A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


not he is not 'mata'but guy in light blue uniform-airforce...he was having his reservist this week mah....

hi choo/meimei,
ah? No cramps?? REALLY? So happy!!!!... I worry myself for nothing..... silly me!!! *knock knock*
blur vision? it is very bad?
hi choo,
I think maybe u can consider taking a short break during your fertile period... i think both of you shd relax and revive your passion for each other...

I think the most impt is still the 2 of you... dun get too stressed ok? *saiyang*
hah so serious, u thinking of not having one jus becos of the playful children ... dont' think like that lah, not all kids are as noti .....

i think maybe i gotta change my name from xmm to sbs = si bei suay .....
i had my HSG after my 3rd course of Clomid...

the feeling of injecting the dye is just like you're having yr 1st day of AF.. U can feel the dye flowing when the doc ask U to turn from left side to right side.. that's all my dear.. dont freak out.. me support U..

my gynae did not perform the HSG for me, it is the doc at TMC X-Ray Dept that did it for me..
Those heavy vehicles very horrible.... left so many "weapons on the road".... I also kanna hit by small stones before.... I think the TP shd do something abt it....if yesterday i ganna hit on the windscreen and got into an accident, I sure complain until they siao....
I often see those big lorries overloaded... that the things they are carrying are dropping as they travel... sometime, they even exceed the vehicle allowable limit....

hi xmm,
the children so notti ah! so HORRIBLE!
hi choo,
dun think like tat.. at least we know tat we will be responsible parents to teach the kid right from wrong... so doesn't mean your kids will be like tat.....
elmo.. me no blur vision oso.. choo can help u on this ;p think its varies for some people lor.. hopefully u will not have the side effects too

me plannin for a short trip but duunop when is my fertile period leh.. so sianz
oh light blue uniform! I see!

No... Choo, next time u see ill-mannered kids, u tell yourself, u will do a better job at parenting next time!
Sandy, cafe, hopeful, and all who underwent HSG b4,
Can i ask something? I was thinking of going by myself, hubby's schedules is quite tight, shouldn't pose any problems hor? The cramps and allergy(if any) won't be so bad until i can't go home by myself hor?

u all believe in Organic food?

seems like alot of gals here doing HSG,

the book say:
the main reason that cause blocked fallopian tubes are common cause of infertility,
most frequently arising after abdominal surgery because of scarring and adhesions,
especially those hv pelvic immflamtory disease, endo n fibroid history

solution to balance hormones eat more alkaline form food/diet
health of eggs, our eggie in ovary

take Vitamin B comples, esp B1, lack of B1 will inhabit ovulation

Naturally, so u continue take ur GNC Vit B complex everyday

of cos must comes with natural food source too
naturally: i did not feel any discomfort at all after the HSG. Mayb i m the lucky one did not hv any allegery like mrs tan. infact my hb was bz on tat day so he sent me to the clinic & i was alone doing the test & he pick me after that. i went bk to work the next day.

b4 the procedure, i was told to take 2 pills & then wait for the doc to perform HSG. only feel abit painful during the procedure but its juz last abt 5 - 10 minutes (pretty fast).
thanks for the reassurance, u've been wonderful!
Okie, then i suppose i shd be fine!
I'll just watch out for any allergic reactions then! At most scare the taxi-driver lor, heehee...
Thanks Valerie :)
Wow, so many posts as usual .....
Sandy...tks for informing, guess i have to miss it cos usually PH and wknds, me will nua at home w hb kekeke. I hope you gals enjoy yourselves v.much!

Anyone here is seeing gynae from SGH? my mum's a nurse in O&G and feels that it's better i go n see a gynae at her hospital. Hmm, actually i'm v.reluctant becos it's kinda strange for me and i try to avoid potential gossip in case me or hb got probs...

