A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi good morning ladies

welcome all newcomers.... letz learn & encourage one another via this forum.

Sugarbun, for me, yes i will be extreme wet during my fertile period & wen i BD this time, i enjoy alot & dont feel painful at all coz of the wettness..... usually my cervical fluid will change from creamy to very very waterly wen approaching fertile period just like wat jamci has posted earlier regarding the various stages of Cervical Fluid.

Well, i have not seen any gynae yet coz hv juz ttc for 2 cycles (same as u). No intention to seek medical help till probably 7 - 8 cycles.

Hi Good morning ladies

Jasmine, hopeformiracle & yasmin, tks for your wishes. really appreaciated.

hopeformiracle, u now at stage 3!!! ok, remember to test the discharge on the toilet paper to see whether it stretch or not and whether it is wet If yes, you can start your BD. Good Luck!!!
Hi mrstan, Yes. HB got his sperms tested and found that only the quality of his sperms is low... gynae immediately recommended insemination but when I consulted a GP who I have been seeing for the past 10 yrs said there is a med for this and it is available upon perscriptions by docs only. She recommended me to go KKH, and said her daughter is working there...thinking of giving it a try. Also GP said clomid shld be consumed this mth and following mths shld stop so that body is not too reliant on it to produce good follicles...then it shld be started again. She also mentioned that many couples also conceive during the break from clomid.
Ladies - what are your views?

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 20 Oct 04
garfield ....... CD 02
kelly .......... CD 03
yasmin ......... CD 04
sneaky ......... CD 04
sugarbun ....... CD 05
caf ........... CD 05
choo ........... CD 06
pooh ........... CD 07
gebbera ........ CD 09
miso ........... CD 10
tuffy .......... CD 11
mrstan ......... CD 12
jenifur ........ CD 13
snowball ....... CD 13
meijia ......... CD 14
nik ............ CD 15
hopeful ........ CD 19
bookworm ....... CD 20
sandy .......... CD 20
woofy .......... CD 22
yippy .......... CD 25
joice .......... CD 29
classy ......... CD 29
megtan ......... CD 37
happy88 ........ CD 37
JL ............. CD 45
mayling ........ CD 45
Karen .......... CD 51
rikku .......... CD 59
tidyfairy ...... CD 62
Jling .......... CD 69
dawn ........... CD 77
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 07/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 19/03/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
Gd morning ladies!

I was on Mc yesterday.. wow so many newcomers.. Welcome all the newcomers!
Pls do let me kw if I did not add u in the CD list cos still blur blur from my sickness..

how are you? U are in ur 3rd trimester right?? Pls take care!

Has alrdy removed you from the list.. Dun be disheartened, all of us here will strike one day.. Jia you again tis cycle..

tks for the useful info on CM..
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"><font face="Vladimir Script"> Morning Ladies</font></font></font>
<font face="Calisto MT">
<font color="0000ff">Snowball</font>: Sorry was too busy on Mon to reply your message. I haven't make up my mind if going to stick thru with Dr Ang. I've 2 frens whose with him &amp; they are all praise of him. 1 of them is giving birth soon so will wait &amp; judge her feedback.
I've messenger but cannot use in office cuz block by sever.

<font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: Ya my new hse is in Blk 491; renovated but cannot move in yet. So now staying with MIL in BLk 405. Which blk u stay?

<font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: So u rec'd ur OPK from Badgirl ya. I've started testing on CD11 cuz I dun hv much discharge so only can base on OPK

<font color="0000ff">Wendy</font>: So nice to see you here. Was jus wondering yesterday bout U, wondering if your colleague still got bully U?

<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>: Thanks for e info

<font color="0000ff">Classy/Joice</font>: Keeping my finger cross for both of you</font>
Hi wendypooh, mrstan, joice, jamci &amp; the rest of ttc gals....
good day to all....

have not hear from you for quite sometimes... really glad to catch up with you again....
hope to see you here more often, then i'll join in more often too.... and mrstan too, joice too... kekeke....

so how are you coping with your pregnancy so far? did your bb somersault inside you? Hmm... reckoned that must be a very awesome feeling...

agreed with you... hope the old batch will start visiting us in this thread and continue to keep in contact... i miss them too....

you seems very quiet too.... are you feeling alright today?
Morning gals!!

joice,u better?Do rest well!!

me live in yew tee but one of my best friend is living same block as you!!
hello gebbera!

good to see u here early morning.
ya lor...i also will try to post more often..but sometimes must see my mood also lah. hey u forgot our Classy too. she is also one of us wor.
ya, wendypooh, how is ur pregnancy so far? and also lbs and oreo is hardly around anymore. so sad...
Hi Sneaky,
was looking at the CD list, saw that we both are in the same CD. Maybe, we cld keep each other informed of our CM and BD dates so that we can strike it together. Wat say you?
hi joice, u sick yesterday huh? How are you now? What abt ur chance for this cycle? Both u &amp; classy are 29 days liao &amp; hope both of u will bring us good news
<font color="0000ff">mrstan</font>
Me still around lah... like an angel spreading babydust over all of you. Didn't come in often coz' scared give you all too much pressure.

