A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

i thot i'll just give nature a little push...

Nature is taking too long to grant me a bb, methinks she almost forgotten abt me! I have tried long enuf, now is the time i turn to medical science for a little help...
We both had our checkups done, can't find anything wrong (sometimes i wish there's something wrong, so at least we can work towards solving it), i guess we are the so-called unexplained infertile couple? Who knows maybe we'll discover the true cause during the IUI process?
Besides, me and hubby are not that young... i just want to maximise our chances while we are still, well, relatively young! Wish me luck!

heeheee.... my phobia is not with the colour of the chicken, but with the head and the feet... must be that time too traumatised when i had to chop off chicken head and feet, heehee....

hi xmm,
wat sort of improvement u wan?
i noe bee pollen does improve complexion but never tried before... but those who are general more senitive (skin, eye, etc) shd not take.... preggy also I think better dun take.
sandy, u can also try kampung chicken.
i like black chicken leh..... i like the drum and thigh.... i used the maggi soya sauce as dips .... very nice!
i asked the chicken seller to chop off the head and feet and throw away.. ke ke ke

i understand how U feel.. we've been trying for almost the same time since we got married till now.. btw, have U done HSG b4?? maybe can ask yr gynae opinion on HSG b4 trying out IUI?

let's jia you together..
u mean kampung black or normal white chicken?? less fat for kampung chicken, rite??

i tried dipping with the "dang gui" soy sauce but still cant tahan the taste.. ke ke ke
hee sandy....
my dad helpin out in a medical store near Fu Lu Shou complex, the shop business is good cos alot of mediacopr celebraties always go there n buy the chinese goods like ginseng, birdnest etc....

my dad say hor birdnest actually got chemical or chlorine stuff added to preserve the freshness n make it white n pure
so better dun take too much

hee....before married, i always drink manuka honey with apple cider vinegar
it really helps n detox n complexion
can take active UMF manuka honey. is very good for health n complexion cos contain antioxidants
hi sandy,
kampung white chicken.. it slightly smaller than the normal chicken.
Yes... less fats and the meat is tougher....but healthier.
hi ling,
bear wif it....ms will be over soon!!!!

hi sneaky,
hope yr cough and sore throat will recover soon!!

hi mrs tan,
come come come join us....it has been quite a while since we last met up.

hi hopeful,
kindly update cd 1 as of today for me....af came visit me this morning.

hi juliann,
me same as you....today cd1 so let's remind each other on our ovulation day ya...
Gathering change to 28th March Monday 7:00pm
Venue: Joaquim at Suntec Level 1

Pls add your name to the list...
mei mei
Loving (need confirm again)
xmm (to be confirmed)
Mrs Tan (to be confirmed)

Total no: 18
hi val..
me seldom drink birdnest.. ke ke ke

hi elmo
onz la for kampung white chicken.. taste and look better than black chicken.. i still got 1 more packet of the 'bu tang', will try with kampung white chicken this time round.. ke ke ke..

girls, today is my CD 24 but i got this crampy feeling since this AM.. dunno why.. still early for AF to report leh (hope it is gone for 9 good months..ke ke ke).. can anyone help?
mrstan: i hope you don't mind
i was so excited for you...personally, i prefer a girl as my 1st child...but it really doesn't matter at all...i have no pressure for now cos my in-laws have 1 granddaughter and 1 grandson already...

elmo: orh..okay...i trust that the med is safe cos it's prescribed by gynae and he said it's safe for preggies...

classy: i also hope to get well soon..."heng xing ku"....cough until abdomen pain pain...
ok, understand what you mean, since me in the same boat too. I always thought that you have only tried for a few months only. All the best to you then!
Ling! hahahha. why u interested in where i stay? want to give me a lift har? Hehe

By the way, some many mths back... think in Dec 04, i saw someone look like you at Hougang Ave 7, at a bus stop.... maybe i see wrongly. Hehe...
Sandy, Ling,
Can we still drink bu tang after ovulation? Last time when I see the chinese physician, she ask me not to take bu tang after O leh??
for those who are TTC, hv u tried taking royal jelly?

my hubby just reminded me that when we were trying for no. 1, tried 4 cycles didn't strike, then the nurse from my gynae's clinic told me to take royal jelly, i took it from CD 1 and i strike!

Just went to Unity to buy 3 bottles...hope next mth can strike.
i got alot of small zips on my face and i think it's called white heads so i'm hoping that drinking the manuka honey or pollen honey can help ......

Oh, so all of u now know that i'm so ugly, right?
so can i still be considered part of the TTC Mei Niu team ........

so honey with apple cider vinegar can help in complexion, hah? do u think it can help in healing those zips on my face?
so where can i get this sort of active UMF manuka honey?
helo ladies.. ;)
sibeh sian in office.. goin to doze off liao but bz with work..

jenifur.. glad u ok nw ;) take care huh..

sneaky.. alamak.. quick make some honey water drink..

mrstan.. u're very welcome to join us.. keke
hopeful: Bu Tang is just for making ur body more healthy... if u are taking special medication, of cos differ.... of cos Bu Tang u cant drink everyday... once a week.. is good enuff..

