A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

morning gals

hi ling

So worried after seeing your post? u feeling much better? Rest well n take care yeah!

hi cafe

welcome back. yeah! i agree all mothers are very wei da. let's jia you together

re-scale the pic, maybe 80% or less, until the pic goes below 50kb... if u're using Paint, its under "Image", then "Stretch/Skew".
hi xmm,
yes... I'm looking forward to tat.....
I'm going to start clomid tomorrow.
Cross my fingers... hopefully it will help me.....
yk.. u sure will tak good care of ling mummy rite.. hope to see her back here soon ;)

ling mummy.. CANNOT WALK HUH!! MUST LIE IN BED till ur appointment.. :p

sexxy.. i duuno when ur AF will come.. keke test everyday @ the same time lor.. 1 time a day can liao..
oops, elmo already gave the same advise, hee...

oh, tat's one reason i refused to learn driving, cos i know the same thing will happen to me... my hubby is those who will say things like why this car in front drive so slow, must be woman driver!
But i think your hubby knows u're pissed lah... find some way to "punish" him lah, heehee, but not too much lah, cos i think u will also sim tia!


I understand how u feel...sometime it is just plain coincidence that something out of no where just drop onto your car...

last evening..my hubby came fetch me...on way here...he suddenly heard a very loud sound on the expressway like something hit his car...luckily he still managed to reach my office...then he went down checked a big nail was stuck in one of his tyre!!!!!!
he tot maybe can tahan till this weekend when we had this car servicing....bt
too bad when he fetched me about to drive off from my office,i saw an uncle signalled to me saying something like'your tyre punctured'!!!

luckily we haven't hit the main road man!!!we came out of the car to take a look and saw the very BIG nail!!!!

too bad...hubby can't change tyre hence called the towing company to come change...very 'suay'..

there was once a tree branch hit my hubby's car and window screen had a scratch!!!

dun be too over affected by this ok...sorry to know your AF is here and u are feeling emotional...cool down first ok....
Hi gals, this is my first time posting...

I have enjoyed reading the posts very much when i have the time! Hope to be able to join in the coming outing although i'm no mei nu kekeke :)

In the meantime, i guess i'm back to CD01 cos Aunt Flo just knocked on my door.

Kindly update for me hopeful, thanks!

my hubby just reduced all those oily foods like fastfood, deepfried stuff and eat more vegies and fruits to stay healthy. it is hard on him cos he is a meat-lover and not a fan of vegies or soupy stuff. Also, cold showers are good. Good that ur hubby is already wearing boxers, must keep it up. Apart from that, the multivits shld be sufficient already. the rest is for u both to BD hard during fertile period liao lor.
elmo & naturally,
thanks for teaching me the technique.... i'll try then post it here for all of u ....

i understand how u feel ..... new car sure sim tia one ..... but i think your hb should be glad that u r safe & sound ..... it's jus some scratch on the car but u r "scratchless", should xie tian xie di ...... so he should not show u faces ..... since u also dun wan this to happen mah ... this is pure accident .....
Please don;t let this affect your mood ..... u should look at it positively since this could be jus a po4 cai2 xiao1 zhai1 incident ......

but must admit that sometime we're really suay since we could be very careful liao but there're some rackless driver out there that give us the problem .......
Jen Tan,
come join us 28th mar, not mei niu also never mind since I definitely not a mei niu too .... but i do enjoy watching mei niu ..... hee hee hee ....
hi Jen Tan: welcome.. we will be glad to have u in our gathering too.. pls come and join us...

Girls, now taking a break before gng for breakfast.. tks for all the care n concern that you all had showered... i hope bb has nothing wrong... worrying manz.. haiz.. like every week have to see gynae like tt. hope this will come to a monthly affair after my 12 weeks.

cant blame ur husband saying women are bad drivers, cos that's wat my hubby comments too
i also cant drive but I protest say it's nt fair saying all women are bad drivers
think very unfair to us women lor....
but hor I really came across a few incidents n c wif my won eyes on the road n realise the causes are women n some mistakes are quite stupid too :p
but also when I c mistakes by male drivers, i will protest quickly to my hubby!!

for me i will hv phobia driving n dun want to be condemn by my hubby :p

cool dwn n hope after ur car send for servicing
u n ur hubby will be alright liao ;)


thks for your encouragement

okie, will jia you BDing
hi naturally,
no no no...will not feel sim tia....... cos he make me so upset....


