A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi wennia,

yalor me too..before TTC every month can detect Cm but now TTC cannot detect at all since i first started...dunno why..

thot i am the only one like that leh...

thats why i also begin to suspect whether i O or not..arghhh

Thanks lbs. I think I'll also get the cheaper version.
Who knows how many I'd need to be using before hit jackpot... heheh
ice-jelly, you too?! I was wondering if I'm the only odd one.. You think it could be due to our eagerness to get pregnant?? Anyway, got such thing as don't ovulate or not?

finally found one buddy same same as me liow...

yupe sometimes we do not ovulate monthly (i also just learnt from the girls here) last time i thot if got period then sure ovulated but it does not seems to be the case.

but funny why last time i always see CM but not now when i needed them most! it is so frustrating for me. but then again my temp did raise which meant i may have ovulated (but no CM??)perhaps should get the strip to double confirm hor..
hi wendypooh,

FF has already detected my O on CD16. Am in CD19 now.
Wait and see loh. What will be will be...

hope we hear good news from you!
hi icejelly and wennia,
I also have the same problem with CM! I distinctly recall having more last time leh. Ever since I started TTC, seemed to be less. Body is playing tricks on me!
hi wendypooh,
today is my DPO6...

actually, I suspect I have the same problem too..that is I might not be O-ing for some cycles. This is the second cycle plotting my temp but the first time, I remembered I didnt see much CM but my temp rise lor. FF detected my O on CD14 (lowest temp before it hike..but like not zun one)

So, for this cycle, I decided to use O-kit & tested +ve on my CD16 & I did see EWCM on that day & the day after. So, I am really confused also.
heeee so actually a lot of us here have experience that...

i think if we depends on FF alone it will be too late liow coz FF only detect O a few days later right.

i think perhaps O-kit should be more accurate since they are based on our individual urine test. maybe i should give it a try.

<sigh> seems like our body like to play tricks on us at the most crucial time!!
ice jelly,
cannot depend on FF to help you predict O date. Can only rely on it to confirm loh. So to predict, still need OPK
dun worry have fate in you. u can make it.

thanks. if over the weekend AF still dun come then i will test. keeping my finger cross.
btw just remember tat i have a body scan on 5 april, if i really hit jackpot the dr should know at tat time right?

I am not sure but I think that time is still too early to detect anything ler...

anywhere..keeping my fingers &amp; toes for you...

gd luck!
Hi Gals,

this mth i also fail again...today is CD1...6th time liao...! this mth will try clomid and AI/IUI...hopefully will succeed....

fail many times....but still sad leh...but then, at least i know why i will fail la....

anyhow, wish u gals luck...
hi tuffy and all ladies,

my hubby made me test this morning, cos i keep feeling sick and restless. i use clearview test kit and the result show positive. it say if 1 line then not pregnant if 2 line then is pregnant. i got 2 line in a very short time and now we are guessing tat i mighnt hit the jackpot since my AF had alry missed and i really so sick with body , neck ache, cramp and nausea. but we still have not see the doc and both my sis and hubby want me to go back to see dr Chan at glen so have to wait till tom to call for appoinment.
poohy, chihiro

thanks. do u all tink the test kit is relaible?
i taking care of my self at the moment even though not cfm yet cos i dun want any risk.
i had difficulty sleeping.
chihiro, do u have such problem when u pregannt at teh begin stage

i think the test kit should be reliable ... cos hcg is only produced when you are pregnant!
ya ya .. do take care of yourself

thks a great piece of news heard today!!I am soo happy for you..

Since clearblue showed +ve results, shld be 99% confirm liao ..If you cant get your apptmt with Dr Chan soon, &amp; if you still not feeling very well, why not see consult a normal GP?

Take care, yea!!
<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
initially i do hv coz i fear that i might crush the bb ..
coz sometimes i used to sleep on tummy before i was preggie...at the same time fear of seeing something bad on my panties ..
why do u hv difficulty in sleeping?

read from somewhere that our body is working extra hard with bb's development.. tts y feeling tired is a one of the symptoms

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 19 Apr 04
lilac .......... CD 04
oreo ........... CD 09
funny .......... CD 10
jigsaw ......... CD 11
joice .......... CD 12
amberlyn ....... CD 14
huggie ......... CD 16
ribena ......... CD 17
maya ........... CD 19
catepillar ... . CD 21
tuffy .......... CD 22
wennia ......... CD 23
lbs ............ CD 26
jov ............ CD 27
okeanosmao * ... CD 31
skinnyma ....... CD 34
aa ............. CD 37
Ms Blur ........ CD 46
jojoba ......... CD 48
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 71
wizard ......... CD 81
shopper ........ CD 82
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... ??/12/04
</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349</font>
Congrats Wendypooh!
Very encouraging news.

