A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi march - thanks thanks! does ur herb require brewing? dr du's med require brewing and the whole process usually last abt 2 hours loh...
wish u all the best too!

Hi dodo, yes mine needs brewing too... but i use the electric pot & takes ard 3 hrs... heard fm my friend who used to see dr du tt her med are strictly to be brewed by those claypot types... Sigh... how i wish to see dr du but not able lor coz i'm overseas now...
Hi Dodo

Ya lor... think our BBT relatively low lor... Anyway... true lor... juz continue to fight lor... every mth... the same thing come and goes... that's life... hehehe... but next mth cannot TTC... so hopefully, this cycle striked lor...

Hi March

Ya lor.. in 2ww... that's y very frustrated
and kan cheong mah... but anyway... wat can be done was already done... now
for report card only lor... hehehe...

Hope u O soon... better arm up for the coming BD session liao...
hi yuki, i like ur missionary icon..so cute leh!! haha. all of us who are TTC, good luck and baby dust to all of us. i got 15 days to go tell if i succeed or not. i know the waiting feeling...haizz....and the nervous feeling each time feel cramp or liquid come out.

what is BFP and 2WW? soorry ah i 'suaku'.
hi dodo n elizabeth, yup dr du gave me 8 packs of herbs... start taking from cd5... so these few days she say dun need take herbs.. n she told me better eat wat i want before i start taking the herbs on cd5 again... hehe...
hi gals. this mth cycle failed again. AF reported ytd nite
but stil told myself to work hard this comin mth! jia you everyone, dun give up!!
Hi dodo,
"maybe u can monitor ur BBT for the nest few days, see whether is it still stay high... then you will notice a 2 phase pattern on ur BBT chart..."
I don't really know how to read the chart. I doing the charting cos i wanna learn when actually is my O date. but if it always stay high doesn't 100% means that i pregrant rite?
Hi Happytots

Eeer... does that mean that u juz O'd? Ya lor, I know wat u mean... every little details... u keep linking it back to +ve... hehehhe...

Since u like that icon... u shld like these 2 too... heheheh...

Hi Ant

Dun be disappointed... try again next mth!!!

Hi Red tea & Dodo

The highest chance for pregnancy is to see a triphasic pattern in BBT chart... that means 3 phase pattern... but of course, even having that doesn't mean u for sure preggy and those who do not have that also doesn't mean not preggy lor... m I making senses?
Can only use as a guide...

But so far, I think if yr BBT is still high pass 15 DPO... then yr chance shld be high lor... coz usually, bf AF comes... BBT will drop liao...
Hi ladies

I hope you all can still remember me. Same as livvie, I got my bfp last sun!! I am 5 wks plus now, seeing my gynae on 24/11/06. I can't wait for my appt!

For those who are in their 2ww, don't lose hopes until AF came. I did post here during my 2ww saying that I have a feeling that AF is coming as my instinct told me that (but I was wrong!!). I suspected something when my temp shot from 36.7 to 37.1 last sat (18 DPO). I started crying when I saw this high temp (guessed it was too overwhelming liao).

I still could not believe that I am preganant!! Guess it will really sink in when I see the sac & my little peanut!

Baby dust to all!! Jia You!! Your turn will come soon.
Hi kth

Wow... congrats to you!!! Spread yr BB dust to all of us ya....

BTW, did you succeeded this time coz using clomid? Wat else did you do, e.g. OPK to test O, which CD did you BD, daily or alternate? Do share with us...

Knew tt you did HSG test previously... at wat stage of checkup then will the gynae suggest us to do this test or should i tell the gynae tt i want to do it? For me, i only did the normal abdominal ultra-scan in March, but no adverse result. Now dun know wat is the next test to be done...
Hi ant

yes must look forward to the next cycle & jia you jia you ya!!! clearly understand yr disappointment but we still have to keep positive spirit & dun give up... btw, will you go for full checkup this mth? So far, did you do any checkup, prior to yr TTC?
hi march! yea must keep up the spirit n try til strike! i hvnt go for check up yet. not sure which gynae to go. any recommendations?
congrats kth..

ant, dont feel disappointed. get yr body ready for the next cycle. exercise, drink green tea, ask yr hb to drink coke (works for me). jia you!

yuki, i admire yr humor n never-give-up attitude...hope u get yr BFP v v soon.
Hi ant, mine is a female gynae fm TMC, Dr Phyllis Liauw. So far, found her very experienced & is a caring gynae.

Hi liz, confused leh... my friend who is seeing Dr Du told me cannot take green tea & coke leh...
Thanks Yuki for the explaination.
i will keep on montioring. today is my second high day liao. if din struck this month, nxt mth oso can.. cos, i'll have a bb having a same birthdate as me. :p
Congratulations Kth...

