A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Ant

Read from books that for mormal couple, there is only 20% chance of concieving every mth... so i guess juz have to work harder and hopefully can strike one day...hehe

babycupid- actuali this mth i did w/o usin any lubricant cos past few mths got use so tot maybe tats the reason cldnt strike lor.
maybe goin to TMC.. stil considerin which gynae..
i din managed to BD at all after tested opk++.
Sharing my chart here. You will know wat i mean... sigh..

i only at 5dpo today. i think you hv short cycle and i hv long cycle. thats why only 3 days diff but 6 days dpo diff.

i hv mild cramps at my lower left abdominal, frequent urination, fuller bb. i dun trust my symptoms here cos that might be my "leftover" symptoms after the m/c.
Hi Ant

Actualli i was contemplating between gynae and TCM... but decided to go to the gynea first to check if both me and hubby is ok... then we will see how from there...

So u decided to go to TCM if u dun strike ah?
alien- thks ah.. knowin i hv all of u here, i feel loved n supported liao. keke. we shall c our BFP one of these days!!

vivian- u gone for any chk up b4 ttc? i hvnt done any at all so tot of gg to chk.. at least if gynae gv thumbs up, i wil continue to ttc w peace of mind. hee... i hvnt tot of TCM leh..
Ant- oh coz remb we were saying last week that we will go for check up if we dun strike and both of us have been ttc for 5 mths liao. I m going this fri, have made an appt with gynae already.

Hopefully, everything turns out fine
Hi Ant ... why not you go to a gynae now ..as in soon ... maybe bingo liao ... den maybe can scan the little dot (the BB)... be happy ok ... dun stress ... ok ok bb dust to you bb dust to you ...

Hi ladies that i have cal for you ... the dates that i give you is at least 1 day before you will O so please BD on the dates ...

And some ... sometime bingo got no S&S too ...and also sometimes when you feel real SICK as in sick you are actully pregy liao ... everyone got differ S&S so sometimes dun compare coz not the same one ... if not sure better go and see doctor dun any how take medicine ok esp panodol
Hi Ant,

Dun give up ok! Cuddles (*_*)

M at my 2nd cycle of clomid but still hvn detect postitive O yet. HB so stressed this mth, got a feelg gg to fail this cycle again.

So mayb if still fail, I will try IUI nxt cycle. Dun want to waste time liao, coz v stressful and cant concentrate at work. Dunno to tell my boss or not also.
Tks for calculating my cycle for me..ya lor, since last mth, my AF abit crazy lor..Most of the time, my AF is very regular until last mth..I thought I really gana liao, almost wanted to test with the kit...haiz....

So means my O period will be frm 15th feb til 24th feb? tks...will work hard then...keekee...

dun be stressed k, cheerup...Is your boss male or female leh?
DPO = Day pass Ovulation.
should if you are taking BBT, then DPO1 should count from the day ur Temp go high?
once u test OPK + doesn't really mean count as DPO1. cos some may test OPK postive for 3 days..

hope i'm right on this one.
hi Ant, don't give up yet.. got brown discharge oso don't means AF coming.. some preggie women got brown discharge when they preggy..

i'm have feeling of AF like cramp today too.. oso wondering if my AF is coming :p
u too ah? no lah.. dun give up hope ya .. me hoping for my AF to come fast fast so that i can start my cycle again.. kekekek...

thks gals! me feelin beta nw
wun gv up hopin til i reali see red! told my hb too, he jus sent me sms to encourage me.. hee

vivian- which gynae u gg ah? got say must go on which CD?
Hi Ant

Im going to see Dr Lawrence Ang, he has a clinic at Sun Plaza which is real near my place.

Nurse was telling me to go after my AF when im clean and not bloody...

icic..so Ladies hv to take care even c red.. mayb oni spottin..


so any1 here like to drinkin coffee?.. i cut down to twice a week..isiz ok?
Hi joylee

i used to drink coffee everyday... and now cut down as well....to abt 2 to 3 times a day... tink should be ok,mayb will check with gynae when i visit him... Its so torturing!!!
Hi Ant ... you mean you see red liao ??
but if you still have the S&S for oregy ...you need to be careful too ...coz pregy sometimes also got bleeding one ok ... you need to monitor yrself for a while

i dun take coffee at all.. kekeke.. but i like cold drinks.. like green tea and barley.. and i saw someone posted here that barley is bad for TTC! so i cut dwn liao. now seldom drink it..
AF came full force liao. nw stomach so cramp

joy- i like to drink coffee too. esp at work in the mornings.. heard it's ok as long as jus 1 cup per day..
hi ant,
i oso don't knw how to count if din BBT. some ppl experience cramp during O, so they counted tat day as DPO0, there after is DPO1 etc..
taking BBT will let u learn how a cycle works. i am still learning abt bbt.. so i can't said i'm good at it too..

