A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


Just to check with, normally wat time is the best to use the OPK to test. Today is CD13 so I hope to start testing liao..thks.

hello mrstan,
yah... seldom see your posting in this thread liao.... you used to the the "kai xin guo" of this thread... now, you dont seems to joke much anymore.... *sob sob*

think the rest of the guadates had joined the other mothers-to-be threads liao..... now, i'am hoping we can join them soon
hi gebbera,

haha...wah u so observant ah? ya i kind of lost it somehow...maybe cos ttc always fail on me so sian liao lor. but i am still me lah.

still have me, you, classy, jenifur, joice so not to worry ya?
lets continue to work hard ok?
Mrs tan & meijia, tks for your wishes.

*jamci send baby dusts to mrs tan & meijia and pray for them*

mrs tan, i agreed with gebbera, u used to be kai xin guo". I also understand your feeling as i had experience before.
Try to relax, i was really very relaxed for this cycle. I BD twice only for this cycle so i thought that it will not strike this time.

thanks..i think i am quite relaxed liao...think a bit bochap also haha. just let it be like that. wow u are super lucky then, only BD twice...u did anythg special this cycle?
hey maybe we shld all meet up again?
Hi Jenifur,

So sorry to hear you have a fall. The overhead bridge o/s AH is quite steep. As I am working near there, will went for lunch quite often.

The steps there are quite steep so have to be real careful.

Hope you get well soon!!!
Mrs Tan, i was kind of sort shocked when i tested even my hubby think that the test kit is spolit and ask me to go to doc to double confirm better.

I read up a lot of website on cervical mucus and learn quite a lot.
Cervical Fluid is the mucus that is secreted from the cervix. It is produced by the hormone estrogen in the first phase of a monthly cycle. Cervical fluid is an essential element to conception due to its ability to keep sperm alive for up to five days (in fertile quality fluid), protects it from the acidity in the vagina and transports the sperm to the outer third wall of the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.

What Does Cervical Fluid Look Like?
Cervical Fluid will range in abundance, consistency, color and fertile quality due to the increasing level of estrogen within the first phase of your cycle. Typically the changes in fluid will fall into the following pattern.

1)Dry or Light Moisture - INFERTILE
After menstruation for a period of 3 - 5 days you may experience no fluid at all or a small amount of moisture. Color of any existing fluid is clear or slightly white but will dry immediately on your fingertips. Overall sensation is not wet at this time.

2)Sticky or Gummy - INFERTILE
Cervical Fluid then changes to feeling sticky for a period of 2 - 3 days. When rubbed between your fingertips it may give a small amount of resistance, feels slightly gummy or may even crumble. The color will range from clear to white and although you may feel a small amount of moisture the fluid is still dry and does not feel wet at this time.

3)Creamy, Milky, Lotion Like - FERTILE
Cervical fluid now becomes much more abundant and will feel wet from 2 - 4 days. It can appear either thick and creamy or like hand lotion and will form peaks in your fingertips when pulled apart or can be thinner and look milky. Color of the fluid is white or yellow and the overall vaginal sensation is wet.

4)Eggwhite Cervical Fluid - VERY FERTILE
Cervical fluid now reaches its most fertile stage for 1 - 5 days. The fluid will look and have the consistency of eggwhites. It is slippery to the touch and if pulled between the fingertips will stretch 1 - 10 inches! The color can be clear or iridescent and the overall sensation is extremely wet.

5)Dry, Moist or Sticky - INFERTILE
Cervical fluid will now change drastically due to the drop in estrogen and the surge of progesterone following ovulation. It can be dry, watery, moist or sticky and will remain in that stage until the end of your monthly cycle - which is the day before your menstrual period begins. Any fluid at all will dry up quickly upon your fingertips, can range from no color to white and your overall vaginal sensation will be dry at this time.

When i saw stage no. 4 on 1 Oct, i suspect my 'O' is coming so we BD once. then on the 4 Oct, i found that my discharge is getting wetter on my panty so i told my hubby that i am *horny* So we did another time. Better don't put any panty liner so that you can judge how wet is your discharge.
How to test your discharge, after you had urine and wipe. You can use your toilet paper and press together and pull slowly. If your discharge stretch, then u should try to BD liao. This discharge protect your hubby's sperms from our vaginal's acid.

My hubby also did his job:
take vit E
wear boxer at nite. must wear 100% cotton underwear during the day.
take cool shower instead of warm shower which he used to do.

Mrs tan, you can look out first at the stage 3, then start BD if u scared u missed the stage 4.
cafe, we still adopt Missionary style. hee hee. Of course i got use my hubby's pillow to raise my bum....maybe his pillow bring me luck.
After 10 to 15 mins, i went to wash up.
Last time, i did not wash up but then after i got UTI last month. It gave me a scare! so i washed up after BD.
hi..can add me into the list of TTC gals.
I am on CD01 as of today, 19/10/04.

Been trying to TTC for about 6 months liao but not successful cos I got PCOS and thus very irregular menses.

Been seeing the female chinese physician for the past 2 months....hope I will strike soon.

