A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi bump2

oreo is right..the best time to take temperature is in the morning, right after you wake up.

yeap, i know I shld be taking arnd the same time, if not as close as possible..but for the past few days, my 'wake up' time a bit 'luan' lor, that's why wonder how accurate the readings can be..especially, these few days supposedly my critical days...

just went to test again with OPK..neg again..still not that worry lor because FF detected my usual O date is on my CD14...

I think I ask this question before but can I check with you ladies again..How do you define watery..feeling wet? I am having like on & off wet/creamy (quite dry) since two days back.....anyone having similar experience before?

huh... oh dear... i tot it was not near my O day so should be quite safe... jia lat... me planning a trip in jun leh... will this affect? sigh... some more we just booked a new car... aiyoh...
Have not posted here, but have been following this thread on-off. Here's something that puzzled me....

Jen, if you are not TTC yet, then shouldn't you have used contraceptives?
<font color="0000ff">jen</font>
You're at DPO17 already. Tomorrow at DPO18, can test already.

<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Watery is clear and resembles water, can be stretchy. Sometimes, it might just wet your undergarment.

I've been having watery/Ewcm these few days.. but my temp. did not go up yet leh.
Hi oreo

but mine can watery be one day, then next day becomes creamy, which is very close to dryness ler..

I read somewhere if you do not see fertile cervical fluid externally, you might want to try checking internally, that is to insert your finger (i think is index finger)towards your cervix. If you are in your fertile period, it will not be 'dry' but rather will feel wetness inside..

Anyone try before? I feel very odd to try on myself but if get hubby to test, he thought I want to seduce him..hahaaaa
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Sometimes my cm also like yours too.. can b confusing right?
I read that you can insert 2 fingers in between your cervix, and then gently pull your fingers out, and try to pull then away from each other to see if it stretches.
I tried to do the internal method.. but somehow, i don't seem to be able to master it.

Normally i'll use a piece of tissue to do it.
at times, can get confused with the semen(if i happen to bd), as the ewcm is very similar to it.
Hi oreo

yeap..it can be rather confusing at times..I also use tissue but not much discharge to be conclusive..sometimes I really think I am a 'dry' woman by nature..hahaaa

I guess the best/accurate way is still monitoring using 3 methods altogether (temp, checking CM &amp; using OPK)!

I dont think I am O-ing soon today/tomorrow..better take a rest &amp; re-charge these two days...initially thought I might be O soon as I feel wet over the weekend...quickly BD &amp; BD...now very tired
hi ladies..
sorry i'm back here again..promised to be more regular now

oreo, thanks for succeeding lilac, can you pls update me as CD3. Thanks

ok i'm now ready to ttc..can i ask what are the basic things to do? take temp?? or see gynae??
hahaaha ribena, you are so cute...you sound like you are ready for battle!!

I think different pple will work differently...
Some will see gynae for body checkup as a start..but for me, I thought i would try for at least 2 - 3 months before seeing the gynae..i am more of those with good 'imaginary skills'..scared this, worry that...hahahaa..so, better try try first lor..

Well, as a start, you must get your body prepared ensuring you get the necessary nutrients like folid acid. I only started to take this supplement this cycle but was told you shld start as early as 3 months before TTC-ing..!

Concurrently, you can start taking temps everyday the moment you wake up in the morning &amp; chart it down..try to ensure you take the temp arnd the same time everyday... can get a free charting tool at www.fertilityfriends.com

At the same time, you will need to check your cervical mucus (which is really a big challenge for me!!) &amp; note down in the chart...

Some of us will get OPK to further helps in determine our O day...when nearer to O, make sure you BD lor....

This is basically what I am doing now...ladies, did i miss anything out?
<font color="0000ff">oreo</font>

Hopefully we will succeed soon. Hope our eggs are still of acceptable quality.

<font color="0000ff">lbs and ribena</font>
I think you have covered all the impt things.
For me, I check for my CM when I am in the toilet (need to squeeze it out, sorry to gross you guys out). I find that that is the most effective way of determining the CM.

how u squeeze it out? u mean like trying to pee?
sorry for my ignorant.. i am a bit 'sian' as I seem to be getting more dry ( a little bit of creamy stains on my panty) today....not sure what happen..? Was wet (though not really very wet lar) last two days ...<scratch>
<sigh> forgot to share with gals..

went to my friend's wedding last Sat...guess what?there were so many pregnant mummies arnd..&amp; ironically, came to know they all got married arnd the same time as me!! so depressed liao..thats why after went home, quickly get hubby get into action over the weekend....

but seem wasted liao as I have not O yet..

I will be going away for a short break this Thurs till Sun...
not really holidaying but back to PIL's place lor...dunno whether will be more stress out or not
<font color="0000ff">wendypooh</font>
Im only 4DPO so still gt a long way to go! Dun dare to pin too much hope lor. But i did danced on my O day itself as well as the night b4 my O day. Now just stay cool and easy.....

