A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

good morning ladies..
monday blue again.. spread some news to bright up the day.... cheers...

good morning everyone.

hi meijia & ling: why not consult a gynae? I regretted not seeing one earlier and hv wasted 6 months. if there's a problem in either party, at least it's being made known and treatment is given early. I am going to waste this cycle again (I think) cos I am given Clomid and can only start on CD3. therefore, if I had gone to see the gynae 2 weeks earlier, I can start this cyclehope you understand what I'm saying.
Hi Sneaky,

Thanks. I understand what you say. But my husband dun want to see a gynae so early, he want to try it naturally first and will only want to visit a gyane next year if still dun have.
Shirlynn, Do take care of yourself, ok? U need a healthy body for ttc.

Ling, tat's why i tot of having Dong quai.Heard tat it's help to regulate menses cycle.

Can i pass the saliva scope to emon 1st, since she already started ttc since last dec. I'll try to bring back more on my next trip.
hi morning
me too wont strike this cycle coz hb sick & is on medication... sigh!! Will try again next cycle

Jenifur, what abt u?? Any good news?
Hi ladies,

Can I check wth urs wat type of thermometer ur r using to measure the temp? oral one? I m using the one that go into ear canal one, is it precise?
Shirlynn, sugarbun n meijia, I'm so paisey. I'll try again on my coming trip.

Sugarbun, i seen a thermometer that measure basal temp in the pharmarcy before. But it looked juz like another oral digital therometer.
Hi sugarbun,

My gp told me that the thermometer that used to measure our basal temp is just normal thermometer.

Hi Sneaky,

Ya lor, think i better respect him first. Will talk abt visiting the gynae next year then.
ic. I saw the normal digital oral themometer in phamarcy, but couldn't find one that is specific for basal temp measurement, so I wonder is the normal one can be used as well?

I hav been using the ear type for a few weeks, notice that my body temp is very low. Yest, I try to take meas using the oral type n it was quite high ard 36.8C. I m not sure is the ear type is suitable.

How much did u bot it?

Hi Nick,
It's ok.
Me jus bought wif $1.90 only, cheaper bcos raffles hospital phamarcy having up to 99% discount.. unbelievable that cheaper..
Hi bookorm,

Wat is your longest cycle??? You may want to wait till it exceed your longest cycle before testing.

If you are the regular type, then go ahead and test
hi bookorm,
seem like all of us excited to know ur test result leh... so u may be can take a test.. wish u luck in advance, hope u can strike.
i noticed that my CM is stretchy yesterday and today but it's not as clear as eggwhite (looks a bit milky). is this considered EWCM?
Hi Sugarbun

You can buy a BBT thermometer from any pharmarcy but you need to ask the assistant to get it from you because it is not place on shelf. The slight difference between a BBT thermometer and a normal one is it has two decimal place eg 36.70C which is more accurate then normal one.
Bookworm, we all so excited for u. It's been awhile since we have good news. Dun forget to spread some baby dust. Btw, have u found a gynae? The other time u r 'shopping' for ur gynae isn't it?
hi Sandy,

u saw your gynae today? U also took Clomid this cycle right? how come see gynae so early? my gynae told me to see her on CD 16 to check for ovulation. How was the check up? Hopefully this cycle i ovulate...cos i know i din ovulate for 3 months liow....sianzzzzzz.....

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 09 Nov 04
snowball ....... CD 04
nik ............ CD 05
hopeformiracle . CD 06
emon ........... CD 07
angel .......... CD 10
sandy .......... CD 10
dawn ........... CD 10
hopeful ........ CD 11
Karen .......... CD 19
joice .......... CD 19
tidyfairy ...... CD 22
garfield ....... CD 22
kelly .......... CD 23
loving ......... CD 23
yasmin ......... CD 24
sneaky ......... CD 24
sugarbun ....... CD 25
caf ........... CD 25
choo ........... CD 26
mayng .......... CD 27
pooh ........... CD 27
gebbera ........ CD 29
miso ........... CD 30
tuffy .......... CD 31
jenifur ........ CD 33
meijia ......... CD 34
bookworm ....... CD 40
yippy .......... CD 45
happy88 ........ CD 57
JL ............. CD 65
rikku .......... CD 79
Jling .......... CD 89
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
<font face="calisto Mt"> <font color="0000ff">Joice</font>: Please update me as CD4 as of today. Thanks

<font color="0000ff">Snowball</font>: We on same CD again
Hope I still hv e chance to continue working hard with U. But will still pop in to kaypoh even if I stop TCC-ing.</font>
Gd morning ladies!

has alrdy taken out ur name.. Relax n i believe all of us here will graduate one day..

Jia u again ok..

I will be quite busy for year end closing so may not be able to update the chart everyday. Anybody want to takeover me n help everyone on the updating??

yo! so coincident we same CD again...jia you!
did thot of taking a break from TTC if mission failed but after much consideration...i am giving myself till end of the year...so will jia you

So far wat is the status for ur hb's overseas posting?


Thanks for your encouragement..smooch!
<font face="Calisto MT"><font color="0000ff">Snowball</font>: Duno yet. I dun want to ask him cuz dun want to give him unnecessary pressure. Told him tt I will respect/support his decession. If he decided to go then will hv to stop TCC-ing lor.</font>
u can click on the 'Help' below n click on formatting.. They have the instruction for fonts colour, size etc..
<font color="ff0000">Thanks</font> <font color="0000ff">joice</font>... <font color="aa00aa">I got it</font>!!

good morning ladies
any good news?

cafe, thanks for taking over to update the list.
this list is very useful for me, at least dun need count myself from caledar...
