A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi hopeformiracle,

why does the hubby think the chinese sensei is blaming him??

So is your HB the one wanting a bb more??

Hi Meijia

That's because when sensei talk, she keep looking at HB, telling him not to make me feel presure and stressful. The sensei shdn't do that. Now HB blame me saying me making the whole scenerio as if is his fault.

Both me and HB want bb.
Hi hopeformiracle,

Then I think you have to consider not seeing that sensei. Or ask your HB dun look at her direction.

As your HB will feel bad if he accompany you in the future.
Hi Meijia

Don't think I want my HB to accompany to this kind of visit anymore.

My HB used to complain back pain too when BD but now after taking vits, I never heard him complaining. Perhaps can ask your HB to take some vit supplement.
Hi hopeformiracle,

Ya, I agree otherwise he will be upset again.

Thanks. We have started to take vitamin for abt 2 weeks liao.

Think need some more time before the results take place.
hi gebbera, mrs tan, jenifur, joice, classy many many more...

sorry if i missed out some, really forgetful & clumsy eversince i pregnant..

well me on and off got come in to read the post but after reading all previous post & abt to post, my coll come back then i have to shut immediately as now sharing pc with ppl no privacy at all so upset...

i just went for my checkup today so on leave & got time to post.. infact i faced a few hicup during my check up. last few cehck up doc find my bb on small sie so ask me to do u/s today to cfm and bb weight turn out fine now is 1.7kg, but.. my amniotic fluid level a bit low so have to follow a check up 2 week later.
bb had been kicking real hard at time and i having sleepless night due to fequent toilet visit. my EDD is ard 20-25 dec and is a bb girl.

oh u still rem tat i alway bully by my coll? i'm so touch.... well they are still the same , so i just ren and hope to "finish" them off after my maternity leave to give them my letter of resgination haha.... then they know the impt of me. so glad tat govt give 3 mth so i dun need to see them. they trying to hint me to take 2 mth then the 3rd mth convert to leave but i ignore.

hope u are enjoying the joy of motherhood. the joy and tiredness increass as day go by.

okie.. will keep u all update again... hope i can come in more often.
Hi all,
Didn't coming here for a while already. Congratulation to Jamci also. N welcome to the ttc club for the new members.

hopeformircle, wat vitamins did u give ur hb, i've tried Gnc, he always fall sick after taking it for a while. According to my colleague, her hb also got the same problem.
All my vits are from GNC, he take vit E (a must), vit B-complex & zinc. Recently I just bought Ultra Mega for prenatal (though not pregnant yet, but the lady from the shop advise me to take it) and I am looking into somemore vits/mineral that can help improve fertility. I am drinking herbal soup too, like ren sheng with black chicken. I'm trying all means just to get pregnant and hope it work.

My hb didn't fall sick. Can it be too heaty?
Hi Wendypooh,

nice to read ur posting... wow ur baby angel is gonna be a Xmas girl eh? so lovely...it will surely be the best Xmas pressie for u and hubby. u must be growing huge now, since another 2 months to go. So is everythg ok and stable for baby? have u thought of a name for her yet? so exciting...if it were me, think i would be busy doing that and shopping for all baby's stuff to prepare for her arrival. Do take care and update me of ur condition whenever u can alright?
<center><font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"><font face="Amaze"> Morning Gals</font></font></font></center>

<font face="calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Wendypooh</font>: So nice to hear from updates from you, feel so excited for you. Ignore your colleagues &amp; ren for another 2 more mths. Rem to keep in touch.

<font color="0000ff">MrsTan</font>: Do we stop taking EPO once we detect Ovulation? I tested +ve with OPK yesterday so shld I still continue taking today?

So fed up with 1 of my colleague. They were talking bout kids so of cuz will ask me when I want a kid. I jus smiled then another colleague tried to help me by saying I still young, shld enjoy life 1st. Then e colleague who's preggie now jus said - Is not tt I want to enjoy life, it's simply I still cannot conceive
. So wat she got preggie straight after she return from maternity leave. Mayb she was jus joking but it's really very hurting.</font>
How can your colleague said that????!!!!so hurting isn't it??Even if it is in joking manner,i dun think it is pleasing to the ears...but just ignore her...some pp are just like that...dun think before they speak...

any good news to share?
Morning gals! It's TGIF!

jenifur, your colleague is too much, such a bitch! I cannot tahan such people, really feel like giving her a slap!! But u don't be too affected, just ignore her next time and whatever she said, just treat it as rubbish.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 22 Oct 04
tidyfairy ...... CD 04
garfield ....... CD 04
kelly .......... CD 05
yasmin ......... CD 06
sneaky ......... CD 06
sugarbun ....... CD 07
caf ........... CD 07
choo ........... CD 08
pooh ........... CD 09
gebbera ........ CD 11
miso ........... CD 12
tuffy .......... CD 13
mrstan ......... CD 14
jenifur ........ CD 15
snowball ....... CD 15
emon ........... CD 16
meijia ......... CD 16
nik ............ CD 17
hopeful ........ CD 21
hopeformiracle . CD 22
bookworm ....... CD 22
sandy .......... CD 22
woofy .......... CD 24
yippy .......... CD 27
joice .......... CD 31
classy ......... CD 31
happy88 ........ CD 39
JL ............. CD 47
mayling ........ CD 47
Karen .......... CD 53
rikku .......... CD 61
Jling .......... CD 71
dawn ........... CD 79
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 07/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
hi Jenifur,

ya, supposed to take EPO until ovulation. since u tested + on OPK, think u can stop liao. i also ovulating now, so i wont take from tonite onwards liao. we are same CD hor?
btw that insensitive colleague is terrible. just ignore her lah. no point being bothered by someone like that.
Morning ladies!