<font color="0000ff">Tuffy</font>
The day after my O, my temp shot up by 0.3deg only. Then it drop by 0.2deg. Then rise slowly by 0.1deg and today it rise another 0.2deg liao.

<font color="0000ff">Jen</font>
From ur chart, u really O on CD16. But since u dance on CD12, u still have some some some chance of getting preg. The average life span of "soldiers" inside us is abt 3days. Well, can be abit longer too. N hor, u danced at night rite? If u danced during CD12 nite, u shd record ur BD session as on CD13. Cos our temp is closer to our waking temp for the next day. (Hope u get what i mean)

Hmm.... i thk u can test already if u are gan cheong.
I think it's called the Kegel exercise (or something like that). It's squeezing the muscles round your vagina area. Not sure how to describe leh... but for me, when I do that, usually, some CM will be discharged then I can see texture loh.
this is taken from FF
<font color="ff6000">If you are having trouble finding cervical fluid, doing kegel exercises (tensing and relaxing the muscles that control the flow of urine) helps to push cervical fluid to the vaginal opening and makes observation easier. (Avoid kegels after sex though as this could push the semen and therefore the sperm away from the cervix, which is exactly where you want them to be). Exercise and bowel movements also push cervical fluid to the vaginal opening making observation easier. You may find that the best time to check your cervical fluid is after a bowel movement.</font>
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
I do this in the normal sitting position. Me cannot squat lah - got weak legs sure cannot tahan.
okie..will try out at home later tonite...

<sigh> ..more &amp; more to work on this TTCing thing now...

opps..yah now you mentioned, i think so too! hehe..
hmm..i didn't know there's so much steps to ttc!! thanks for providing the link, so can i only check my temp after AF? and all along i thought its just counting the days after AF to know when is the fertile days? but my menses is irregular, so can i just take my temp and chart down and will be able to tell when its the best time to BBD is it?

hi tuffy,
checking the CM ah?? erm..ok loh will try, but how often we check? sometimes when we wipe and its on the tissue, can see from there right?

hi lilac,
hope you strike soon!!
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
do you take evening primrose oil? heard that it impoves the CM.

<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
Yup - if you can see it when you wipe - also can.
I just take note of it when I go to the toilet. Just need to record in FF once, that's good enuf.
nope ler..i didnt take EPO..thought thats for regulating AF only? aiyah..actually, only this cycle like a bit hair wire....scared like what oreo has said it might be an Anovulatory cycle...*touch wood..touch wood*

emm..actually charting temp will be more useful for those with regular AF ler...I mean even you have super short or long menses but if it is always arnd the same cycle length lor..If every cycle is not the same length , I am not sure if FF would be able to detect ovulation ler..

But I guess no harming charting your temp &amp; monitor the CM lor. Maybe at the same time, you can start eating EPO to regulate your AF?
lilac, if I remember correctly, I think I BD on CD11 night... so I recorded in CD12... that's why I tot it was highly unlikely for me to be preggie lor...
<font color="0000ff">lbs</font>
Actually, I also not v sure what EPO does but I know it's advisable for women to take it. me also v blur.

<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
Even if you dun have regular cycle, I think there's no harm charting. For me, I find that my luteal phase is about the same for the last 3 cycles even though the length of each cycle is different. So in that sense, once FF detects my O, I can more or less predict when my AF will come. Only by charting will you know if this is the case for you too. Do try it - it's tedious but I think it's informative too.

<font color="0000ff">jen</font>
are u v sure you recorded your CM correctly? It may be possible that you have O-ed early too... but I guess the only way to be sure is to go HPT.
Good luck!
Hi Hopeful,
Yup, will most likely take Clomid next cycle if I fail this month. How are you getting on? O already?

I'm here to report liao... sorry a bit late.. How's your BD and temp taking coming along? Still confused or getting better with BBT?

Hi Jen,
I read that spermies can survive up to 5 days in fertile fluid. Do you know your usual luteal phase? Cos that's the only thing that will not change between cycles, the most +/- 1 or 2 days. If you happen to conceive, you'll most likely expect a gal cos female-carrying sperms are bigger and can survive longer. It should be fine for you to travel in 1st trimester if you're feeling ok.
Hi ladies,

Yup... the best time to check CM is after bowel movement or exercise. I always notice them after such activities. You're supposed to record the most fertile fluid you have throughout the day.

Also note that BBT charts only tell you O AFTER it happened and that FF has detected it after 3 days of elevated temps. So try to BD regularly during your fertile period to make sure you catch the egg.

EPO helps to relieve menstrual symptoms, regulate hormones as well as to produce more fertile fluid. Drinking more green tea near O period also helps to thin the CM.

