A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


why can't go to your mum place so often. i feel that go go back equally.

i always told my HB that it is important to go back to both parents house and my MIL should not complain too much as my MIL also goes back to her mum place every weekend.

It is in fact common for guy to go back to our parents house instead of his side nowadays despite meaning married must placed importance on his family.

Sorry, for I cannot allow my HB to restrict me to go home.


I agree with nik. And this is what i do if he say I cannot go home.

But luckily my HB did not. And he always go back home with me also.
Sneaky, I'll 'suan' him back if i were u, "So u wan me to come back home everyday to have dinner, or u wan me to go out 'cheong' everyday"?
Hi Nik, you are right. The charges are expensive in MtE but the service is good.
And if there are complications, especially for the baby, the cost is overwhelming. But they also have facilities such that we can repay by instalments. But tat is also case by case basis. Quite embarrasing to show their credit control dept your mthly income and expenses and get them to grant you the instalment package. I used to work there in MtE and I know how they function.

But Ladies, can I know why everyone wants a private hospital? For me, I go by the recommended gynae not by hospital.
hi everyone...he's just being MCP, saying that my MIL won't like it if i don't eat at home everyday. weekends, she don't care...anywayz,

let's not side track...this is a TTC thread...i'm okay...i'll still punish him tonight.
Yasmin, agree tat gynae is impt. But hospital also very impt too. Ur contact wif it's staff(nurses) is more than the gynae himself. I'm sure u wouldn't be comfortable if the nurse tell u to 'bring ur own milo tmr'. I've heard another story tat my colleague's sis gave birth in hospital X, the baby had jaudice, they used the light to shin on the baby n leave the baby there to cry. The nurse didn't even come n take a look at the baby.
Dear all....

Me just had a good cry in office toilet....now eyes red red....

AF came liao...I really dun know why we have been so hardworking BD since CD9 till CD21...but still...wat's wrong with me and hubby...begun to feel doubtful about my fertilty...am i fertile or not..is my hubby's sperm really that bad....


wish now can take mc go home....

jo*ice update me today as CD1...see my AF always so 'zhun'....

feel like quitting....

now i can't 'catch up'with my sister whom i have not been speaking to her for past 1month and 2weeks...i am still sore..
Hi gals,

If I go see a gynae to check my fertility and hubby's sperm,anyone know the details?can elighten me?thanks.....
Hi choo,
take it easy gal! I know wat u feel. Me anytime now....still waiting. Now strategy is wait for AF to come then hope to strike. In this case, dont feel that bad.
You 1st must find urself a gynae. Then he will recommend a few steps to take. Some will go straight for basic package for both spouse and urself. The testing of sperm is pretty basic, just masturbate and ejeculate into container given by doc. Then for ladies, there is the basic scanning/ultrasound to determine everything normal. Some go for blood test first then recommend scan...
Hi nik, u r right. But basic esstentials can be bought on our own. Even food can be catered for but wat is most impt is gynae...someone u feel comfortable with.
Share an experience...I know of a tis lady who got married quite late and is obese and is trying for baby. MIL is very persistent and she decided to see a gynae...
The recommended doc was not available so substitute took over and 1st visit itself made her feel so uncomfortable...The only thing he said is 'U R FAT!' go reduce ur weight then can think of baby. There are so many pple out there who are obese and yet have a baby.... yes obesity affects fertility and all but pls dont be sooo blant...he gave her some pills for 1 mth and next mth to come in again for checkup. She came down with fever, body ache, rashes and all...very pathetic state. MIL started complaining that she is always falling ill and all...poor thing... she called up doc and he said that it was nothing to do with med and she shld continue. But instead she stopped the med and she was ok.....I think these doc shld show some concern and practice professionalism....wat u think. She has now decided to go else where...
The feeling I get abt gynaes are that they are more concern on pregnancy itself then on infertility......
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: It's like tt during e initial 2 cycles. Take a deep breath &amp; try to calm down. Mayb you are giving yourself too much stress or maybe simply it's jus not time yet. I was like U - crying/feeling depressed during my initial TCC cycles but now after 4 cycles, I'm used to it. Will be disappointed but will not cry anymore.

