A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

bye gals. Going for a swim with hubby at Yishun Safra. See ya.
naturally: i dun puke all day.. only when hungry n eat things bb dun like.. whahaa. i dunno if that considers MS.. kekek..

where is tt jenifur har? MIA.. keke or maybe her MS very bad.. kekeke
hopeful: never jio... kns... tell me mah. i drive there meet u.. whahahaha.. spot check u.. kekekke.. ask ur hubby dun swim so much backstroke.. wait his sperm oso swim back stroke. whgahahahahahah.. :p
Yes dear Ling, nausea during pregnancy equals MS...
Tell u all something... my MIL say she MS thru out her pregnancy, everything she eats comes out, except for oranges?! I dunno if she is exaggerating to show how wei da she is, but my first reaction was to joke back, oh, no wonder your son turned out a bit strange, so it was the oranges, hahahhaa!
Me and BB fine!

A bit MS now... vomit and giddy. So now morning, I try to take some breakfast before I go work...
naturally: i do agree some ppl MS very cham.. like my youngest auntie.. all her 3 Daughter she kena MS.. whaha.. i tell u.. she like practically hugging the toilet bowl. whahaha..
hey girls... forget.. if u all dun drink water n kena UTI .. its not a joking matter.. so better drink water.. ok...
WAH!! see the post till i blur liao... keke
elmo.. dun give up ok..
but i still waitin for ur news huh..

it will be cute if sneaky's bb is really a boy & ling's bb is a gal.. keke

my AF bo liao.. today last day.. keke very fast hor :p already start usin OPKs le.. coz heard take clomid will O earlier huh?? can anyone help me??
I will confirm on the gathering at a later date la.. hehehe... my working place in woodlands.. then have to go all the way to City area.. may be a little rush for me.

Your AF so fast finish liao ah? Only 3-4 days? This is the first time u taking clomid huh? Me first time taking clomid too, today only CD2.. my "fertility monitor" will only ask me to test on CD9 leh.. dunno will be too late anot.
ya sunflower.. my AF finish liao.. think left only abit brown spottin lor.. keke me 2nd time.. the 1st time takin few mths ago.. :p so start usin OPK in case i miss mah.. lol
Hei gals,

There r so much postings ... I m still reading at this moment, can't finish :p

Hi cookie,
Think ur colleague Gynae might be Ling's gynae. Since her one also fr Raffles n expert in infirtility, same expensive.
Good morning!
Please don't be sad and remember must stay positive, ok..........
I sayang sayang u ........
hello XMM,
thanks.. ya think we sould all adopt ling's spirit ---> anyhow do anyhow strike!!!

hello Val,
so you are now with TMC... how is the charges like? although i m not preggie yet but if i really strike, i know i will have to face this gynae prob.. asked HB last night how is the subsidy like and he said not sure... think we just have to call KKH to ask?

Hello Daisy,
Like Val mentioned, maybe you can help regarding the KKH subsidy for the premium package (if any) for regular's wife? Arigato..

Hello Manuka,
So you are now with KKH's premium package? And you get to choose your qynae and stick to it all the time? How are the charges like? Maybe you can help?
And by the way, do you need to go back to KKH everytime you need to check up? they dun have a clinic somewhere that we can go to like others. Sorry, I m really blur abt this... cos first time mah and din read much...

once again, thanks all for the advices...!!!
Hey Gals,
I've just received an e-mail informing that my counter part in Sweden are visiting Spore 28 Mar week so now I not sure if i can make it to our gathering since may need to entertain them ...... so I've changed my status to "to be confirmed" but I definitely would love to join you gals for a crazy nite out ...........

Gathering change to 28th March Monday 7:00pm
Venue: Joaquim at Suntec Level 1

Pls add your name to the list...
mei mei
Loving (need confirm again)
xmm (to be confirmed)
sugarbun: expensive is a thing.. but as long as results are succesful.. i am sure the couple would be very hapy....
good morning!
last night i had abalone soup at my inlaws' leh, heehee.... plus i got to play with my fav niece, so today quite good mood, ha!
This baby siao siao one, she eats EVERYTHING, even ginger! but its the fried ginger lah, so maybe not so hot... but still i'm amazed!! And then she likes people to tickle her?! At first i thot she was running away from me cos i was tickling her, but turned out she was running over to my hubby to ask him to tickle her?! Siao right?

Here's the siao baby's photos, hee...

Okie, i've made up my mind, i shall go to Dr Joan Thong to ask her abt the IUI procedure, once AF comes this weekend!

Never mind, i know u harboured very high hopes this time, so its hard not to be disappointed... but think of it this way, maybe god wants u to have more sex first?!

u take care hor!

u starting battle liao? hee... have fun!
good morning ladies! my cough is still very bad and was worse last night when i slept. my throat is very sore and i'm tired...this is torturous...

naturally, your niece like little princess leh...very ideal...eyes big big with melonseed-shaped face...so pretty..

juliann, it's okay...you can always try again...like what naturally said, maybe God wants you to enjoy more sex first??? think positive okay?
good morning everyone...

i was on leave yesterday.. and within a day so many postings liao.. me haven't finished 'digesting' all the postings.. ke ke ke

u r thinking of going IUI??

thanks for sharing yr bb's heartbeat with us... but curious how come the heartbeat is so fast?
sandy, good morning...

i also don't know why it's so fast. gynae says bb's heartbeat is normally around double of an adult...

