A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


do try to take folic acid asap. The first few weeks are the most critical where taking folic acid is concerned.


agreed with your sis and chiroro, best is u can go see GP and take MC today. Cos u never know what is causing the cramp.
hi wendypooh
thanks for your good wishes!

yups..you are right..i have been extra gan cheong when fertile period is near..

My hubby even made remarks that we now like making love for the sake of getting pregnant only...<sigh>

I dun wish this TTCing will jeopardise our relationship at some point..thats why plan to take my mind off from TTCing if I failed again lor.

keep my fingers &amp; toes cross for both of us...hopefully we can both strike this round!!

I agree with the rest. You shld see a GP &amp; take MC to rest at home today...
hi okeanosmao,

all ladies, thanks for all your concern.
i will go and see the doc during my lunch time and keep u all update
Wow another good news, congrats wendypooh! take care of yourself ok!

sigh...i think i O late this month, so now patiently waiting for AF to come this week or next..

just want to ask if anyone take Eu Yan Sang BFW and O late for that cycle? coz this is the first time i take this brand and i m late.

ok jia you everyone!
hi joice, skinnyma,
thank for the wishes.

hi all just went to see doc just now regarding the cramp nad cfm the pregnancy.
the doc is amazmed by my early detection since my last AF is 21 Mar.
He ask me to check th EDD from my gyane.

did the doc said anything abt the cramp? It is common for early pregnancy?

Now you really must take good care of yourself, yea..
Wendypooh, do you also experience dizziness? Enjoy the wonderful feeling of a little life growing inside you!
hi lbs,
he did not really say anything just test and cfm. he did not eevn know my EDD and keep saying my detection of pregancy is quite early. anyway i sill working now cos tom goign gyn then take mc today ren a bit or later boss black face.

not really yet "touch wood" just very tired.
hi wennia,

actually i tested yesterday but it's negative.

today is my 16DPO according to FF, but i think i O later (coz i saw EWCM on CD23, but FF says my O is CD17, which is my usual O day) so i will wait one more week.

maybe last month too busy at work..but i hope it;s not becoz of the BFW brand i am taking!

all the best to you too!

are you feeling much better from the cramp? tomorrow are you on leave? Your apptmt in the afternoon, right? I think you shld really rest well. Then morning you shldnt be going to office liao lor..

actually, I am confused by what the doc told you ler...your detection consider early huh? I thought when AF doesnt come when it suppose to( for those accurate one), we can test liao..not meh?

care to post ur chart here? I am curious to know how your temp &amp; why FF detected so much earlier from when you saw EWCM ler...
Hi All,
I m new to this thread.
And i have some questions. I am sure someone out there can help me.
How do i calculate or plot the O days? My LMP is on the 10Apr. Do i have to take my temperature everyday? Is there a procedure to follow?
Also i just TTC on 17Apr. Any chance?
Is there any webiste tt i can read it up?
If after intercourse, i wash straigth away, is this ok?
Thanks in advance
hi lbs,
thanks feelign better the cramp is on and off.
mostly likely i will take mc tom from the gynae since today i got mc but still working. actually boday stii aching hoping 5.30pm coming fast then i can go back.
i oso dun know wat he saying so tom better go see dr chan.
have u decide which gyae for your check up?
<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
did your GP prescribe u any folic acid?
anyway..its 4pm now .. ren for another 1.5hrs u can go home n sleep liao ..

juz called in sick for 2molo lah and hv ur gynae's mc cover u for the whole day ..
Hi simplejoy

Welcome to this thread!

First of all, do you have regular menses(AF)? How long is each cycle? I assume LMP meaning your last day of AF? Well, it is really hard to predict if you stand high chance by TTCing on 14Apr without knowing when you have actually ovulated.

You need to plot daily temp, maybe once after your AF finish on daily basis, the moment you wake up in the morning &amp; preferably to take your temp arnd the same time.

As to whether you can wash straight away after BD(baby dance = intercourse), I think it really depends. We have pple here actually conceived even they always wash immediately after BD..so, if you worried will "Quan Jun Fu Mo" (like myself), you just lie down for a while before getting up to wash lor..

you can go to websites like
http://www.fertilityfriend.com - free charting tool &amp; read ups on pregnancy related topics
http://www.babycenter.com - quite comprehensive read ups on pregnancy, motherhood topics..etc

hi wennia,

you should be resting at home... dun care abt boss black face la!

hi lbs,

here's my chart..think the reason FF detect wrongly could be due to my infrequent temp takings as well!

hi skinnyma

ic..I can see why FF put a dotted vertical line on CD17. Since you have spotted EWCM on CD23, there might be chance you have ovulated on CD24..though very hard to tell from chart because there were missing data from CD25 to CD27..

Anyway, most importantly, did you manage to BD arnd CD17 as well as CD23??


maybe, you keep monitoring your temp from tomorrow..

If sui-sui AF coming, your temp will usually drop on the day or a day/two before AF comes.

cross my fingers &amp; toes for you..

hope we can hear good news again...
hi wendypooh

sorry, missed out your posting earlier.