So nice to see ur post again! Jus 'REN' for another 2 more mths with ur colleagues. Think of ur little princess tat is coming..
Do update us whenever u can.

jus ignore ur colleague.. let her talk whatever nonsense she wants.. ignore her dun take it to heart..

no gd news yet lah.. having some cramps. think maybe AF is coming soon?
hi...thanks joice for your constant update!

I am quite new here so let me intro myself
I am 26 yrs old this yr, got married in 2002 and started TTCing for the past 6months.

Currently diagnosed with PCOS and now seeing chinese physician...

Heard from colleague that there are positions to choose the gender of the baby...so cute...can like that one meh? Then heard another colleague said that you can used the gender prediction to predict the sex of your bb.
Anyone can provide more information?
morning ladies....

yesterday i tested....n it showed negative....already late for 5 days late....no AF sign....sigh!!!so disappointed
Hi jenifur,

Still no ovulation for me yet. Today already CD16 liao, dun want have to test until when then i can detect it. Also no visual CF, so sianz!!

Hubby last nite say want to have bb again and so we BD, so confuse by his action...

Juz ignore those uncivilized people! Once my colleague exclaimed louldy to me " Hey...every one is already preggie why u still no news yet..sooo slow!" Really feel like crying at dat time! These peole r juz simply brainless, maybe in future whebn they go thru difficult moments then they will be more sensitive to thers feelings! Pray dat u will strike very very very soon!
hi wendypooh,
nice to hear from you again....do take good care and wait for your little angel to arrive...

jus ignore those "aunties" lah......too free liao got nothing much better to do!!!!

pretty pink blossom,
jia you jia you....i'm sure u can do it!!! the day will be here soon......
Hi Wendyl,

Last month my AF was delayed for 2 weeks. I also test negative and disappointed. GP just ask me to continue wait and it came on CD43.

So you can only continue to wait for it to come.

Hi hopeformiracle,

I think can only wait, there is no way we can rush into it.
Hi Angel,
If you CD is 28 days then you can start to test on day 11. I bought the test kits for $1.20 from my friend. I also bought preg kits for $1.50. If you want and think is cheap I can buy them for you. I ovulate quite early about day 12 and stop at day 14.
hi mrstan, jenifur, joice, classy,

Thank you all your wishing and your usual welcome me on tis thread.
well my EDD is up and down oso but gyane say must possible date is bet. 22-25 dec.
well i did buy a number of bb stuff alry but got a lot of stuff hand down by sis so don't need to buy too much oso since bb outgrown fast. my sis oso help me to buy a number of thing alry so I save some $$ &amp; time too heee.. in fact most of my stuff are mostly for unisex cos i only manage to cfm my bb gender on last checkup which is my 7mth. in fact my tummy is still not tat huge cos so far I put on abt 6kg but can still feel the weight oso..

as for my coll, i alry numb alry. nowaday i just do my stuff and cant be bother wif them. 1 of my close coll from Malaysia will be going back for good in Dec so next year after my maternity leave i will be lonely. but hope i can get a new job fast and get out of this stupid place.
Hi wendypooh,
Wow envy you gal! I put on abt 15kg for my preg. U only 6kg....
Well do take care and take ur pills regularly. Also, something to share wif u. I know it is kind of early but nevertheless. When water bag breaks, most dont feel instant gush of fluid but a trickle instead. My friend who gave birth 2 mths before me told me to look out for it. I had that, just a trickle non stop, just like passing urine. If my friend had not warned me I wld have thought it was urine.
Take care! God Bless! And Have a Lovely weekend!
saw you girls mentioning OPK to check when we ovulate?How do we use it?Is it effective?If i want to purchase who can i buy it from?

u can purchase OPK from one of our TTCian here in this thread, her id is "badgirl". If u wan i can email u the details of her and the products.
<font face="Calisto Mt"> Thanks ladies! Was quite hurt but now ok liao.

<font color="0000ff">Classy</font>: Hope to hear gd news from you next week.

<font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: No choice other than cont. testing till detect Ovulation lor. When did u start testing? Wld u hv miss it?

<font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: Basically jus like how we detect preggie except that you cannot use your 1st urine to test. Then reduce your liquid intake approximately 2 hours before testing. Collect ur urine then used e dropper to transfer 3 drops of urine to e test device and then wait for e red lines to appear. If +ve then it indicates that U will probably Ovulate in 24-36 hours time.

