A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

I just finished my peak period, so now quite free, keep hanging around this forum. hee....

I think your gynae is right to be positive, since you can get pregnant last time on your own. So next cycle jia you again!

sneaky: hei, i m fine, hope u r well too (ie. ur throat)

naturally: i hope so.......& thanks for the blessing.

Gals, dont worry, though i mentioned that HSG is a bit uncomfortable & painful (ie. to me) but i muz say that the procedure is super fast + our inborn "mother instinct", there is nothing to be fearful....... Ever since after doing all these procedure, i really feel that "mother is really very very "wei da"....
i'm back - jus reach home ....

hi angie,
nice to have u here ....

Mrs Tan & Cafe,
thanks for sharing your HSG Test experience..... it has brought some insights to me .....

good to know that everything is clear for u ..... i happy for u .....

no i not on clomid, I've been trying for bb for 7 cycles liao .... so am thinking of doing HSG test after say another 2 more trys .... since it seems to help to conceive ......
welcome back.. nice to see U back online..

the doc asst told me the same thing too.. after doing HSG, it will increase the chances of getting preggie.. cos it does help to clear the tubes and surrounding areas..

though there is slight discomfort or cramps after the HSG, i find it all worthwhile to do the HSG.. cos it tell us almost immediate how is the condition of yr fallopian tubes.. last week when I was at my gynae's clinic, a lady came alone to do her HSG and to send in her HB's sperm for SA.. then i heard from the nurses that they have also been trying for some time b4 my gynae suggest them to do SA and HSG..

Ask yr gynae for opinion and I support you girls for the HSG..
jus wanna share some thos ....
actually, i find it very ironic hor, here in TTC, we're trying to conceive (go thru pain, disappointment, etc), and somewhere out there, there're some girls who are trying to do abortion or throw away their babies ...... it's full of irony .....
hi xmm,
I used to have lots of that on my face as well. it's like white head, but it's not...it's the small little bumps..... now better already... My beautician explained tat my skin is dry on the outside and the oil from below the skin cannot come out jus like naturally case....
wat I did was I got more hardworking by trying to put on moisturiser (esp at night) and mask.... so now ok liao.... not so many liao... try it..

Hi Manuka, children cannot drink honey becos their digestive system is still under development so they might have allergic reaction to it.... but I think preggy shd be ok... cos it will be digested by adult before passing on to the bb.... if you wan to be extra sure... can ask gynae.
yes, wat u've described above is wat i m experiencing now .....
but my derma doctor told me i can't use any moisturiser since my face is already oily liao .....
may i know wat kind/ brand of moisturiser and mask do u use, hah?
i also wanna cure these ugly bumps, since it make face look kinda rough ..... very sad leh .....
Hi xmm, I'm using dermalogical products..
Initially I also scared tat moisturisers will cause me to have more of those... but now really better liao... I think night time apply most effective.... less bumps for my beautician to squeeze....oouch!
can PM me more info on the Derma pdt u r using ..... how's their facial ...... oh I've never done facial before since doc say my skin is very sensitive ....... so better don't do ...... so I've never done lor .....
cafe: i'm still not okay...i worry that when i cough, bb feels uncomfortable inside due to the vibration and contractions...but i just can't stop coughing...it's quite bad...
Ling:Quick go see doc, take care!

Sneaky: me too have cough n flu for the past 1 week plus til now.... sianz

anyone can help? i try to test for O just now w the ovulation strip... is it dip into the urine at the pointed arrow facing down? blur man..
when tested i saw a dark line and a slightly faint line, so wat that mean? anyone help help...
sexxy.. the faint line means that ur O is comin soon.. so u need to test everyday till u see the line is darker then the control line..

ling mummy.. quick go see down.. weather not good nw.. must really take care hor..

welcome back wendypooh ;)

CAFE!!! welcome back huh... keke good to see u back here
sugarbun: 63111222 (main line)

hi girls.. seen doc n come back.. guess wat... i spotted some brown discharge... too late.. so thinking if brown discharge still there in morning.. will have to go back see gynae liao...
how r u now?
I very worried after reading about the brown discharge ......
please update us.......
take care.....
Good Morning Ladies