Just go find a gynae - do a blood test to test to check if you are ovulating &amp; a scan to see if there's anything worng with your womb. I was charged S$90 for these 2 test(plus consultation). Will decide later whether to do X-ray for tube. My gynae has also given me a form for HB to do sperm count test @ e TMC labortary but we have decided to do tt later. As we have not yet decided if we r still gona continue TCCing after this cycle.

<font color="ff0000">CHEER UP!</font></font>
Hi Jenifur,
Ur gynae very cheap leh.....can I have more details abt him pls.
The nurse assisting my gynae said basic package for female is 200...very x so opt out...
good afternoon everyone..

U r most welcome..

I find Dr Kee to be very gentle and encouraging. He makes U feel at ease that U can freely discuss with him about yr problems. He is like a Dad to me..

i can understand how U feel when u see the arrival of yr AF after trying so hard..

for us we have been trying for the past 9 months and still no result.. so I went to consult my gynae during CD02 of my recent cycle.. he prescribe me with Clomid to take for 5 days.. and on CD08 i went back to do vaginal scan to see if there is any eggs in my both ovaries.. he saw 3 eggs on my left ovary but none on my right.. so he give me a jab to make the eggs grow faster..and i went back to him 2 days later again to do vaginal scan.. and this time the eggs has increased in size but not to the ideal size.. so again another jab is given.. and i went back to him 2 days later (that is yesterday) to do the vaginal scan.. tis time only 1 egg is fertile and has reached the ideal size..

so he told us to BD during this weekend and Mon.. and should we fail our mission this time, he will ask my hubby to do a SA..

hope my sharing does a bit of help to U...
<font face="Calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Yasmin</font>: I'm currently seeing Dr Ang from Thomson Women's Clinic (Sun Plaza Branch). Understand tt he has a clinic in TMC too. e S$90 is only for Scan &amp; bld test. X-ray &amp; SA will be separate. SA will be S$45.00, not too sure bout e X-ray too.

<font color="0000ff">Sandy</font>: How much did u pay for all these &amp; U seeing Dr. Kee from Jurong Point huh? Think I too late to do all these liao since I'm in CD08 now.</font>
Hi Sandy,
Me too undergo the same routine mth aft mth...
do u feel sick aft the clomid and jabs till AF comes? Cos, me feel sick really sick.... and when ovulate, the cramps are really bad as though CD01??? sian leh.....
worst still have to bd with the cramps.....errrgh....
for these past few visits, i spend nearly $350. i m seeing him at his TMC clinic, nearer for me.. maybe U can see him to check if U r ovulating or not..

i m ok after taking clomid and the jab. i dont feel any cramp during ovulation leh.. poor yasmin, it must be painful for u.. must take good care.. getting conceive is really not an easy task..
Dear gals....thanks for all your concerns....my tears dried liao...now wish is 530pm then go home and rest....1st day of AF is like that....
dun worry will work'extra hard'this cycle...just wondering we work so hard still not pregnant...others tried once and strike...dun u think life is just so unfair.....

thanks for your detailed info!!

I am thinking of doing blood test to check if i am ovulating.Is there a lot of blood needed?Scanning is vaginal scan?Is it quite 'pai sey'for a male gynae?Me contemplating if going to male or female gynae...had someone in mind though..
<font face="Calisto MT"><font color="0000ff">Sandy</font>: Thanks. I've done e bld test &amp; I'm ovulating. Wow $350 for all tt. Prob will consider if we decided to continue trying.

