? u mean no MS means bb not growing that well har? Oh no... me gt no MS leh....maybe its becos ive gt late ovulation and im actually not in my 6/7th week but 4/5th week??!?
Hmm... i thk u very high chance getting twins cos its in ur genes. Thats very good but u will be very "siong" in the beginning looking after them.

BTW, have u tell ur frds other than ur family that u are preggie? Or do u believe that u cant tell during the 1st 3mths cos its very unstable?
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
for me, i took some kiam sng ti to curb my nausea feeling.. ;p

<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
dun worry too much abt not hving MS.. mayb u r the lucky one who will not suffer any MS at all ..
Hi Mrs Tan
gd 2 hear that you've made an appointmt 2 c yr gynae
meanwhile, can wash wif hygiene wash, hope that will reduce the itch. meanwhile muz seize the day n get more action *heheh* muz jia you at tis crucial period. Waiting for yr gd news

Hi Lilac, me oso no MS leh, appetite quite gd after cramps r cured. i heard some pple saying muz ask yr mom if she has MS when she conceive u, cos my 2 SIL's had no MS at all as my MIL doesnt have that too. i checked wif my mom, she said she oso MS-free.

Hi chihiro
hb oso asked me to eat some Orrr Moey saying it also helps to 'bu' the blood. Since its sweet, i take it like snack *hee*

Dunno y the news like haven really sink in, mayb cos im still a lil in denial.... really never expected after 10 cycles...

there r times in the day when im so bz, that i actually 4got i got a lil one, cos i was walking so fast ( my usual chiongspeed ), then when i remembered, faster slow down :p

do take small meals more frequently, cos eating alot at 1 go, makes the stomach quite queasy....
Hi Mrs Tan

Could it be an facial product that you are using?? better see a skin doc quickly to find out what is triggering. For me, lately if i eat seafood, it triggers. but last time usually if enviornment too dusty or just because i'm too weak internally.
Hi Seiko

Will sure try to avoid cool water. If i drink my fruit juice, will ask them not to put ice. but sometimes, weather so hot, every meal will have to take those soft drinks leh. how???
most of my meals are taken outside
Hi <font color="ff0000">Stupid</font>,

The bleeding you were having could be implantation bleeding. I o-ed on CD16, had spotting on CD 20,21 and light bleeding on CD 22,23 followed by spotting on CD 24. Thot it quote queer at that time cos read that implantation spotting usually takes place abt 6-10 days after O-ed.

In any case, I was pregnant that cycle
So keep your hopes high and your finger crossed. All the best!
Hi lilac
I think different preggies will experience differently...Dun worry if you havent have any MS symptoms yet..But I think bad MS = BB growing well is perhaps a way that gynae wanna to console the preggy one lar..hahaha..

I dun really believe in this pantang...furthermore, if you remember last week I need to be on 5 days MC, so bo bian have to tell my boss the real reason..&amp; since I work in a team closely, my team members all know liao..

For parents &amp; in-laws side, I have told them too..

As for my frenz, I went out twice with different groups since I discovered my pregnancy. I think is pretty obvious since I was having some nausea feeling afetr meals so they asked, I just admit lor..

I think is up to individual...

Hi Mrs Tan
Glad that you have made an apptmt with gynae liao. Meanwhile hope you win this battle this week, yea?? Remember the key word?? ~~RELAX~ &amp; Enjoy every moment of BDing with hubby...ok??

Anyone has a more than 7days menses cycle?Im trying to find out which is the best time for me to BD.My 1st and 2nd day of menses have very light flow, 3rd day then heavy.Will only clear up on 9th day.Read that some of you start trying from CD10, so for my case, i shd start later right?Thanks in advance for any advices.
i know how it feels 2 cut down on cold water, cos im a cold water freak *hahaha* i practically drink everything cold. But cos when i was TTCing, heard many old folks talking bt the harsh effects of cold water on uterus, so kinds panic, so now if i have 2 drink cold stuff, i mix half with room temp water. Me avoid coke/sprite all the way ......*sobz*
hi Seiko &amp; lbs,

thanks so much for your concern. Appreciate it.
Yup, I will take extra care during this week before i go to gynae next tues. hopefully, will get better.


i dont think its skincare thats triggering the hives. Cos it doesnt matter wat i use, with or without makeup it will also appear one. Also, I am using fancl pdts which are fragrant &amp; preservative-free, so its already very mild liao and for suitable skin. I have seen a skin specialist before, but like i said, once i stop the medication he gave me, they will just appear again. And I dont want to take medication forever u see... So I just stopped it and am living with hives ever since lor.
Hi experts here,

May i know does it matter if i take folic acid that is of 800 mcg or just 400?There are so many on the shelf i duno which one to buy.

Hi ladies,

I would like to find out more about this folic acid supplement. is folic acid supposed to be taken only for 2~3 mths before we conceive or can we take for a longer period like 1~2 years before we conceive? If taken for a longer period, will there be any side effect?
I love to have kids but I'm not really planning for a one yet, cos not financially stable. However, i would like to knowledge myself on the pre-pregnancy preparation and also to get myself well-nourished so that i can give my baby the best when we are ready for one. And of course, at the mean time can learn from your ladies.
Do we need to seek a gynae first before we consume the folic acid tablets? B'cos I'm afraid that different people will react differently to this supplements. I've seen several brands in the Guardians, ie Healteries, Blackmores and also the guardian brand ones..... may i know which is better?
