A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="aa00aa">ENJ,</font>
welcome to the thread.. hope all of u get good news soon

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Hi ladies
I am on CD42 today and is already 7 days past my usual cycle. I am tempted to test but afraid that the AF delay is due to jet-lag. I just came back from Hawaii. Should I test or wait for a few days more?
Hi ladies, have a question here but not sure who to ask so decided to post here, hope someone could help. we are not planning for a baby yet, but would like to know what do we need to do before that e.g. getting Hep A/B injections etc etc? I heard that getting those injections means we cannot concieve within 1yr (or 6 mths??) or else high risk to the baby? is that true? Are there any mothers here who dun go for that kinda of injections before concieving? what about the folic acid and stuff? When should we start seeing our long-time gynae? coz now i am having yrly checkups with WK Tan but i dun intend to have her as my gynae next time (think she's too busy). so should I look for one now or shld i look for one after i am preggie? so sorry for so many questions, but really hope someone can help...
morning gals,

how's everyone?? me now waiting for AF to visit me

Hi Ibs,
hav u gone to visit a gynae? if yes, pls let me kw the name. i thot of going for 1 after my tis cycle..
hi everyone
last night we make out and there's slight blood after that, so i think my AF is here

but up till now, its only a bit only leh, is there something wrong?

i see, for me i'll always think that the things i'm experiencing may be becos of AF coming, cos preggie symtoms and AF symtoms are vry similar.

same here, i will see my gynae after this cycle.
I have a friend whose husband also had low sperm count also. The Mil also cooked some herbal soup for him n now they r e parent of 2 kids. So don't b discourage.

My friends also keep tellin me tat 'nobody will be ready till they're pregg'. This quote has been ringing in my mind. Probably i'll start trying in e year end. I think my problem now is tat no one will take care of e baby when i'm going back to work.

I'm also curious about all e questions tat BinBin asked. I heard about e hep A/B injection also. I've been popping mulitvitamins pills for a while already. My cycle is very accurate. 28days. I think e pills do help since it has vitamins A-Z n minerals too.
hi tuffy,
i oso never use cooking oil b4 but the gyane say all these are natural source so better.

o i remember u, wich blk are u staying?

hi ribena,
u better be careful these few day, since your AF not here yet. the blood u see yest might be spotting. dun BD these few day if still ahve the AF sytom think u better test to see okie
<font color="ff6000">hi binbin</font>
its true that if you take Hep A/B injections and u can't get preggie within 6mths ..
if u take rubella injections, i tink its 3mths
i din go for rubella one though :p

as for gynae, i guess its up to individual. I only go to gynae after i've tested +ve
hi all you TTC ladies,
We're all in the same boat here I guess. So far, I've been disappointed for the 3rd month now. It is indeed not easy TTC altho we always BD during my fertile period. I have decided to try charting now. Just wanna find out, do we take our temp in the morn before getting out of bed? But wouldnt our bodies be very warm already then? Would like to know more about charting...
<font color="ff6000">ribena</font>
guess u better get a test kit and test
if its +ve, its best to go gynae immediately with regards to ur spotting
hi dawn
when you tested +ve (especially in the late evening), it means you might be ovulating very soon or even ovulating that time..usually, it is encouraged to take in the afternoon &amp; if +ve, meaning you are ovulating in 8 to 36 hrs time..

Therefore, might be too late to BD if you wait another day.

Hi joice
not yet. I tried to book with a private doc recommended by a friend but her schedule cant meet mine..I cant take leave this period due to work load thus very hard for me to go hospital for the checkups. Now, i become lazy to find one liao.
Do you have anyone in mind you might want to visit?

Hi ribena
Do you have any gynae in mind you might want to visit?

Hi BinBin
When i went for my Hep B injection, was told by the doc that not to conceive during the injection period (3 jabs abt 2 months interval each, if i remember correctly). After the last jab, was advised is best to wait for 6 months before TTC. But I think you can double check with your doc again.

As for folid acid, it is better to take at least 3 months before you TTC but for me, I started taking only when I started TTCing (due to my ignorance lar
..is never to be too late, I guess..)