Hi ailen,
easy job means pay cut? but easy job hard to find lei
hi gals,

So if i buy the O strips, i should start using it during my expected o period? say my O day is CD15, i start using the strip about 3 days before that? if result is positive, means i gotto BD that day...

should take the O strip in the morning issit? just like when u do preg test yah?
hmm...tink beter dun tell her lor...but is she married?

Jia you again next cycle ya...We support u =D.

Barley and green tea no good huh? I only know cold drinks no good...cos when I go out eat dinner with my inlaws, my MIL always ask me dun drink cold drinks...so hb and i conclude that cold drinks no good for ttc...hee

ya..if cannt drink like too sleepy n tired durin wk...i try to ctrl if nt everyday drink...but last time when im preg .. gyane said dun drink tea/coffee..


*Sayang*..we can make it n will b our turn.. try harder next round =)


cold drink oso muz cut down..hehhe.. i oso cut down fr tat..in fact mostly ppl like to drink cold drink n kopi.. bot no choice we hv to cut..
see ur hb also so nice to u.. kekek.. nvm, next cycle then cheong again.. kekeke.. we all cheong together lah..

ur job very stressful ah? wat u working as? at times too much stress cannot TTC one leh..
ant, dun wori k. hang in there n try again. got period means got chance!

feifei/babycupid, green tea not good for TTC as my MIL told me it is very cooling or 'liang'. better to cut down or dun take at all.

i also want an easy job! sigh, but where to find. easy job means lesser $. and TTC have to use quite a bit of $. sigh in dilemma.

dun be sad.. mine too.. but not a flow yet.. i tink tml will flow~ lets try again together!


ya.. i was told as well.. but but.. i get so used to it.. hai.. i tink got to cut down lor.. i tink i am too liang.. tats y..
Hi Ant i cal liao ... yr next O will be 9-16 feb 07 therefore please BD on 7,9,11,13,15,17,19 or 8,10,12,14,16,18 remember the pillow thingy ok all the best bless you with bb dust ......
hi ladies ... if you are using the BBT too ... please BD on the dates i give you ok even yr BBT did no show anything ... CAN !!! coz i still believe everyone's body is differ

din reply u jus nw..

but u BD b4 hand oso ok as spemie can live ard 72 hrs.. i saw yr chart.. u manange BD after that?
i oso same with u..i got pullin pain at my abdominal, dun noe Y..

Yr oni DPO5.. who noe mayb u strike,,

for the m/c, did gyane said anytin ? if he said clean than i tink its okay..dun worry..
coz tat tm i done my D & C .., i went back to check up again c inside is clean or nt.
berries- no lah, she meant alternate days either on even or odd days. if everyday i wil pengsan! tink my hb wil faintz also. haha
Wahaaha... Ant..
ya I know lah.. but just looking at the nos.. whaha.. like a lot of nos. lor.. whaha..

even if its alternate days to me also very xiong already leh. shag ah! Me can't wait for my AF to come man! kekeke..

btw, I forgot to take my BBT today.. haiz..
Hi fei fei,

She is married. I tot of telling her when I confirmed upgrade to IVF lor...now, not an issue... my job is not that stressful, at times, can be v boring when its off peak. Its the TTCing that is makg me v stressed. So tat's y. Plus with PCOS syndrome, i tend to put on weight for no reason, feel v stressed n upset coz of that as well.

Btw, anyone of u all buying the O strips? I m intending to buy in large quantities juz in case. Hmmm... tinkg of buying the O cassette, more handy n cheap than midstream. Tink shd work the same also. The cheaper one is v inconvenient n i cant test it in office.... v mafun!

Tonight, dunno to BD or not coz OPK still indicate BFN.

hello everyone! saw alot of questions about the opks. I try my best to explain ok?

for those with regular menses, you can go to the websites that the other ladies provided and calculate when you will ovulate. then start testing around 3 days before the dated calculated for you.
for those with irregular menses, you can start testing opk once your period ends until you get positive. just share that i was breastfeeding when ttc for 2nd one, so menses only came 1 time after pregnancy. i started testing everyday and got positive on day 12. BD like mad for next few days (twice a day) and strike on first cycle.

once you test positive, you should ovulate around the next 1-2 days. can start BD immediately since sperm can survive up to 72 hours. i personally feel that most important is that both of you enjoy the BD session instead of making it a routine. surprise your hubby and add some spice into your lives
