A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Vivian,

So meaning I must take my temperature daily right? okok, will start from tmr so it should more or less be the same until when it drops means my menses is coming? then when is O ah? any advise?

Hi Vivian,

I have been goggling BBT online, read that one shd start charting on the 1st day of period. So shd I start when my AF is coming end of this mth or now ah?

I also read that once there is a dip, means period is coming right? but how would I know when is O ah? is it the next raise after the dip? Sorry for asking so many qns but I just want to be sure, becoz usually my AF will last about 4-5 days so meaning this 4-5 days BBT will dip? then the next raise cannot be my O rite? still a bit confused here...

Hi Joy's mum,
so any news of the O strips yet? me wanting to buy . ..
hi all,

have been following this thread for quite a while and would like to obtain some advice on my condition.

i'm 32, married for 4 yrs, trying for 1.5 yrs but still can't conceive. have been having prob with my menses since mid last yr. did not had it for 4 mths, went to c a gynae, did a blood test and was told me that my progesterone lvl is too low. was given medicine & menses came in Oct.

but it didn't come again since then. i didn't quite like the gynae so did not go back.

now i'm not sure whether to go to another gynae or to go for TCM.

any advice or recommendations?
Starrybinkie, perhaps good to change to another gynae and get 2nd opinion, don wait anymore. I also ttc for 1.5 yrs now like desperate. I just went to see TCM.
thanks anyway.

my temp dip to 36.81C today.. dunno wat will happen tmr.. UP or DOWN. AF purpose to come on THurs.. gan choeng..

ant, guess u feeling is the same as me now..

cranberries, u can start bbt now, so tat u can monitor when ur AF coming. :p
hi redtea, reali feelin v gan cheong! i kept touchin to c if my boobs soreness is stil there =P ytd i got the 'chong dong' to test on HPT but decided to wait few more days... maybe i wil test on thu nite if AF hasnt report..
thanks sharon.. bless you and your baby!!

yoz ant.. go test... we are all very excited for u ah....

u shld start taking yr BBT from the 1st day of menses. When there is a sudden increase in BBT, u shld have ovulated the day b4.. tat is y u must monitor using the ovulation strip as well... if yr temp stays constant or has elevated... it means u r preggie. Normally if yr BBT starts to drop towards the end of yr cycle... it means yr AF is reporting

Hope this helps
babycupid- dun gv up! keep on tryin
let me noe when u receive the opks ya...

sharon/roxyz- thks.. hee. i also v excited leh... results shall be known v soon =P
hi gals,

I am new to this thread..abit lost with the abbreviations
.... Having seriously TTC for past 2 months by plotting my BBT (although, not seriously trying for like a year liao)....have some qns but cant seem to find the ans on web..

if you dun observe mucus, does that mean you haven ovulate...cos i seem to have cross my O day but still din observe mucus...feel quite dry there...

can you have menses but dun O har?

sigh...we had this problem....successful BD the first time, then when we try BD on alternate days then cannot...dunno due to stress or wat...but probably becos also i have quite low sex drive so not easy for me to BD easily..if you know what i mean...

Something to add on... its better to use a thermometer that can read up to 2 decimal place, so that u can better monitor yr temp . I bought mine at NTUC Unity.
Hi Blurfairy

Why dun u purchase the ovulation strips so that u can monitor yr O?? And if u r dry down there, you can purchase Pre-seed which is a lubricant and is safe if u r TTC
hi vivian,

which brand of ovulation strips and the pre-seed to buy? can get from ntuc pharmacy/guardian hor? roughly, how much do they cost?
Hi Vivian,

I got my thermometer from Osim one.. dunno can use bor.. ekeke.. haven't kai zhang yet.. whaha..

Thanks for ur explanation, but I need to make sure on another pt ah, say when I take my BBT now, once there is a dip, means AF coming so u mentioned that if there is an increase means I have
ovulated the day before.. if like that then how to plan for BD if I have already ovulated?

U mentioned using OPK, if like that, then when do I start testing on OPK to know my Ovulation?

Any one here got news of Joy's mum order of OPK?
hi Ant,

will u feel sore when u din touch?
Ger, good luck to u..hope to hear good news from u =).....Muz pray hard hard..hehez
which CD r u in 2day?....
vivian- wil test earliest on thu itself lor... wil def update all of u here once i test. hee

berries- i bot opks frm a fren, similar to those online ones. $1 each. i use the online calculator to chk my fertile days n wil use 2-3 to test on these days. but if u hv irregular cycle, thn hv to use more to test. like my fren she can use up 10-15 sticks each cycle!
joy- i dun, only when i slightly touch, wil be pain or when i walk slightly fast dwn the stairs, can feel pain also. lidat considered anot ah?? i'm 14DPO today le
wat is online calculator? is it something like myddays.com etc? that you input ur AF period then they will show u your O period?