Hi Choo/xmm,
I also know that bo bian.... when these kind of things happen....
in fact... I was telling myself tat I shd thank my lucky stars tat nothing happen to me... (wat if it had hit my windscreen and I sure jammed break.... situation wld have been worse)....
I'm jus angry tat hubby did not even ask me if I'm alright or not... maybe I just wan him to be more worried abt me then the stupid damn car!
hi Naturally/Valerie
it's not abt woman driving... cos I have already proven to hubby tat most dangerous drivers... are men .......I drive more than hubby nowadays cos I work very far mah.....so I've seen more situations then him........
everytime I'm on the road, I wld highlight to him when he encounter a dangerous driver... then in the end we realised tat most of these are male drivers!... so now hubby also agree tat male drivers are more dangerous... heeehehhehhheeee
i do agree that male are worst driver than female since female tend to be more cautiously, whereas men think that they're very "sac" thinking that they're dam good driver ..... so they drive quite recklessly .....

dun worry, we be praying for u

take EXTRA good care of urself!

ya men are more careless indeed
but thank God i can say that my hubby is careful one, he drove for 10 yrs liao in overseas....

he compare Spore traffic to Canada/US, spore is still better

think woman are too cautious so will make some mistakes on the road which i also laugh :p

so how r u?
gt EGWCM??
jia you!
pls rest well and take good care. i'm sure both u and bb will be fine...god blessed.

do update us after seeing the gynea.

Hope u r feeling much better now. I jus came across an article in "Cleo" magazine :
"Ditch black tea, forget green tea and start sipping white tea. If you're fighting off infections (especially sore throats and colds), white tea might be a new weapon with which you can wage your battle. While green tea is known to stimulate the immune system to fight off flu bugs, white tea has been found (in the lab) to have the power to actually destroy the organisms themselves. Researchers at Pace University in New York have found that white tea is ten percent more effective than green in de-activating the virses, bacteria and fungi that cause streptococcus infections and pneumonia. 2 cups a day and you may finally be able to bid goodbye to that sore throat that's been plaguing you for weeks."
hope the above helps.

welcome back...nice to see u here again.
true also... sometimes I see tat woman are too cautious also......
my hubby also a safe driver... he believe in defensive driving... which I also try to practise... sometimes I also can be very reckless! *guilty* :p

think in S'pore everyone is rushing... maybe tat's why....

Thanks you so much ! I feel better after confiding in you gals!
I bought a book written by a nutritionist
called How To Balance Hormones Naturally
is all about how natural diet can combat infertility, endo, fibroids , PMS etc.....
is really worth buying to me!

some sharing frm the book:

magesium, calcium
Vitamins B complex, GLA are essential to we women
REFRAIN from Sugar at least a couple of weeks
hv plenty of wholegrains, fruits n, nuts n vege EVERYDAY!
limit meat( chicken, beef n pock) to once or twice a week

Vitamins A, C n E are also very essential to our hormones balancing
they are essential anti oxidants to us!

so ladies,
let's grab a good multi vits nw if any of us hv nt do so!!

ok, will show u gals bk on 28th ;D
hi sneaky,
u feeling better?
try not to take sugary drinks cos it will give you more phlem.....
you can also make some soup:
Nan2 Xing4
Bei3 Xing4
Wu1 Hua1 Guo3
Yu4 Zhu2
White Fungus
add a pc of lean meat and boil for 2 hrs. Drink the soup.
If you want without meat, sweet version.... add dried tangerine ( dunno wat is this called. it's looks like orange... but dried and flatten)
THanks for all the warm welcome girls and i look forward to meeting you on 28th March too.

Hello Sandy!! Sure i remember you but kind of pai seh cos i haven't been making contact in the other thread....totally lost! R u still active there? I'm very happy that i'm seeing you again soon hehehe.
to add on:
SUGAR, especially refine white inded can disrupt our homones level
so gals, let's try to refrain frm it as less as possible
for me i gt a sweet tooth, loves desserts esp ice cream,cakes n mudpies
so i got to refrain frm it esp nw TTCing
elmo - Dont be sad yeah! can understand your feeling. I even more suay then u ah. Few yrs back when i got my car the first day i got scatch liao (narrow carpark lor) i oso very heart pain n almost cry ah
Did u buy the touch up paint for the car or u can ask your service advisor t do it for u. (mine i sent for touching up the next day n its free)
Hi Juliann,
think I'm postphoning my trip... so add me in


Hi meimei,
yes... I normally have very bad cramps when AF come... but last 2 cycles much better ... now can survive without painkillers... thanks to the vits that I've been taking.... but I heard tat clomid can cause cramps... so a bit worried...cos I scared it will be like my cramps last time..... very painful until I cannot stand....
sure or not?
Then i lend u my hammer, hahahaha.... make sure it lands on his head ah!