Good luck to everyone!

thanks for such an educational posting...understand perfectly well now. as for me, today is CD 11 already, still havent seen any discharge...maybe not yet still early.
my hubby has also started wearing boxers and taking Vit b complex and multi-vits prescribed by gynae. and for myself, I am now taking EPO and BFW. btw want to find out, for BFW ah, i only took 1 bottle after my menses finished. Am i supposed to take again before next AF? or when ah?
Hi Jamci,

today is CD 13 liao, I still have not see any discharge. Scared that I will have no ovulation this month...sob sob
bookworm, did you BD on stage 4? If yes, there is still a chance. Be positive

Mrs Tan, you are welcome
I really want to help u and the rest who are TTC to success. If you see the stage 3 discharges, rememeber to get ready for stage 4!!!
I read that this stage 4 discharge is like a protector of the sperms. The sperms can survive longer and help to reach the egg! Good Luck!!!
*jamci send tons & tons of baby dusts to Mrs Tan*
meijia, don't despair maybe your "ovulation" is delayed due to stress or other factor. Remember i told u that my period is always irregular until i really do not know how to count my "ovulation" period. So i gave a try based on the discharge. Never thought it works for me.

Once u saw the stage 3 discharge, you can get ready for stage 4 very soon. Think now u can try to check your toilet paper for discharge. If u scared missed the stage 4, can do BD first during stage 3...then continue BD during stage 4.
*jamci send tons of baby dusts to meijia* good luck!!!
Hi jamci,
Appreciated u are still here to give advices!
i told hubby your case and he is so envious leh...i told him i so regular menses still not strike..
but won't give up!

anyway me going to see the male gynae for the blood test to check if I am ovulating 2weeks later.....kinda of worry...wat if i am not ovulating....

ohhh...u are so sweet. thanks so much for ur baby dust. sure hope i can catch them quick quick. will surely work hard this cycle. so u feeling any preg. symptoms yet?
mrs tan, no except breast sore & period cramps.
Last two week ago, i went to sayang my friend's tummy...hee hee maybe her baby give me luck!

choo, don't worry, doc will give u clomid if u are not ovulating. Did u check my attached cervical mucus chart? read there and maybe you can try this method. Hope u success! *jamci send choo with tons of baby dusts*
bookworm, never mind, can try again
hubby sick, better don't BD also cos sperms will be weak and eat medicine also no good.
Hi jamci,

Thanks for the baby dust, hope i can catch lots of it.

feel that this month i am not ovaluting leh, did see any CF yet.

If that is the case, does it mean I don't need to use OPK today??
meijia, i don't use OPK anymore cos everytime i test no line...me give up after wasting 5 kits.

Did u see your discharge yet?
Hi Jamci,


so u mean u did twice during ur O week? estimated on which of the days of ur cycle huh can u remember??
Hi jamci,

I have not used before so i don't know if there is any result for me.

But I don't see any discharge.

Think i can't use yet as only i see discharge then it means I am ovulating.

So sad...sob..sob..
Tks Yippy
yes, i BD twice during O week. I did not estimated on which days of my cycle cos my period is so irregular. I just based on my cervical mucus discharge then BD.

meijia, maybe you are too stressed that why delayed. Try to relax a bit.
Hi Jamci
Thanks a lot for sharing with us such a detailed report on CM.. I suppose I m into my Stage 4, so must work hard these few days liao..

Hi bookworm
how is yr hubby now? try again when he is totally recover, ok? dont worry cos we r here to support each other

Oh I see...really I hope I am a normal woman who ovulate normally...then maybe ask my hubby go take sperm test if proven i do ovulate well...hope that male gynae won't 'scold'me for seeing him so early since I only tried for 2 cycles....

jamci,catching some of your baby dust!!
congrats in joining the motherhood

mrs tan, gebbera, tuffy, jennifur, joice
missed missed all of u...
finally i got a chance to log on, my coll went out today so i can use the pc. now dun have chnace to log at all.

agrees with gebbera, tat many new nick ard and i also dare not post until i saw gebbera and mrs tan, jennifur, joice etc appear. tink gebbera have mia for soemtime alry haha..

dun stress, all of u will join us very soon as long as no one lost hope okie..

sending my bb dust to all of u out there
jamci and wendypooh
i m catching your *baby dust*.. thanks for showering your blessed *baby dust* to us...

no gynae will blame U for going early.. they would want to earn your $$ too.. ke ke ke.. but which gynae r u going to see??
"Oh I see...really I hope I am a normal woman who ovulate normally...then maybe ask my hubby go take sperm test if proven i do ovulate well...hope that male gynae won't 'scold'me for seeing him so early since I only tried for 2 cycles...."

