A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>
me today 14DPO and my temp maintain at yst's 36.7deg. Still having cramps on and off. Now waiting for AF to appear lor.

hi lilac,
that's a good sign isn't it?
since your usual luteal phase is 13 to 14 days, if your AF is really coming, your temp should start to drop today right?
<font color="aa00aa">lilac</font>
Yah.. hope your temp. don't drop for the next 4 days.
keeping fingers n toes cross for you!
<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
u are correct.... my usual luteal phase is 13-14days and normally by day 14, my temp will start to drop and my AF will come. But today my temp still same as yst. Maybe i O 1day later? Cos when tested +ve OPK, it says the egg will be releasing in 8-36hrs. So if i take 36hours, i still gt to wait for another day rite?
No matter what, i dun pin too high hopes cos later turn out to be like my last cycle.
<font color="aa00aa">gals,</font>
erm.. speed of the "swimmers"?? me oso not sure leh. guess they're all lighting swimmers.. think i read b4 (&amp; hope i rem correctly) that it only took a few seconds..

actually once the "swimmers" are in ur body, it's like they're swimming in another pool of water (CM) liao, that's why we always monitor our CM to make sure it's fertile (therefore in good condition for "swimmers" to swim to egg

<font color="aa00aa">lilac,</font>
hope to see u announce ur good news in a few days time

hey, if u kenna, then R u going to look for job or stay home liao?
Hi lilac,

My AF still not here too, but my cramp is on and and off. my whole body ache so much tat is going to break apart soon. tink i having fever now

tink the hot weather affect my AF
<font color="0000ff">angelia</font>
If i really kenna, then no company will hire me liao and i will really become taitai and stay at home lor. But i will go and find some part time job to do.... maybe give tuition oso can. Gt any ideas what else can i do ?
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
My whole body also hot hot..... this weather is so bad.....

Hmm... u miss ur AF for how many days liao? Would like to to test?
hi lilac,
my usual cycle is between 24-26, but most of the day is on day 24, today is day 26. but dun wan to test cos wont have chance tis cycle. AF late could be due to the infection medicine i took nad the hot weather.
Baby dust to u
Hi Frenz

Extracted from babycenter abt the speed of sperms..

"In all, sperms need to travel about seven inches from the cervix through the uterus to the Fallopian tubes. When you consider that they travel at a rate of roughly an inch every 15 minutes, that's quite a trip. The fastest swimmers may find the egg in as little as 45 minutes, while the slowest can take up to 12 hours. If they don't find an egg in the Fallopian tubes at the time of intercourse, the sperm can wait there in a resting stage for up to 72 hours."

Hi lilac &amp; wendypooh
There might still be chance you two got preggie...Lotz of Baby Dust to all of us!

ps: Since I am also near the 'judgement day'...how nice if we three got preggie together!!!wow!!!
hi lilac,
no he never said, but i assume cos most medicine will dealy for a while since i alry got AF sytom, cramp, tiredness etc, so dun pinach too much hope anyway i dun tink i so lucky to hit the jackpot the first time i try .

thank for your encouragment, but sad to say i dun tink i have chance.
baby dust to u and lilac

it's really hard to say sometimes..heard some early preggies got the AF symptoms too...

anyway, If you fail this time, treat this round as a 'warm up exercise' lor.. as you said this your first real attempt mah...

I also try not to pin high hopes for this cycle, later like last cycle..got so depressed...
<font color="0000ff">lbs and wendypooh</font>
haha..... yalor... hope we all gt preggie at the same time!

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>, maybe u are also very lucky that u bingo the very first time u try!
<font color="ff6000">wendypooh,</font>
some of the AF symptoms are similar to those preggie ones..
so dun giv up hope yet ok

<font color="ff6000">lilac, lbs</font>
gd luck !!!

