A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

thanks everyone...i will try to think positive and pray hard...

u blame his unhealthy lifestyle? Dun be angry lah, later wrinkles all come out, how?
This is a good chance to make him quit all the unhealthy habits! Look at it this way, he will emerge healthier, and will pass better genes to your future kids, right not? Blessing in disguise...

Choo, i'm same CD as u... dare not hope yet secretly wishing... dun u just hate the 2 waiting weeks!
naturally: i don't deny blaming him for his unhealthy lifestyle and for not listening to me (e.g. wear boxer shorts instead of tight underwear to sleep, bathe his testicles in cold water). ehhh...i don't want wrinkles...i will be happy!

hopeformiracle: IUI is expensive...i hope i won't need to go through that. didn't know conceiving is such a chore!

should i still count CD or track my CM this cycle? wonder if i'll strike with his 1%. shd i still try?
no lah...really hope Sneaky won't feel bad...and I am hoping everyone can really be positive!!

u same CD as me??how come yours not undated?

yup hate the 2WW!!but one hand console myself shd AF comes i just got to work extra hard!(but already very ,very hardworking this cycle leh!!)
hopeformiracle: fwah! you've spent so much? our visit to the gynae this morning had cost us near $400. i feel the pinch too! shd have studied harder to become a gynae leh

choo: you're so sweet! thank you!
Thanks for making us feel positive and knowing everyone is here to support each other. You know I really thought it is the end of the world when I have hard times ttc. Until my friend intro this forum to me and I know I'm not alone.

Don't give out any chance so you should still try even it is just 1%. For me, I know I didn't ovulate this month but I still try. You should track for CD and CM and if you are monitoring your temp, that will be even better.

Hey, my light brown spotting is getting darker, perhaps my AF will come and I can start to ttc again.
hi sneaky,

my fren told me 2 mths ago ... tat she had difficulites getting preggie after her 1st child is born ... after trying for 5 years, she opt to take some sort of 'health supplements' (dun rememeber the name) to booast her health system. she got preggie one mth aftertat ...
good to hear that u have become so positive now, keep it up okie?
well... i scared to see my name on the list, like countdown like dat, stress ah...

My maths lecturer once told us he always got chided by his fellow colleagues for buying 4D. They said why he so stupid, he shd know after calculating, that the odds of winning is small, so why waste $? My lecturer told us this, they are the ones who are stupid, dunno how to interpret statistics properly... cos so long as the probability is not zero, then everybody stands a chance of winning!

So listen to my lecturer hor, 1% chance is still chance, ga ga buey 4D lah!
no worries!!I really hope I can pass my 'positiveness' to all of you here..but I think should my AF come this month I won't cry like past 2 cycles liao...I just have to brush aside at this unsuccessful attempt and look forward to next cycle..

join me lah!since we same CD!!dun be stressed lah!!

me will be seeing the gynae this sat to do my blood test just hope everything will be fine!!keeping my fingers crossed!!
hi ladies,
jus finish catch up all updated...

Choo: u r know everything, also know how to cheer up pple....

Sneaky: dun give up, miracle sure will happened one day..
Hi Sneaky,
If you don mind. Can I know wat med is ur hb taking for better quality sperm.
Just to share wif u, my hb has also low quality 13% WHO but gynae did not subscribe any med immediately too IUI. We r not keen but have decided to try the natural way. I believe that health supplements will be good for us and for lifestyle changes, I tried educating my hb but he does not want to follow... well, so be it. Don want to 'push' him too much.
hi all..me in my CD15 liao..currently doing ovulation test..but till now still no sign of ovulating...kinda stressed!

my chinese physician said both my hubby and I got bad sperms and eggs...worst right?? haha...
i try to take things easy lah..
hi yasmin: i can't remember off-hand...may need to check when i get home this evening. will post the name of the medication okay? at least your hb has 13%...mine's only 1%. that means, out of 100 sperms, only 1 is good...haiz...
<font face="Calisto MT"> <u>For Your Reading Pleasure</u>

Many women are also turning to herbs for fertility and pregnancy support. Below you will find a list of herbs to use - or avoid - to enhance fertility and increase pregnancy health.

Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex)
Chasteberry has the effect of stimulating and normalizing pituitary gland functions, especially its progesterone function. It may be called an amphoteric remedy, as it can produce apparently opposite effects though in truth it is simply normalizing. It has for instance a reputation as both an aphrodisiac and as an anaphrodisiac. It will usually enable what is appropriate to occur.

The greatest use of Vitex Agnus Castus - or Chasteberry - lies in normalizing the activity of female sex hormones and it is thus indicated for dysmenorrhoea, premenstrual stress and other disorders related to hormone function. It is especially beneficial during menopausal changes. In a similar way it may be used to aid the body to regain a natural balance after the use of the birth control pill. Because it is not recommended for pregnancy, many women stop taking it when they ovulate. However, because it can increase progesterone and extend the luteal phase, some women begin taking it when they ovulate. It may suppress ovulation in some women.

Dong Quai
Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis root) is the noted Chinese herb that is used as a blood tonic. It contains micronutrients known for their blood building properties (iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin E). Dong Quai balances estrogen in the body, and is traditionally used in China to regulate the menstrual cycle. Dong Quai is also a blood thinner, and for this reason it should not be taken during menstruation. It may be helpful in improving the chances of implantation for women who have auto-immune problems, but should not be taken if you are already taking "baby" aspirin to reduce blood clotting.

False Unicorn Root
Used for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, hormonal imbalance (balancing effect), infertility, morning sickness, ovarian cysts, spermatorrhea, threatened miscarraige, uterine prolapse. It is a tonic for the reproductive organs, expecially beneficial as an aid to getting pregnant and staying pregnant, has a normalizing effect upon the ovaries. Used in infertility caused by dysfunction in follicular formation in the ovary. Eases ovarian pain and vaginal dryness. Follow directions: Taking too much may cause hot flashes, kidney and stomach irritation, blurred vision or vomiting.

Wild Yam
Wild Yam can increase progesterone production. This can increase progesterone production for those with short luteal phases but should only be taken after ovulation. If taken before it can actually prevent ovulation.</font>
Have read quite abit about Chaste Tree Berry (aka Vitex) peviously...seems quite good....but i can't find it any phamarcy....any gals know where to buy it other than online stores?
hopeformiracle: my chinese physician ba mai and told me that. I was quite surprised that she can accurately tell me my problems....hehe...cos I went to NUH to do a detail check and the results indicated that I suffer from PCO. After that....my aunt introduced me to this chinese physician...so I went and w/o telling her anything..she ba mai and is able to tell me my condition. As for my husband..we went to 2 docs to check which came back with the same results...poor sperm...
Hi Ladies


Hi Dawn
You can get Vitex from GNC. My friend work in GNC and she told me women who plan to get pregnant should not take Vitex so that's why she didn't recommend me to buy.
good morning ladies!

hi garfield: do you happen to know what chinese herbs are good for producing quality sperms? i thought of getting some for my hubby and ask his mum to double-boil it.

yasmin: my hubby is taking andriol and vitamin E at the same time, as prescribed by the gynae.
formiracle: yes, i'm feeling better. both of us did not talk about it at all. he acted as if nothing had happened while i had black face and remained quiet all night. don't know what he's thinking.
My HB is exactly the same as your HB. When Gynae recommended that we do SO-IUI because I cannot ovulate, HB rejected Gynae offer and after that, he acted like nothing had happend and don't want to talk about it anymore. But now after sometimes, just leave it as it is and hope that one day it will happen.
Hi Sneaky,
Thanks for the information. I was thinking of asking my gynae to prescribe my hb with the med if we still don't conceive by end of this yr.
Currently he is only taking folic acid.
Me too spotted CM and have BD.
Me and U on same CD rite.
sneaky, jus relax a bit. dun take it too hard in mind, bcos this cannot rush. maybe need to try to open mind n talking to each other rather than keep quiet to him. guy always like to act nothing happened while gal never open mouth.

like me, always big or small quarrel wif my HB. his can comfort n pamper me thru phone, but his can act nothing happened once home even me never talking wif him.

recently, we also quarrel over abt conceive bb, maybe most of guy dunno well abt woman body system. all will blamed this n that, but never think that prob might be on his side... stress 2
yasmin: are we on the same CD? where is joice ah? no updates leh...

well, i really hope for miracle to happen. like many have said, 1% is still a chance. why guys also need to take folic acid meh? i don't think i hv ovulated. might have spotted the wrong thing

loving: yah i agree that we cannot rush things like this...will try talking to him when time is right.

i've thought about it...and feel it's extremely bad to blame him for he's one of the victims too. if one day i say i'd like to leave him because of that, i think he'll feel like dying...so will i if i'm the one...once i think of that, i will feel very very bad and sorry for him...
not sure if u all are still keen...
I have a friend who wanted very much to conceive after several yrs of marriage. After she took a certian pdt she told me - her and husband she got pregnanat after 2 mths.....she's always spreading the word.i'm not sure what pdt,but if you're keen we can contact.