Now for TTC, i'm just taking SHaklee GLA complex (but didnt know it should be avoided after O!) and guardian pharmacy folic acid. Very sluggish BD in my 1st cycle, no wonder no good news!

will try n post more.
elmo - oic. Maybe he charge u on the knocking. If its not serious resparying, u can try asking him not to charge for it. And it oso advisable to buy the paint so that u can do it yourself (*touch wood* if your car get scratches)

Hee! my service advisor good hor!
naturally dear..
it will be alright if U r going alone.. my discomfort only comes when i reached home..

u r so lucky no discomfort after HSG.. wat pill did the doc give U?? me don't have anything to take leh...
your ah girl sure looks like a very active kid, the hair like wet with perspiration hor?
So cute and cheeky! And i think she looks quite tall, is she? Takes after u or hubby? thanks for sharing!

okie, i'm just a bit scared cos u all mention cramps and allergy, but now i fang xing liao...

yes, she's very active..both hubby & myself are equally tall, think just 3cm diff...my girl is abt 90cm as at yesterday...

wat is HSG? I was think if i try again and still cant get pregnant, how ah? I dont even know all the term (IVF, IUI, HSG ...)

cafe - Wow! u very brave cos can tahan the pain. hope that you can make it.

Hello Jen Tan

Can understand your feeling. Maybe u can talk to your mum abt this. My gynae is at Mt E
naturally dear..
maybe i m just 1 of the unlucky case after HSG..

btw, when r u planning to go for yr HSG? i think better consult yr gynae..
Wah, then i must really "look up" to u liao, hee... i very the short ah!
She'll be a long-legged beauty when she grows up, so nice! Hmm... i dunno how tall is my niece leh? Okie, next week i go measure her, ha! But i know she got big feet, heehee... compared to her older sister, maybe must bind her feet ah, heeheehee!

u'r so funny..today feels very moody, don't know why..u're the first person who made me smile..

My girl will be long-legged with big feet and of course i hope she can be a beauty lor..however, i take a closer look at myself....sigh...
i will arrange an appt once af comes this weekend. Hope to have it done once af clears. And then try naturally until June (cos i'm planning a holiday in June), if no news, July i'll go for IUI.

The other alternative is to have HSG and IUI done together next cycle, assuming i strike, then i might just be over my 1st trimester when i go holiday... but then again... i think i would prefer not to be preggie while on holiday, so no point to rush lor.

My plan okie or not?
I think any mother will smile when talking abt their beloved babies!

aiya, its okie to have bigger feet when one is tall, but then my SIL and BIL are average height, so hor, not proportionate for my niece to have big feet leh, heehee! So funny, fretting over feets, hee! Okie lah, i going to grab lunch now!

Hmm, why u sigh when u look at yourself? Too pretty liao har? heeheehee!
your girl looks so happy in the pic ..... she must have plenty of loves from people around her .......... umm can see that she has long limps .... so next time maybe a super model ...... i very envious .........
wow.. u've already planned liao.. but u have to see yr gynae agree to let U go for HSG + IUI.. U haven't try Clomid b4 rite?? schedule an appt with yr gynae and see his/her pro advice.. ke ke ke..
sandy: i also dunno lei....... the nurse juz pass me 2 pills for me to take b4 procedure. wen u did the HSG, did the doc do x-ray of ur womb for you??

naturally: according to my gynae i muz wait for my af to clear first b4 doing HSG. this is to ensure tat we are not preggie as HSG also comprises of x-ray of our womb (for me, the doc did for me HSG first following by x-ray on my womb)

confused gal: HSG is a procedure that able to check whether our fallopian tubes are block or not? If our fallopian tubes are block, this could be the reason that we might not be able to get preggie. hope my explanation is correct
yah sandy, will do step 1 once af clears: visit gynae and schedule HSG. I dun think gynae will object lah, otherwise i change gynae lor! haha, just kidding, of cos i will listen to pro advice first...
Are u feeling i'm rushing into things? i've been thinking abt this for a long time liao, hubby so laid back abt this, (i think inwardly he is also afraid to know if we might have a problem, so no wish to take further action) if i follow him same pattern, we wait until i menopause also no kid, hahaha! And i sure dun want to wait that long!

U know wat he say when i mentioned abt seeing an infertility expert for IUI? "Why do u think u are infertile?" I mean, must i wait til 10 yrs later before he wants to consider we might have a problem?! By then will be really chopped, signed and confirmed liao... So might as well do something abt it NOW... while we are still relatively young! I did a calculation, if i conceive now, our kid will only be 18 when daddy retires at 55... i dunno if we'll be comfortable enuf financially for me to stop work too (tat's my thinking lah, retire together with him and go see as much of the world as we can before we die!
) But if kiddo is still young, then can we afford to retire so early? Can we even live to see kiddo get married or have grandchildren?!

