A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="ff6000">seiko</font>
usually pregnant will change their usual habits
its normal

juz eat healthly..

rem folic acid is impt ok

hi everyone!!

long time no see... yes i m back from my trip (my hubby's business trip actually). In fact i was back much earlier due some changes in his work schedule.. but only managed to log on today and saw lilac's good news ... really no more "trying hard" liao!! CONGRATS!!

I understand how u feel coz....in fact i just got my
3 days ago!! And similarly i cried out and thank God for it... so here's my sharing on what works of me this round (after 6 cycles of trying):

1. Clomid 2nd cycle, and EPO for EWCM (really good!)
2. Still temp but not regular and not really bothered - only during O and 2-3 days before AF due date!
3. Alternate day doggy style all the way! No lifting of legs but lie in bed throughout.
4. After O period, i gave up all hope this cycle coz i thought i missed the boat and got into the "waiting for AF" mode.
5. Get hubby to eat some vitamins

Most of all, want to give all glory and thanks to God for his precious and timely gift .. and i pray the same to all of you here too. So don;t give up trying (although u may give up psychologically

Jia you !!! my time has come and yours will definitely come too!
thanks chihiro
will go look see look see for folic acid to buy later when i go shop shop *hee*
is it safe to drink those skim milk/lowfat milk? or full cream ( magnolia yellow pack ) type is better?


we din try doggy, but missionary all the way. *hee*
hi lilac,
Congrat !! I told u u will make it this round as u seem so bo chap, as u r too concetrating in finding job...Take care...
and to skimmyma,
Congra to u !!! and thnxs for sharing with us ur experience.....Take care too...

Within a wk, we have so many good news. Hope this baby dust continues to sprinkle in this thread .......(of course, i hope to get some by mid july..hehe..:) )
hi all, so long have not visited this thread and so many goods news!!
Congrat to all the MTBs.......

Also good luck to the rest of you!!
hi Lilac,

That's wonderful!! Congratulations!! so many graduates this month.
Hai - going to miss you gals. sigh. Do drop by to visit yah?
hi skinnyma, congrats! seems like this month the stork is especially hardworking!
hope to catch some baby dust from all those lucky ones!
oh MY GOD!!!!

I actually went back to office today &amp; was busy whole day attending meeting till no time to log in...


And skinnyma...!!! this is really a good week for many...hope the dust continue to roll &amp; roll to the rest!!!!
hi all,

I am Lina. Need some advise...My last AF was 5 june and I have my first "contact" with my hubby on 18 june. It had been 12 days now. so when shd i be doing the pregnancy test ? actually last 2 days i hv been feeling nausea and feel like vomitting. I don't think this will happen so fast ya ?
Hi Lina

Emm, do you know what is your regular cycle count? Usually, we will start testing when miss the period lor.
Hi dawn
Yups, I did have the 5 days MC but bo bian cos , this week, we are having important meetings/trainings.....then, I was thinking still okay lar, just meeting...so whole day sit there no need to walk arnd..hahahaa

Yups..I will..thks!
hi ibs,

umm..around 35 days lor. i dun think if i test it now will be +ve..simply too early to say..becos i know that it took 9 days to get the egg fertilised..but the funny thing is I felt very nausea and feel like vommiting leh (didn't eat any wrong stuff) or simply (xin li zhou guai) .. i think i might do a pregnancy test next week to comfirm.
Hi dawn
Yups, I did have the 5 days MC but bo bian cos , this week, we are having important meetings/trainings.....then, I was thinking still okay lar, just meeting...so whole day sit there no need to walk arnd..hahahaa

Yups..I will..thks!
<font color="ff6000">skinnyma</font>
CONGRATS to you too !!!!
finally u've made it !!!

<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
u shd be resting at home leh
better take care of urself during this crucial period ok
wah, u still not tired at this time ah?
i still rem tt i went to bed as early as 10pm during my early preg.. all i wanna do is sleep
Hi Lina

Which CD are you in now? Btw, you taking your temp? If your AF is due &amp; your temp still remain high..perhaps, you can try testing liao (if you are like me, the kan cheong type)..
Lbs, how r u doing???
me also kia lai kia kee everyday too *hee* so hb says a gd pair of shoes is impt. *sigh* now i have to give up my high heels. big sacrifice *heehee*

Hi Lina
according to Clearblue, it stated that u can start testing 19 days after yr 'deed'.
i compared notes of my gfs, n some of them tested +ve 1-2 days b4 their menses supposed to come
morning morning

wow seiko...u so early today?? This morning, I start having a bit of crampy feeling ler &amp; my breastsstart feeling 'swollen'...hahahahaa...

Hi lilac/skinnyma
How are you both feeling today?

Hi Hi ...
ladies in fertile window...got seduce hubby?? The magic word is relax~relax~ &amp; enjoy every moment of the BD with hubby like what Jen has said, yea?

<font color="0000ff">Hi lbs</font>
You're early today! btw, are you going to stick with Dr. Heng as your gynae?

Congrats, skinnyma!!!