*cross fingers for u*

<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
are u getting ready for ur battle yet?
or its over lioa... and u are in ur 2WW now?
<font color="0000ff">chihiro</font>
I am the silly goon who din follow instructions for the OPK strips. FF hasn't detected my O yet but I think it's either CD15 or CD16. BD on CD14 and CD16 but on CD14 I used KY jelly (which is supposed to be bad for soldiers). I happily thought I am not ovulating mah. So for me, the battle this round is over but it's hard to say if I stand a good chance or not...

how are you? howse the bb's development?
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
keep your fingers cross too

me ok lah..
saw bb's heartbeat on my tues chkup
he's oredi 0.86cm liao...
am glad tt he's growing well ..

will go for chkup again in 2wks time
hi lbs, chihiro, lilac,tuffy
thank for all the wishes. tink alway not so lucky in everything from work to etc,alway kanna bully so dun pinch too much hope yet, scare really a big false alarm and even more upset and make a fool of myself.
but cramp is a sytom for Af right? i have on and off cramp since weekend. but these few day i relly feel very tired. dun now is it any thing wrong with me
hi lbs, chihiro, lilac,tuffy
thank for all the wishes. tink alway not so lucky in everything from work to etc,alway kanna bully so dun pinch too much hope yet, scare really a big false alarm and even more upset and make a fool of myself.
but cramp is a sytom for Af right? i have on and off cramp since weekend. but these few day i relly feel very tired. dun now is it any thing wrong with me
Hi chihiro

great to hear baby &amp; you are doing fine!!

hi ladies
u think most companies wont hire pregnant ladies? I will be going for an interview later...do you think I shld be honest &amp; tell them i might get preggie anytime? I am thinking that if I got the job &amp; on probation..then I SO lucky bingo this cycle then they will sure find out one, right?

are you tsill actively looking for jobs? Sice we are all midst of TTCing..never knows when got lucky one, right?
hi chihiro,
i did but stop half way cos i started after my AF and in the middle my temp flunct up nad down so i stop anyway they never detect any o
lilac and lbs,
think in this case, no need to volunteer such information to the employer unless you confirm you're pregnant.
Singapore work culture is still not yet very friendly towards job-seekers like us...
oh... wendypooh how come you say you always not so lucky and always kena bully leh? don't worry lah.. everyone's luck cycles changes
Thanks Oreo for including me in the list. Grr... CD19... and still not O yet leh.. Haiyo.. don't tell me the menses-delaying pills I took last month is wrecking the cycle...
I am still thinking if I shld be going for the interview. Later if I got it, I am not sure if i want to take it up because I know it will be a very stressful &amp; tedious job. Later might affect my family plan..<sigh>

This job was applied abt two months ago! At that point, I am still not that gan cheong on TTCing lor. Though I am on contract work now, I quite like the environment I am in - stress free....
Hi wennia

yeap, this type of hormone pills will actually affect your cycles. i remember I took once before as I was going for a backpack trip.

Then I had middle cycle spotting &amp; my next cycle was delayed...
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Im currently not so active in finding job liao. Thking to rst for maybe a month first. N if i really jackpot, then i will go find some tuition lor.

I find that if u are frank to them, they will not hire u the moment they know u will be preggie anytime. If they ask u, u jst say that u are just married and still want to njoy life for another 1 or 2yrs. Cos last time ive been to an interview and i tell them that i let nature takes its course. Haiz.... and in the end im not being selected after 3times of interview. Cos kenna reject by the big boss and i 100% sure that its becos of my ans to that baby question.
Hi chihiro,
am glad that you and your bb are doing fine!
So fast huh - seems like it wasn't too long ago when you first announced the HPT+
hi wennia,
cos i quite soft, and tend to bully easily by ppl who in more senior than me .

hi ladies and MTB,
although i tink i not tat lucky, but i really dun feel comfort. i feel very sick now, got body ache esp neck and shounder. cramp on and off, actaully got a bit of vomiting effect esp after my meal, my breast is painful. is it possile to have such early sytom for pregnancy, cos from wat i heard never so fast have such experience
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
which industry are u in? its true that if ur job is stressful, it will somehow affect ur family planning lor. But when will ur contract end? BTW, do contract workers get to njoy maternity leaves?

Oops.... im going out now... will be late liao... will come in again tomolo.... byeee...

I used to be in logistics line before joining this company(not logistics) as contract worker. This company I am going for interview later is also another logistics firm &amp; the job I appied for is one of the super stressful one.

My contract ends early next year. Maternity benefits are not explicitly in the contract &amp; is really up to your immediate boss lor...Come to think abt it, even if i got the job now as Perm, I dun think I get to enjoy maternity benefits lor..

Somemore, my hubby said if I got pregnant &amp; become jobless after giving birth..he can still 'yang wo' for few months...

aiyoh...I think so far liao..as if I am going to be pregnant anytime...hahaaa
hi wendypooh,
are you having some kind of flu? better drink more water and cool your system down. At this stage, we can't really rule out anything but I hope your AF doesn't come!
hi wendypooh

yea, now that Tuffy mentioned, u seem to be catching up a flu?

are you having a fever now? If so, better go &amp; see a doctor ler...
<font color="ff6000">tuffy</font>
tt was 3wks ago when i 1st announced ..
to me time seem to be moving slowly leh,
so long liao only 3wks hv past..

