A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Mrs Tan,
Thanks for the encouragement
I'm now CD32.

Jara, Seiko and lbs,
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I think I'll test tomorrow morning, can't take it already, got to know the answer. This morning was late for work, so no time to test.

I'm also currently on chinese medication and the physician warned me not to go to the gynae for the first 3 months if I'm pregnant. She said I'm to continue to eat the chinese medication until after 3 months when it's stablised. She also said those scan if do too early are harmful to the feotus. Don't know true a not? But I know some people once dun go back to her when pregnant, they M/C. I'm also very confused abt this. Don't know whether to believe her.

lbs hi
so envious u can rest at home.... my workpalce ( sch ) has so many levels.... n most of my classes r located at 4th level... have to travel up n down many times. Plus staff rm bt 3-5 mins walk away, level 3 somemore. All these walking going to tire me out in later mths. me oso v gassy in stomach, so Poooooooooot alot these days esp in morn *hee*

cos i need to walk alot in sch, up n down staircases ( climb like 3-4 storeys ) so i think i shd switch to flats or wedges cos its much safer n more comfortable. Most of my shoe's heels r pretty thin, quite wobbly in future ( to endure my ballooning weight ).

Hi joice
key word really is relaxed. I dunno if its bcos this mth i was bz falling ill ( too distracted by coughs/ blowing nose, very bo eng *hee* ) thats y i really ( for a moment ) threw out the stress of ttc. i was practically eating med, zzz, wake up eat then zzz. This went on for like 1wk plus.
oops sorry for the double posting.....

Mrs Tan
this mth i BD lesser considering im not feeling up to it, n hb always on nite call. I checked my chart, this mth BD total of 5 times only. i BD fr cd 11-21. dates r cd11, 13, 15, 17, 19,21. ( sorry not trying to be graphic here, juz sharing ). NOW I REMEMBERED, after BD( straightaway ), i lie on the floor on my back, legs on the bed ( like a Z, ) for like 10-15 mins. also used a pillow to elevate my hips. dunno if it helped abit anot. yup me a 'cher' *hee* all those medications r i took seem v risky leh.... i cant put my mind at ease until i c the gynae.

Hi rugrats
hope the best for u!
<font color="ff6000">seiko</font>
i was wearing those with thicker heels before i bought the shoes im wearing now
since u are walking ard often n climb stairs, guess u better invest in a gd and comfortable pair of shoes
i oso climb 4-flights of stairs everyday to my office..

<font color="ff6000">rugrats</font>
gd luck !
hi Seiko,

thanks for sharing that. that means on alternate days CD 11 - CD21 lah. Actually those are the most fertile period also. ya i know what u mean abt the Z, lying on the floor. eh btw just wondering, wat does ur hubby say when u do that immdiately after BD? cos even when i elevate my butt with a pillow after BD, my hubby will say "wah, the ritual start liao" heeheehee.
So, after lying there for 15 mins or so, do u go and wash up?
Hi Mrs Tan &amp; others
Just to share.

From the temp, I ovulated on my CD18. Actually, from CD16/17, I started having pretty painful &amp; sore breasts. This symptom stopped on CD20 (I think).

As I have mentioned, we weren't active this cycle. But we did BD using the 'doggy' style, I think twice during this period when I was having the painful breasts symptom. Also, I used to go &amp; wash up immediately after BD but since few months back I bo chap &amp; just lie down there for a while. Sometimes, I just go to sleep ler..hahaa...

Hi Seiko
When you need to climb the stairs, do it slowly hor...I also very gassy but mine mostly come from top...~~BUURRRPPPPP~~~
Dear Mrs Tan,

another tip to conceive is to make sure that our hubby does not take too cooling food oso cos will affect the quality of sperm.
Me too last time used to lie down straight after BD for abt 5 min and i bingo the first try.
maybe you can try using this tip
hi lbs,

haha..u and seiko competing to see who can pooooot or buuuuurrrrp the loudest is it?

i see, that means u ovulated quite late lor.

hi wendypooh,

thanks for the tip abt the cooling food. as for lying down after BD, i did. Like lbs, sometimes i dont even wash up at all. I actually fell asleep while elevating my hips with pillow. so end up until morning lor. I did this during my most fertile period (CD10 - CD 18) but still nothing happens leh. You are so lucky, just do once and u bingo the first try.
hi mrs tan,

last time after wedding i oso blur blur dun know wat is happening until i found tis website and learn a lot from lilac and the other and "put in practice" while learning. tink i a bit lucky and my mense is very accurate 22 day cycle. i test on CD23 and alry got clear positive
maybe u should let hubby eat some "bu" tonic also lor cos last time our parent also say guy must bu oso
hi wendypooh,

yeah...me too. learnt so much from this thread and also surfing net. The ironic thing is, I know a lot theoretically and of cos, I do put them into practice as well. But I am not a walking example, know wat i mean? I feel that watever i say, are purely wat i have read or understood from my friends. Not what I experience at first hand myself. So thats a bit sad.

