A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

i'm thinking that to facilitate the gathering, can someone PM me the contact nos of some of u.... so jus in case if i late or whatever pops out, i can keep u gals informed .....
wow! u all talk so fast, post so fast, i can hardly catch up..me really old liao...

My girl came out 2 weeks before EDD..2 of my frens also delivered their girls 2 weeks earlier...
hi choo,
yes. It's very fast... within the 2 seconds....
actually the recording sneaky sent me was much longer, but the file is 9mb, so cannot post here... I just cut the portion tat can hear the bb heart longer.....

hi confused, not deleting...

hi loving..... nebermind

KKh got subsidy for us, civil servant, i dun really know how much
hee....maybe daisy can help TTC2?
but cannot choose gynae so I never thot of gng there lor
after married, been seeing my gynae at TMC liao

i like their service there though hv to queue esp sat :p

oh my gynae is a female,Dr Eunice Chua
hi loving

Thanks for the welcome. u ok liao mah? btw, are we having the same problem? Actually Me too, a bit scary of getting preggie again. i try not to think abt it.
ya! we must be positive yeah!


u not feeling well ah? Take care yeah!


is your gynae Dr Adrian?
confused: no.. my gynae fro RMG Dr Thong, not Dr Adrian.. but his cck clinic very near my house...

ya kkh subsidy applicable, but u cant choose gynae, if u choose they will not consider as subsidy rates, and delivery, its likely to be a trainee midwife.
i ask kkh before, so kkh never gng to be a choice
i scare later trainee midwife see bb got blood, and she fainted n drop my bb.. i tell u i am sure gng to be very mad...
Hi gals,

I didn't sleep well last nite.

I was tossing and turning in bed wondering if i am having blocked fallopian tubes??

We have been BD-ing very diligently during my fertile period.

I ovulated every month(from OPK results)and my hubby's SA results are normal.Why can't i get pregnant after trying actively for 7 months??

Do you gals think I shld go for HSG??
dun think me same prob on miscarriage.. me on 'technical' prob caused me miscarriage..

but anyway, jus trying to think +ve although me scary to get preg again... but still will work hard then...

how long u rest har?? me jus mc for 1wk...
tml going on leave till sun...
juliann: its all abt timing... have u seen a gynae and did he/she says u have block fallopian tubes? if not, dun anyhow think ok... i had a cyst in Dec, and guess wat.. in Jan... i tried.. i got pregnant... even before tt my gyane mentioned, if i dun get pregnant by May, she recommend me IUI. but i trusted her words, tt we hasnt tried long enuff.. anyway, i trusted her alot... she like betting with me tt i can get pregnant naturally... so same for u... maybe the timing not right, or maybe u arent having a good diet. i guess ur stress in having a bb plays an impt role too.. like me.. i was like u from oct to Dec... praying AF dun visit me each mth... but still it came... Jan, i was busy till i cant be bothered even though i bought opk to test... i tot, aiyah wat the Fish.. i miss the most impt time.. thinking wont kena.. but guess wat... the least u expect it to happen, it happened... its all fated.. maybe ur bb wan to be a doggie instead of a golden chick leh.. u never know.. right..

juliann: if u on clomid, finish ur 6 cycles, then see a gynae who is quite well known for IUI and IVF, cos the higher success rate the gyane has, the chances of u to go through less time for IUI n IVF..
My gynae don't allow me to take any soya product. He said soya bean will affect our fertility. Don't know how true, but since he said that, i stop drinking soya bean milk..
juliann: if u dun mind, i can recommend u my gynae. she goes to Mt E to do patients IVF.. and she is very confident in IUI too. She is funny at times too.. so least worried that she gng to scold u.. kekek.. like when i had an A&E that very friday nite, i called her, she rushed back to hosp. just to check n scan my bb... she was like just came out of shower n her hair was still in mess.. i felt so bad... and guess wat... her A&E charges was far from expensive... only 141 for A&E.. i tot it gng to cost me abomb like 441.. whahaha.. 141 includes 2 jabs, hormone pills, and consulation n scan...
Val... i dunno about KKH subsidy for civil servants like us...but i know KKH can chose gynea
cos i chose my gynea in KKH mah....
maybe like what u all said, if chose gynea means no subsidy but i don't think the subsidy is that much
are you taking any supplements now? If not, can start to take pre-natal vitamins, EPO, Folic Acid and BFW. And can I ask you what is your hubby's SA results? The percentage of morphology? If he wants can also take zinc to improve the quality.

