A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

ant- my friends was telling me wat is there to be embarassed abt.. the gynae has seen so many girls already... so i decided to go ahead with him coz heard tat he is good.

hehe... i didn't ask the price, mayb wil call up later to check. u mean u go once yr AF clears? Mine was cleared liao but no time to go... so got to drag to fri then go...

Hi All,
I am a new member to this forum .

I have been TTC for 2 mths .
Just went for a pre pregnacy checkup yesterday. Thot of sharing the rates with all.

I did ultrascan and pap smear yesterday - cost $150. The next appt (on my CD21) will consits of blood test n hormonial chart??(not sure what is it ) - est cost $90 .
vivian- hee, ya hor true... but stil got this feelin tat he's a guy mah hence not so comfy.
yup the lady says to go once AF clears lor. today only CD2 niah.
Ant- I will go at CD9. But i guess after a few times, i should get used to it. keke

Carol- yeah yrs sounds reasonable, where did u go? and which gynae?
vivian- did u tell the gynae tat u alrdy ttcing for 5mths ah? i jus told the lady i wana go pre-preg chk, din mention tat i'm alrdy ttc..
The gynae's clinic is located at admiralty MRT station. His name is Dr Don .

Not sure he is reputable or not. Went to him cos near my hse . ;>

He's quite friendly n humorous.
I made known to him that it's my 1st women's check. Very nervous and don know what to do. He is very patient to brief me through the procedure and his next action.

Overall, yesterday experience was not as bad as my colleague has illustrated hers . She m
ade her experience sound as she has been 'violated'. : o
Ant- u spoke to the gynae izit? For me, i talk to the nurse only, and i didn't mention much

Carol- oic, so its not tat bad an experience ah? I did a pap smear b4 but wif a female gynae, so with a male gynae, dun knw wat to expect.hehe
carol- u got ur results on the spot? which means in all, is $240.

vivian- no ah, i spoke to the nurse too. i was checkin out KKH website, the same check only for $180 leh. nw i tinkin whether i shd go KK instead since it's jus a pre-chk...
Hi Sharon,


Tink I m not so lucky like u coz my HB got morphology problems n i got PCOS problem, so now is only buying chance. Of cos, I hope it will succeed but its juz the neg remarks most dr say that make me resign to fate that its not easy for us to hv children unless there is a miracle.

And fyi, I quite suay one.... nvr lucky in anything I do except finding a job. haha!!
Hi ant..

If u juz wanna do a pre-chk of a scan (either V-scan or ultrascan) and pap smear, there is a clinic which onli cost $80(med not included coz not all require, depend on e result). Is a female doc n she is veri gentle n friendly. No pain at all.. But quite crowded, walk-in onli..
Ant- Heard from my colleague to choose a gynae whom u tink u will go back to after getting preggie coz if u switch gynae, the new gynae will have to re check everything again. So no point....

Tweetie- dun give up.. anything can happen
tiring- where's the clinic?

vivian- i tot so lor. wana go bk to the same gynae who alrdy got my history liao... wil discuss w hb tonite =D
eh cheap leh, $100!
Hi Ladies,

I got a question to ask.

If the OPK test positive, temp shd surge up or dip down? I m a bit confused lei.

Anyone can help?

Today, my OPK also test positive but my temp surge up, nvr dip. Is this suppose to be correct?
H Tweetie

The temperature will frequently go down to its lowest point 1-2 days prior to ovulation and then rise and remain elevated until a couple of days before impending menstruation.
So if like that, once tested +ve on OPK can start BD on alternate days is that right?
So once +ve on OPK then temp shd dip within the next 1-2 days so once dip means O ah? once O, it will be another 1-2days before the egg disintergrate right?

actualli i read from some website tat its better to BD b4 u ovulate coz spermies can live for 6 days in the uterus... so BD earlier, higher chances i guess
Hi Joymom,

Funny lei. My temp is like tat:-

CD15: 36.18 (OPK Neg)
CD16: 36.46 (OPK Neg)
CD17: 36.30 (OPK Neg)
CD18: 36.38 (OPK Pos)
CD19: 36.72 (OPK Pos)

If like wat u said, my temp didn't dip at all. In fact, my lowest temp is on CD15 or does tat mean mine is 3days prior to ovulation.

On CD12, I went gynae and he said I hv a follicle growing at 14.6mm n normally it will grow by 1-3mm per day and an ideal follicle is abt 18-25mm. So if i calculate backwards, it sounds logical but if I look at my chart, it seems strange.