Duno if my fren olso took the same health package as your fren??
It consists of some chinese herbs supplement (can't remember) ... and cost abt $300 per mth??

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 03 Nov 04
angel .......... CD 04
sandy .......... CD 04
dawn ........... CD 04
hopeful ........ CD 05
Karen .......... CD 13
joice .......... CD 13
tidyfairy ...... CD 16
garfield ....... CD 16
kelly .......... CD 17
loving ......... CD 17
yasmin ......... CD 18
sneaky ......... CD 18
sugarbun ....... CD 19
caf ........... CD 19
choo ........... CD 20
mayng .......... CD 21
pooh ........... CD 21
gebbera ........ CD 23
miso ........... CD 24
tuffy .......... CD 25
mrstan ......... CD 26
jenifur ........ CD 27
snowball ....... CD 27
emon ........... CD 28
meijia ......... CD 28
nik ............ CD 29
hopeformiracle . CD 34
bookworm ....... CD 34
yippy .......... CD 39
happy88 ........ CD 51
JL ............. CD 59
rikku .......... CD 73
Jling .......... CD 83
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
can i ask, missed my period by a week, tried clearblue. result shows one vertical line in result window .... what does that mean?? cos it said negative - horizontal line, positive -cross
You may be pregnant. Why don't you buy the EPT, where it will show "pregnant" or "not pregnant". It is from clearblue too and you can get it from watson or any pharmacy.

I dun know if I have ovulate as I did not test. But somehow on certian I did have CM and it is quite sticky and I did BD on that day. Plus temperature quite high that day also.

Still no sign of AF yet. But I dun think i hit the jackpot as the longest cycle I have is CD43. AF suppose to come this sunday if it is regular this month.

How abt you, any sign liao??
Hi Meijia

I have feeling AF is coming cos I am spotting right now and have a feeling it will either come tomorrow or Friday. Which is a good sign cos I didn't ovulate. Next cycle will Jia You again. So same for you.
nice to see ya!

First i have to ask u, u holding the test kit which way? Shd be horizontal to the floor right? Then maybe it is faulty. Cos horizontal line MUST appear to indicate the test is working. Why dun u test again a few days later (cheap brand like watson's will do). I hope u strike!!!
No luck yet!

Pass me some baby luck when u test positive hor!
Last yr we fret over wedding, now we fret over pregnancy! hee...
Thanks hopeformiracle...didn't know that we should not take Vitex when ttc... tot that it is good for regulating AF.

I replied u in another thread ... ya ... use other cheaper brand to test or wait for another 3 to 4 days than test.

I've the same problem.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 04 Nov 04
hopeformiracle . CD 01
emon ........... CD 02
angel .......... CD 05
sandy .......... CD 05
dawn ........... CD 05
hopeful ........ CD 06
Karen .......... CD 14
joice .......... CD 14
tidyfairy ...... CD 17
garfield ....... CD 17
kelly .......... CD 18
loving ......... CD 18
yasmin ......... CD 19
sneaky ......... CD 19
sugarbun ....... CD 20
caf ........... CD 20
choo ........... CD 21
mayng .......... CD 22
pooh ........... CD 22
gebbera ........ CD 24
miso ........... CD 25
tuffy .......... CD 26
mrstan ......... CD 27
jenifur ........ CD 28
snowball ....... CD 28
meijia ......... CD 29
nik ............ CD 30
bookworm ....... CD 35
yippy .......... CD 40
happy88 ........ CD 52
JL ............. CD 60
rikku .......... CD 74
Jling .......... CD 84
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

hi everyone

ok ok, will try other cheaper brands. actually i'm not ready for a kid now, but hubby is q excited if there's one coming ... sigh ... getting worried. have the symptoms of mensus coming, but dunno why still not here yet!!!
