A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

I am beeing truing since Dec'03 ma.. but really make the effort but after coming to this thread.. i est my O day lor,, may be heng heng strike in Mar..
During my O day,, I BD many time I think 3 times per wk lor..
after that,, my husband say my temp is always very high,, at first,, i dun know why... i know liao le ..
cos I am preggie..

hi melody

oh then very close to me lor mine was 20 March
so EDD ard Dec.
i found out 2 week ago and have seen my gyane for 2 time alry
wendypooh,, wic gyna u seeing..
need more info..
did u have any check up-phyical exam.. or what check up. test did u have..
chirhiro/Wendypooh/ or other Mother to be
What are u currening taking now. Did u take any milk at this moment.. I need more info.. Pls exchange..
really wish i can join you as a mummy to be.. hmm..my last menses was on 3 Apr..not even a month yet and some more i irregular type as in the dates will jump one..you mean can test ar??

i actually went to see doc cos thought i fever, then the doc gave me some fever medicine, but up till today, still feel warm leh, usually my fever recovers very fast one. but if preggie, the temp high when you record in the morning only right?

i always get tired easily one lah. heehee..

but seriously, i don't feel anything, the breast feels like a bit pain, the same feeling before menses lah. hmm..maybe i think too much liao.
<font color="ff6000">hi melody</font>
im in wk9 now
was recommended by angelia, who is also in Year End MTB thread, at the same time i oso go for the convenience lor..hee
so far both hubby n me find him ok ...
i 1st visited him when i was in wk4d6 ..
but he scanned and saw nothing as i've cfm my pregnancy earlier with a GP instead .. so he asked me to go back a wk later ..
its after the 2nd visit then i signed up package with him ..
according to him, 1st tri's chkup interval is fortnightly lor .. 2nd tri is 3 wks once
so far im quite ok with him

i juz took the folic acid and prenate vits dr adrian prescribed to me
as for milk, sometimes i drink HL milk lor
din drink those milk specially for preggie.. dunno to drink or not to drink ...
eat more fruits... but do keep out of those liang ones ... like pinapple, watermelon
as for food, my appetite for dinner is no gd ..
sometimes i juz put soup into my rice and kao dim liao .. juz can't put anythig else into my mouth ..

<font color="ff6000">ribena</font>
perhaps u might want to wait until 18DPO then test lor ... can tahan? kekeke...
tender breast = only nipple pain pain
sore breast = whole breast pain pain
which one r u experiencing?
Thks oreo for helping me update the CD.

Lilac, Wennia
Nowadays workload really heavy. Reach home already so late liao. Din even have energy watch tv not to say BD. Only these few days workload start to get better. Tok about BD, really tough man. Up to now i still feel pain and really needs long time to 'warm up'
, therefore not able to do in the morning as no time. Come to think of it the only time i did this month is in the morning becos happen to wake up at 5+.

Think really going to give up liao.
<font color="aa00aa">melody,</font>
congrats.. so u can join us at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/50440.html? as well

me wk 17 this wk.

dun worry abt those physical checks. the books u read R pertaining to ang moh countries rite? then u shld hv read that their 1st appt usu 1~2 mths after they tested positive.

and their 1st appt usu gotta do with those health questionaire stuff. their practices are different from ours. so no need to worry so much lah

food wise, like what <font color="ff6000">chihiro</font> mentioned, avoid those "liang stuff". aloe vera is a no, but avocado is good for bb, but can start avocado during 2nd trimester lah, cos 2nd trimester is the time when bb absorbs most.

however, at 1st trimester, the most impt is MUST take folic acid EVERY DAY. food wise, as long as u can eat, most things can take lor.

oh, avoid those high in VIT A &amp; dun eat too much of "yellowish" food. i oso skip seafood, except fish, cos seafood consider "poisonous". but well, some say eat in moderation lor

fish to avoid - sharks, stingray, king makeral. salmon is GOOD. can take ikan bilis or silverfish (smaller than ikan bilis &amp; white in color) cos high in calcium.

elderly say avoid mutton (cause epilepsy), beef (result in hairy bb) but well, i still take then. anyway, ang moh says beef is high in iron.

as for chinese herbs, pao sheng is alrite, but not ren sheng cos too strong. dang gui oso a no-no cause will result in high blood pressure.