Any comments?
hi vivian,

where is the clinic?$100 is cheaper than govt,what does the check consist of?it is just pre pregnancy check or there is other checks we need to take care of?

hi tiring,

what is the address of the clinic u mentioned?

hi ant,if refer to kkh,will be cheaper?
hi berries, i read sth similar w vivian too. so best is jus to BD alternate days once AF stops bah.. hehe

hi ellyse, it starts frm the 1st day of ur AF.

good gal, i not sure abt referral. u plannin to go for check too?
Hi ant
Dun be say ok? *sayang* we try together this cycle!! Dun give up!!

Hi alien
I'm in accounting line also...u so good, hubby will support u to stop working... i cannot ah.. got to support my parents.. tough
Good gal- the clinic is at Sun Plaza which is at sembawang, where do u stay? I will be going for the check tml so will keep u guys informed after the check up and charges again k?
roxyz- i'm ok le
yea, let's work harder this coming cycle! actuali am glad tat my AF arrives 2 days earlier so i can O faster! hehe
ant & good gal - e clinic is located @ jurong east. Fyi, referral by polyclinic to kkh is cheaper compare to make appt wif kkh directly but wif referral, u cannot choose e gynea u want..
anyone knw if my AF came at nite 9+pm, should i count CD1 on that nite or CD1 on the following days? sigh~ so confused..

But if once AF stop then BD ah, at times I will still spot stains lor, quite yucky I feel, coz even when my AF stop ah, it is not totally kind. Will still blot lor. how like that?

yes, I heard that sperms can live up to that long in us. Really wishing for my AF to come now.. kekekek...
berries- hmm lidat u wait til ur AF stops completely. for me, even stil got a bit, i also dun care, jus BD! haha.. if wait til see no more red, tat wil be like 6-7 days, tink my hb cannot tahan! hahah
Wahh.. Ant,

ur HB desire so high ah! kekek.. its just for hygiene purpose I guess, so don't like to do it while spotting lor. Have to wait to no longer see red liao then try ya! keke.. we already make plans to really try this month. Wish me luck.
berries- maybe cos of his age? hahah. i heard if preg for 1st 3mths cannot BD leh. so tat time reali no choice liao =P all the best! i also plan to cheong all the way this cycle. got +ve on opk or not, jus BD!!
wow ant... u chonging again ah? Dun know if i can make it this cycle coz i will be working till very late for the whole week during my fertile period... So sianz

But no choice, guess have still have to try
Ant.. u same as me leh.. my AF also came 2 days earlier this cycle.. duno y we so sama sama de..

ur hb very onz hor.. sometimes i only bd once a week with hb he also never complain

hi alien
I'm sorry,I didnt hear of your m/c till now and I'm very sorry to hear abt it. Hope you are coping well with it and sorry to remind u of ur unhappiness. Everyting will be fine gal, dun worry!!
dun worry
at least i know i am able to conceive.. i pg in nov06(unplanned) and m/c in dec06. was thinking dec06 then start TTC one but who knows striked in nov06. so this cycle is first mth of trying... also first cycle after m/c
vivian- jus try ur best!

roxyz- hehe.. we reali sama sama hor =D u which CD liao? tink cos my hb young lor so drive higher.. haha.. tat time i told him initial stage of preg hv to abstain, he gv me tat ke lian look! so funny! lol
hee.. have wrote email to ask my gynae abt the date counting..
my AF was very light yesterday nite.. so i oso confused. Thanks ant and ailen for ur input.
sigh~ have to wait until next week then can BD liao.. :p
aiyo ant, young so good.. envy.. me 30 got to plus 1 liao..
yes alien... at least u know u can conceive and both of u all are healthy. Take more multi vits and folic acid now to build up your body for ur BB

ant, I'm now in CD4 liao...1 more week can BD liao heee... first day of menses = 1 CD hor? My hb also young but not so onz coz tempered by me heeee...
roxyz- yup, CD1 = 1st day of AF. me in CD3 today. super cramps in stomach
no mood to do anything leh... jus wana sleep...
CD3 still got cramp? ant, u got habit of taking ice cold drink? if yes, better don't take.. ice cold drink will cause cramp during AF.
now i totally don't dare to take ice cold drink. but once in a blue moon will take la.

redtea- i usu dun take cold drinks at work. wil only crave for it after a hot day n usu it's on wkends. hee... duno y the cramps seems to be worse this time. last time only CD2 is the worse, after tat ok liao leh.
