A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi yannie,

thanks for teh wishes.

take care hope to see u back soon.

lbs, tuffy
how ar u 2 today, both your 2ww ending soon hope to hear good news again.
baby dust to both of u.

hi wendypooh,
I am feeling a little under the weather today. feel like puking and v weak generally. when did you first experience your symptoms? I doubt mine is MS cos its just too soon. Mabbe it's something I ate wrongly. sian...
hi chihiro,
am in DPO7 today. too early for anything right? I remember I felt like this 2 cycles ago too - for that cycle, I had some spotting on DPO9 but in the end still HPT-. So am not pinning too much hope.
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
ya.. 7DPO still a bit early leh ..my MS symptoms started ard wk5..
u shd be expecting implantation within these few days ..

might be good news from u soon. my symto start on my CD20, my cylce is 24 day so at first i thought is AF coming too, so still chnace for u.
tink i have implantaion on 7DPO. remember tat i mention b4 tat i stop charting cause on tat day my temp drop tremdously.
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
keep a look out for ur temp these few days lah ..
i know its diff to do this but still hv to say lah..
dun giv urself too much pressure lah .. let nature take its course .. watever will be .. will be

<font color="0000ff">~babydust to you~</font>
hi wendypooh and chihiro,
okies. Will do that. just feeling v tired at the moment, hard to concentrate at work. Feel like going home to zhu zhu.
Thanks angelia.

Was surfing for some information on getting pregnant and my monitor was displaying the drawing of ovaries and fallopian tubes.. and suay suay got a guy colleague walked past.
hi ladies...

sorry, didnt reply earlier as was very busy with work.

Today is my DPO10, CD27. I can feel the AF symptoms on &amp; off now...especially I feel very bloated &amp; keep burping...lower body is aching...very sianz...
hi all,

i'm also trying to ttc for my no.2....tried for 2 mths liao but no result....my cycle is between 25 to 30 days and my AF always very heavy and the first mth when tried thot i "strike" liao cos my no. 1 also "strike" on the first time i tried!!! my AF came on the 31 days on 24 March then stop after 5 days then on the 8 April...i found some spotting...brown discharge and sometimes a bit of bleeding....then my AF came again on 16 April...so abit hay wire liao.....me going to see my gynea for a check again before trying liao.....hope everything is fine!!! **haiz***
hi ladies

sorry didnt reply earlier..was very busiy with work.

Today is my DPO10, CD27. I can feel on &amp; off some of the AF symptons, especially feel very bloated &amp; keep burping..my lower body also aching..very sianz...
hi all,

i'm also trying to ttc for my no.2....tried for 2 mths liao but no result....my cycle is between 25 to 30 days and my AF always very heavy and the first mth when tried thot i "strike" liao cos my no. 1 also "strike" on the first time i tried!!! my AF came on the 31 days on 24 March then stop after 5 days then on the 8 April...i found some spotting...brown discharge and sometimes a bit of bleeding....then my AF came again on 16 April...so abit hay wire liao.....me going to see my gynea for a check again before trying liao.....hope everything is fine!!! **haiz***
hi lbs,
howse your temp? any implantation signs? My body is aching all over too - like how I would feel on my first day of M except this feels worse...
tuffy and lbs,
implantation got signs? care to share what they are?
was just doing some research on that during lunch..
it occurs 8-10 days after fertilization but apparently no signs leh...
hi wennia
some pple experience a significant drop in their temp (ie implantation dip). Some pple have implantation spotting too.

my temp still stays high...can't really see implantation dip from my chart..the temp went up, then down (abt 0.2), then stays up..

Anyway, I usually have 27-28 CDs, so today just CD27. If temp still stays high few more days till weekend, probably I will check lor.

Btw, what is implantation spotting..How to tell from our chart?

Actually i also feel extremely restless during my DPO7 &amp; DPO8..my lower body was really aching then.
Now, the feeling subsides a bit &amp; is on &amp; off lor..

Hopefully, I really BINGO lor
Implantation into the Uterus
Approximately 8 days after ovulation, if pregnant, the blastocyst (as the baby is classified at this stage) begins to secrete a hormone that enables it to burrow into the lining of the uterus. Implantation usually happens in the upper one-third of the uterus and placenta will then begin to form.

Implantation Spotting
If you experience light bleeding or spotting at or around your predicted Implantation Day or when you would normally expect your period, this could be Implantation Spotting. This often occurs as the egg burrows into the endometrial lining, and is a normal occurence.
Basal Body Temperature
If you are charting your Basal Body Temperature, and your BBT remains high - and continues to remain high for 15 days or more without a period - this is a clear symptom of pregnancy.
hi lbs,
when did you have the 0.2 drop? I noticed that if the drop is around implantation period, that can be counted as implantation dip. which DPO did you experience that? my temp also v flat. only went up by 0.2 today. not sure what will happen tomorrow.

hope you have good news!