1st trimester, actually no need to control so much, cos i guess most will not hv appetite to eat
. so gotta eat even if those u crave falls into the no-no category.

then hor, everyone got a different set of no-no food, if follow all, then everyday drink plain water can liao..

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 30 Apr 04
maya ........... CD 03
wennia ......... CD 04
skinnyma ....... CD 06
tuffy .......... CD 07
lbs ............ CD 08
classy ......... CD 14
lilac .......... CD 15
oreo ........... CD 20
funny .......... CD 21
westbb ......... CD 22
joice .......... CD 23
dawn ........... CD 23
Ms Blur ........ CD 24
amberlyn ....... CD 25
kissbb ......... CD 25
huggie ......... CD 27
ribena ......... CD 28
catepillar ... . CD 32
jov ............ CD 38
aa ............. CD 48
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

jojoba ......... CD 59
felene ......... CD 82
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms Used</font>
think not already lah, my temp dropped a bit..heehee..my AF supposed to come on next monday, if don't have then i'll test.
mine is around nipple area pain, not really pain lah, like "suan"..
anyway, better not have high hopes in case i get dissapointed.
If not wrong, u are pregnant right??? Cos i saw ur posting yesterday saying that u tested + on OPK. Hope i did not make mistake


Congratulation too!
\blue(A Fei Yoon Fion}
U make a mistake..... <font color="0000ff">oreo</font> tested positive on Ovulation but not pregnant....
OIC! Thank you for letting me know! Cos when i saw the "tested +" me thought is pregnant.

So what is OPK stand for?? Too short form i dont understand.
<font color="0000ff">tuffy</font>
My temp. still remain constant since i tested + on OPK. Yesterday i tested again, it was also +.
This morning took temp. and it did not drop or rise. So mind-boggling. But i did not BD yesterday.. too tired.
The 1st day i got a + OPK, i did BD.
But i don't want to be too hopeful though.
hi <font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
Sometimes the OPK can detect O 36 hours in advance. Since your temp is still constant, you may not have O-ed yet. So do try to BD tonite - your temp may rise tomorrow, yah? Good luck!
Hi, Wendypooh,, wow,, we abt the same time..
Angelia,, Chirhiro,, Wengdypooh,,
Do you all experience menses-like cramp.. I do experience leh...so quite worry for me..but docs say is ok as long as it dun come with vaginal bleeding..

I have giddy only.. and usually in the evening..
Now,, still have experience vomitting..

But prob,, I usually have bloated stomach,, a lot of wind.. dun know will cause any side effect..

hi,, see u in the new thread given by angelia..
hi melody

ya think we abt the same time
dun worry i too have cramp in the bginning and tat why i went to see gyane early.
so u must be very excited now? btw how old are u
hi ribena
luteal phase refer to the days past your O until your next AF comes..

I think normally the length (varies individual) is abt 10 to 14 days...
oh i see..
i'm now trying to read all the archives to understand more things..wow..really a lot of catching up to do!! thanks lbs
you are welcome..

all of us here are learning from each other..

I do agree that i have learnt a lot from the rest too...
yep yep..
i intend to see gynae if this time not preggie..
how long have you been ttc? also don't know why but the feeling of wanting to have a bb is stronger and getting a bit worried..
hi ribena, lbs,

my fren's gynae told her a normal luteal phase should not be less than 12 days. 10 or 11 days is considered borderline and need to see doc.
but first i have to detect my ovulation first before knowing the luteal phase right? actually becos i haven't chart yet that's why i quite blur even when i read the info from fertility friend.
hi ribena
I started charting in two cycles ago. This cycle, i decided not to take my temp liao..I think it is rather stressful to take the temps daily &amp; I got very tense up especially during the luteaul phase when my temp dropped...*sigh*

however, I am quite 'lucky' because my cycle is pretty 'cun' - 27~29 days &amp; i usually ovulated sometimes in the middle. Therefore, I will use the O-kit to test when is nearer to the O-day &amp; then put in extra effort to BD then lor..