I am not sure which gynae to go too. Didnt quite give it a thought yet. Typical me, I worried if next time when delivery, sui-sui got complication, then will have to fork out quite a lot if i didnt opt for KK initially. But again, heard quite a number of not that good comments abt KK..

I think I will wait after this 2WW &amp; then give a serious thought abt it..
hi lbs,

do you know how many hours/days later after we see EWCM then O occurs?

aiya, this mth no chance la..coz only BD once on CD23

i am going to see doc also after AF.
okie i will rest well tom will go see gynea then mc

ya they gave me folic acid ill only and ask me to go for my gyane fro other vit. ya now "ren" very hard . me trying to hide from my coll except 1 close one, cos dun want my boss know first he alway give black face one.

is ok not a problem.
ya maybe see first. then hit the jackpot then can decide who to see. me most likely will stci to Dr Chan Kok Hon from Glen
baby dust to u
Hi skinnyma

I am not very sure but remembered read it somewhere that during the few days leading up to ovulation, that is when you're fertile, you'll start seeing more clear &amp; slippery discharge white.

I think EWCM type usually happens either the day before or on the day of your ovulation..which is your most fetile day.

But I heard some pple does see EWCM a day after their O lor

thks...I catched the dust from you liao!!

but like the chance not that high lar since i started to feel the AF symptoms liao (similar to how I feel last cycle)..my lower body like going to fall apart very soon..<sigh>

hopefully, I am as lucky as you..if really BINGO, I sure will go to Guanyin temple to say thank you..I prayed to Guanyin while I was back during the short break to my PIL's place that I can get preggie this time..

It will mean a lot to me especially I know my baby is conceived in the house,in the room my hubby grew up..
Hi all,

i think i hav found the right place.
recently im trying to TTC but i hav very irregular AF (2, 3 months once). What can i eat or do to tune it back to monthly.
hi mie2

Some of the ladies here actually take Evening Primrose Oil or Bai Fong Yuan to regulate their menses.

But I am not sure if you can adjust to shorter time.

i know i failed cos AF came ma....i also expected la...so i already took some clomid from gynae. i am taking clomid now....then when ovulate, i will do an IUI...so i hope this cycle can succeed....keep fingers cross lor....


congratulations.... ! so envious...wonder when my turn,....take care of yourself now....very impt
<font color="0000ff">skinnyma</font>
BFW its consider heaty stuffs. N so, if ur body cant take it, i thk it will actually cause a delay to ur menses.

<font color="0000ff">simplejoy</font>
How long is ur cycle? 28days? Is ur cycle very accurate? U have gt to tell us all these basic stuffs sb4 we can help or teach u how to calculate.

As for taking temp, uve gt to take ur oral temp and at ard the same time everyday b4 u get out of ur bed.

After intercourse, its okie to wash up immed cos u only need a sperm to fertilised ur egg. But i thk most of us will still lie there for few minutes b4 washing up.

<font color="0000ff">mie2</font>
did u see a doc regarding ur irregular menses? Its ur menses irregular since teenager or recently?
hi angelia &amp; emma,

thanks for your wishes and inviting me to Yr end MTB.

hopeful24 &amp; bump2
thanks for the wishes, i sure u all can success soon too

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 20 Apr 04
lilac .......... CD 05
oreo ........... CD 10
funny .......... CD 11
westbb ......... CD 12
joice .......... CD 13
amberlyn ....... CD 15
huggie ......... CD 17
ribena ......... CD 18
maya ........... CD 20
catepillar ... . CD 22
tuffy .......... CD 23
wennia ......... CD 24
lbs ............ CD 27
jov ............ CD 28
okeanosmao * ... CD 32
skinnyma ....... CD 35
aa ............. CD 38
Ms Blur ........ CD 47
jojoba ......... CD 49
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 72
wizard ......... CD 82
shopper ........ CD 83
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... ??/12/04
</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349</font>
WOW, great to hear another good news! Congrats Wendypooh.

need your help. I always notice that my CM turns slippey and egg white like during CD10-11. I am confused. Does it mean than that i hv missed my chance to BD or means that i should start to BD on altern days running up to CD14? I have quite regular 28-29 days cycle. Thank you in advance.

hi lilac,

this time i took 2 bottles of BFW on 2 consecutive days, so probably that's the problem. Last time i used to take only one bottle...silly me..:p..
Morning ladies,
I'm just looking at the list.. those with >CD30 should be waiting for results right?

Anyone know if shou wu is bad for TTC? I read that the effects on pregnant women is not established yet. I drink show wu every night and last night I begin to wonder if it will have any impact on our efforts...

And this morning I being to wonder about tea too. I drink lipton every breakfast. My friend's gynae says no need to reduce intake for coffee. But tea leh? I'm wondering if tea will affect our chances of TTC.

Guess when you very anxious to have a baby, you begin to think of any reason when you cannot get pregnant huh... Haiz...

hi oreo,

can u edit my name frm the TTC list?? now i'm concentrating on renovation as well as recuperating my health...
anyway, gynae jus detected tat i dun ovulate last month.

wish u gals hv more monkey luck in BB dancing!!

will still keep track of this thread...