Emm..I have never seen any gynae for check ups before (which I know I shld!)but I think if you are comfortable with your regular gynae, it might be good to engage him/her during your pregnancy because he/she will know your body better! However, I guess is still okay to switch when you find out you are preggie!

Hi Mrs Captain

Yes, you shld be taking your temp the moment you wake up in the morning try to take it arnd the same time everyday).

In fact, i think that is your basal temp &amp; is the lowest of the day ler....
Hi wendypooh,
I'm staying in 133.

Is it true tat ur baby will be immune for life against Hep A/B if u have e injection before u pregg? I hearsay from a friend.
<font color="ff6000">hi mrs captain</font>
yup, u must take temp before u get out of the bed
try to take ur temp ard the same time everyday
<font color="ff6000">hi rosie</font>
huh ... bb will be immune ah?
eh .. tis i dunno leh ..
mayb i can find out fr my gynae on my nx visit

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 04 May 04
catepillar ... . CD 05
maya ........... CD 07
wennia ......... CD 08
skinnyma ....... CD 10
tuffy .......... CD 11
lbs ............ CD 12
classy ......... CD 18
lilac .......... CD 19
oreo ........... CD 24
funny .......... CD 25
westbb ......... CD 26
joice .......... CD 27
dawn ........... CD 27
Ms Blur ........ CD 28
amberlyn ....... CD 29
kissbb ......... CD 29
huggie ......... CD 31
ribena ......... CD 32
ENJ ............ CD 38
jov ............ CD 42
aa ............. CD 52
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

jojoba ......... CD 63
felene ......... CD 86
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Common Terms Used</font>
hi girls,

for those who are dry, you can consider EPO - did very well for me and no side effects on my cycle. EWCM is there and you dont feel much pain during BD (hubby also no pain) - and BD time is very much shortened now.

However, some girls here got delays due to EPO, so better try out - if first month ok - then should be ok.
chihiro, wendypooh,
think my AF is here
no chance liao. Just need to check, how is spotting like? its not considered little flow right?
wendy, i going to see him again.

hi mrs captain,
welcome to the club!!
me also going to starting charting this cycle. Don't worry, the wanna mummies here are all very helpful.

my gynae is dr chan, same as wendypooh's. i always go for my pap smear, but this time round i'm going to ask him to help us in ttc. how abt you? how long have you been trying?
Hi Ibs,
I thot of going to Dr Heng at Bedok Specialist. Want to find one near my place &amp; not too far away..
Now waiting for AF to come so maybe after tat, will go &amp; visit her.

I oso dun really like to BD.... now oni for the sake of BB
. my hubby oso feels very tired due to his work.. therefore not really very active in BD.. so think for us will be very hard to succeed unless we are really very hardworking...
Dear Chihiro,
Sorry for my ignorance. It really a hearsay only. Juz being curious. There r so many of e wanna to b mummies here, see whether any of u heard it before also.
Thanks lilac for the process overview.

Another question... can I buy folic acid in the pharmacy? Or do I need my gynae to prescribe?
wendypooh, joi*ce
thanks! at least i know the differentiation.

i seeing him on 14 may. i didn't manage to get the sat's slot. How have you been feeling?
Hi ribena
I started seriously TTCing with all the chartings, OPK etc ..2 cycles back. This is the 3rd cycle..but I stopped charting as I find it is rather stressful monitoring my temp/CD &amp; always on 'alert motion' during the fertile period..

I probably will just test with the OPK since I have quite accurate cycle count..

Hi joice
I am thinking with Dr Heng too(cos nearer to my place. When I called up last week, Dr Heng's schedule clashed with mine lor.

I have the same sentiment too. Unless we are 'hardworking' or we are superly lucky..the chances to BINGo like very slim lor..

you are in your CD26? Maybe got chance to hit the jackpot this time??
Hi gals,

Thanks for the advice.

I understand that some of you order the OPK from preggiebliss. How isit delivered to you? What if I not at home? Can it be put into our letter box?

