A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 28 Apr 04
wennia ......... CD 02
skinnyma ....... CD 04
tuffy .......... CD 05
lbs ............ CD 06
classy ......... CD 12
lilac .......... CD 13
oreo ........... CD 18
funny .......... CD 19
westbb ......... CD 20
joice .......... CD 21
amberlyn ....... CD 23
kissbb ......... CD 23
huggie ......... CD 25
ribena ......... CD 26
maya ........... CD 28
catepillar ... . CD 30
jov ............ CD 36
aa ............. CD 46
Ms Blur ........ CD 55
jojoba ......... CD 57
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 80
wizard ......... CD 90
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 24/12/04

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Common Terms Used</font>

This thread is moving so slowly...

<font color="0000ff">tuffy</font>
I don't think i've Oed yet.. i started to use the OPK on monday onwards.. so far it has been negative.
Hi dawn,
thank for the blessing, welcome u to our forum

hi lbs,
thanks for your concern. ya i went to see gyane yest and the spotting is due to my placenta is slightly low. he had given me some medicine and follow up again in 3week time. i had spent a bomb alry since i first my self pregnant. the average bill per visit is abt $180, but as long bb ok then ok lor when are u going to see the gyane?
hi oreo,
tom could you pls update me EDD to 22.12.04
as per yest scan. getting more further from christmas alry hee...

hi tuffy, oreo, lbs,lilac,
the thread is moving slower, pls dun loss heart ok .
Thanks for the update Oreo. How do you know when to start using the OPK?

Are you using the OPK from ordered from preggiebliss? I emailed my order yesterday morning but have yet to receive any confirmation. I wonder how long I have to wait for their reply...
heh ice-jelly
that's a valid enough reason. I recall reading somewhere that you2 long2 zi3 or some other geomancer mentioned that both monkey and rooster are among the "better" horoscopes. Not sure what is the definition of "better". So even if miss Monkey baby, still have Rooster baby following shortly after...
Hey Wendy, my hubby and I were just discussing about the costs of pregnancy last evening! We were just wondering how much we have to set aside. If it costs an average of $180 per visit, then inclusive of delivery charges, it means we'll need more than $10K from pregnancy detection up to baby delivery???
hmm... looks like I'm not the only apprehensive one when it comes to consulting a gynae..
I know i need to be seeing a gynae for check-up soon but scared the gynae will tell me unfavourable news about my body.. How about your hubbies? Not bringing them along for check-up too? For eg, sperm count test...
hi wennia,

oh really huh, rooster also not too bad..dunno whether i can get a bb rooster or not also...

temp still haven raised..think no O this month liow..so sad.
<font color="0000ff">wennia</font>
if you're using the OPK from preggiebliss, it comes with instructions on when you should start testing.
Have you paid for your order already?
They normally send it after payment has been made.
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
ive not loss heart yet.... but ive postphone my concieving plan to a later stage liao cos i want to find a job first. Currently my mind is not on TTC liao lor. N i find that im more "stressfree"!

BTW, are anyone of u a contract staff?? Cos i find nowadays more and more cmpy looking for contract staff instead of perm one. Im always against contract job but i guess gt to change my way of thking liao.
hi lilac,

nice to see u back. oh u put ttc aside now maybe next mth u might hit the jackpot like angelia, when u all become more relax.
i oso realise more company have contract staff cos i think less benefit and they migh want to the result first. did u join the jobstreet, i find i quite useful.
hi wennia,
u all right, the appt really cost a bomb. we need to go check up every 3 week and average is $180 wifout medicine. it also depend which gyane u go. for pte gyane the overall bill is at least 5-6K i guess
hi all
I am not losing heart lar
...like lilac, i also put the ttc thingy aside first..well, not saying totally but I stop taking temp daily...

it has been quite stressful especially for my hubby since his exam is arnd the corner..

hi wendypooh
I think I very lazy ler...found one but when called up have to go on weekdays morning...i cant really take leave as it has been rather busy for me..now, dunno how ler..
hi lbs,
good to know tat u not lossing heart.
my gyane actually quite good but quite expensive. he have sat morning appt but have to book advance cos he quite popular.
i find him very caring and outspoken so i feel very comfortable wif him never regret my choice
<font color="0000ff">hey gals</font>

Need to check with you all..
For those who have done the pre-preggie check, what is the cost like??
Hi Jaz, can PM me about the charges and more info about the gynae at TMC to me...
not yet thinking of seeing a gynae yet since only TTC for 3 months....maybe after another 6 months no news...then go and see gynae..

Wendypooh, thanks for the nice welcome!
how are u feeling now?

Oreo can put me as CD 21 today....juz learning the plot my temp graph....wah going up and down...even though i took at the same time everday...is it my thermometer not accurate?
Hello everyone
Very long never join inthe chat liao.

Oreo pls update 7/apr as my CD1. (can or not huh?)

lilac, hope you remember me. This month i sure no chance liao, there's goes my monkey bb. I only manage to bd once so far due to the tireness in work. Even the day i saw the stretchy cm i also fell asleep without bd. Imagine i woke up in shock in the morning realising i miss the dancing day.