Meijia/me bought our OPK from badgirl. I bought 15 kits (Cassette form) so plus postage each kit cost bout $1.88. U can email her @ [email protected] or you can also also purchase from http://www.geocities.com/preggiebliss/OvulationKit.html(Strip form)</font>
mykono, I understand, cos juz a few days ago my auntie colleague who is going to retire soon also commented loudly "Why you so slow?" .... felt very hurt too....as if I am at fault. I remembered she told me when she juz got married in her mid twenties, she also worried she has problem conceiving....now thirty years later, how can be so insensitive go and ask me so loudly why so long no news yet?

*sigh* I don't think i have ovulated at all cos i am taking my temperature daily....and it is oredi CD 79.....I have made appt to see Dr. Heng later...hopefully can find out what is wrong.
<font face="calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Snowball</font>: So u purchase from badgirl too ya. Btw U still looking for gynae or decided to settle w Dr Ang?</font>
U urine on the strip and see if you have double line. If have u can start to BD liao. I was told by Jurong east chinese physician to cheong for 3 days once you ovulate. But quite siong on hubby side, I can tell he really tired on day 3 of BD.
You can buy it from the net or I can post it to you. I usually get it from my friends since she buy in large quantity to share the shipping charges.

Hopeformiracle : Thanks for your encouragement. At least now I have a group of friends to share and speak my heart out.
Hi Garfield,
I've also just this week been diagnosed with PCOS.

What did your chinese physician check or ask you when you saw him? What is the name of the medicine he gave you? Are there foods you should avoid? What have you been encouraged to eat?

Thanks for sharing.
<font face="Calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: If u chart your temp then three elevated temperatures confirmed Ovulation.

<font color="0000ff">Dawn</font>: Those ppl who preggie or other preggie liao always so insensitive one. As if we can control to strike or not to strike, wat can we do if our stork decide to take it's own sweet time</font>
snowball,jenifur &amp; emon,
thanks for the detailed explanation!
if i do order from badgirl i got to meet her to get the OPK personally?

Me seeing the male gynae on 6 Nov so if result out show I am not ovulating well then would think of buying OPK..OPK stands for?
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: If u purchase more than 5 kits from badgirl then she will send you e OPK via registered mail &amp; U only hv to pay her normal postage. She don't meet up cuz she find it too troublesome to suit each other timing. I had no problem getting my OPK &amp; HPT from her; items arrive on time.

PM me ur email address then I send u e info.

<font color="aa00aa">OPK = Ovulation Predictor Test Kit</font> &amp; in case u wondering
<font color="aa00aa">HPT = Home Pregnancy Test Kit</font></font>
Hi Choo,

I have also bought 15 kit and I have no problem getting the register mail. It was send on time.

Hi Jenifur,

Today will be the third day I test. But i think it is going to be -ve also as no sign of CF.

I was angry with my HB last few days that I did not measure my temp today and yesterday.

Tues is 36.0 and wed is 36.1

I feel that my temp is quite low so how to detect ovulation.
<font face="Calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: U've got mail

<font color="0000ff">meijia</font>: Be patient. Last mth I used up 6 OPK before I could detect Ovulation. Usually for ppl whose cycle is ard 28-30 days then Ovulation will prob occur ard CD14-16. Rem urs is ard 32 days rite then prob Ovulation will occur ard CD16-18 lor. But it differs for individual.

Btw did u manage to try other position yesterday since HB got back problem? Or what u can do is to start with U on top then when he about to come, switch to missionary. Like this then HB won't be so tired.</font>
Hi Jenifur,

i totally agreed with you... those ladies who gave birth liao are always so insensitive towards others. i remember col A ever make this sarcastic remarks to col B.... "those who cant give birth at all are worst of!!!!!" i was like staring fiercely at her for quite awhile. even felt like giving a tight slap on behalf of my col B. That was something really very hurting for her to have say it out. Terrible lady! afew of my colleagues who heard this, also curse and swear at her....

Hi wendypooh,
it's awesome to know that you are gonna have a Xmas baby. you must be feeling very excited and looking forward to delivery as the day comes nearer... i sincerely hope that everything will turn out fine for you... as for now, enjoy your last trimester as you moving towards the end of the pregnancy. continue to take good care of yourself and dont let your good mood be affected by those "lousy" colleagues of yours.

Hi dawn,
dont be bothered by those lousy colleagues of yours too. simply ignore them if they bring out this topic to you again. take care...

hi joice and classy,
will be praying hard for both of you... hope both of you will strike this cycle.
how much is she selling for the HPT??? think i will test on my CD34 or cd35 since my longest cycle is cd28!!! hope i can bring good news to u gals nex week!!!

So qiao, we both same CD15 and i also tested +ve O y-day morng
I dun mind Dr Ang cos' the clinic location is near my house and my friend who is 6 months preggie still seeing him and saying so far so good for Dr Ang. There is no doubt the clinic is a bit small and i know the receptionist Mdm Chan some times can overlooked certain things when she is busy, but overall i find her still efficient and friendly. I also understand that Mdm Chan has been working from Dr Ang for abt 6 to 8 yrs aready.