Really? Emm, I think I read somewhere the range is abt 10 - 14 days ler. If continuously for few cycles ,the luteaul phase is less than 10 days then may need to consult doc..
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
me now stop trying hard to TTC. Just leave it as it is. I even din take temp and i dun even know which CD im in. hahaha.... its so relax liao....

As for job hunting.... no good news yet. But will keep on looking for one lor.

How abt u?? Hmm... find that this thread is getting slower liao.....
huh lilac, u giving up? dun give up taking temp and keep track of ur CD lah... but dun specifically only BD near fertile period lor... anytime u feel like BD just BD lor... like that more relaxed...
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
For me, I am still charting my temp. Has become a habit oredy. Just pop the thermometer in my mouth every morning. My cycle has been rather wonky lately (eg had a v short luteal phase last cycle). So dunno what's going on. am thinking I will BD more frequently this cycle (if I am not too tired) and hopefully the timing is right. Used the OPK wrongly the last cycle - not sure if I can get a positive reading this time round. So, am thinking of not relying too much on the OPK this time round.

For me, I am worried if I don't chart, I will probably BD even less. Cos lazy mah. At least this gives me incentive to do so - for H's sake.

Hope you find your ideal job soon!
mi 26 years old liao le..

I went to the website,, angelia given to me..
wah,, so messy..

trying to read..
Next time,, go in say hi to you

How many times, u go to your gynae liao le..
Your at Gleneagle right.. Dr Chan..
How u find him..
My fren wan is Dr Tham..

What check up and etc have u take liao le?
my sentiments too, i also don't want to make this whole ttc as a stressful thing! its good that you have regular cycle, just dance more on your fertile days, i'm sure you'll hit jackpot

don't lose heart in finding a job, good jobs are worth the wait, i'm not considered a job hopper, but i found this current job i'm in 3 mths ago, and REALLY wants to get out now. So though it took me some time to finally get a job, but i'm going to send my resumes out again..cos I really can't stand this co.
don't get stressed up with too many things..and i think its better to get a job first before you're preggie

how are you now? so fast hor, that time talked abt dr chan, now you preggie liao
Hi gals,

Need some help with charting.
O is detected after a dip then rise in temperature rite? By dat time, too late liao rite? Then how to predict when I going to O?

Hi everyone,

I've been married for about 11 months now; hubby and i recently decided to start trying for for a baby. However, after three months, i am still not preggy... date wise, we are following gynae's advice, so shouldn't have a problem there... may i know how long did you all try for, before hitting the jackpot? i feel quite discouraged leh...

if u use the BBT, once the temperature rise, it may be a little late.. u r rite. One way to predict O is to establish roughly which cycle day u normally ovulate using past BBT charts. That is assuming you are quite regular. Else, you can explore using ovulation prediction kit. Its a urine test to test for the LH surge which happen 24-36 hours before O
hi hebe

Yeap..by charting, you will only know when you have ovulated, that is after you have seen a consecutive rise in your temp..Theoritically, by the time you see a thermal shift on your chart, it is usually too late to conceive that cycle because the ideal situation is having 'healthy sperms waiting' for fertilisation when eggs are released. Thus, the best times to BD are the days before you see a thermal shift on your chart.

Some of us here are using the Ovulation test kit to predict when we are going to O. When the test kit show +ve, it means you are likely to ovulate in 8-36hrs time...
Hi jaz,

can send to [email protected]?


I started taking my temp for this cycle...but can't see the patterns that u all describing....
very rocky...now day23...still haven't O yet..using the OPK to check... i have long cycles...about 36 days..

hi melody,
me 26 yr too, 1978 right? hee we are the same.
have u seen the gyane? better consult doc soon dun drag for too long okie. i'm with Dr chan at Glene. I find him very comfortable and easy to talk. Ribena is oso seeing him so is a few MTB in the other thread. i have seen him for 3 time alry, and do scanning for every visit.

Hi ribena
thanks i fine. how your temp recently?
ya tat time we wee discussing abt Dr Chan for my pre-pregnancy check up. it so happen and lucky tat i found myself pregnant 2 week later. from there i continue to see dr chan seen i find him very nice.
how your job searching?