choo: these are the exact words i wanna say. i might be seeing a gynae tomorrow. the nurse adviced over the phone that we could probably start testing on my hubby first. if it's because of him, then they will give him vitamins to take. this is because i'm having my AF and the best time to see scan me is on CD12. well, i'll be in Guangzhou then!
me seeing Dr Adrain at CCK first for the blood test first but whether I am taking him eventually got to see if i am comfortable or not..i still prefer female gynae..hehe
I understand that we need to wet enough so that hubby can go in. But not supposed to use lubricant during ttc and not wet enough even wth foul play, did any of you has this problem?
Sorry to post such a question here as I dun know a solution, hope someone can help.
hi sugarbun
welcome to join us here. Ur CD same as me. Today aso my 4th day. I tot wenever we reached fertile period, our Cervical fluid will change from creamy to watery as posted by Jamci....
Hi Blossom,

for myself, I didn'take bai fong wan after ovulation. I only took 3 days after AF ends and another 3 days after that. So I only took 2 bottles in all. Hope it helps.
You mean wth that creamy to waterly CF, it is wet enough to BD, not pain at all? how waterly is waterly?

so we have the same CD... How many cycle has u been TTC? me 2 already. Did ur c any gynea before that? I know that hubby can performed sperm test as well, but what type of clinic for hubby? same gynea too?
Thanks for updating the chart everytime, please kindly remove me from the TTC chart.. very stress leh, so will like to let nature take it course.. haiz.. AF visited me yesterday.. so sian..

Anyway.. all ladies out there, JIA YOU ah!!

Congratulations!! Finally your turn has arrived..
Take Care~
Hi All

I am new here...but I have been onto this roller coaster ride for 1 year 5 months already.

Abit about myself:
I was off the BCP on Dec 2002. TTC on May 2003. TTC unsuccessfully on own so consult Gynae at NUH on Dec 2003. Gynae later move to Gleneagle and I was diagnose with Endometriosis and Fibroids in Mar 2004. Did a laporoscopy and Myomectomy together immediately and was put on injection (Lupron). Menses finally return on Oct 2004. This cycle me and hubby decide to try clomid with IUI but after a few ultrasounds, my two follicles (only 14mm) are not progressing well (though lining is okay at 7.1mm). Both Gynae and hubby agreed to stop ttc this cycle. He would like us to move on to injectible followed by IUI.

Now, hubby don't like the suggestion becos he is worried that what if after injectible and IUI, still no good result. He would prefer to ttc on our own but I am worried that I cannot ovulate myself and I cannot trust those sperm, I don't believe they can ever swim that far a distance.

I am so lost...I don't know what to do and need words of encouragement. I don't understand why some people can get pregnant so easily but I can't.

Age: 26
Hubby: 29
CD 19 - waiting to O
Clomid 100mg - not taking anymore from next cycle onward
Call off IUI
Hi hopeformiracle,

Me also did IUI wif clomid for 2 cycles but unsuccessful. BUt later managed to conceive naturally. I ttc for 2+ yrs and was once like u...whenever AF came really like end of the world. So dun give up...u will be a mummy very soon! Take Care!
hi ladies!

i am new here, can i join?

can anyone advise me what to do? i am told that its good to go for preconception health screening, like taking blood test and etc.

My new home will be at sengkang, any good gynae to recommend near there? preferably will stick with me throughout the whole process and attached to hospital accessible from sengkang.

Hi all

I find this forum really good with information and everyone is so supportive.

Thank you very much for the word of advise. Maybe after I stop clomid, I can be like you...conceive naturally. I guess I just need to relax more and probably it will work!!

Congratulations!! Thank you very much for sharing the CM information. It is really good. I think I am at stage 3 now. So I just have to wait to O.

Welcome. I am new here too. When both me & DH tried for six months unsuccessfully we immediately went to see a Gynae which is also an RE. He is from GlenE, very nice guy and I sometime communicate with him via EMAIL!!

CD20 - waiting to O
Good Morning Ladies,
Joice - Me in CD04.
Disappointed but it is ok, will try harder this cycle.

Hi Sneaky, I saw Dr Kek for my 1st pregnancy and it was 1st consultation at $90. As for treatment on TTC, I don't know coz I not seeing her for this time around. My friend who went to her did not give good feedback. I guess most gynaes are more interested in preg then ttc....

So many new names....welcome all!

Jamci - congrats & God bless! Take care!

Ladies - Need some guidance. I really think that the problem lies with my husband who is not producing enough normal sperms. Does anyone's hb have this problem. Is there any med he cld take? Currently, he is taking folic acid only...any recommendations?
Hi LV,

thanks for answering my query...understand now. So far i only took 1 bottle of BFW after AF..its quite heaty so dont wanna take too much also.

Hi Wendypooh,

so nice to see u here again! how have u been? ya i miss the old batch here a lot, we've been havin so many newcomers lately until i lost count liao.
but its a good thing cos this means this forum will always be bustling with activity and lotsa postings. Let's just try to stay in touch here in this forum nonetheless, ok?

All newcomers,

welcome welcome! have fun ttc!


u mentioned the problems lies with ur hubby abt the sperms. how did u know abt this? did he do a SA with ur gynae to confirm it? u may get some multi-vitamins for him to take and Vit B complex as well...just to strenghthen his body system and nourish. Otherwise, u may consult gynae to see if there is anythg else u can do on ur end.