Next time we see a bad male driver, maybe we shd loudly comment, no wonder lah, its a MALE driver, MEN are careless and reckless by NATURE!

Oh Elmo, come to think abt it, thank goodness u didn't jam break! U could have been hurt! Actually means your reflexes and driving skills are pretty good leh, heehee! Once our car got hit on the windscreen by a flying pebble (i think), i got quite a fright, while hubby almost jam break too... lucky he didn't or sure kena kiss backside, hee, we were on the CTE morning traffic!

your tyre puncture story reminds me of something... hee, last time in hubby's former company, his car will ALWAYS kena punctured on Valentine's Day, heehee!
I think its more than a coincidence, happened on 2 V-days, hee... he changed job by the 3rd V-day, else i would expect the same prank to happen, heehee! Dunno is it he got secret admirer want to sabo his V-day with me, heehee, cos that time i always go and wait for him at his office downstairs, so everybody in his office seen me b4 and knows he is taken, heehee... both times he found big nails in his tyre, must have been placed on the ground in front of the tyres... i wonder who is the prankster?

I dun agree the saying 'women are bad drivers'leh...yes they may be slow cos they are cautious mah...u see most of the drives who got into accidents...who are they?mostly men leh!!I think most men drive quite fast(dun ask me why but this is their instinct!
)and this often lead to accidents....

sometimes when my hubby drive me out..and i complain this driver in front drive so slowly....i sure say'woman driver alamak'..but when i look at the driver when we overtook the car...most of the time the driver is male!!some look like ah pek..some wear spectacle 'tu tu'kind..some cos they are happily chit chatting hence hog the whole lane....

I can boldly say I drive better than my hubby leh...a lot of times he gives me heaart attack..like jam break suddenly...nearly hit car etc etc...this never happen to me....

but i seldom drive his car cos it was a gift from his dad and new car (when we bought a year ago)scarly got anything happen i got to pay for it...not worth....
so just enjoy being chauffered ard...
I've managed to resize the attachment for the hand massage ..... take alook and it's no harm trying .....
hi confused,
I sent mine to the workshop for knocking and spray paint liao.. cos there's a slight dent and some of the paint got scratched off.... so it's a bit uneven
they charge me almost $300.

yours so good ah.... but mine got to knock so the surface can be smoothen again...

drink camomille tea b4 ur AF,
oh you can drink later, it really helps in soothing abdomen area
also refrain frm salty n sweet food these few days, it really helps in less cramping!

hee...so happy to see u joinig us for dinner ;)

welcome JenTan
i doubt any ladies will agree with the saying that "women are bad drivers!
Dun u just hate such gender stereotyping! Hee... i enjoy being chauffered too!

i suspect those nails my hubby encountered are dropped off from those heavy vehicles leh...if not how can a big nail be present on the road?

hehe u so cute...tot that might be some secret admirers...

haha i did hear Zoe tay's fans stuff a carrot into Fann Wong's exhaust!!that is too much leh...

hubby promised me he would go learn how to change a tyre....actually he did know a bit..but he was in his blue uniform yesterday evening and didn't want spoil his image...*puke*
oh talking about suay, I think I can be quite suay ..... that day was driving home & going into the car park with HB then suddenly hor got one stone flying from no where and hit our car, my hb very worried so we quickly parked then examine the car..... guess wat .... we saw a dent on the bumper ..... was very shocked and trying to look around to see who is the idiot who throw the stone .... then we found out that it's bunch of children playing and throwing things at each others ..... when hb went to confront the kids they all denied that they've thrown the stone ..... ah yah also quite suay hor .... also can kena dent in the car park .....

you mean u have cramp when taking clomid or just your normal menstration cramp??for me clomid does not really have much side effect on me except blur vision...I have consumed my fourth cycle of clomid so now waiting for AF to show up..this cycle didn't BD on alternate days as before...cos hubby felt'quite upset'of his low sperm quality..
but it is okay..we have take things easy...

so bad??!!at least you knew who threw the stone!
we had a dent caused by a dropping big stone on expressway and really dun know who to be responsible for that....only count ourselves 'suay'!!

those kids really...like rascals..sometimes when i think of those ill bred kids...i suddenly tot of not having one....
the other thread is still as active as b4.. in fact we r having another meet up @ my house on Good Fri (25 Mar)... would U be free to join us then, we got new and old members joining us..

I most probably will do HSG after the 5th cycle of clomid if i still don't strike....

but the feeling of inserting that dye freak me out...my gynae won't be doing it so he recommend me to go TMC to do....
