A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

actually, I quite blur....let's say if my menses come on 2nd feb..(assuming my menses is regular) my next menses shld come on 2nd march huh? Or i have to count 28 days after my Feb menses ended or count from the first day my menses come?


<font color="0000ff">garfield</font>
If your 1st day of AF is 2nd Feb, and assuming you have a 28 day cycle, then your next AF is 1st Mar.

Got it??
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
haiz..... i fail again lor... my 8th attempt....
Pls update me as CD01 today. Thk i will go for chkup to see is there anythg wrong with me.....

<font color="0000ff">garfield</font>
u shd count 28days.
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
Don't despair. If i remember correctly, emma tried for over a year before she finally got preggie.
So, we must never give up hope!

btw, where are you planning to see a gynae? I'm thinking of seeing one next month if i fail again this cycle.
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Hmmm.. Don't really know.. but i stay in the east, so naturally would prefer one in the east too!

How abt. u?
<font color="0000ff">lilac</font>
so sorry to hear about this... have you thought of what tests you would undergo at the gynae?

I heard that the average time for pple to conceive is about 1 year. so you are still well within the normal range - so don't despair yah?
<font color="0000ff">pet</font>
dun worry im not despair.... hmm gt use to it liao lor. But thk i really need to go chkup in case there really is something wrong with me and if keep on trying also no use.

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
me also duno going to see who leh. Initially thking of going to see WK Tan at TMC but my friend told me that she not available for this month and have to wait till May. Now thking who else can i go lor.

<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
me also staying in the east leh!
HI morning!
Woh! so many ppl staying in the east. Im staying in e east too.

Hi lilac,
maybe we are too eager TTC liao. Putting too much pressure on ourselves.

Hi Ibs,
How's ur interview yesterday?
hello girls,

yesterday too bz to drop by...

ya i also give myself 2 more months, if not also thot of seeing a gynae. but then how should we tell them? say we fail after months of trying or say just a routine checkup huh..

sorry i sound ignorant coz i have never been to see one before..hmmm maybe i go for a female one since its a first visit..

i used to stay in the east too (my parents house) and now north-east....so coincidence hor..

hippie its TGIF!!
my AF still not here yet but still feeling very tired and get agiated very easily think anytime AF will come

dun loss heart try agian this cycle
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
maybe u really jackpot leh! y not u go and try since ur AF super accurate type.
sorry to say i dun really know just charting thismth and FF did not detect my O. but i watery diascharge ard 29-1april have bd oso.
my usual cycle is bet 24-26 day
me oso nor sure leh, cos like i told u i told 2 capsule of medicine for infection and a insertion into my vriginal. so maybe will be late.
i really getting more and more agitated and stress with all my work. tink is the AF so stress until cannot come
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Since your AF is like clockwork, and today's your CD27. You might want to test tomorrow morning?
At least it will ease your nerves a bit.
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
haha.... not going out today.... and hor weather so hot, i rather stay at home.

Now becoming yellow face day by day.

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
its okie to test now. U will be able to the results unless u gt super low HCG level. Go and test lor, if not u are hanging in the air!

wow u got chance leh! godd luck. must let us know the result ok..

me at PG21. u leh.. actually there is a female gynae at one of the clinic nearby, was thinking maybe i can give it a try lor...

i agreed wif u, weather is so hot i really can't stand tat why i so agitated.
me dun want to test leave it to come, cos i dun tink i will hit the jackpot.should be the work stress and medicine cause the delay
<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
when u go see gynae, just tell him/her that u have been TTCing for a year liao and want to do a chkup lor.

aiyo so envious of u leh, i wan to be a yellow face also cannot afford lah.

actually its good to have a long break for a while..

ice jelly,
thanks but dun tink will. if really hit will definitely tell u all one and esp thank must go to lilac for her"coaching" hee
i stay at Punggol 21 too which blk? me 128
i currently seeing dr chan from glen eagle
thanks lilac for the tip,

i just started EPO for a few days. actually i only went to get the Guardian house brand and try lor. dun know if it will help or not...

btw did anyone of you went to those website that estimate your O-day. how accurate are they huh?
i agreed wif ice jelly, somtime a short break help to clear our mind. i so stress and tired of working life, but cant quit lor or else my MIL will kill me say his son will overwork and me shaking leg

u know there is a clinic at blk 106 A, the one beside the prime supermarket. there is a GP and also a female gynae leh. been to the GP a few times and so tempted to see the gynae..also see alot of preggies there also. hear she only deliver at Mt A and TMC.
i also stay in the east too!..

my interview went well yesterday..maybe abt 70% success rate? Actually, after thinking &amp; thinking...I told the manager that I am TTCing. If I am lucky, I might get pregnant this cycle..so, at least he roughly knows what he would expect from me lor..Maybe, I not die die want this job lar so dont care &amp; tell him.
.He sort of appreciate my honesty..hahaa

I also dunno ler. If get the job,can expect myself to be busy lor.<sigh> see how first..
i knew abt tat saw the gp only once. my hubbyprefer me to deliver at glen, anyway my sis tell me dr chan is good so i decide to travel there since he is good but abbit ex.
wick blk u stay?
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
u seeing dr christopher chan har? So if u preggie, u will deliver at gleneagles?