I tried using the fertility friend to chart and they detected my O-day but when I try with OPK , its -ve leh...so did I O or not huh?
Implantation bleeding or spotting: (a slight staining of a pink or brown color on average 8-10 days after ovulation)

Your AF confirm arrive already? Could it be implantation spotting you're experiencing?
oreo, i received my preggiebliss stuff yesterday.

hebe, it is delivered to you via normal mail. package is flat flat can slot into your mailbox, don't worry.
<font color="ff6000">ribena</font>
CD01 is considered once u see a normal flow of AF
spotting prior is not counted as the start of the new cycle

<font color="ff6000">rosie</font>
its okay .. i like to find out from dr oso now that you've mentioned it ..
hi hebe
preggiebliss will sent to your letter box. Dont worry, it will be wrap in a brown envelope &amp; can fit into the letter box easily.

FF detected your O after your chart show significant thermal shift (usually 3 consecutive temp rise). As for OPK, it is to predict when you are ovulating. If test +ve (recommended to test in the noon), then it means you are ovulating soon in another 8-36 hrs...

Care to share with us your chart so that we all can help to take a look to get clearer pic?
lbs, the OPK will register a +ve right before and right after the O-day right? as such, wouldn't it be risky to just rely on OPK? do you combine with CM as well? i also feel stressed from all the BBT charting leh.. but unsure if there is other better methods. *sigh*
joice, do you feel any breast tenderness now? it is one of the early pregnancy symptom but not everyone will experience it.
Breasts may be very tender, swollen and start to enlarge. Many times the veins within the breast will become more visible. Your nipples may start to darken in color, become more erect and be extremely sensitive. These symptoms are due to increasing amount of HCG hormone that begins at implantation.
Here's another one on early pregnancy symptom:
Light bleeding (spotting) may occur approximately 8 - 10 days from ovulation. It usually happens around the same time you would have gotten your menstrual period. Some women assume they have started their period when in fact they are pregnant. The spotting is caused from implantation which is when the fertilized egg burrows into the endometrial lining.
hi ribena,
oic sat slot alway very pack.
mine appt was make 3 week b4.
my mornign sickness is getting worse
and i cant sleep well at night so day time is a torture to me.but Dr Chan say this MS is a good sign so have to bear lor. really cant wait to see him in next appt to see the progress.
maybe u should check wif him regarding the spotting. i feel comforatble seeing him for my pregnancy
huh? MS is a good sign? Wendy, did Dr Chan explain further why this is so? My friend didn't suffer from MS and her doctor said she is one of the lucky minority.
<font color="ff6000">wennia</font>
my gynae oso say this..
the more i suffer from MS the better progress is the pregnancy ..
almost fainted on the spot when i heard this

but then its oso an indication to us that we are still advancing in our pregnancy lah .. esp in the critical 1st 3 mths ..usually MS will go away after tt ... unless so unlucky that it stays with u thru-out .. got a fren who is unlucky ..
hi wendy,

i will normally have PMS before my AF (feeling irritated easily). do you experience that before u found out u r preggie huh?? are the symptoms similar (apart from cramps)?
hi wennia
chihiro explain wat Dr Chan say tat is why is good sign eevn books oso said tat

haha me too nearly fainted and want to "box" him. i was alry suffer and the min i step into him rm he ask abt my ms and say very good sign.

white cranberry,
most of the sytom in fact is the same, i usually have cramp before AF too.
hi wennia

I think if your (dunno what it is call) is high, OPK can detect the O early, meaning it shows positive results a day earlier than FF detect.
I think if you have Ovulated (depending how long after O), OPK may not be showing +ve result already ler. I remember last cycle i took on CD16 &amp; CD17 &amp; CD18 (all arnd same timing, somtime in the afternoon). The control bars &amp; test bars on CD16 &amp; CD18 were almost same colour but test bars were slightly lighter. On CD17, both bars were of same darkness. Then FF also detected my O on CD17 lor.

Yea, by OPK only may not be really reliable but since I usually have DPO 12 or 13 &amp; my cycle day is arnd 27 - 29...I will just test when is nearer to O lor. As for BD, I will just estimate &amp; seduce my hubby on alternate days near to my O day.