<font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: Ya HB reminded me yesterday tt it's battle time. U work hard too

<font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: Gynae will just draw 1 small test tube of bld tt's all. I didn't do any vaginal scan; he just placed e scanner on my lower abd so jus have to loosen jeans. Actually I prefer male gynae/doc, find them more patient *Hee* Btw Hopeful had e same gynae as me &amp; think she's away for vacation.</font>
u r most welcome..

go home and take a hot shower and rest well over the weekend.. everything will be better and look forward to a brighter and hopeful cycle..

ya, u bet. i feel pai say opening up my legs for my male gynae to do the vaginal scan but no choice.. cos i trust a male gynae more than a lady one.. ke ke ke.. after these few visits, i m used to it liao.. ke ke ke
yes choo, u r rite!
I have a friend who stike even wif contraceptive. The couple wanted to abort at first but my friend 35 already so decided to keep. Good for them but always brag abt gettin tis bb even wif protection and it is God's gift. Aint all babies God's gift! She always complain abt preg and worst still dun eat well, even folic acid during 1st trimester and iron + calcium for 2nd trimester. She doesnot want to put on weight cos afraid cant lose aft delivery... Aiyoh...I cant take it!
really?Male gynaes really good and patient...my prefered gynae at MT E is a lady but Mt E quite ex...the male gynae delivers at mt E,Mt A,TMC and glenagles and he has a very good package price...so realy dilemma...of cos for me i feel much more comfortable with female gynae..cos what i have she also have but not same for male gynae..the weird feeling is there leh...

so it is just a small bottle?then i am not so afraid cos I am afraid of blood...though i have only tried two cycles but i think it would be good if i can test if i am ovulating at least prove that i am fine..

thanks...just need today the most 'significant'day to recover and i will be fine...but thinking that all the 'hard work'gone done to waste really xian...
but still will buck up!!same goes to every lady here!
Hi choo,

keep it up, i have also been trying for 2 cycle, same as you but dun give it.

I am hope for this cycle. The most important period is tomorrow onwards to CD20..heehee

Today is Friday!!! Relax and enjoy your weekend!!
Choo, maybe u r too stress liao. Cos the more u wan to strike, the more difficult it will be. Tat's wat other ppl told me. Dun compare wif ur sis. As the ladies mention here, a child is a gift from god, he will determine when's the best time to give it to u..
<font face="calisto Mt"><font color="0000ff">Choo</font>: Agree with Nik - the more the more you want to strike, the more diffcult it will be become. Tt's why ppl who don't want strike so easily. Stupid HB even said must phsyco ourself to say tt we don't want BB during BDing.
so both of us TTC not long ago!
will try relax!!
Happy BD!

nik &amp; jenifur,
yup that's what i have heard from friends too..they didn't plan for baby and they strike!!my hubby also mentioned maybe next time we ttc tell ourselves dun strike dun strike!!
Hahaha, that is wat all the ppl around me told me, cannot be so anxious, the more you want the more you don't srike.

So should relax during BD. I find it so difficult leh and I scare I won't stike everytime.

Jenifur, not only your HB is stupid, this is wat I try to tell myself during BD, but it keeps coming to my head leh...
<font face="Calisto MT"><font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: Don't mean to say you stupid too.
But sometimes HB drives me crazy; duno whether to laugh or to cry. He even said we shldn't said tt we want BB anymore so tt God will not hear it. *Haiz*</font>

It is ok.

My HB very funny leh. So this time you are trying for 2nd kid or first, is it?

Are the 2 of you equally wanting a kid or your HB want it more.

In my case, I am the want who want more. My HB just take things natually.
dont give yourself too much stress when U r BD... maybe U can burn some aromatherapy essential oil to create the romantic mood.. and throw the thoughts of BD bcos of Baby behind yr mind.. just enjoy the intimate moments with yr hubby...
<font face="Calisto MT"><font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: This is e first time we trying for a kid. We both wanted our own kid for quite long liao but due to an operation I did in 2000 so got to hold back our TCCing plan till Doc gave green light in May'04.

My HB at 1st also take it very naturally now he very kan cheong liao esp now coming to e juncture to decide whether to continue TCCing after this cycle. Almost everyday he will ask me - Dear where's my little fur fur or last cycle during 2WW, he even "speak" to my tummy. Sometimes really feel like
Hi jenifur,

I think your HB will want a kids on his own so it is very nautrally he is anxious.

For me, when I suspect I have a bb, my HB will also talk to my tummy when in fact there is none...hehehe..