Yes, i chose my gynea and i will stick to her all the time and she will stick to me thru-out my delivery.
I haven't decide on which KKH package to take up... but more or less I will be sticking to my gynea at KKH.
The package for my gynea only start from week 16 - package is $520 for 10 visits Then I think got to pay separately for scanning, ward etc.
Haven't really discuss it with my gynea cos still early. Now each visit, i.e. consultation + scanning is about $100+.

Tentatively now, i go KKH each time for visit. But i know they have a KK Clinic @ Sengkang (i think that's the name) newly opened. Its opening hours is especially for working MTBs cos it open during night time and weekends. If u chose a gynea from KKH, you gynea will tell you which day or what time she will be at Sengkang....that's rather convenient for me cos I live in Sengkang, but cos I want to take MC dun want to work mah, so i go KKH during weekdays during office hours! hahahahah
maybe next time stomach big liao too troublesome to go KKH, then i might consider go KK @ Sengkang.
XMM: usually i wake up abt 9plus... ekekek... dunno why.. lately keep eating n throwing.. so sickening.. last nite i went to my friend's shop.... i ate so much n yet never vomit.. till abt 12am, i drink little bit of water, i vomit out.. kaoz.. bb very noti..
TTC2, By the way, i heard from Val that one of the gals here work in KKH...
but i dunno who...
maybe val can let u know and u can find out more from her too...
good good the morning Mommy...

i m sure u r looking forward to every gynae's visit to see yr BB's growing and hearing his/her heartbeat.. feel so excited for U...
sandy, yah loh...to be frank, i really do look forward to each gynae visit. mrstan, whose bb is around the same age as mine (1 day diff) can tell its gender from scan liao. 80% boy leh...so happy for her...
Hi sneaky,
go get some honey water and squeeze 1 lemon into it.
Best if you have Manuka honey (New Zealand) one...
will help with sore throat
elmo: your concoction sounds good...unfortunately, i don't have the ingredients at office...maybe tonight, i'll do it at home...

last evening, MIL actually wanted to make birdsnest soup for me when she saw me like that and heard that my voice broke. i told her don't want, she said nevermind...only takes a while to do it...then i told her...don't waste loh..i'm not feeling well...eat already wasted esp when i'm on medication....i love my MIL a lot a lot!!! she's so lovely...
hello girls!

sorry i not regular here...been really busy this week. Anyway, just wondering if i can join u all on the 28th dinner? but a bit pai seh leh, cos i hardly chat with u all...but i not confirmed yet lah...


hehe..wah u help me "announce" abt my boy ah? haha...thanks leh...u wish for a boy or girl?? am sure if timing and position is right for ur next scan, u might be able to see the sex too!
hi sneaky,
now you must take good care of yourself cos not good to take those cough medication.....
so nice of your MIL.....
Yah, isn't she a doll!

She will be 2 yrs old in exactly a week's time!
Her mummy (my SIL) is pretty mah, so daughter also come out swee swee!
They brought her to a tcs program before, that time she is abt 1 yr old i think, hair still very short, it was a game show where guests were invited to guess which baby is boyboy... got somebody guess that Pearl is boyboy leh! huh! We were all scolding that person while watching tv, heehee!

XMM, your girl is abt the same age hor?
Thank you Sandy..nice of u.

ok i confirm again as soon as i can.

so qiao we same same one...i just recovered from a terrible bout of flu and cough and I sounded like a chao ah kua too! haha..it was terrible cos i refused to take medication except cough syrup and nasal spray for blocked nose. I took 2 weeks to recover u know! just rest and sleep more, thats the most u can do. take care girl.
i think u've mistaken lah, i don;t have any kids lah since jut got married last year ....... but i TTCing for my 1st born now ........... but how i wish i have a bb at this age too ..........and also as pretty as your fav niece

don't give up hope to BD, I think u can try say 1 or 2 days later, let hb rest and ask him to take loads of vit C, fruits & water and abstain from heaty stufff.......

i also wanna Hai Xi ......... maybe u can identify wat r the food or ingredient or scent that make u puke, maybe u can abstain from it .... so maybe u'll not vomit too often ....

honey with lemon is good, heard that manuka honey is really good but can be expensive depending on the quality .......
I think plenty of fluid (water/ juices) is good for u too ..... but maybe it's best to check wif doc since u don't wanna affect bb ......


maybe can give me your email add?
we chat there better abt the gynae expences

if KKH good for u, then stick wif it lor

for me, I prefer so will stick with TMC
hey, want to join the gals here for makan on 28th??

btw please add Piper, she is joining us on 28th

Mrs Tan,
of cos hope to see u join us!!
