A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Jaz, thanks for the info!
have replied ur mail oredi!

Hebe, from what i learnt from this thread...the girls did mention that you can use your CM ....cervical mucus ( if i remembered correctly) to detect whether u are near your Ovulation. the ECM which u discharged is....stretchy...like egg-white like that, means u are at your most fertile, going to O or oredi O rite? someone more experienced pls help...i am learning....

<font color="ff6000">hi dawn</font>
if your CM is stretchy and egg-white like tt, means tt u are at ur most fertile, O-ing soon


everyone jiayou !!

<font color="0000ff">~~babydust to all~~</font>
hi tuffy
Haiz..I didnt have a nice weekend actually...

Yesterday when we were into the mood, my hubby cant really get in as I was very dried. Actually I never experience such before...not that I easily get wet but *sigh*....not sure if something wrong with me.

I didnt manage to fix an apptmt yet with any gynae...cant seem to get the time slots that I can make it...*double sigh*

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 03 May 04
maya ........... CD 06
wennia ......... CD 07
skinnyma ....... CD 09
tuffy .......... CD 10
lbs ............ CD 11
classy ......... CD 17
lilac .......... CD 18
oreo ........... CD 23
funny .......... CD 24
westbb ......... CD 25
joice .......... CD 26
dawn ........... CD 26
Ms Blur ........ CD 27
amberlyn ....... CD 28
kissbb ......... CD 28
huggie ......... CD 30
ribena ......... CD 31
catepillar ... . CD 35
jov ............ CD 41
aa ............. CD 51
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

jojoba ......... CD 62
felene ......... CD 85
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Common Terms Used</font>
hi tuffy and lbs,

i hv asked my gynae about dryness and he said 99.9% of the time - it's got to do with our minds - not happy, no mood, stress etc.... he didn't really say it will affect fertility though - maybe i will ask him that the next round

hmmm...maybe we should try to get into the mood!
hi tuffy,

yep..it's an illusion exaggerated by hollywood..heh!

but in any case, we should try to relax and psycho ourselves!.. erm..maybe putting some soft music on helps the mood thing.

i also dun enjoy BD very much la - doing for the sake of hubby and bb! not torturing .. but just the attitude : can don't do then don't do lo...hmm.. wonder if this mentality will affect fertility!
hi skinnyma, tuffy, lbs

just sharing wif u all my thought.i use to have the same think as u all
i dislike BD and everytime dun feel like doing but really feel sorry for my hubby and myself want to have BB. so everytime no choice but force myself. Eversince my 2WW till now we did not have any sex since. i was so tired due to the morning sickness and have spotting once. lucky my hubby is understanding., i really scared that i will loss my interest in sex aagin.
hi ladies,
it's good to know I am not the only one who feels this way. I really hope this does not affect fertility....
hmm..don't think will affect fertility lah, but stress definately will!!

yah guess it must be a very happy and pleasant surprise for you when you found out abt your pregnancy. the other time you see the doc is purely becos you wanted a check up? or experiencing some symtoms?
my temp think dropped liao
hi ladies
but the thing is i was in the mood ler...but didnt have discharge...that's why i am worry if something wrong with me..

I feel sorry for my hubby but luckily he is very understanding oso..

btw, during early pregnancy must restrain from sex huh??
hi tuffy,
dun worry u are not alone, many of us have the same feeling as u

there nothing wif u dun worry maybe timing is not right. u did not use ky jelly?

ya the other timne when i went to see Dr Chan was purly only for body check up. i did not know i was pregnant at tat time. I was very surprise and happy when i realise i was pregant 2 week after the check up. I call up for Dr Chan for another check up and all of them was really surprise.
dun loss heart as long your AF not here there is still chance
nope, I didnt use ky jelly. not comfortable to have 'artificial' lubricants inside me lor..
hi wendypooh,
did you use the jelly when your BD in your last cycle? I understand that it affects the chances of conception but I wonder if anyone has successfully conceived using the jelly.
hi tuffy,

sorry to say i never use last cycle.
i dun use evrytime unless i really can get into mood.
i suggest u try using alernate time i do tat oso cos dun wan tto rely on tat
Hi ladies,
I'm new here and have been following this thread for quite sometime already. Like most of you here, I'm very stressed abt TTC too.. feel very disappointed whenever AF comes.. T_T Today temp dropped again, means AF on the way.. haiz.. Last time thought that to get pregnant is as easy as ABC..
Hi Tuffy,
Today is CD37. My cycle is usually 36-37 days.. so AF will either come today or latest by tmr.