Wah ur cycle quite short hor? i thot the usual 28 day cycle is the norm and shortest, since most women have longer irregular cycles.
aiyah, my hubby work such long hours, where got the time to eat bu stuff....hehehe
Hi rugrats, Mmmm... funny leh, the physician warned you not to go to gynae. Mine din leh, in fact, he asked me to bring the western medicine to him, then he will adjust his chinese medicine, so as not to conflict with the western medicine. I've discussed with hubby, that I shall stop seeing the chinese physician for now and will concentrate only on the western medicine, to avoid conflict lor. Seeked advises from friends and colleagues, they all said dun take chinese medicine, in case conflicts with western one.

juz came back fr century sq n TM, walked the whole place looking for wedges or low heels, but hor, seems like the in thing is v high heels ah!
plus hor im wearing size 9, so even more dif 2 buy shoes for my 'sampan' *hee*

Scholls is avail at most places rite? i dun recall seeing schools leh
tried hush puppies too but designs not appealing...

hi Mrs Tan

few mths ago, i did buy the O kit n tested. after 2 mths, think quite leh cheh, so stopped.
this mth, i cant b bothered, so BD when time permits n ( when hb n I arent bz zzzz-ing ) *hee*
juz happen i BD ard this time too. oh, my frd's gynae taught her using the pillow mtd. But me improvised, did the head on floor, leg on bed thing ( cos hor, i do my abdominal crunches this way too *hee* ). except i added a pillow....after this, i juz get up go pong pong straightaway ( morning ). If nite, then straight away koon
my hb so farnie. after i complain the pillow not too high, he volunteered 2 pull my legs up. i said aiyo, to troublesome ( plus me oso not the thin type hahhah ). so decided the abdominal crunch style not bad. aiyo, last wk, i still did days of abdominal crunches, 50 per day ah! afte that stomach very serng....

yalor, lbs poooot up , i pooooot down hahah

wow wendypooh
so gd u struck on 1st try!
hi Mrs Tan
you may be right? Apart from the first 3 days, the rest of my AF was quite light. But the spotting has stopped - so back to normal.

hi lilac,
it's good that you are not stressed out by this ttc business - hope you like your new job better!

we must all jia you together!
my feet r really killing me today after 1 days of up n down staircases dunno how many times... hb says my heels killing me, which is true, ball of feet and ankle area aching... so we popped by PP, hoping to find some gd shoes. hb suggested Marks n Spencer, his fave store. but this outlet doesnt carry shoes. So as u suggested, i headed to Isetan n really found Scholls there. ended up buying 2 pairs. They have very good rubbery soles, hb was v fussy cos he said preg ladies muz be careful of slipper surface, shoe muz be comfortable too, so he picked 1 i picked 1. not bad the design though not considered fashionable. my colleague reminded me too 2 get a pair of gd shoes cos she slipped once in my sch ( lots of slippery places ). thanks for yr recommendation. its really comfy.
hi chihiro
actually i dun mind the stairs, except my workplace's is the old type, super narrow. n with my size 9, i have to ascend sideways. with heels, its more 'hazardous' too. Scholl is really comfy.
Good morning ladies!

just an update, go and see this week's I-weekly, wong lilin is featured in it (1 pg only) with her gynae. She still looks quite good, but tummy visible already. Btw her show on CNA channel will be starting from 3 July, every Wednesday at 8.30pm. (dunno why they say start 3 July which is a Sat) So ladies, catch it if u interested.

Hi Seiko,

good to hear ur bubbly self this morn...
dam funny u, can improvise some more. but then i think its quite a good position to enable flow of sperm to egg. Oh u do crunches like that ah? for me, I just do it on the floor. crunches work wonders hor? wah now u preggie still work so hard ah? hehehe...

hi Tuffy,

good that ur AF is back to normal now. *phew*

ok ladies...its midweek liao, so lets ganbatte!!(meaning 'work hard' in jap for those who blur blur)

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 30 Jun 04
mrstan ......... CD 05
tuffy .......... CD 12
stupid ......... CD 19
funny .......... CD 20
classy ......... CD 22
ENJ ............ CD 22
ribena ......... CD 23
jamci .......... CD 23
joice .......... CD 24
KC ............. CD 25
oreo ........... CD 26
wennia ......... CD 37
maya ........... CD 38
lilac .......... CD 40
dawn ........... CD 44
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... ??/02/05
lbs ............ ??/03/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Please click here for common terms used</font>

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
Thanks... actualy ive not started work yet. Next Monday then start work....

