A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

berries- haha, i noe wat u mean =P the way she wrote, ma chiam all days got to BD. hehe.. i wil try to BD alternate days once AF over =D unless reali tired thn bo bian lor.

tweetie- jus BD! dun miss any chance! hehe

hahaha.. ya man.. twice a day..
i cannot make it ar!! kekeke.. alt. days i oso cant make it.. die.. mus try try try try try try!!!
Hi redtea & berries,
I suppose easy job = less pay. I am very very stressed at work recently, esp during my fertile period. That make me very frustrated cos I worked until very late and even tabao homework and worked at home.... but still BD afterthat, cos I dun wan to miss a chance... Gynea said a woman is very fertile within 1-3 mths after a m/c.. I wan to fully utilised my "privilage".. I wan a piggy badly... sigh

Hi Joylee,
I dun BD at all after tested opk+ until today. Kinda give up cos I hv simply missed the dates.. My cramps getting intense... sigh
Hi redtea,
I saw your post abt O pain. I experienced O pain for abt 4-5days before and on the day of O itself. So I think its abit difficult to count O pain as 1DPO. It can be quite confusing. But if you are using fertilityfriend as guideline, they do provide crossline...
alien- me too, i wan a piggy bb!!!! wat line r u in? superb stressed leh..
ya, i wil call up the gynae soon. fix a date to go chk up!
sigh~ another accountant.. well paid but bad timing job..
ailen, u better chg ur job.. but not easy if u wanna chg line.

hmm.. as for O cramp.. maybe there ways to diffierent between actual and not actual O
anyone can explain?
Hi ladies,

I went to test OPK again, guess wat...... i saw 2 pink lines. So happy...... first time see OPK positive lei!

Called HB juz nw, ask him to come home as soon as possible so that can BD. But dunno if he cn make it or not coz last nite, he cannot perform. Tink he v stressed with work. I hope today he can.

Wish me lotsa baby dust!! Woah, really need that now.
for ovulating strips must test afternoon? cos some website i go to say LH the hormone usually rises in the afternoon. but the clearblue ovualating strips I bought says test with 1st urine in the morning?
MORn alien,

Dun gv up.. i oso try n try again.. let jia you =>

ger u oso in acctin line.. me too..im in finance..u do auditin.. like tough.. normally auditor hv to work late ..
Hi happythots, thsnk!

Today my temp surge fr 36.1 to 36.75, is it normal? Anyone do charting here 2?

Joymum, is that true? I heard fr my gynae that its more effective to BD alternate day coz it takes at least 48hrs for soldiers to replenish to full force. 24hrs is prob half the force n not so powerful. Anyway, juz BD whenever the urge comes. :p

goodgal, PCOS = Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, u can try googling and u will loads of info abt tat.

Kylene, preg test is usually done 1st urine in the mrng and o test is usually done in the afternoon where LH usually surge.

Redtea, dun be disappointed.... try again... Jia You.
hi morning ladies ... so sleepy ... please BD on the date i give you opk ... even if you tested BFN for O ... just in case mah ... KS a bit nvr la ...
mornin ladies. ytd when hb came to pick me, duno y but the moment i got into the car n saw him, tears jus started flowing
he got a shock n kept askin me wat hapen but i jus kept quiet. guess i'm reali too stressed up liao
but reali felt beta after tat n the hug hb gv reali meant alot

i noe the feelin n i try b4.. last time even c red oso cry..haiz..but the most important tin is u n yr hubby have to support one another.. n wk hard for the tins u wan..dun too stress up ... no good 4 TTC... jus relax..or u wan to take holiday wif hubby..im tinkin to do tat ard Mar time..
Hi Ant ... love love ... i know i understand too ... its good to show that you are upset in front of yr HB ... I am those that will put on a brave front infront of my HB one ... no cry infront of him be4 for our 8years of marriage
hi Tweetie,
Ovulation usually occurs when temp dip. If your temp continues to stay high for the next 3 days, means you hv ovulated on the day when you hv dip temp.

i understand how you feel....sometimes it helps to soothing our mind and soul if we choose to cry out loud... i cried for the past one week too due to work stressed and missed the dates...

look forward and stay positive.
hi gals,

i hv alot of creamy CM after O. today am in 6dpo but my creamy CM getting thick!!! sometimes white sometimes yellowish, no smell. wats wrong??
morning ladies.

*stay strong* at least u got ur hb & also us here to yak ya! Think we all here wish for Piggy BB lor. Sigh...

Joy's mum,
Wahh.. BD twice a day ah... good leh u! Think me old liao .. like cannot leh.. kekeke...

So u in Accs ah.. yes, agree that its very stressful job, hope u can find a new job soon ok? U mentioned that u had a m/c? sorry to hear that, but is it very good to keep BDing after m/c? Thot its better for you to boost up ur health first?

ur hb cannot perform ah, actually at times my hb also like that. then I get very disappointed too. coz the more we want to BD, then the more at times he cannot perform, think his work also too stressed le. Any other ways to make our hb perform better? kekekeke...

as for OPK ah, when to test for the urine? morning upon waking up or wat?
thks gals
am feelin beta today. thkful tat we hv a thread like this to pour out all our sorrows n disappointments. wil stay positive

alien- i studied accts too but realised not my cup of tea hence not wrkg in this line. heard frens say it's stressful esp mth n yr end n i'm those kind cannot take too much stress else wil burst =P
Hi alien,

Prior to yesterday, my temp was oso ard tat range, so there is no significant dip at all. I juz went test OPK but this time, no line at all. Tink its faulty. Will try again tonight or later in the afternoon.