<font color="ff6000">wendypooh</font>
prob u go and see a doctor since u are not feeling too well..
at the same time, u tell him/her tt u are ttcing lor, dunno got result yet or not .. so that he/she will perscribe milder medicine to u
hi ladies,
i dun have flu at the moment but just feeling tired guess so be the hot weather these day.
thank for your advise, will take care of myself.
hi chihiro,
only 3 weeks? seemed v long leh. Guess you can't wait for the kid to grow up, that's why you think time is passing so slowly!
But you should enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. Once the kid pops out, it will be a totally different ball game.
halo all

just back from the interview...how come everyone's so quite??
the thread is not moving since I left 3 hrs ago ler
Dear all..please give me some advice...

To start off, I have irregular menses but am trying to get pregnant.
And the story goes like this: I have unprotected sex on 28th March 2004, and on 5th April 2004..I have some slight brownish discharge but it wasn't my menses. So I went to read up from the net that it maybe due to implantation of the fertilized egg.
So I went to do a home pregnancy test but it was negative (the line was faint -ve)....

Can I check with you all...can I still be pregnant?? I did the test on 5th April &amp; then on 12th April..both tests were faint negative....so I am not pregnant right?

I also read from the test kit instruction that I shld do the test at least 19 days after having unprotected sex but when I tested..it was less than 19days.

Can I check with you..when is the correct time to test?
I don't know when my menses will come as it is irregular....*SIGH*
Hi all,

need some advice from you gals..

If I have brown discharge before menses, is that considered CD1?

And when taking temperature, the lowest tempertature is considered the O-day isit?

Dear garfield

When is your last menses (AF)? How irregular is your menses? If you have irregular AF, it will be rather hard to detect when you ovulated, thus to determine if you are pregnant or not ler...did you take your temp daily? With temp data, it might help to predict when you have ovulated &amp; thus better gauge if you are testing for pregnancy at the right time...maybe you can share with us some of your past AF dates?

Hi new_hebe
You mean right after brown discharge, the normal AF comes? Is this normal for each of your flow?

Lowest temp doesnt mean the O-day unless there are abt 3 consecutive rise in your temp thereafter...
<font color="ff6000">hi hebe,</font>
CD01 is the day when u hv the normal flow
slight brown discharge on the day before is not counted
lbs: my last few menses date are as follow:

8/12/03 - 12/12/03
05/01/04 - 14/01/04
07/02/04 - 13/02/04
22/03/04 - 26/03/04

I didn't chart my temperature

Anyway..I think I not pregnant lah....2 tests showed -ve liao...furthermore...i dun have any symptoms at all..no sore breasts, no nausea, *SIGH*

since u have irregular menses.. Its probably good for u to take and monitor your basal body temperature .... then u know will when u ovulate
Dear garfield

yea, your AF is pretty irregular...your Mar AF seem to be delayed more than 35 days than the previous two cycles which were 23 days.

If strictly based on the calculations theory(14 days before next cycle), you might have ovulated sometime mid Apr lar but this is not that reliable lor.

Also, I think you might have tested too early liao because your AF just over on 26 Mar mah. Maybe nearer to end Apr if your AF hasnt come, you can try testing again?

IF you really fail this cycle, perhaps as what poohy said, you shld start charting your temp &amp; monitor the cervical mucus liao...This will help to give you a better idea of when you might have ovulated.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 16 Apr 04
oreo ........... CD 06
funny .......... CD 07
jigsaw ......... CD 08
joice .......... CD 09
amberlyn ....... CD 11
huggie ......... CD 13
ribena ......... CD 14
maya ........... CD 16
catepillar ... . CD 18
tuffy .......... CD 19
wennia ......... CD 20
lbs ............ CD 23
jov ............ CD 24
wendypooh ...... CD 27
okeanosmao * ... CD 28
skinnyma ....... CD 31
aa ............. CD 34
lilac .......... CD 42
Ms Blur ........ CD 43
jojoba ......... CD 45
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 68
wizard ......... CD 78
shopper ........ CD 79
moonriver ...... CD 98
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349</font>