Thanks Elizabeth... Hope so lor... but today still got abit of spotting... think my AF shld be coming soon liao...
hi march, i didnt ask dr du whether can drink green tea or coke. We tried that ourselves..

i read in 2WW forum that the girls tried green tea and remember a old colleague's HB drink coke everyday like water, she has 3 bbs..so i tried lor.. u can check with dr du, if she says no, better dont. for us, we just try all ways..
good luck!
ant, i bought preseed, use once but didnt strike then. dr du said the best lubricant is in us already...any foreign lubricant could be harmful...she discourages, so we didnt continue to use preseed...still got 2 tubes at home!
elizabeth- oic. i read in the 2ww tat some got preg by using pre-seed! i am very dry one leh hence goten use lubricants. saliva is out liao since wil harm the sperms. maybe not enough foreplay? keke
Thanks ladies for all the well-wishers!!

marcharies72: I did succeed by taking clomid this cycle. I always pinpoint my O by temp charting (as my gynae asked me to do so). I used the OPK once but found it not reliable as I did not test positive at all. I O'ved on cd 15 this cycle and we bd on cd 13, 14 & 15. We were holidaying in Malacca so I guessed we had the time to do it daily. The things that we did differently for this successful cycle were:

1) Used pre-seed

2) No oral sex before intercourse (cos saliva can kill sperms)

I did my HSG during my laporascopy op. I started seeing my gynae in Mar this year due to hormones imbalance and she suggested the op in Jun. I asked her if I can just do the HSG test but not the op. Then she explained that she wanted to do everything at one time (that is to remove my cyst, fibroid, do HSG & check my ovaries). During the op, she also drilled small holes on my ovaries in order for the eggs to come out easily. After the op, she told me that I shld be able to conceive.

Ant1712: I started trying since Aug'05.

I know how tough it is going thru this TTC journey. There were times I broke down & cried when my AF came. But luckily, I have a very supportive husband who is willing to go through this journey with me.

I really hope this baby is growing well and be able to hold he/she in my arms next Jul.

So girls, don't give up!
Yo Yuki.. we pray hard hard for your stupid AF will miss her way until 10 months later ok?
BTW, which DPO are you in now? BBT dropped, not necessary your AF is coming.

Congrats kth and livvie! =)
morning ladies...

ant- jiayou jiayou, must not give up k!

yuki - dun be discourage... must fight on till the end k...

kth - congrats!!! wish u a smooth 9 months ahead ^-^

ladies - me now in dpo12, temp ard 36.8 for past few days... i din experience anythg unusual, just tt i notice my boobs become bigger and nipples very sentitive and painful... i try not to read too much into the symptoms.. so gonna wait patiently till this weekend for the test...
dodo- how u feeling today? the signs look good! keke.. pray for the best for u

yuki- try again this coming cycle! rem we are all here to support n encourage one another
Hi Ant

The coming cycle... can't try coz hubby having reservice overseas... only coming back 1 week after my O... will be too late by then... so giving my system a break this cycle... heheheh...

Hi dodo

Thks... won't be disheartened lah.. used to it liao... will juz keep trying lor... as for u... GAMBETTE!!!! Hope u strike this cycle...
hi yuki - thanks :) but im not tt hopeful... coz i started to have the crampy feeling...i remembered i had tt type of feeling when my aunty abt to visit me last month...
yuki- nvm, give urself a break then. try again when ur hb is back!

dodo- i noe tat feeling. so sucky. i got the crampy feeling when my AF gonna visit too.

ytd went to visit my fren's newborn bb. feel v happy for her but yet sad for myself. then receive news that my other fren is preg with her 2nd child! her 1st kid is only 5 mths! she stil can tell me they used protection but still kana! wah lao.. haiz
ant - ya loh... so when i got tt feeling just now, im so sad...

wah... got protection also can strike huh... then the baby is really fated to be theirs... so envy right..
Yuki.. ya it's good to give yourself a break. Maybe we'll hear good news from you very soon.

dodo, is this your first month taking Dr Du's medi? Give your body sometime to adjust. It's preparing for the best... =)

I don't have the PMS all along, so it's difficult to tell when my AF will come. No signal!
Today I guessed I'm in DPO13 or wat.. and I'll expect her to report on wed/thurs.
hi joyce - ya, this is the 1st round im taking dr du's med... actually din pin much hope initially, but still hope tt miracle does happen... :p but with this crampy feeling, i believe i shd "wake up" from my dream already...
ya joyce... we indeed very mao dun... i told my hubby not to pin too much hope when he knew abt my BBT, but i myself hoping for the miracle... sigh~
joyce - i think BBT is best to taken when u woke up in the morning, before you get down from bed... and shd be measured same timing everyday, with minimum of 3 hours continuous resting to ensure it's consistancy and accuracy...
liz - i tried not to think abt it much... but very difficult to control leh... sigh~ will try to remain optimistic and prepared for the worst...
How can we dun think about it leh... so difficult sia~
We're self deceiving if we say we dun think abt it at all... mission impossible.