<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
Hope you're feeling better.

Btw, there's another <blink><font color="ff0000">good news!!</font></blink>
<font color="ff0000">megtan</font> tested positive 2 days ago. Her EDD should be around 21/06/05.
<font color="ff0000">Funny's</font> EDD is 15/04/05 and not 19/03/05.
Joice, do update your list, ok?

To all TTCians... babydust to all!!!!
Wow! Seems like there's good news every week! Hope to see more coming!!
hi ladies...
good morning!!!

hope u're feeling much better now!! take good care ya....

yalor..how can u miss me out...me same batch as u gals leh!!!

jenifur &amp; cafe,
me same same as joice leh....cd29....hope to share wif u gals good news ya...thanks so much.

pink blossom,
halo fren....got do lots of homework or not??? must enjoy huh...and hope to hear good news from yr side soon.......heeeee hope me not putting stress on you....

to all newcomers,
i didnt forget classy... she's the elegant mama that you've described previously right. is she still in this thread? Hmm... think i did not see her posting today...... classy, where are you???

hi oreo,
how are you? enjoy your pregnancy? hope everything is going on smoothly for you...
wow.... i'm so happy today.... our old friends are slowly coming back.... first is wendypooh, then now, oreo.... am really happy now...
tks oreo for sharing another good news.... well of course i m happy for those who graduated but i duno lei sometime i feel kinda stress &amp; jealous wen i receive good news tat some ttc members here strike...

i muz learn to relax otherwise no good for me...
hi hi classy,
me never forget you.... you are the elegant mama in this thread leh.. kekeke...

so you got work hard or not? got work ot at night? kekeke....
as for me, still the same loh... havent officially hard ttcing yet.... still learning as much as possible about ttc stuffs.
Hi cafe,
Yes, I too feel envious of those who have hit 'jackpot'! Happy for all of you and may God bless you all!
It is a marvelous feeling to have a life inside of you! It is a miracle and I want to be part of it!
Oreo - pls spread some baby dust to me! Need lotz of them especially tis mth since this mth am not taking any clomid....
Hi hopeformiracle and ladies!!!!

Thanks for your warm welcome !!
i feel so gooood!


thanks for the recommendation.
So, DH and you are under the same gynae. What's RE?? I love GlenE, actually that's my top choice!!! Been there to visit friends serveral times!

Can i know more about him? Age and look? ahahhaa..just kidding. I mean charges and such. Where is he located?

Many thanks!!

Everyone here, have a super great Wednesday!
Hope baby dust land on us soon!!!!!!

Sorry, make a mistake in my statement....hahahhahah...not "DH and you are under the same gynae." Thought i read someone was taking the same gynae as you :p

Haven't wake up! ahahhaha
Hi Reenie
My RE (Gynae u can called him but he specialist in Fertility) is very fatherly haha. Very patient and experience. Probably first consultation will be about $90 but after that will be $45 every visit. The clinic is call O&amp;G partners, located that first floor at annex A. Below is the link to their website.

Now I have stop seeing him (So sad) cos DH want to try naturally (very difficult but try lor). One reason is because my RE want to move us to SO-IUI but DH refused. Said don't want me to go through pain and in the end negative again.

Hi hopeformiracle, can tell me more abt your friendly gynae.

I just called Thomson Women's clinic at sunplaza. The recep was soooo unfriendly, she did not give me much info but maybe too busy to entertain phone calls.
But, advised me to come in for pep smear test during first 10 days of cycle. Oops...forgot to ask the operating hrs....must call again. Afraid wat she will say....

so-iui is an injectibles cycle (puregon, gonal-f, same as those used in stimulation phase of ivf/icsi) follow by a normal iui when the follicles is mature enough to be triggered for ovulation.
Thanks poohy for the explaination. Hard time explaining it myself too.