Me also everytime no mood to do one, therefore dry also.. but bo bian leh, still have to BD on fertile days.
hi Tuffy,

you really hv to try without KY - u can try stimulating yo-self (if u know what i mean)..it helps to produce fluid inside you and u ask your hubby to go very slow at first and continue to faster speed later when you are not painful anymore... a few rounds later u will get use to it.
hi skinnyma,
thanks for your advice. will try that... not terribly thrilled about it all... sigh.

how long have you been TTCing - would you like to be included in the updates?
Actually, I don't always look forward to BD too! And I thought I was alone in feeling that way.
Hehe... Got a question... how does your body react when your hubbies release the semen into your body? I recently noticed that whenever he does that, there is 1 set of muscles inside me that involuntarily gets tensed up. I suspect that prevents the little soldiers from swimming up. And I try to compensate by lying on a cushion. Do any of you experience the same thing?
thanks wendy for your encouragement

by the way, what were your symtoms? you didn't suspect you may be preggie?

hi ENJ..
you're not alone, we're all trying hard together

maybe you're not too relax? i think it helps, but letting go and stimulation will come by itself, maybe you should increase your foreplay time?
Melody and Wendypooh, wow you both are only 26! So envious... I've always wanted to be a mother before I turn 30 but I guess things don't always work out the way we want it to be huh... Now I'm just praying that I can conceive this cycle...
Me married for 3 years le. But have been TTC for about 2 years already. Few months ago my husband went for sperm test and found out that he has low sperm count. We have been seeking chinese medical helps for quite some time and his sperm count and quality did improve. So, Hopefully will succeed one day.

And oh ya, you can include me in yr updates.. Thanks so much.
ENJ and lbs, you mean you can be dry even on fertile days? I thought the fluid would be more generous during this period? Perhaps some background music will be good? My hubby sings to me when I get tensed up and it becomes so funny I just relax. But still cannot conceive leh. *sigh*
ENJ, I'm thinking of pulling my hubby along when I visit my gynae! Ask you something... how was the sperm count test done? Collection at home or at the clinic? My hubby is reluctant when I suggested that leh...
Care to share what the herbs your hubby taking? Thanks.
hi ribena
tat time when i went for check up, it was too early to detect although Dr Chan say i was alry pregnant at tat time. Most of the sytom are alike to AF, but i experience cramp abt a week before my usual AF is due. usually i have cramp so i dun really suspect until my daily body temp getting very high. so after i miss my AF for 3 day i test myself using the test kit then relise i was pregnant and tat was only a week 4 of my pregnancy. so have your AF due? maybe u can test using the test kit

hi wennia,
ya i'm 26 this year. dun loss heart your turn will come soon in this cycle. i jsut a bit luckily, i was also stress by my family to start bb planning soon cos my sis is a mother of 2 alry and she is only 29, so me no choice have to plan early.
Baby dust to u
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
hahaha.... me too have the same feeling as u. My hubby last time always says that i have sex for the sake of bb but not for pleasure.... So i feel so bad cos what he said is true. Cos normally after my O day, i will refrain from sex during the 2WW and when my next AF finish a week later then i start having sex again. So sometimes i feel very bad lor.

Me also will feel dry sometimes and i just bear with the pain and try to relax. Most of the time i can still finish the whole process. I dun like to use KYjelly cos it will kill the sperm. I thk the key point is to relax in order to have the mood to feel wet....
hi wennia

actually, I never experienced such 'dryness' before. Although I am not those easily get very 'wet' if you know what i mean..

Usually I will have at least some discharge (i think nearer to O, the discharge is more) but yesterday even when we were both in the mood, there wasnt any discharge at all &amp; it hurts when my hubby tried to get in..

I think for sperm count, hubby needs to do it at the clinic ler. too late is collect at home unless, the clinic is just door step away?
emm...KY jelly will kill off sperms huhh?

Welcome to the thread! yeap, we are all trying hard here..
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>,
could you include ENJ in our chart? thanks!

<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
I know - that's why I tried other alternatives like baby oil. sigh... Guess must BD more often so husband doesn't feel so "used".
Is BD painful for you too?