Can i ask you gals, do you have greenish discharge
before? These few days i am having some greenish discharge and i wonder if i kenna infection. Anyone can advise me?
<font color="0000ff">MsBlur</font>
of cos still rem u! Hey.... u went MIA for so long....!!!
U too dun loss heart! Maybe we are not fated to have a monkey baby but a rooster baby! Well, next time dun bd so late lor.... if not will be very tired and u will heck care n go to sleep attitude.

As for the greenish discharge, i do experience it once in a blue moon. I also thking maybe its infection but then not itchy leh.
Duno what it means??

<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
i just went for my chkup and in total it cos me near to $200! I only had pap smear, blood test and normal urine test. The consultation fee is $80! Heard that the first visit is usually abit high on consultation fee.
So u intend to go for a chkup??
hi lilac

u went TMC, right?
$200 is very very exp for only 3 check-ups ler...

remeber the package list of tests I gave earlier from KKH? The most expensive , if done by a Senior will be $287 only...

emm...maybe, I shld really consider KKH for my checkups.....
hi girls,

i went to Dr Koh's women's clinic at Toa Payoh - had papsmear, scan and urine test - he also prescribe me med : Clomid(for improving ovulation) and something else for the AF to come - altogether is $170+. Consultation is $40. Med is expensive abt $2-$3 per tablet.
Hi Ladies,

Got two OPK kits and few Preg test kits to give away, OPK expiring soon though, but I think the result will still be valid if the control line appear.

Send me an email at [email protected] and I will post it to you. Free of charge as long as within Singapore.

I have been TTC for about a year, and have been visiting this site for a few months, so, just try to help..


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 29 Apr 04
maya ........... CD 02
wennia ......... CD 03
skinnyma ....... CD 05
tuffy .......... CD 06
lbs ............ CD 07
classy ......... CD 13
lilac .......... CD 14
oreo ........... CD 19
funny .......... CD 20
westbb ......... CD 21
joice .......... CD 22
dawn ........... CD 22
Ms Blur ........ CD 23
amberlyn ....... CD 24
kissbb ......... CD 24
huggie ......... CD 26
ribena ......... CD 27
catepillar ... . CD 31
jov ............ CD 37
aa ............. CD 47
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

jojoba ......... CD 58
felene ......... CD 81
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Common Terms Used</font>
Hi oreo,
my check up is ok except i've got hormone imbalance...thanks!!
i pd abt 150 for my check cos he delivered my no.1......did a ultra sound scan, blood test, urine test, consultation and medicine to build up my womb stronger.......

how are u nowadays??? feeling much better fm yr MS already???

u seeing which gynea fm TMC??? i oso went TMC to did my check...mine is Dr LC Cheng.....he's the son of WC Cheng who is the founder of TMC. I find him very gentle and he's really very good...both my hubby and myself are very comfortable wif him...
I had just realised that my co. has a health package similar to that offered at KKH..

The package offers the following :
Our In-house physician will interview you for present and past medical conditions, followed by a complete medical examination. For the ladies, breast self examination will also be taught.

Eye &amp; Ear Screening
Visual acuity and colour vision will be assessed. Fundoscopy will be used to examine the optic nerve and macula. Auroscopy will be used to exclude ear disease.

This assesses the electrical activity of the heart and diagnoses conditions such as ischaemic heart disease and arrhythmias.

Chest X-Ray
This radiological test enables us to assess heart size and diagnose diseases of the lungs including lung cancer and tuberculosis.

This measures lung volume and gives us an indication of the lung function. This is especially helpful for patients who have chronic conditions such as asthma, bronchitis or who are heavy smokers.

Pelvic Examination &amp; PAP Smear
This examination enables us to assess the female reproduction organs to exclude ovarian tumours, uterine fibroids and cervical cancers. The PAP Smear involves a painless scraping from the cervix, which is screened for malignancy. This is the gold standard for picking up cervical cancer.

Laboratory Investigations
- Haemoglobin
- White Blood Count
- Red Blood Count
- Platelets

- Differential Count
- Blood Group
- Peripheral Blood Film

Diabetic Screen
- Fasting Blood Glucose

Coronary Risk
- Total Cholesterol
- High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol
- Total-Cholesterol/HDL Ratio
- Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol
- Triglycerides

Kidney Profile
- Urea
- Creatinine

Bone &amp; Joint Profile
- Calcium
- Phosphate
- Uric Acid

Liver Function Test
- Alkaline Transminase SGPT
- Asparata Transminase SGOT
- Viral Hep B Antigen
- Viral Hep B Antibody

Tumour Marker
- Alfa-Fetoprotein (AFP)
- Cacino-Embroyonic Antigen (CEA)

Venereal Profile

Urine Analysis
- Urine FEME

Stool Analysis
- Stool Occult Blood

<font color="0000ff">This package only cost about $270. Do you all think it's reasonable or is the checkup too detailed?</font>

<font color="ff0000">Yesterday i tested + on OPK.</font>

Hope it's not false alarm.. but my temp. remain the same as yesterday. have not risen yet.. will monitor for the next few days.
hi gals,
can i check when your temp risen, do you only feel warm in the morning, or throughout the day? and usually if preggie, what's the temp like? hovering between ??
<font color="0000ff">classy</font>
Im seeing Madeleine Tan. Initially i wanted to see WK Tan but she is so super hot! N so the nurse recommend me Madeleine Tan lor. Now then i know she is so exp compared to <font color="0000ff">skinnyma's </font> gynae!