I hope very soon we'll all be able to announce good news too.
hi all ladies,
thanks you for all your wishes.
I will be rxtra careful in everything i do now.

i use clearview brand bought from Watson.

i having cramp on and off, and having block nose at night. my sleeping habit is sleeping on my tummy but now not use to new sleeping position.

tis mth is the actual mth tat i trying, under the guidance of lilac. she teach me how to plot the chart, check for CM etc. so all the credit should go to lilac

thanks lilac...
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Wow.... u really fast huh! I told u b4 that u have very accurate menses and so its very easy for u to hit jackpot rite! I just taught u how to calculate and u bingo liao!!! So happy for u!!
So ur infection does not affect the chances of conceiving lor!!

U gt to take good care of urself now!!
<font color="0000ff">Wendypooh</font>
no lah..... not all credit comes to me!! Im only teaching u how to observe ur fertile phase!

But im really really happi for u!!!
hi wendypooh,
CONGRATS! take good care of yourself.. we all knew you made it when you have all the tired and sick symptoms..

hi all ladies,
how are you doing? I'm another failure here reporting this month.. sob sob... really wonder if i'll ever be blessed with a kid. sinking into depression.. sad..
hi wendypooh,
u are one lucky gal!
just wondering, did you BD everyday during your fertile period or just alternate day?

all the ladies here told you liao when you start missing your AF but you dun believe...

So happy for you...now, dun ever feel that you are not lucky anymore, ok?? Must stay happy so that your BB also grow happily with mummy...

Have you managed to fix an apptmt with Dr Chan?
hi lilac,
at least u did help me last time i dun eevn know how to see and i luckily to find this thread or till now i still dun know must observe all these.
really very grateful to u.

tuffy, shuin, lbs,
thanks to all of you blessing, well i just dun beleive i'm tat luckiy at first until i test.
as i mention i just did a body scan on 5 april so never heard the doc mention anything so i assume is a falsm alarm. until recentlky all the sytom come tired body ach nausea, sleepign problem etc.
tuffy, i BD every 2 alternate day dun have so much enery every day hee.
baby dust to all ladies here esp tuffy and lbs both of u are in 2WW now rite?
hi llbs,

call up Dr Chan clinic manage to fix an appt tom afternoon alry.

do u tink i should go to see a GP today first then go to DR Chan tom?
<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
since you hv a gynae to go to and appt is tomolo, u might as well go and see him tomolo
after all gg to a GP is juz to get a confirmation of ur pregnancy thats all and he will prescribe u with some folic acid..

btw, hv u start taking folic acid?

thks for your blessing too..

yeap, I am in the most critical time of my 2WW, if AF wants to come, then might be these one or two days liao..I am not sure if there would be some delay as my O-day was on CD17 as compared to last cycle on CD14.

I also started having those signs of potential AF these few days..Hope that I can be as lucky as you...but I dun want to pin high hope...later, if no, I will be very depress again.

My hubby keeps telling me, what will be, will be...cannot hurry lor...

If I really failed this cycle, I will take a 'rest'from TTCing, probably a month or two...

thanks for the advise. cos i keep having cramp and boday ache, my sis insit tat i go see gp first and get MC to go back rest and she oso worried the cramp might be harmful.
my last appt on april 5 wif my gyae for body check up say there no need to take folic acid so i still have not started maybe tom ask him again
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
sometimes hv to tink like ur husband lor ... otherwise will be depress if see failure again ..
prob a short break from ttc will be gd
not so stressed to get into the ttc mood whenever fertile period is ard the corner...

<font color="0000ff">~lots of bbdust for all of u~</font>
lbs, hope to hear good news from you!
I'm also on my 2WW... very nervous leh...

<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
if u are worried abt your cramps, then its better to go see a GP 1st or ixxit possible to see ur gynae 2day?