Btw, what is 2WW??? I quite blur, always have to ask.
<font face="Calisto MT"> <font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: 2WW means Two week wait (before testing, not always 2 weeks). Bascially meaning e period after ur Ovulation till AF arrives. At least your case is u all suspected. My HB is talking to his soilders inside my womb asking them to buck up. It's gets very irritating esp when I'm so tired after BDing</font>
Hi Jenifur,

It is so so funny of your HB to do such a thing.. Now I know wat is 2 WW liao..thanks so much.

Else I am always so confuse when everyone start using a term.

Btw, we are supposed to lie on our back after BD at least for half an hour. But does that mean immediately after BD, cause I need to clean up first before I can lie properly mah????
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Meijia</font>: Last time we usually will go clean up immediately but last cycle I force myself to go to sleep w/o cleaning up. Only clean up e next morning. Putting a pillow below your butt is supposed to help too.

I gotta go liao. Talk to u on Monday. Happy BDing
Hi gals!

I tried lifting my legs for 1 + yrs but no result but after trying doggie style managed to strike jackpot wif juz 1 try(But I also see Chinese sinseh at the same time). Also read in newspaper dat legs up method not suitable for every women as their uterus shape r different. Maybe u gals can give it a try! Good Luck!
hi mykono, tks for sharing.
joice, pls update for me CD03 as of Mon (18 Oct), great tks!
will hv to work hard for next cycle, will try doggie style &amp; hope to strike soon!

I have been seeing this chinese sinseh from Ubi Ave 1 for around 9 mths before strike. He was recommended by my colleague whose sister who has blocked tube but managed to get preggy after seeing him. However my colleague who also see him didn't managed to get conceived. So I think it depends on individuals(staying happy also play a very important part. Personally, feels comfortable wif him. But he will required u to do blood tests and it is best dat couple see together.


Dun mention. I have been ttc for very long so can understand how u all feel. The disappointment when af came is really beyond description. Sincerely wish dat u will hit jackpot very very soon!
hi morning everyone....got bad news!!!

my AF came yesterday...
please update me as CD02 as of 18.10.04.

am planning to see yasmin's gynae this week. will make appointment soonest possible before i leave for Guangzhou on Sunday.

yasmin: btw, how much is Dr Khoo's consultation fee and how do they normally charge for pple TTCing?
I have just called up the male gynae near CCK...the blood test to check ovulation has to be done on CD21.Anyone know why it is so?

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 18 Oct 04
sneaky ......... CD 02
caf ........... CD 03
choo ........... CD 04
pooh ........... CD 05
gebbera ........ CD 07
miso ........... CD 08
tuffy .......... CD 09
mrstan ......... CD 10
jenifur ........ CD 11
snowball ....... CD 11
meijia ......... CD 12
nik ............ CD 13
hopeful ........ CD 17
bookworm ....... CD 18
sandy .......... CD 18
woofy .......... CD 20
yippy .......... CD 23
joice .......... CD 27
classy ......... CD 27
yasmin ......... CD 34
megtan ......... CD 35
happy88 ........ CD 35
kelly .......... CD 37
JL ............. CD 43
mayling ........ CD 43
ENJ ............ CD 43
Karen .......... CD 49
rikku .......... CD 57
tidyfairy ...... CD 60
Jling .......... CD 67
dawn ........... CD 75
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04
jov ............ 05/01/05
huggie ......... ??/02/05
jara ........... 28/02/05
lbs ............ 07/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 19/03/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.
I find that u are a very detailed and observant girl leh...u seems to update everyone's CD so accurately!Thanks for the effort!

hi mrstan and joice,

glad to know both of you are fine.... i'm fine too. hmm... there are so many newcomers in this thread now. And i feel quite awkward to start my conversation with them .... sometimes, i did log in a few times to see who's there... but cant find any familiar names around.... so i think is better for me to remain quiet... Hmm.. feeling abit sad cos many had graduated and "proceed" to the next chapter of their life... and i'm still here....
i have not "officially" started TTCing yet... i'm longing to start... really envy those who are going thru the pregnancy stages...

I remembered the last time when you gals meet up for a gathering... It was so happening for all of you.... Hmm.. but that's seems so long ago liao...
