A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

manuka & mrs tan,
please join us on 28th mar if u can ..... i m also trying my best to make it .....
anyway, how can u resist not meeting up all the TTC MEI NIUs ...........

valerie & TTC2,
i also curious about the various gynae charges .... can PM me?

Mrs Tan,
i was thinking of sending u PM to ask u abt IUI (i hope i didn't remember wrongly?), but i made a impt discovery! We got married on the same day leh! Sandy's wedding dinner also held on the same day, though her customary was 1 day earlier...
Hee... next time we can remind each other when our anniversary is coming....
hey elmo! that lemon and honey drink is my favourite!
that's why i name my nick MANUKA... *yum*yum*
now i change from lemon to Apple cider vinegar - to cure my constipation...
but now i preggie, i dunno whether i can continur with the vinegar.... :p
so i only drink manuka honey for now... *yum*yum*
now tat U mentioned then I realised that Mrs Tan also got married on 21.12.2003.. ke ke ke..

me too wants to ask Mrs Tan more about her IUI procedures.. ke ke ke...
oh dear, pai seh pai seh!!

Then who has a 2 yr old daughter har? VVF??? haha, i hope i got it right this time!

Yah, the sweet little girl is motivation for me... but i hope my daughter next time will know how to "apply brakes", hahaha! U know my niece will run over to hug people, without slowing down! I feel like i'm hit by a train like dat, hahaa!
hi xmm,
yes... Manuka honey is a bit pricey... around 30-40 per bottle. But, it's very effective.... normally if I'm coming down with a sore throat, I will drink about 3-4 glass of that, next day will recover.... other honey (australia pure honey - abt 15-20) can work as well, but it's not as effective...... got to drink more....
I think it's becos Manuka honey contain more properties

Hi Manuka, mine too!
hi manuka, the lemon is for Vit C which helps to speed up recovery.... whenever I feel a flu coming... I always pop 1000mg of vit c to boost my immune system..... very effective.....
Apple cider vinegar is for health reason.... not sure whether preggy can drink that also....
hi Val,
sure we can talk abt the gynae expenses separately.. but can u change your profile so that I can PM u? Or you wanna PM me?

is there really someone from this thread who work at KKH?? din know that man... :p
your niece is really a sweetie pie....she's so adorable!!

poor gal.....do take good care ya!!!hope u'll recover soon.....
XMM & valerie,

thank you two...i will try my best to make it.

Naturally & sandy,

wah lau u all got dam good memory hor? ya correct, my wedding date was 21.12.03 but ROM was 18.10.03. Hey i'm more than glad to share with u all abt IUI! esp the pain and all...hehehe...kidding lah, dont want to scare u. maybe we can talk during the gathering on 28th?
XMM and Val,
thanks for the invite to the gathering... was telling val that transport home for me a bit difficult.. hehe... but she offer to give me a ride leh...
I can't confirm now... will let you all know again...

Hello n morning gals

i juz came back from my check up. Hooray! My gynae say i'm ok liao (inside empty liao) n can start ttc in 2 mths time. i'm so happy right now n i'll start a new life.

Hi juliann

Dont be sad yeah! All of us jia you together ok? Be positive n i m sure we can make it one day.

Hi loving

I dont know whether can detox your body now leh. I was told to take more bu3 for abt a mth leh (to make our womb more stronger) Doctor still ask me to take folic acid n a supplement provided by him.
Mrstan: welcome u to join us on 28... pls come.. ekkeke.. u arent gng to sit there keep quiet with me ard.. whahahaha
Mrs Tan,
Great, we'll talk more during the gathering then!

Btw, its not that we have good memory, i went into your profile to try to PM u, but u dun accept PMs, and then i saw your wedding date lor! :p
haha Ling...ok ok...u chattterbox pattern lah?? haha.

oh ok...ya i also dunno how to activate the PM thing leh.
i'm happy for u, so we can jia you together .........

how can u feel left out since u r the kai1 xin1 guo3 .....
lol xmm & confused.. kekek. no lah. hubby on course cannot call n disturb lor.. haiz..... MS... kns.. dun talk abt it.. siao one.. happy happy puke.. kao.. dunno wat the bb wants.. haiz
junk food ok.. proper meals puke out.. kaoz..
water oso now puke.. haiz. dunno drink wat liao
i know la.. try drinking some lukewarm water to ease yr throat irritation.. will pray to ask MS to leave U far far away... take good care ok..
Elmo & Manuka,
can i ask if this manuka can help in improving complexion ..........?
from your experience, do u think it really helps?
i m taking normal NZ honey and not sure if wanna switch to manuka ......
but where can i buy these manuka honey - can recomend me the brand also the place where i can get good deal ??