<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
is it expensive? Im thking to take it to see if it will help me shorten my cycle to the usual 30days instead of 42days. If my cycle carry on to be 42days, then one year i only able to O for 8times!! UUrrrggghhh....... i lost 4chances! So i thk i need to really regulate my mense b4 i can jackpot!
not christoper chan, my is Chan Kong Hon from Glen.
u rite i will stick to him if i pregnant, cos i preefer him and deliver at glen

oh i c. i stay blk 110.


nope i think its rather cheap leh. i buy the smallest bottle, 30 capsules. think its less than $8 (sorry cant rem cost i bought other things also heee so forgetful)

they even have a giantic one with 200 capsules. thinks they having discount for their house brand now, u wan to check it out.
oh your blk is so conveient to buy and eat stuff, i tot of selecting there but no more unit.
we are so near finally find someone in punngol
seem all in the east

yupe its rather convenient but i think those 17x ones better with the up and coming shopping mall just next to it leh. but i think cannot complain liow lah me hor..

i think a few vacant units left but only for minority races.

think there are a lot more pple staying in PG maybe not from this thread...

btw where u working? me at raffles place.
U so 'honest' ah... I probably wun tell them abt my TTC. But hopefully u will strike tis cycle.

btw gals,
how much is the o kit tat u gals bgt from the website? How many r there inside?
<font color="0000ff">joi*ce</font>
The O strips cost abt. $3.00 each. Of course, the more you buy, the cheaper each one will cost
It's individually packed.
I wanted to order a couple of days ago, but they ran out of stock.. so got to wait.

wow sounds expensive for me leh coz think we will need to use a few at least per cycle right.

usually how many strips will be used per cycle? is it useful in determining the O-day? how is the delivery like? can they be stuff in our letter box or we need to collect it from the post office?

sorry so many questions coz i thinking to buy and give it a try.

<font color="0000ff">ice-jelly</font>
It's cheaper than buying off-the shelves at the pharmacies. It doesn't come in fanciful packaging.
You email them what you want and how many quantites needed. They will reply u with an order ID and how to send payment
For payment wise, you can pay by cheque or inter-bank-transfer.
The package can definitely be stuffed into our P.O.

As to how many to use, i think that is quite subjective lor! If you have cycles ranging from 30-40 over days (like me).. then jialat... need to use more..
if your CD is quite zun every month.. then can start using nearer to your O day.
The package also comes with instructions on when to start testing too.
hi ice jelly

My cycle is abt 27-28 days.

yeap, there is instruction for how many days cycle to start testing on which CD. For mine, it says I can start testing on CD10.

I tested +ve on CD16 so i use up 6 strips.
<font color="ff6000">lilac</font>
dun giv up hope yet ok.. try again tis mth
since the gynae u wanted to see is not available tis mth .. y not giv urself a chance again before gg to see her in May?

<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
perhaps u can get a test kit to test tis wkend ..
otherwise, perhaps u can try to keep ur mind out of this for a while until nx wk ... if by then AF hvnt come, u can test to see if strike or not ..
i stay just opp the shopping mall.
i working at Parkway Parade

my mind is alry out of ttc at the moment cos i very stress at work at the moment.
i just feeling not well, cos having cramp on and off
Thanks Oreo.
Now I'm interested in getting the test kits too. Don't seem to ovulate this month leh... already CD20 liao.. When I'm not TTC-ing, every month got very very indicative mucus during ovulation. Now that I am TTC-ing, I seem to skip ovulating.

What is the difference between the 2 ovulation kits? I don't see much difference leh... except midstream can test while urinating in process and the other test strips is using collected urine. Is that the difference?
Hi wennia

for the midstream, I think it is more convenient to use becuase all you need is to pee on it.

But for test strip, you need to find something to collect the urine &amp; sip the strip into it.So, a bit difficult to take the test if you are working or outside lor...

Neverthelss, i bought the test strip type because is much cheaper