Hi wennia,
thanks for the scientific explanation.
do you have any of those signs?
can ask what kind of thermometers are you all using? and where did you all buy and how much? thanks.

the 0.2 drops was on DPO7. Then the temp went by by 0.1 on DPO8 &amp; another 0.1 on DPO9 &amp; remain same DPO10 (today).

Last cycle, i also thought I might BINGO when I have all the AF signs during the mid luteal phase...but turned out to be false alarm lor..
I dont know if i would be lucky..really cross all fingers &amp; toes but I try to tell myself dont pin so high hope..later false alarm again..i will get really depress..hahaaa..

But I really feel uncomfortable with the bloating stomach &amp; burping..very very sianz..
i just use the normal one (those received during the Sars period) which shows one decimal point.
Now think abt it, maybe the 2 decimal points are more accurate as it really shows any slight changes in your BBT clearly.

btw, i am curious with one thing. says if I tested pregnant, says on this Sat. How many weeks pregnant am I, considering my O on CD17 &amp; implantation probably takes place on DPO7?
Tuffy, we did BD on 16th April, supposedly the O day. so now is the waiting phase. So nervous don't even dare to walk fast in case disturb the implantation process. hahah... i really paranoid liao..
both my japanese friends using the really sensitive thermometers with 2 decimals points. thinking of getting 1 of those but now checking out on the price. The SARS one like very approximate or not?
You're not actually pregnant until that bundle of new cells, known as the embryo, travels the rest of the way down the Fallopian tube and attaches itself to the wall of your uterus.

lbs, i guess based on this paragraph, it means you are pregnant only upon implantation. Is that how you'd interpret it?
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
starting from your 1st day of ur AF tt wk in this cycle will be counted as wk1 ..
22 Feb = 1st day of AF
so on 12 Apr = wk 7

gd luck !!

<font color="ff6000">wennia</font>
actually quite a no. of the ladies here uses 1 dec pt thermometer for their BBT
if u realli want to get a 2 dec pl. thermometer, OSIM's thermometer is with 2 dec pl. ...
think its abt $18+

hahaaa...you so funny ler when you said you walk slowly now because scare will distrub the implantation..

yeap, I do think that the 2 decimal one more accurate lor. For my chart, sometimes I will see same temps continuously for three days by using the normal thermo.
<font color="ff6000">lbs</font>
not realli leh .. i used a 2 dec. pl. thermometer, sometimes i do get constant temp for a few days too ...

huh?? you mean if my 1st day of last AF was on 25 Mar &amp; if I tested +ve on 24Apr, I will be in my week 4 liao?

I thought the interpretion is like what wennia posted above, that is the week when implantation takes place, it will be counted as wk 1 ler..

Now ic..

Really? but for my case, especially when is near some of the critical timing, like your O day, implantation day lar...I am not sure if my thermometer reflects accurately lor...
normally the number of gestational week in pregnancy is counted from the 1st day of your last AF
Hey if your implantation took place a few days ago, i think if u want can try testing liao ! If its early in the pregnancy, u can test with morning urine. In early pregnancy, can see light positive liao
I remember last time I tested 11dpo and got a faint positive.
anyone tried the ovulation test before? may i know how effective is it? i've been ttc for more than half a year to no avail..quite tired...feel like giving up. my period quite accurate, abt 30-day cycle, but i dunno why it's so difficult to conceive.. sigh...
Hi all,

I'm new here.

Had been reading this tread since last week and decide to join in as well.

me have been trying for quite some time already although not very "hardworking" every month.

has been charting from this month since my AF also very "luan", sometime 3 weeks, sometime 1 month.

very stress now as lot my friends start to get pregnant and relative keep asking.

Hope that this month can be successful.
hi ladies,
i was trying to seek lilac's help on one question that i have, but guess she is not around. Appreciate if anyone can help. My question was, my cycle is usually quite std 28-29 days and i freq notice CM on CD10 or 11. Does it mean that i should then quickly BD every altern day from there on or does it mean that i have already O and have missed the chance???
[stratch head].. didn't realise that creating a new life is so much more complicated. sign.

hi morning ladies,
me from to work after my check up yest.
the gyn say the cramp is all right.
My EDD is 24 DEC.
Oreo, can you pls help me to update

u got chance, all your sytom is the same as me.
baby dust to u
Hi ladies,

Just an update... I decided to pop my 1st clomid pill yesterday. Was a bit scared to take it actually. Now I just hope it'll not mess up my cycle and dry up too much CM. Hopefully, i'll have an earlier O and better egg.. jia you everyone!