yes, i do agree wif elmo that extra vit C 1000mg can help rid sickness but i think preggie women have to becareful with the dosage .......

oh then u must be very xing1 ku3 lor since puke out proper food ..... then stomach must be empty too ..... then bb may be hungry hor .......
gotta take care..........
sandy: bb rejects water.. i drink .. less than 5 mins return back liao...

xmm... kekek.. later gng to take porridge.. gng to stuff it down...
<font face="Calisto mt"> Good Afternoon Ladies.


I'm here. Was on MC since Fri so never log in here loh. Wat u need to ask me? U got my no rite or u can also pm me</font>
hello jennifur,
i hope u r feeling better today!

thanks, so manuka honey is only good for building up body resistance level only ............
xmm - thanks. yalor! we jia you together
n i oso siang3 tong1 liao (no point gan cheong n i think its all fated)very fuuny hor! sometimes want it dont have n dont want it the thing will come naturally. So i take it easy liao
ling - oic. nevermind lor, we chit chat wif u. how abt drinking ribena (not too sweet) with luke warm water?

xmm - u drinking honey? i heard it can help to improve complexion. I'm drinking the Australian brand.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Ling,

Try to take softdrinks or honey water instead of plain water. My Gynae said plain water is too tasteless hence make us feel like puking more.


Tks. Doubt I'll be feeling any better till my 2nd trimester.</font>
i bought the prepacked 'bu tang' from ZTP and cooked last Sun.. taste not bad except for the black chicken.. next time, i tot of replacing it with chicken drumstick or breastmeat instead of black chicken.. very scared to see the black chicken..
<font face="Calisto mt"> Ling,

We can still drink turtle soup now meh? Anyway I also cannot drink, wait only benefit e toilet bowl


If I'm not wrong, black chicken more "bu" leh.</font>

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 16 Mar 05
juliann ........ CD 01
sugarbun ....... CD 03
mei mei ........ CD 05
dawn ........... CD 06
verone ......... CD 06
snowball ....... CD 08
bea ............ CD 12
ttc2 ........... CD 15
xiao mao mao ... CD 17
happybride ..... CD 17
meijia ......... CD 17
aps ............ CD 17
hipee .......... CD 19
hopeful ........ CD 19
cookie ......... CD 20
hopeformiracle . CD 20
nik ............ CD 21
sandy .......... CD 24
bookworm ....... CD 24
jentan ......... CD 26
naturally ...... CD 27
sunny .......... CD 28
loveluis ....... CD 29
badgirl ........ CD 30
december ....... CD 33
angie .......... CD 34
elmo ........... CD 35

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 22/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05
garfield ....... 28/10/05
kelly .......... 08/11/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

how come you thinking of doing IUI? How many cycles have you tried? Have you went for any checkups for both you and hubby? You don't want to start with clomid first?
sandy: u can replace by abt 2 big drumstick.. ekekek.. dun forget to skin it ok.. kekek.. ya black chicken more bu... u dun have to eat the chicken leh.. so just the soup...

jenifur: turtle soup is HOT.. should be able to drink... kekeke... return back.. keke i only return back when the food bb dun like..
<font face="Calisto mt"> Sandy,

I last time also like tt, dun even dare to eat duck meat cuz it's black too. But my mum always force me to eat esp black chicken so jus close eyes &amp; eat lor
i'm taking NZ honey - those creamy looking one now .... but don't find that complexion got improve leh .......
do u find yours better after taking honey?

I think quite a no. of our cycle days are pretty close, so if we really so lucky gana together, then our bb due date will be around the same = Dec 2005 ...... let's us hope for the best ........ Good Luck everybody!
xmm - i only drink honey when i'm having constipation n having pimples. i used to drink everyday but oso no improvement leh. (i oso find it cooling n was told to stop lor)

i did ask the chicken seller to remove the skin for me..

i tried tasting the black chicken but it got 1 funny taste leh.. i will try again this weekend.. ke ke ke

ZTP is the short form for "Zheng Zhong Ping". The full name is ZTP Ginseng Birdnest.. they have branches at few locations.. U can visit their website at www.ztp.com.sg