Normally, if OPK is +ve, how long will it last ah? For consecutive 3 days??
Hi alien,

Prior to yesterday, my temp was oso ard tat range, so there is no significant dip at all. I juz went test OPK but this time, no line at all. Tink its faulty. Will try again tonight or later in the afternoon.

Normally, if OPK is +ve, how long will it last ah? For consecutive 3 days??

Oh as for the creamy discharge, I had tat ard DPO8 till DPO12. Duno whaz the significance but i tink its normal

Nope, i dun test it in the am. Usually mid am or evening.


Yeah, tink he is stressed. Tink only way to help is go holidays.
When me and my hubby decided to try for the second one, he started on multi vits. actually we only planned to BD once a day. but my hubby was inspired by a kissing scene on tv and we ended up BD twice a day
And he did not know I tested positive. All I did was take initiative for the first time and the subsequent sessions came naturally
Joy's mum...
wahh.. inspired by kissing scene man! what show ah? Maybe I can go record ah.. haahaha...

you also ah. me too, at times very sad leh.

true lah but cannot always go hols mah, pocket burn hole leh.kekeke...
It depends on your health and m/c at how many weeks. I m/c at 5w5d. Considered very very very early stage, nothing much to concern. Just had a heavy flow for that long cycle thats all...

I already prepared for new cycle. I only hope my LP wont stay for too long. Let me hv a "normal" cycle length. I cant afford to wait...

OPK+ usually stays one to two days. Depends when you tested +ve. For this round, I tested first +ve at 11am, follow by 2nd test at 4pm, 3rd test at 9pm, all +ve. 4th test at 2am but the line get slightly faint liao. I considered -ve already.
actually i dun feel like working liao. i wan to rest for a while and if pg, stay home to "yang tai" until give birth... hehe... maybe find a part time job to pass time... my hb says ok, he will support me. yeah!! so now i wan to fast fast pg so that can rest!!! lazy me
Hi Alien

So nice of yr hubby that he is able to support u....

But frankly speaking, stay at home also very bored rite?

When u mean OPK+, is it very dark lines?? So once it gets slightly faint means -ve already ah?
alien- so nice of ur hb to support u! i wanted to quit after my maternity leave to look after bb myself. thn find part time job also. cos for my case, no one to help take care (both my mum n mil stil wrkg). i also lookin fwd to stayin at home! haha.. me also lazy kind =P
Hi Joymum,

Hmm... yza lor, wat show is tat? I oso want to watch lei. My HB actually say go taiwan n buy some RA show to spice up. Hee...hee...


Agreed that its easier said than done. Tat's y till nw, hvn decided where to go coz all nid $$. BKK will b cheap n good lor.


Ok, tnks. Shall try again n c how...mayb no more liao. Really hope I can strike this time but duno can or not coz HB's stock is abt 9days old prior to BD last nite, so I tink soldier not tat healthy as well.
Coz for my case, i tested OPK+ on 22 Dec and then again at 3rd Jan?

Does it mean i ovulated twice? The one on 3rd jan was much darker
jus called to book gynae appt. the lady says pre-preg chk up costs $318. is that the norm ah? consists of pap smear, blood test n scan..
Stay home sure bored one. But if "yang tai", then I think its different story liao..
opk+ must as dark as control band or even darker. If it is +ve, it will show within a min. slightly faint is not consider as +ve.

I also got no one to look after bb. Both my mum and mil not in spore. me and hb xiang yi wei ming..

I used to "clear stock" 3-4 days in advance for hb before the actual day (fertile period). 9 days seems abit long but dun care lah just go ahead BD!! who knows maybe your egg prefer old soldier??
$318 sound reasonable to me. My gynea quoted me ard $400. So i think the price is abt there bah. Your hb going for the test as well?
Wahhh... so good Alien ur hb!
can support u ah.. then good lah.. just rest for a while to yang tai lor..

BKK if i go will be shopping ah!!! kekeke...

so meaning +ve lines will be dark ah.. then if faint lines will be -ve liao? hmm....

Which gynae u going? I did not check how much it cost leh?


the opk+ on 22 Dec is same colour as control band but the opk+ on 3rd Jan is darker than control band, which means i ovulated twice?
alien- my hb nt gg for test, he not sure if he can get off work leh.. i told him the price, he went 'huh, so ex!' faintz

vivian- i gg TMC, dr caroline khi. u gg for the chk tmw rite?

Im goin on fri... so yrs is female gynae ah at thomson medical centre? Mine is male leh... so paiseh. hehe. My hubby will be goin with me.

How much more do they charge for hubby's check up?

vivian- yup female. tink i more comfy lah. hee.. i din ask hw much if my hb does the check. u didnt ask hw much is the check huh? the lady also told me to go once my AF clears.