Just want to share something on the ovulation test kit. Before doing the test, our urine has to be kept in our bladder for at least 2 hours but not more than 4 hours. eg. first urine of the day at 7am, (do not pass urine from then) till abt 2 hours later (i.e. at 9 or 9.30 am) then we can pass urine for the Ov test. Urine hold in our bladder for more than 4 hours or more cannot be used for the O test.
Hope the info is useful.
hi xmm,
I got my products from my beautician.
It's the same pdts that Leonard & Drake is carrying... but slightly cheaper

hi ling,
how are you now?
got brown discharge must see gynae quickly.... to make sure.
to all: ling is resting on bed....appointment scheduled at 2.30pm this afternoon with our rmg gynae...hope everything is fine....thanks to all for your concern.
hi mrs tan,
so ur HB also SAF regular huh.. mine too.. same as Val
he is in Pasir leba camp nw. hey your theory of hot and sweaty made me kind of worried abt my hb too! cos he is always complaining of very hot in spore and i must say guys in the army tend to perspire more! wonder if this will affect his spermies... :p but like val, i had also tried for 2 cycles. so do u thin its still early to conclude anything?

hey val, so now i know ur hb in SAFTI! quite near to mine hb leh.. think side by side only!

hi snowball72,
thanks for your info on the o test. will take note if i ever take the test!
hi ling,
wish u well and pls take good care!

hi yk,
pls take GOOD CARE of ling! we can only rely on u to make sure she is back on this thread again and talk to us.

keep us update!
kit leong,
thanks for your updates .... do keep us informed about ling's progress ..... we love her and hope that everything is fine ...... we'll pray for her .....
don't be disappointed ..... can jia you this cycle ..... let's work hard together ......

thanks for the info, it's very useful .....

for me, i was kancheong and becos i did foot reflexologist, when the guy massaged the part of my foot where its the fallopian tube, he told me, it seems like it is blocked. so i panicked so i thot, shit better have it checked then. so i told Dr Lai and he said if u want to have it done, then fine. So i went to do HSG lor. End up, I am all clear so that stupid foot reflexologer not chun one lor. make me worried for nothing. chey...

Ya, cos of their jobs, they perspire a lot...one thing though, get ur hubby to wear boxer shorts and not underwear. it is more airy and looser, better for sperm. and must ask him to cut down on fried food and too icy drinks. My hubby loved all these but he made an effort to change his diet. But now, he is back to old diet liao lah. haha. Since u only tried 2 cycles, it is indeed too early. Try for another 4 cycles more, if u anxious, ask hubby to do SA test first. Good luck girl.

are you ok? take ur hormone medication. rest well.

hows ur flu? u better? must take extra care.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Morning everyone.


Take care &amp; rest well. Will
4 u. YK, pls keep us updated.


Hope u r feeling much better. Do drink more water</font>
Thanks for keeping us updated on Ling. I know that you'll definitely take very good care of Ling and I'll pray that everything is fine. God bless!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 17 Mar 05
elmo ........... CD 01
badgirl ........ CD 02
december ....... CD 02
juliann ........ CD 02
angie .......... CD 03
sugarbun ....... CD 04
mei mei ........ CD 06
dawn ........... CD 07
verone ......... CD 07
snowball ....... CD 09
bea ............ CD 13
ttc2 ........... CD 16
xiao mao mao ... CD 18
happybride ..... CD 18
meijia ......... CD 18
aps ............ CD 18
hipee .......... CD 20
hopeful ........ CD 20
cookie ......... CD 21
hopeformiracle . CD 21
nik ............ CD 22
sandy .......... CD 25
bookworm ....... CD 25
jentan ......... CD 27
naturally ...... CD 28
sunny .......... CD 29
loveluis ....... CD 30

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 22/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05
garfield ....... 28/10/05
kelly .......... 08/11/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

hi ling,
take care, and rest well. think the doc might give u a med call dupthston this med will cause MS.

hi mrs tan,
ok i will try to join u all soon. so busy taking care of Nicole now. she was overdue by 2 day so beocome a xmas eve bb. i spend a lonley xmas last year in KKH. my hubby used to be a SAF regular too.

thank for the welcome

eat more fruit &amp; veg. try drink those vit C orange pill. take on alternate day.
preganant mum very prone to flu and cough. the other time i have those virus at least once a month till the very day i give birth very miserble.if doc give u med u must eat then can recover fast. the med they give is safe.
my gynae got mention coughing wont hurt bb cos they are protected by teh amniotic fluid and they will move ard.
Ling dear,

take good care of urself
rest in bed, dun move around liao
update us after seeing ur gynae

take more fruits n vit C
take less chicken cos the meat will worsen ur cough

Mrs Tan
what did ur husband change in his diet?
my hubby is currently taking multivits
thank God he love boxers n all along wear that
also he like to drink ice water
good morning everyone!