<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
ok - will try to relax - but sometimes painful, v difficult leh..
<font color="0000ff">ENJ</font>
do you do charting or use OPK? these methods will help you narrow down your O date and increase your chances of success.
<font color="0000ff">wennia</font>
for semen analysis, u can do it either at home or in the clinic. I thk u have to get the sterile container from the clinic first. Ur hubby must have intercourse or masturbation 2days b4 the test to clear off the old sperms. He has to wash hands and penis and dry them b4 producing the sample. N smaple has to be produced by hand(masturbation) directly into the sterile container provided(The whole ejaculate). N then, the sample need to be delivered to the laboratory within 1hour. So.... i thk its best to produce the fresh sample in the clinic.
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
BD is painful to me when im not near my fertile phase. N i remember last time, i will push my hubby away when he try to enter me. As for now, i always tell myself to relax and dun thk of the pain. On the other hand, when i BD during my fertile phase, i dun feel much pain cos theres so much lubricant.
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
I see - you can consider using jelly during non-fertile days loh. Much more comfortable and no need to suffer cos not fertile anyway mah.
My hubby sperm test was done in the clinic. DIY lor.. haha.. :p Doctor says must refrain from sex for aleast 5 days before u go for the test. You can ask your gynae to allow your hubby to have the sperm test, should cost about $30-40.

My hubby is taking acupunture and taking chinese medicine. It is in pill form, so I dun know the contents leh.

Btw me also quite dry on fertile days.. but if I'm in the mood, then no problem lor. But I found out that I tends to be more wet 2-3 days before AF coming.. haiz.. wetness come at the wrong time.. wasted leh.. :p
Yes. I took my basal body temperature every morning and I uses the Clearplan ovulation monitor too. In fact, I've already search the website for lots of fertility information. And have tried any methods that claim to improve the success rate.. however still cannot see any result leh.
<font color="0000ff">enj</font>
Welcome to the thread! Will include you in our CD Update list from tomorrow onwards!

sorry gals.. couldn't chat with you today.. as busy firefighting at work (got a new virus being propagated around..)

talk to u all later ...
hi lilac,
nice to see u back how your job searching. me have exactly the same problem wif u leh last time mu hubby say i BD only for the sake of BB and dun want him. i feel so bad and upset too.
i attend a talk b4 and the gyane say can use pure egg white, cookign oil ore baby johnson oil all this are mild and will not kill the sperm.
Tuffy maybe u use baby oil will be better try to cut down on kj jelly okie
i think most of us have the same 'problem'..our hubbies felt the same way, one way or another...that we BD for the sake of BB..*sigh*

but i think my sex drive deprieved as my ages grow ler..dunno why
<font color="0000ff">ENJ</font>
oh I see - don't lose heart! all of us here will cheer you on.

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
H prefers jelly to baby oil but during fertile period, we will use baby oil loh. I didn't know can use cooking oil too but that's a bit messy yah?
Hi ENJ, how long hv ur hubby seen the Chinese doc and undergone the acupuncture before his sperm count and quality improves?
Gals, first time tested positive on OPK after dinner today...CD26...din realize i O so late....no wonder everytime try around CD 20 ...also cannot hit.

Will BD tonite...but hubby says he is quite tired...izzit ok to wait till tomolo nite? cos usu. OPK positive means it the egg is going to release within 8 to 36 hours rite? so egg still there 2molow?
Hi ladies,
I've been following tis thread also. SO interesting.

Wendypooh, do u still remember me? I'm stayin in punggol also. N i'm also 26.

I need some advice. Is 26 too young to b mother? I'm still couldn't make up my mind yet. Everyone around me seems to b more concern than me.

I hope i can join u ladies in tis thread though sometimes my reply can take up to a week. Job commitment, always not in town.
<font color="blue">Hi Avatar,</font>
My hubby took medicine and acupuncture for 3 months, then he went for sperm test again, there is an improvement of about 20-25% lor.

<font color="blue">oreo</font>
Hi.. thanks for your updates. ^_^

<font >Hi Rosie,</font>
I think for your question, only you can answer it yourself. A person at the age of 26 may have a mind of early 20s or maybe early 30s.. it all depend on how mature you are and if you are able to take up the responsibility of a mother. You only become one when you are ready and not because those around you give you pressure. There are things that you may need to scarifice once you have a BB... so do give it a serious thought ya.. ^_*


what kind of medicine is that? must boil very long one...or juz taking chinese pills? ...and how reglular is the acupuncture? once a week?