Manuka: keke i go to Hougang. but Ave 7? cant be.. usually i drive.. kekeke... if of cos i am driving on 28 March and its convenient.. i can send u back lor..

i dunno since nw TTC can take apple cider vinegar or nt
so better take Manuka honey with water only
the honey with UMF property is antioxidants
hmm...u can chk out from GNC or takashimaya food basement, gt one stall selling Manuka honey
xmm.. u show ur pic b4 ah? i didnt see it leh..

manuka.. we stay very near by leh.. me at ave 5 :p *hint hint mummy (ling)
Roayal Jelly ..... i suddenly see the light, ok, I'll go get it from Unity this eveining after work .... I hope it works ....

the royal jelly u bought, is it in pills or liquid form? sorry hor, i abit swuah kuh ...........
for those of you who use saliva OPK, have you all ever test even after O? And anyone still see fern pattern after O? Today me already CD19 but still see fern pattern leh, I dunno what is happening. By right should be after my O liao, since my temp already raisen. Anyone can help?
no lah, I've not shown my pic before since i not pretty mah ...... u'll see me on 28 Mar lor (provided that i can make it too)....

thanks, I'll check the manuka honey out .....

hehe its ok. eh btw when u cough, try to control the strength of coughing hor..cos when i was coughing like mad last week,i was worried sick whether the impact is too strong on the womb area. so i try to cough gently...
so it means we can ovulate anytime one hah, I tho is usually between CD10 to CD16 ..... eventho there's no more discharge?
sorry i very confused now ..... since it could means i've been BDing at the wrong time since previously I'd stopped BD after CD16 ..... no wonder no BB .......
Please clarify.
XMM: it varies from person to person... some O from 10-16.. some O later... cant be sure on which day.. so some will use saliva OPK to look out for the fern.
ok, thanks.

Hmm... this saliva OPK is driving me crazy and making me very blur, don't know is it reliable a not. I think I can forgo this cycle and start again next cycle. I give up trying to make sense of it and trying to detect when I O.
thanks for the clarification .....so must really "anyhow do anyhow strike"
i think if i didn't manage to conceive this time, I'll buy the OPK to test for O ...... oh god, please give me a bb .... i don't wanna see "red" this GoodFriday ......

Oh ladies,
Can anyone tell me which type of EPO is good - cold pressed or fresh?
I very confused since Unity girl tell me cold pressed is no good but the GNC girl say cold pressed is better - but cold pressed seems to be cheaper than the other in terms of pricing .....
for me, my EPO is supplied by MIL so she buy Blackmore brand for me - I think it's non-cold pressed ........ but i not sure if i should ask her to change if cold pressed is better.....
better take good care of ur health
heard that cough can drink fruit juice to heal faster
u may try that?
ask ur mum or MIL

well Good Friday is the day Jesus die n alive for you
sure He will bless u with a bb in His timing if you believe
Can u check the internet to see which type is better? I hate EPO (gives me pimples) so i also dunno which is better? Hmm... i have a old bottle of EPO from gnc which says "cold-pressed"... i think u're right, gnc recommends cold-pressed EPO.... but dunno if it is indeed better, can check and post here for us?

when i took EPO, somehow i put on weight, some frens also have the same experience, now i switched to Shaklee GLA, find it better.
mummy ling.. must take care too hor.. drink honey 1st.. keke

xmm.. mei2 oso not pretty.. plump plump.. still very thick skin join the gathering..keke :p wahahaa *got feeling later kena whack liao
hah, EPO gives pimple ....... oh, no wonder I got so manay zips now ...... I only start with EPO last month since MIL force me to take as she thinks EPO will help in regulating mens & ovulation ....... I didn;t know that it's bad for skin ...... i tho it's becos i too stress to have bb, that's why got so many zips .....
I only know that i seem to put on weight after taking EPO since it's oil .....

ok, i'll try look out for more info on EPO n let you gals know .....
Hi gals,

I just dicovered that doing a HSG test can increase our chances of getting pregnant.

'Although the purpose of the hysterosalpingogram is not therapeutic, sometimes forcing dye through the tube will dislodge any material which blocks it. A number of women have become pregnant following a hysterosalpingogram without further treatment'

Hi Xmm,

Here's some info on HSG,

This test is done in your radiology department, where radiographic dye is injected into your uterus vaginally. Your uterus then fills with this dye, and if your fallopian tubes are clear - this dye will spill into your abdominal cavity.

This can determine whether your fallopian tubes are open or blocked - and can determine whether your blockage is located at the junction of the tube and uterus - proximal or whether its at the end of the tubes - distal.

This test lasts approximately five minutes, but time may be extended since this is usually done in the radiology department, and there may be additional forms/questionnaires to fill out.

Normally, results are immediately available - and xrays can be reviewed right after the procedure, along with your physician. If there are any complications, it could be allergic reaction to the dye - which is a very common reaction, and the symptoms are usually no more than a rash