Good luck to you gals! Havent had graduates for some time yah? We need it to keep ourselves motivated!
what's EPO?

wah tuffy,
you all use all the chim chim words
what's luteal phase? hmm..i've just registered at fertility friend.

hi shuin

you mean we can choose the gender of the bb?
<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>
luteal phase refers to the period between your O and your menses. Usually it's about 13 days. Glad that you have managed to register at FF - happy charting!
Hi Shuin,

I already Oed cos i took injection. I BD on the day I took injection as well as the next day....as wat gynae advised...now juz wait for results lor....like take exam like that...but i nvr hope la, cos my hubby soldiers weak ma...

Btw, i wonder why taking EPO helps to produce more CM ... ever since i started taking, i notice i dun really experience CM... but i din borther to ask doc cos I believe that OPK is the most accurate test... u wan to enlighten me ?

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 06 Apr 04
ribena ......... CD 04
maya ........... CD 06
catepillar ... . CD 08
tuffy .......... CD 09
lbs ............ CD 13
jov ............ CD 14
wendypooh ...... CD 17
okeanosmao * ... CD 18
skinnyma ....... CD 21
aa ............. CD 24
joice .......... CD 25
funny .......... CD 28
amberlyn ....... CD 29
iloveoreo ...... CD 31
lilac .......... CD 32
Ms Blur ........ CD 33
Emma ........... CD 34
jigsaw ......... CD 34
Jen ............ CD 34
jojoba ......... CD 35
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

felene ......... CD 58
wizard ......... CD 68
shopper ........ CD 69
moonriver ...... CD 88
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349</font>
my AF is late this month and I cannot believe it.

I really want to test it but really scare of the results. I am happy to have this false hope at the moment. My hubby also scares and he said wait a bit longer. It is abt 6 days delayed.

I have done my charting and my temp is stable at 36.9 not sure is this high..

I did not pin much hope this month, moreover my hubby also has not so high sperm count.

I only feel breasts sore, pain when u touch it and stomach discomfort on and off. No other symptoms!
<font color="0000ff">emma</font>
That sounds like good news!! mind putting up your chart? I think 36.9 is still high lah. You have got a good chance. Good luck!

<font color="0000ff">jen</font>
My VIP function has expired. Are you looking for any particular information?
thank tuffy!
I would love to put up my chart here but i do it manually. hee
I can type it onto excel and show u all.
I think I ovulated on CD 12, not sure correct or not.
hi ribena

EPO = evening primrose oil

Hi ladies
been having headache since yesterday..dunno if this affects my O this cycle..

Hi Jen
My VIP functions still valid...any info you required?
gd morning all,

usually b4 AF is due, our temp will drop rite. usually by how much huh? as my daily temp flatuated by 0.something a day, must be be a drastic drop then we can take it that our AF is coming liow?

hi lbs &amp; tuffy... i was thinking of keying in my info to look at wat the vip says for my this cycle cos of the overdue AF... perhaps just need for a day or so only... if u dun mind?
emm..I think you might need to replace all my previous info with yours ler...FF would not analyse the data unless you save it...not sure if this will disrupt the analysis altogether?
I dun mind lar if my analysis remains lor but I am at my crucial period this week..so need to ensure my data is not disrupted..

maybe, you can register as new member again with FF?
I don't think FF vip will provide more info that is useful leh. Basically, it has detected your O and you are way past your usual luteal phase now. It will probably recommend that you test with HPT by DPO18.
relax okie waiting for your good news.

well me finish BD and now waiting for for news....

lbs all ladies,
I'm back from my medical check up by Dr Chan from Geneagles. I can say he is super nice guy and make us feel easy. Waiting time is fast oso.
Well sad to say After scaning Found a very small fibroid at outside the ovaries, but he say is ok and common among ladies. No medicine or other thing require, not a problem. Other than tat all other area is fine and can conceive anytime. "Heng"... so happy to know but pap smear and culture test can only be know next week. Keeping my finger cross on tat.
But I strongly recomend those who want check up can conside him. He is very patient and cheerful. I go with my sis and she too think he is nice. My sis use to have check by KK hospital but she have since change to Dr Chan
hi emma
hope you'll strike this time!

is EPO better or bai wan pills? &amp; can these be take together with folic?
hmm..i hve so much to learn here, i'll try my best to catch up.
Hi Wendy,
how much does such a check up cost? Is this considered a routine check or must you tell the gynae specifically what you want? oso hah - is the scanning painful?

actually I am not sure ler...

On Sat, I took my temp an hr earlier than usual &amp; the reading was 35.9
Then on Sun morning, due to tiredness, I wake up late &amp; the reading was 36.0.
Yesterday &amp; today, the readings remain at 36.2.

I tested with OPK on Sat &amp; yesterday..both neg.

But this morning after bowel movement, I saw a very stretchy discharge but it is yellowish ler..