For example, when I start seeing 2 bars (with slight difference) appearing on OPK, can start BD that day liao.

bo bian ler..like what you say, seem like no other better alternative. At least is less stressful (at least for me lar) than BBT charting &amp; monitoring lor
<font color="ff6000">wendy</font>
same here
i did not hv any obvious MS signs on wk5 when i saw gynae, then he say better scan n chk bb
luckily can see something ..
hi lbs,
thank, i feeling terrible my morning sickness seem to get worse just dun know wat i want.

how your ms getting on? my ms start right before i detect the pregnancy after tat week 6 quite ok now back to worse again, rally dun know how to decribe. think tom willt ake mc to rest had been covering ppl duty for 3 day really very tired. my next appt is only on 15 May really worried abt bb growth.
<font color="ff6000">lbs, wendy</font>
ms ah ..
siao siao one .. sometimes like nothing
sometimes got few nausea feeling in a day
i oso

oredi got a tummy before preggie
now look mirror hor ... oso dunno where exactly bb is

must realli take note where dr put his ultrascan device on my tummy nx time

<font color="ff6000">Wendy</font>
my nx appt is 20th may .. shd be in wk12 by then .. like wat u say lor
am worried too abt the bb's growth lor
but sometimes i juz hv to tell myself not to keep hving negative tots .. got to stay happy to hv a happy bb ..
<font color="aa00aa">jov,</font>
guess u can test since it shld be 18 DPO rite?
Good Luck!!

<font color="aa00aa">binbin,</font>
it's good to go for jabs for Hep A/B, rubella, etc prior to trying. the # of mths is as per what <font color="ff6000">chihiro</font> mention.

however, i din go for any of these jabs, so i've gotta be extra careful with what i eat now, else if kenna any of the above then jia-lat lor.

for folic acid, can start eating abt 3 mths b4 u start trying, to build the foundation 1st cos the 1st 3 mths is the most impt period for folic acid to be present.

gynae-wise, u can start doing "research" at ur own time own target now lor. in case u "accident" (like <font color="ff6000">jen</font>
) then no need to panic
but well, usu u'll still hv abt 3~4 wks to look ard when u tested +ive, so if u wanna leave it till then, oso can lah

if ur AF not regular, maybe u oso wanna start on BFW to nourish ur womb.

<font color="aa00aa">rosie,</font>
many hv complained that their very regular AF goes haywire when they start TTC seriously... maybe u juz wanna take note

<font color="aa00aa">mrs captain,</font>
dun worry abt body temp being very warm early in the morning b4 u step out of bed. as long as u take ur daily temp b4 u step out of bed and keep all variables constant, the readings will be accurate.

by variables, i meant, if normally u sleep w/out aircon, then 1 day u slept with aircon, then that day's temp might (might only) not be that accurate.
or u normally sleep at 10~11pm, woke up &amp; took at 7am, then 1 day u slept at 2am &amp; woke up at 10am, that might contribute to inacurracy as well.

<font color="aa00aa">riben, joice,</font>
spotting can be red as well.. depends on serverity.

<font color="aa00aa">wennia,</font>
u can get folic acid from pharmacy. i got mine from NTUC Healthcare last time. 100 tablets for $2.50 only

the other brands like blackmoore, costs so much more expensive!!!

as for morning sickness, it's a good sign that bb is progressing well.. but many who got it will complain.. complain... complain.. (but well, it's really hard to bear sometimes
), then when the MS goes off, we'll start worrying that bb is unwell. hehehe.. that's human rite??
like this we complain, like that we worry!!!

<font color="aa00aa">chihiro, wendypooh,</font>
always look fwd to the next appt, &amp; dun worry abt bb doing well or not

or tell urself that since still getting MS, means bb doing fine
dun worry.
hi chihiro,

me too have a tummy before preggie so oso dun know where is the bb
i had seen my gyane very week for the past 2 week due to spotting now push back 2 week fo next check up. cant afford to go everytime so expensive. everytime i really worried how the bb inside. but hor u know my gyane so open wan say dun worried lah can jump, dance etc no problem wan or u went see so many goign for abortion of bb
hi ladies

I watched Discovery Channel yesterday &amp; there was a programme on ppl eating sharks - shark fins/meat..

according to this programme, shark meat has high mercury content &amp; mercury is very bad for human body especially infertility ler..

<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
how come sharks hv high mercury content leh?
water pollution? or natural?