And like the Ling mentioned, finish your 6 cycles of clomid then move on to the next step. You should discuss what's the next step with your gynae and see what he recommends in your 5th or 6th course of clomid. How many course of clomid have you taken?
Hi juliann,

Thanks for the invitation. i paiseh & shy leh (i'm a quiet person) n afraid i cant make it for the outing cos sometimes got last min OT. Maybe i'll try to join u gals for the next outing.

ling - oic. i thought its Dr Adrian n thought of giving u the pills (if its the same)
Ling... for the trainee midwife thingy... don't scare me leh....
if I am not wrong, if u chose the premium package, don't think they use trainee midwife.
I was told if u chose premium package, only your gynea and a few midwife will be with you during delivery and your gynea will be the only one checking on you during delivery instead of those doctors on duty... so its rather exclusive....
i went to KKH's premium lounge (can't remember the actual name) once and found its well furnished and exclusive... look like some Spa with a touch of Zen....
u've got mail too ......

oh ladies,
I got to pack up to go home liao, I'll talk to u gals later when i got home ........
Hi Ling,

I will go for HSG first before considering IUI.

Thanks for recommending me your gynae cos i dun have any gynae in mind with high sucess rates in IUI and IVF.

But i want to finish my 6th course of Clomid,go for HSG before proceeding to IUI.

Maybe like what you have said;we have not tried long enuff.
manuka: i ask kkh before.. tts wat the honest lady told me lor.. but if u choose gynae, meaning ur subsidy will be lesser then the non choosing one.. of cos premium package they wont give u trainee lah...

juliann: ya.. dun give up... there are some gynae good in IUI & IVF.. Nuh has one.. my client got pregnant after seeing him for IUI. but of cos... the price from a not so good IUI to a good IUI is abt 400-2k... of cos.. chances increase when u pay more.. cos the gynae oso wan it to be successful.
Loving - oic. yeah! we have to think positive.
i rested for almost 2 weeks cos my mum dont allow me to work leh. And tomoro going for check up liao. Wow! so nice tomoro going on leave, i was told not to walk too much n u can take tis opportunity to rest at home liao.
Hi Juliann,

I think you too stresseed liao...
Dun "Qi Nei"..... and dun "Hu Si Luan Siang".....
if it makes you feel better, why not ask gynae to check for you?
juliann - My gynae is Dr S C Chew @ Mt E. I was told he very experience gynae n yo! he has a advance machine. (but i not sure whether he experience in IVF) When i was there to seek 2nd opinion he really explain my problem to me clearly. If i happen to get preggie again i'll look for him again.
hi xmm,
me also "Pian Jia Pian jia"(hokkien) lah....
hahahahahaaaaa..... simple things can lah... too difficult then cannot liao...heeehh.heeeheh
hopeformiracle: whahaha.... wahhaa ur hubby bad hor. whahaha.. noti noti...

sneaky: u better rest.... i duno why today, i eat wat, i return wat back to nature.. so cham.. i dunno wat the bb wan oso. haiz...
If you want an experience Gynae, can try mine. He is specialise in sub-fertility and he is the first gynae to succeed in IVF and he sometimes appear in newspaper...
u all balek kampung liao ah?

hihi! How are u, and how's your bb doing? Are u having MS like our Ling and Sneaky? Aiya, u know i have mixed feelings when Ling just said she "eat wat, return wat to nature".... on one hand i say to myself, heng ah! not preggie yet and later i can happily go my inlaw's place to enjoy dinner... on the other hand, i can't help but wonder how it feels like to have MS?!?! siao liao, hahahahaha!
any ideas whether i can 'detox' my body now har??

where is jenifur leh? need asking her something leh... any1 hv jenifur contact?
naturally.. whahahaha.. i not actually got MS leh.. i thik sneaky oso dun have MS.. kekek.. just when i need to eat n i delay, i will like wan to puke.. when i eat something the noti bb dun like, i return back to the toilet bowl.. hhwhahahaa... ya u are lucky to have such nice dinner.. haiz.. i eating bread all day.. cos my FIL made Tuna for lunch n i cant eat..
ling: resting also doesn't stop me from coughing...been coughing throughout the night and throat becomes a little sore liao...irritating dry cough...you still have MS ah??? poor girl...must eat small meals but lotsa of them a day in this case...