So u start testing on ur 1st O ah izzit?

Think we all here really excited abt ur news leh.. kekek... remember i want dust hor? whahaha....

u like hv high chances.. Good Luck!...
4 me i dun feel sore n 2day is my CD23.. but boobs feel quite tight oni.
Ger u noe if tested +ve on OPK on CD12.. than which day is our DPO start? on CD12?
berries- i use this http://www.babyhopes.com/ovulation-calendar/
u got to noe ur cycle days. i wil test on the 1st day the calculator says fertile n usu it wil be +ve thn wil BD liao for the nxt few days =D
sure wil pass bb dust to all when i got BFP! hee

joy- i start countin frm the day i tested +ve, actuali duno lidat is accurate anot since we only O 24-36 hrs after tat =D
Wat if I am not too sure of my cycle days then how ah? cannot liao ah? Mine quite irregular leh.. like wat Sharon has count for me like a 30 day cycle, but wat if I missed it how? sob.. sob...
can I use a 28 days so that can BD more & then better than to missed it when using a 30 days?

so when u test +ve on 1st day will start BD on alternate days rite? btw, we only O after +ve 24-36hrs ltr ah? hmm.... blur..
berries- hmm.. lidat hor, maybe u can start testin on CD10 onwrds til u see a +ve. thn start to BD! tat was wat i read lor, not O immed when tested +ve... so to play safe, BD alternate =)

so i tested +ve on 13jan & 14JAn which is my CD12..than 2day is my DPO11....after takin clomid i had a dark dark +ve.. if nt i nv get a dark line..

Long time no chat. I am in CD20. Our dates quite close ya. But I hv a feeling this cycle is out for me. We din managed to BD when I tested opk+. Only BD the day before I tested opk+. So chances are pretty slim for me.... haiz..
ok! I got it!! so I start to test from the CD10 see if got +ve rite? then if got, can BD alternate days from there rite? kekeke..

but if u BD on the day u tested +ve also might have chance leh.. coz sperms can live in our body for 4-5 days mah.. so u cont'd to BD for higher chance ah!
hIhi alien,


yes 3 days diff..hehe..
ger do u BD after that? .. after tested +ve O will after 24-36hrs.
But i din take BBT one. n dun dare to take..but i dun hv symptom leh.... oni feel heat on my body.. which last mth oso (but no strike)
I tink different ppl have ovulate at diff time. N every mth might be different, for me i intend to stay testing rite from today, im at CD6 to Ovulation detected. Hehe... kiasu, dun wana miss it

Ant- Oh no... u sure...
I tink different ppl ovulate at diff time and every mth might be different, for me i intend to start testing rite from today, im at CD6.

Hehe... kiasu, dun wana miss it

Ant- Oh no... u sure??
*Sayang**..as long u din c red man gt chance.. my col that time oso she saw brw n she get ready her pad endup dun hv..n after tt tested +ve in HPT..Hang on ger....=>
*hugz* can try again next cycle ya!
u gg to see gynae liao ah.. why? con'td BD lah this cycle sekali u kena leh..

like wat Joylee say, hang on!
Ant- dun be dissapointed like wat joylee said.. mayb still got chance.

Anyway, if reali neva strike better go c gynae and have a thorough check....Same here, dun wana waste time liao

yup yup.. got chance.. cos my sis oso.. when she conceive her 1st child she din koe she expecting oso cos she got her menses.. not as heavy as normal flow she had... end up she is preg!

So ant.. dun gif up hope till the flow.. me too!
BBcupid ,

u mean she expecting but with her menses? i heard tis case b4.. if even c red oso muz b careful....

Jia you.....everybody here is supportin u .. =)
ant, keeping my fingers crossed for u! am so excited for you. i thk u strike already lah.
). friday will be my expected AF, i also feeling nervous. however, i got no pregnancy symptoms whatsoever
. but i remain hopeful leh

yup.. but only on the 1st two mths.. meaning.. she actually expecting already.. but still see red so she tot not.. den stop after 1 or 2 days.. den she find it funny.. den a mth ltr.. see red oso.. bit bit.. den stop after bit bit.. so she finds it weird.. and visit a gynae since she ttcing.. gynae HPT and scan and said she is preg lor.. heee...tat was her 1st bb.. 2nd one is normal no c red..
thks gals for all the support. am glad to noe i hv all of u here behind me!
wil monitor nxt few hrs n c how...

berries- i scared sth wrong w me leh so beta to go chkup for peace of mind. i got work hard leh, wondered wat went wrong.. hmm


you only work bery hard this mth rite? or try for another mth lor.. kekeke.. but visit the gynae earlier oso gd.. which gynae will you be goin? i goin oso if i dun strike by mar...