Seems like the guys are having their euro fever while we're having the baby fever!!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 01 Jul 04
mrstan ......... CD 06
tuffy .......... CD 13
stupid ......... CD 20
funny .......... CD 21
classy ......... CD 23
ENJ ............ CD 23
ribena ......... CD 24
jamci .......... CD 24
joice .......... CD 25
KC ............. CD 26
oreo ........... CD 27
wennia ......... CD 38
maya ........... CD 39
dawn ........... CD 45
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... ??/02/05
lbs ............ ??/02/05
lilac .......... ??/02/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
Good morning ladies,

Skinnyma, congrats to you! really baby fever this month boy...hahaha.

lbs, do take care of yourself ok? and also all those who just hit jackpot. now u are no longer just 1 person, but 2 in 1 liao! so extra care...
CONGRATS SKINNYMA!!! Wow... good news comes in waves!!

Gals just dun be stressed about bb-making, okie?

*~BaByDuSt To U~*
hi girls!

thanks for all your well wishes. i dun hv any symptoms yet and doc has placed me on progesterene pills..sometimes feel crampy and bbs still sore..hubby also asking me to change shoes liao...

Scanning is scheduled on 12 july - which is also my wedding 1st anniversary .. it's really the best and timely gift

will still pop in once in while here and see if i can help answer anything... and hang on there everyone - don't ever give up!!
hi , &amp; gd morning !!
to all newly graduates,
we are very happy that ur effort has finally paid off...We'll miss u guys, and do drop by and share w us ur experience....,okie? :)
<font color="aa00aa">skinnyma,</font>
<font color="0000ff">CONGRATS!!!</font>

wah, u gals really "plan" well leh. so many due in Feb, CNY can "eat all u can" then go delivery &amp; confinement
won't lose out on the good food!!
Hi Ladies,

Chance upon this thread as i'm actually lkg for a gynae. Just found out tt i'm abt 5 weeks' pregnant...Most likely due in Feb or Mar 2005. May i join in this thread?

May i oso enquire if any of u knows of any good gynae in Jurong West area as i'm staying in that area? Care to share? Thks in adv!

Hi Lilac,

I tink both of us may hv conceived ard the same time...Congrats ya!

Hi Skinnyma &amp; Ibs,

Congrats too!
Good morning ladies, wow it seems that there is a lot of February babies and i am born in February too!!! But too bad my "baby" missed the boat to join the same month as me. Ha ha
Hi Skinnyma,
BIG CONGRATES! Must take care wor.... pls sprinkle some babydust to us. we are all ready to catch.

Hello mrstan,
i missed one of your post above. thanks for explaining the CD thingy. I know how to calculate my cycle liao.... in fact, am starting to keep track of my cycle now.
Morn Lbs and all ladies

i have to wake up every morn at 515am cos me in morn session *hee*
my breasts were v painful during my CD26 already. pain started subsiding 2 days ago, but still there. think the cramps already much less intense. Yesterday so happy cos i got to eat my salmon sashimi! hb said i can still eat that, so i 'sapu" lor *haha*

Congrats Skinnyma and BabyVon!

Hi stupid
will def come in still 2 share, cos the folks here r really friendly n nice
Hello All,
I just came back from HK last nite and my GOD, within 3 days there are so many GOOD GOOD NEWS! Took me 3hrs to read up on the last few days posting.
CONGRATULATIONS TO LILAC, SEIKO, SKINNYMA,LBS, JARA, HUGGIE AGAIN! Finally, all your efforts and patience has come.
Last Sun, I think I congratulate 3 'graduates', but seems like the list is expanding.

Seiko, not to scare you but I heard pregnant lady better avoid 'raw food' like sushi, sashimi. Is it true, maybe u can find out from others.
Hi oreo,
for the time being, I will still go back to Dr Heng. In the meantime, my hubby &amp; I will be looking arnd for others &amp; compare lor.

Hi ladies
I think my MS has just started..been wanting to throw out twice...but nothing only gas...gosh!
hi for all newly graduates..

shall we start a thread somewhere to "Jiao Huan Xin De?"

But I am not sure how to start one ler..

hi oreo
no lar..i wont be leaving this thread...hehehe...got so many good frens here..

was just wondering if the rest of newly graduates would want to start a thread to discuss &amp; exchange ideas mah...

Thks for the link, yea...
hi gals,
woh the thread is so active today... read till my eyes blur blur...

ya lor dun leave us leh...
joking oso lah... do take care of yourself ok..

The TTC list is getting shorter n shorter
Hope we can catch their baby dust n promote to graduates..

I have been feeling very bloated these 2 days.. Dunno is it bcos of e food i ate or going to fall sick soon..
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
yar lor.. the list getting shorter.. but if you look on the brighter side, that means that we all will graduate soon!! If you notice, at least every month, there will be one graduate, so our turn will come soon!!
ya, sure hope we catch some baby dust and graduate soon!
jia you jia you....*trying to catch all the dust b4 they fall to the ground*
hi to all new graduates,
we know u all won't leave us alone.....and i m sure all gals on the lists will graduate one by one...It's only a matter of time....So Jia You!

I noticed on the update, you are on CD45. Your AF still not here yet? Have you got any sign or have u tested?