Haiz.... now im in my CD40 liao and my AF haven come. So sianz... cos im having cramps since last nite and i thgt i will wakup seeing red but haven yet. So torturing to wait!
good morning ladies,
finally!!!have time to log in...the thread is moving so fast...:)

i m one of those who will encounter Ovulation pain . Besides cramp, my back also suan...I guess this is a good measure to see if I Ovulated that cycle...So those worry. According to doc, the pain may last for a few min to hours. As long as it is not those unbearable one, it shld not cause any harm...

so u use this position of lying to succeed this month. I ever saw from a webpage stating that if we lift our back or leg too high, the reverse may happen, which mean that the sperm may back flow. Back flow meaning that speam may not flow into the intended position, but behind...BUT urs success lai.. I think I better follow ur method, cos urs is a success example...:)

hi lilac,
congra for finding a new job....Who knows....since u r not stress out by this ttc thing and concentrate on finding jod, u may bingo this time round..
<font color="0000ff">stupid</font>
my cycle is 40days... n sometimes will come maybe 1-2days earlier or later but usually on the dot.
So im expecting it to come later today. Or maybe it will come later cos im stress up looking for job. Actually i gt an urge to test but i doubt i will bingo and so better save up my test kit for the next time.
if todya AF didn't come, mayb u can test it tml...as mention u r only stress up with job , but not the ttc thing...maybe u have hit the jackpot!!! Come on...be positive....Recently there is so many good news in this thread, I m sure the rest of us will catch their baby dust :)
<font color="0000ff">stupid</font>
me oso wish to be positive but dun dare pin too much hope. Furthermore im not charting and so its harder for me to guage.
If by saturday still not here then i will test. Bt i gt a feeling that it will come later today in the afternoon.

Yup... recently so many goods news come together. Hope that more good news will come!
hi wendyl,
I dun so.....Cos I ever see a gynae b4 for my infection, and he didn't mention that it will affect preg. Instead, he was teaching me how to prevent preg if I dun want baby in the beginning....Sigh..Now i really regretted following his method at first...Thought that getting preg is as easy as ABC. If i knew it was so difficult, I wouldn;t have prevent...:-(
hi lilac,
i know what u mean....yap, the higher u pin the hope, u more disappointed u r....I am one of the victims who pin too much hope on self, and ended up so disappointed that I cried when that hateful AF visited :-(
Hi Mrs Tan
cos my mom commented last wk i put on weight ( i haven tested yet last wk ). at that time i was thinking cos i ate med n zzz most of the time, so i tried to do abdominal crunches lor ( ai swee mah ) ahahah. no lah i did 2 days then no 'inspiration' liao :p

Hi Lilac
cd u be??? somemore u got cramps leh. Im experiencing cramps too ( dunno y it builds up in the afternoon, by nite, quite terok... ) u tested ?

Hi wendyl
some gals r v sensitive, so they can actually feel the 'release of the egg' pain. think of it as ' breaking out of the tube? "
dont think will affect chances rite?

hi stupid
its the 1st time i tried using the bed+floor+pillow position. think it did help a lil, cos after i stood up, no 'back-flow' for a long time. past mths, after i stand up, muz run to loo. the 'backflow' was delayed when i used this mtd
keeping my fingers crossed 4 u !
<font color="0000ff">stupid</font>
yes.. its true indeed that in the end, u will end up more disappointed and will breakdown when u see AF.
Many graduates told us to relax during the whole TTC process. So maybe when ur mind is set on other goals rather than TTC, u will bingo.

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
so are ur hubby still going for medication or?? When u found out abt ur hubby's condition, the gynae told u that its very very slim for u to get preggie or its not possible at all?
<font color="0000ff">seiko</font>
no lah..... me not. These cramps are very normal for me cos everytime b4 my AF visit me i will exp such cramps. SOmemore i gt no sore breast or backaches or others. My AF will come soon.... but im having mixed feelings cos if i bingo, then how?? Cos im going to start my new job mext week and its not very nice to be preggie the moment u start ur new job.
<font color="ff6000">seiko</font>
i oso bought scholls shoes..
they hv v.gd cushioning lor..
after wearing them, my legs r not so tired anymore
much better before i started wearing them
hee... went to OG n get my shoes coz got disc. card otherwise its abt $50 a pair leh..