Sorry ah, dunno why i'm so lor soh, did i bore anyone with my ramblings?
don't sigh, she's beautiful .....she's a sweet girl...... she's an Angel .... she has brought happiness to u & your family ....
u very the humble leh! Okie, i wait til i see u in person first, then i help u predict whether your girl will be long-legged beauty or not!
actually i've this guy in my company who is 57 years old but his boy is only doing "O" level this year ...... so he can't retire till his kids has graduated from study lor ..... quite scared that this will happen on me ......... i also wanna retire before 55 ........ so got to jia you to have bb early .....
cafe - thanks. oic. u mean after trying for few mths n still dont have baby, i should oso go for HSG? Sorry to ask u tis type of question cos i dont know who to ask leh.
I not pretty since complexion no good, so u can't be worst then me.... please don't laugh at me when you see me ...... I hope all the mei niu here don't puke when they see me .... I m already very gek sim with my face liao & it took alot of courage for me to step out of the house ..... I got hormonal change/ imbalance now .... previously I used to have very good complexion .......
i can understand yr anxiety in getting preggie cos we have been TTC almost the same time..

i feel tat u can do HSG but need not rush into IUI.. maybe U can try Clomid for 1 or 2 courses and see how it goes..
yah! precisely! and i'm only talking abt 1st child leh... if i were to have more, then we might have to work until the youngest one is old enuf to find a job! then i no need to think abt huan2 you2 shi4 jie4 liao!

sorry if i've missed out any postings, but why are u experiencing hormonal imbalance? due to AF?

i become this 'pattern' due to medication for endometriosis..put on so much weight & face look so SWOLLEN all the time, gynae also said hormones problem..

maybe on our gathering, two of us shd sit at a separate table..Ling is pregnant, better don't make her puke...
okie sandy da jie, i won't rush into IUI, i'll wait for 3-4 mths, dat's not called rushing right?
I dunno if clomid will improve anything, as each time i do scanning, gynae thinks my follicle size is okie... clomid basically induces and strengthens ovulation right? So i thot maybe the focus shd be elsewhere for our case... like my fallopian tubes, hormone level tests, hostile mucus, or spermies... hope gynae can give us an snswer! Men so good, there's only 1 simple test for them to do (SA)!
i dun know also, I went to the skin doc, he jus told me that i got hormonal imbalance problem and the sebaceous gland is very active and alot of oil secreted so resulted in clogged pores ...... and white heads now .......... I not sure is it becos of the EPO that I've consumed or is it due to the stress of having BB .........

Yah, agree that I should sit far away from ling & other mei niu since afraid that their appetite will be affected .......
dun worry, i think u should be ok after u r well and then stopped the endo medicine .... look at Khim Ng, she used to be on some medication due to some sickness and her face was bloated then, but now u see, she's as pretty as before .......
confused: i did HSG is because of my recent miscarriage. i did not request to do HSG but it was my gyane who referred me to do it. he did mention that thru HSG, he might b able to find out the cause of my miscarriage. however, no conclusion so far as to what causes my miscarriage

confused, dont worry lah, if u hv ever preggie b4, i think ur fallopian tubes are ok juz like me
r u going to try this cycle???

i tried exercising (aerobics) 3 times a week, 1hr per session, cut down on my food, for 3 mths liao, still didn't lose a gram, lost hope liao...and now i try to eat well since i'm TTCing, think i'll remail so fat forever..just hope i won't get any fatter...

hee... sorry if we made u confused with all the abbreviations! But i dun think u need to worry at all, u are seeing a specialist at Mt E, u're in good hands!
And also, if u were able to conceive before, it means u have at least 1 good fallopian tube, and u will conceive again if no other complications!
Unless u want to opt for IUI, then u must go thru HSG to make sure tubes are not blocked, otherwise, no need.

(IUI is done by inserting washed sperms into the uterus on the day of ovulation, and if necessary the woman also has to take injections to make sure egg is good.)