I guess it's the recep that is unfriendly only...must ask clinic to sack her. All Gynae are friendly.
Hi poohy, Thanks for the explanation. Is it also called insemination, where the sperm is washed to get rid of abnormal sperm and normal sperms are injected when abt ovulation?

no prob.. I try to share what I know .. do correct me if I am wrong hor

yup IUI is called intra-uterine insemination. Sperm are collected and washed so that debris and impurities are removed before they are placed directly into the uterus past the cervix. If these sperm are not washed, severe infection will occur cos normally when we BD, impurities and debris in the semen do not enter our uterus as they are already filtered at the cervix.

The diff between SO-IUI and IUI is only the stimulation phase where follicles are stimulated.

In normal IUI, either you managed to produce enough FSH on your own to stimulate your ovaries to produce 1 egg (as natural selection set in such that the biggest follicle will get to ovulate only) OR clomid is given to help you produce FSH to produce the desired egg. Optionally, a trigger shot is given to induce ovulation and then the next day, IUI is performed. Or you monitor your ovulation by opk.

In SO-IUI cycles, the major difference is the administration of injectibles. Directly injecting FSH (common brands used are puregon/follistim, gonal-f, metrodin) into your body daily to stimulate your follicles. This time, the aim is superovulation ie. To produce more than 1 egg. The target is normally more than 1 and lesser than or equal to 3. Alternate days vaginal u/s scan is performed to make sure you respond as expected to the injections, if not, then dosage will be adjusted. Once the follicles reached a mature size, hcg trigger shot will be given to ovulate those eggs. Similar to normal IUI, washed sperm will be placed into the uterus the next day. Most programs will include luteal phase progesterone support to help you with any resulting pregnancy.

In the superovulation/stimulation phase, if too many mature follicles are stimulated, you may be offered to convert to IVF instead. Else the cycle will be cancelled cos it will result in higher order multiple pregnancies ..
But rest assured, u will be closely monitored throughout the cycle.

btw, no need to worry abt the injections, its painless... cos those needles are sooooo tiny and whats more you are injecting on your tummy area where there's enough fat to cushion any pain. Its unlike normal intramuscular injection administered by doctors where it is more painful.

btw, SO-IUI has a higher success rate than normal IUI. Also, there is a slightly higher risk of multiple pregnancy (commonly twins).
Hi blossom,

If you are those that are heaty type, then must drink plenty of water. I think one bottle should be fine too. Hope you'll succeed soon *baby dust to you*

Hi ttcians,

Read some postings above. Don't feel disheartened. Everything is possible. I've been through the agony also. Don't give yourself additional stress like there's somethings wrong with me or my hubby. I think our hubbies can feel very hurt if they know. Just think that every cycle there's a hope. Many of my friends pray and yes, miracles do happen. Sometimes I look up to examples like actresses who conceived even after 35. That give me inspiration to continue trying. Don't be despair ok. God has a plan for all of us
keeping my fingers crossed for classy and me too though Im not pinning any high hopes...

tks for ur concern. Im feeling much better today. So gebbera, when will u officially starts TTC?

tks for telling me abt megtan. Congrats to her. I will oso make the changes in funny's EDD.
heard tat u are one of the lucky mums who is having a smooth pregnancy.. Do come in more often to spread us ur baby dust...

Have added you in the CD list..
jenifur &amp; joi*ce, it's ok, we must help and support each other

TTC ladies...another advise forget to tell u.
Please don't drink cold water/green tea during TTC. It is not good for your womb if too cold or liang

I stopped drinking those cans like pokka green tea and cold water or fizzy water begining Sept.
Always take warm plain water and it is also more healthy for us
hi joice,
Hmm... think maybe we'll officially start TTCing only early next year. this is the earliest that we have to get started. Initially, my hubby suggested we'll start trying for one 2 years later... but that's too long. i cant wait that long to have my own baby.....
It was only recently that we decided to bring forward the TTC plan becos hubby might be post to overseas to work for a few years. If hubby accept this expatriate assignment, he'll be bringing me along and if possible, our baby too...