<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
who knows u may bingo this time rd?
keep my fingers crozz for u...
ask my bb to cross for u too (if bb know how to)..

if u realli bingo before u start work oso bo bian mah.. juz let them know din expect to bingo lor
got an ex-colleague who also got preggie before started on her new job, she also din know until chkup
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
Now i keep going to toilet to chk whether gt red or not. Haiz....
if i really bingo.... than last week i took X-ray! How?? Harmful rite?
hi lilac,
not to worry abt the X-ray thing. Cos my SIL had her X-Ray when she was 4 wk preg, as she didn't knowshe was Preg. She went to c gynae abt this immediately, and gynae told her not to worry , as she was in the very early stage, and will not do the bb any harm.
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
u mean ur friend went for pre-employment chkup and then found that she preggie? Har?? Pre-employment chkup gt chk this one arh?
Hi good morning ladies

Oreo, tks for your concern. My hubby is now resting at home, playing Xbox. Hee hee. I'm so happy to see it cos he had been feeling very down the last few days.
Hi lbs/ladies,
morning to everyone.....

can teach me how to calculate my CD? My last menses came on 9th jun. Am i able to calculate my CD based on previous menses? Which CD am i in?
Morning Gals,
Didn't get a chance to log in yesterday &amp; wow.. the thread really move veri fast.

Seiko &amp; lbs, so both of u have already seen a gyne &amp; confirmed that u r preggie? Can share which gyne do u visit?

For those TTC grp, maybe u can try asking u hubby to take folic acid too, read fm somewhere &amp; told by frd that it helps (it will increase the quality of soldiers).

For me, initially I have some doubts on it so just ignore but aft missing the 1st mth, I asked my hubby to take folic acid &amp; we succeed
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
i oso not sure

but i know tt when she went to the new company, her employer know tt she's pregnant lor, and asked her y nv let them know abt it ..
thank you stupid &amp; seiko for ur explanations....

for those who are TTC......gd luck to u all....

for those success liao......congrats
hi ladies!

just to tell u all that this morning i just ordered 5 strips of ovulation strips from Preggiebliss on internet. Cost $11.25 total. Wanna hurry get it delivered to me, so that it will be in time for me to test my ovulation day next week. hehehe....talk abt kiasu. *oops*
Hi Ladies!

Congrats to huggie, jara, Ibs.. finally graduated!

Haiz.. me till now still haven ovulated yet, already in CD22. Was down with flu last week, dunno issit the cause for the delay. Hopefully will O this cycle.

I've made an appointed with gynae next week.. may I know what test would I expect on first visit? If O over liao, still can do all those scanning anot?

<font color="0000ff">gebbera</font>
Your last AF is on 9th June which is CD1 and that makes you CD22 today.

<font color="0000ff">laugh</font>
My hubby loves eating unhealthy food esp. the fried and oily stuff, think should let my hubby eat the folic acid too.

<font color="0000ff">enj</font>
The last time I went, my gynae took my pap smear and scanning for me.

Glad u found Scholls' - do note they are very CUSHY on the insole so very comfy. But the sole touching the floor is not fantastic (not lousy but in wet weather on stairs pls take care).

Hush Puppies I bought 1 pair, supposed to be air-cushioned insoles. Hard as a rock lah. But the sole grip is good. Now I chuck aside anyway, too uncomfortable- u need all the comfort u can get on your feet

Birkenstock's (German brand, quite abit pricier, at 3rd floor wheelock) is a "health" brand like Scholl's. But design not suitable for school (except maybe 1 design which u may not like). Do check it out for weekends use though
Design is abit... rugged side, but they do have more feminine designs.
Oh! Beware the other more comfy Hush Puppies (forgot which series). Ping almost bought that and the saleslady very nicely pointed out how VERY slippery it was on CARPET (fine on other surfaces).
Hi Oreo,

Thanks for replying... what if my next AF comes on 8th July, then what will be my CD this time? Me still cant get this CD thingy clear, thus duno how to calculate the rest. Is it true that Ovulation will take place 1 week after your AF visit? When is the most fertile days to BD? me blur blur leh... pls help me.

Since we are in the same CD now, does that mean our O period will also be the same?

Hi Lilac,
i wish you BINGO this time. Babydust to you and the rest of the gals in this thread.... must catch it wor...