<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
u are in ur CD27! So whats ur usual CD length? Hmmm..... hope u bingo!!

How many DPO are u today?? N whats ur temp like??

Well.... diff pple have gt diff temp and so u cant compare urs with the others. So long as ur temp is above the coverline for 18days.... that means u are most prob preggie.
hi classy,dawn
thanks for the concern. my MS is on and off esp in the evening very serious. i had on and off spotting and is on medicine now.

hi lilac,
oh your price is quite ok alry. i did my pre-pregnacy test early April and cost me $232 tat include scan, pap smear, and culture test tat all i dun have any blood or urine test
*sigh* lilac,
me not good girl, i waiting for my may cycle to start taking temp, cos its too late for me to start charting in april when i signed up fertility friend. Much as you're able to help me, but i can't answer to the qns!!!

what's DPO? i don't think i preggie lah, just that initially i thought its fever, but it hasn't go away for 4 days already. my temp hovering between 36.5 to 37.0..also don't know what's wrong with me

think i dreaming of preggie till siao already!!
Hi,, I am back..
Good newss.. I am cfm to be preggie 2 days ago..
I went to Gynae.. but how come din do any physical examination.. (i read from books that ovaries, pelvic, etc has to be examinated leh).. why?????

Now,, still puzzle which gynae to see..
The one I see is at CCK,, Dr Adrian..
Why one knows him???

or good gynae to recommemd to me..???
<font color="0000ff">melody_vin</font>
Congrats to u!
Im sorrie i cant advise u on ur Qs cos im not preggie yet! hehehe......
Meanwhile u do take gd care of urself! BTW, how long u TTC? Any tips to share with all that are TVVHTCing??
u might really bingo u know. my temp was really high and i though i have fever until i went to see a doc my temp was 37 when i cfm pregnant
maybe u want to test?

congras to u, have not seen u here for some time. u are the gal tat married in dec 03 right? so your bb should be due in dec04,? which week are u in now?
i was tested +ve too 2 week ago now in my week 6
<font color="ff6000">ribena</font>
think ur chances of being preggie is quite high...
my temp before i tested +ve was like 36.9 highest..
more than 37.2 than its consider fever right?
do you hv any other symptoms? like tender breast?
get tired easily?

<font color="ff6000">hi melody</font>
congrats !!!
how many wks are u in now?
im seeing dr adrian @ CCK too
so far i dun hv any physical examination with him yet
juz take weight, blood pressure and hv ultra scan on my every visit to him...
i tink the chks u mentioned like will be done later in ur pregancy stage bah ... u can ask him
did you take up the package with him yet?
hmmm i heard both madeline tan and wk tan are good....u know the actor chow chor meng...his wife gynea is one of them....i met them a few times when i had my no.1 which is 1 or 2 months older then their no.1!!!!
so how's yr job hunting so far??? wat abt yr ttc then???

take good care of yrself

looks like you are ovulating soon..make sure you BD these few days ler..good luck!
Congratulations Melody!
Nice and encouraging to hear the 3rd piece of good news for the month of April.

Hope we can more more such good news in the month of May! *looking at lbs, classy, oreo, tuffy, lilac and the whole bunch of us TTVHTC-ing!*
Oreo, i got response from Preggie bliss liao.. the slight delay is due to the new stocks that just came in and they were consolidating those. I've paid up already and now waiting for the items.
Ms Blur, actually can consider BD in the morning too.. If so tired and fell asleep at night, at least next morning must quick quick go seduce your hubby and BD before the O period expires... In fact, I read an article that says morning BD got more little soldiers than night BD but the difference is not great enough to make any impact.
just read in the news that there's another cave in in Ayer Rajah. A few workers are dead... hai... makes you realise how precious life is.
hi all,
hav been MIA for while.... didnt come in cos wanna take a break from TTC.... but of cos not giving up.
nowadays have been busy meeting suppliers cos my fran n I decide to open a shop at bugis village.. those at e second storey selling young ppl clothing, accessories etc...at least all these can keep me busy to think of TTC..

Let's jia you together!
Ya,, married in Dec'03
I dun know which week I am now.. docs din say leh
but i calculate myself should be in 7 wks ba.. my last menses is on 160404.
Is it correct. EDD is on 121204..
how many wks are u in now? Should be 7 weeks ba
So you staying at CCK area too..
How u find Dr Adrian.. Anyone recommend you,, or you just find is convenience there.

Actually, i read book and it say should have phyical examination lor.. so just curioues.

Mine taken blood pressure and hv ultra scan on my first visit to him... only

I dun know is it ok leh.... how many times..
have u go liao..
How many wks u in now??