I remembered that both of us are of the same age... should be 25 this year... Hmm... hopefully, we can graduate together too... hehe...
Gebbera, Oreo, Classy (aka elegant mama)

its so good to see postings from u all again.
Oreo, very happy that u are still following this thread. hows ur pregnancy been so far? everything ok?

no lah, no stress lah, me started battle last nite liao...shack man. think i losing my stamina liao. last time can hiong hiong chiong with hubby for few days in a row. now battery low liao. haha. but will work hard this cycle.

so u're still taking it slow ya? no harm to start ttc anyway mah cos ttc is not so easy one leh...
hi everyone.happy Wednesday!!!!!

yasmin: thanks for the information. yah, both of us are on the same CD, but because I have irregular/long cycle (44 days this time), how to follow you or vice versa? poor me

I've gone to Mt E this morning, visited Dr Kowa. he's a nice, friendly &amp; fatherly gynae who's interested in helping us ttc. I was charged $80 (consultation for 2 persons) and $90 for scan. unfortunately, i was diagnosed with inverted uterus; 1 in every 6 women and getting pregnant is a wee bit more difficult than a woman with normal upright uterus. he advised my hubby to take an SA first and if his sperm cells are good (both quality &amp; quantity), he will then prescribe me with fertility pills to regulate/fix my cycle and help my egg get fertile. he also taught that since my uterus is inverted, I should not wash up immediately after BDing and should remain on bed for at least half an hour with my hips lifted up. think this is common sense huh...kekekeke. gotta try again this time...hope to strike when in Guangzhou...then, i will have a baby made in China...haahahahahahaha
<font face="Calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Gebbera</font>: Perhaps U might want to start TCC earlier. Like for my case, we knew bout my HB's oversea offer in Jan but we only started trying in May cuz we think it's very easy,wat's e hurry but now
hi mrstan,
haiz... yup, we are still taking it slowly.... my colleagues did advise me not to go on protection for too long... cos that might cos infertility too. and i'm abit worried now.....

hi jenifur,
thanks for your advise. i agreed with you too. is better to start TTC early. but my hubby has not accept the assignment yet... everything seems to be on hold now.... cant even proceed. sigh....

i can understand the situation you are in now... perhaps we should tell ourselves not to rush things and we might succeed.... dont be disappointed okie, JIA YOU....
Hi girls

I've started TTC this month. Went to my gynae Dr Koh from Raffles yesterday for pap smear and he said I haven't been ovulating :eek:( He did an ultrasound n said my lining is v think as well as the black spot in my ovary is v small. I can't remember all the numbers he said.. didn't know they are important to take note of.

He gave me seophene 50mg to take from CD2 to CD6. Hope it will help. Seeing him again on CD13 to do another scan.

I think I haven't been ovulating for v long. It's been years since I saw have mucus... n my sex drive been low for past 2 years :eek:( Doesn't seem like good news to me. The same doc told me my estrogen level was low a year ago and prescribed birth control pills &amp; estrogen cream but they didn't help v much.

Also, my menses cycle and period are v short, most months it is 22 days and once every 4-5 months, it will be 26 days. Period ranges from 2-4 days only. Flow is also v light, use only 2 regular tampon a day.
Hi all,

so happy with all the welcome and encouragement.

Hi Geberra and joi*ce,

so both of you 25?? me too. We shall work hard together. Same for the rest also.
Initially i oso thot its very easy to get pregnant but now regretted tat we never start early... U are on pills now??

yup, gebbera n I are 25..
hope all of us here will graduate soon..
hi angel, welcome to join us. Sorry to hear tat u r nt ovulating.... however, i think u dun hv to worry too much coz u hv already seek help fm ur gynae &amp; I believe ur condition will improve gradually
Hi ladies,
Been MIA for so long. So amazed to see many newcomers and several ladies have succeeded in conceiving.

Joi*ce, thank you for posting the list of our CD. Please update me as CD02 for 20 Oct.

I just went to see a gynae at TMC for the first time today. Is anyone in this thread with Paul Tseng or Eunice Chua?

The doctor looked at my scan and said I PCOS even though my own GP and radiologist denied it when I asked. So anyway, I've been given clomid and the gynae advised me to cut down on sugars &amp; carbo as this ties in with the hormone imbalance that contributes to PCOS.
I love cake &amp; pastries...

Anyone here with hubby who has done a sperm analysis? If so, please share your experience.

Anyone with advice on visiting a chinese physician for help? eg. which one and what to expect/ask for? I've never been to one ... blur.

Well, the consult, blood test &amp; clomid at TMC was altogether $185. keeping my fingers crossed for this cycle...

Morning ladies.

hi meijia,
so the 3 of us are 25... Hmm.... okie, let's work hard together... btw, how many months have you been ttc-ing?

hi joice,
me not on pills... hubby dont allow me to take any pills at all. Hmm... how many months have you been trying liao? are you using pills as precaution measures? heard that pills are not good for our health. they seems to have some effects for us ladies if we take them.