Sneaky: yah.. see doc twice liao but stil got flu lei.
Ling: take care!! must update us when u back from gyne..
mei2: so got to test everyday once or how many time? if this round not succeeful then when my menses wil come?
take good care of yourself.. pls try to have Complete Rest In Bed.. we will pray for U that everything will be alright..

do keep us update us.. God bless both of U and BB..
hi gals, good morning....going to weekend soon!

xmm: xie xie ni, i aso hope my next pregnancy will be a safe &amp; healthy one since my fallopian tube are perfectly alright.

sandy: yeah, the doc who perform x-ray keep assuring me tat i will conceive soon after this HSG as he has seen many ladies after doing HSG get preggie immediately
i hope i m also 1 of them!

mei2: i m fine already, tat's y can chat online wif all my dear frenz here. u too jia u!!

sneaky: perhaps u shd take off to rest at home.

ling: hv lotz of rest &amp; i believe u will be fine. yk, take good care of ling
YK, take care of Ling!
Some preggies can have slight brown discharges during 1st trimester and still go on to have a healthy baby... so dun worry too much, okie? But having said that, no harm running to the gynae if there's anything unusual, leave the worrying to Dr Joan! Yah i know its hard not to worry, but u have the duty of keeping Ling in good spirits! And update us when u can, thanks!
Mrs Tan,
wah foot reflexology can feel whether fallopian tubes are blocked?! hee... i guess u won't go back to that guy again, hee!

yah, derma products are good! my beautician uses them too, speaking of which, i long time never go facial liao.... hmm...
gotta stay positive .... ming2 tian1 hui4 gen4 hao3 (tommorrow will be better) .....

also all the TTC, we gotta keep our spirit HIGH .... let's work towards our dream of motherhood .... then all of us go shopping for maternity &amp; bb's stuff together ....... yes this dream is coming near to all of us ......
i wanna share this hand massage to all of you sine it's supposed to help to regulate mens &amp; strenghten our womb .... but i don't know how to make the file smaller since its a jpg file and the memory size is too big at 93kb ..... can teach me how to redue the size of the attachment?
actually I'm rather moody today.... actually since yesterday liao....... not becos AF visit....

damn suay! that day I was minding my own biz ...driving on the expressway.... suddenly I saw something flying over from the side.... and the next split second I knew I heard a loud BANG! I had a shock .... and nearly jammed my break.... luckily didnt cos I was travelling at 85-90km/hr. So will be disastrous...
but anyway...... I didn't.....so I continue my way..... but in my heart I was very worried cos I dunno whether my car is ok or not......then I heard that there was a pc of plywood on the expressway on the radio.... so now my heart sank even more... I think apparently some car went over it and it fly up and hit my car.......
finally reached my destination... and upon inspection.. I had a shocked.
my car was scratched .... big patch..... like two times of palm size......cos the wood got flung on my car and guess wat... I just collected the car 1 week ago.... damn sim tia...... then I called hubby to let him know cos the car belong to him mah... I was also very angry and was cursing already...damn suay damn suay!
then when hubby saw the car..... he was very upset.... cos new car mah.... but then he said... " how come tis always happen when you drive?...... new car so fast gone already.....".( cos the last time I drove his car, I scratched his car 1.5yr old rather badly cos I just started driving so skills not very good.... :p but tat was so long ago... nowadays no such thing liao)
the I told him I will send his car for repair... then he just said... no need... not worth it!..... I'm so pissed!
I was so upset with him.... and refused to talk to him... I think also AF coming so very cranky and my mood not so good.....but I very upset cos the last time I scratched his car... he also neber talked to me like tat...
I know very sim tia.... cos I also very angry.... but it's not becos of my skill... just damn suay!
I just sent his car in for repair today.... didn't bother to tell him... just pissed!

hi xmm, open with paintbrush/paint... then on the menu bar select Image - Stretch/skew- use that to shrink the pic... or another way is to use winzip ....
