A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Rebecca,

HSG test is to check for blocked tubes..I haven done the test before...Maybe you can check with the rest from the forum about the HSG test...
Hi Rebecca,

Sometimes I feel that it mic not be a good idea to know "too much". Dun read too much into every little symptoms....It is gng to affect your life...This forum is just an outlet for you to vent your frustrations. We are here for you,supporting each other and keeping the faith strong...
Good luck in your ttc-ing journey...
livvie - congrats! dun worry too much.. tt time when i first tested positive, also cannot see sac.. coz too early in e preg.. then by e next time i see e dr.. can see a little peanut thingy tt's bb! hahaha.. coz clerblue very sensitive can detect very early preg.. i noe e wait is quite torturous but hang in there.. if no bleeding sld be okies! jia you!

dolp4 - hi hi.. long time no see.. my ms is off n on.. so some days i'll feel terrible and sometimes feel okies.. u hang in there k! jia you!
hi elizabeth & anne,
yup.. dr du will be going to china soon and back on early dec...
anne, how's ur BBT now? hopefully still stay high high
mine also in the 2ww, really hope that miracle will happen to me as well
hi dodo, my past 2 cycles was 32 days... so if this mth the same, tomorrow will b cd32... past few days bbt has been like a rollercoaster... also realised my bbt is much lower as compared to before ever since i took the herbs...
cd27 36.70
cd28 36.62
cd29 36.65
cd30 36.69
cd31 36.61
wonder what it will be tomorrow...
hi anne, my cycles are usually very very long... ard 50+ days... and usually ovulate ard 30+ day, but this time round i ovulate earlier.. hope dr du med really work on me... my temp around 36.69 for past few days... how are u coping wi the med? did u lose weight? i lost 2 kg till date... think it's bcoz of the food constraints...
Caitlyn Char bo....*wave**

How are you? hee...got gain any weight since you preggy??
Take care wor...now holidays liao rite? Poor me still got exams...2 more papers and I can enjoy my holidays liao...At the time also praying hard that my miracle will come too
Your experience of getting preggy motivate me..
hi anne & dodo,
i'm trying out BBT too.
but my temperature is still at 36.5X after my supposing to be O day. i have regular AF. now in my CD20. my cycle is always at 28-30days
does that means tat i din hit jackpot?
hi redtea, hmmm... im not very sure leh... i neber liked to monitor bbt... but dr made me do it.. so bo bian...

dodo - my AF came liao... so no miracle this mth... will continue to work hard...
hi redtea - hmm... im not sure either... but if u notice a biphasic pattern in your BBT, which means that a lower temp for the initial 14 days and an obvious higher temp after which at least (0.4 degree celsius above your earlier temp), then i think you have ovulated... maybe other experts here can clarify further?

hi anne- Jia you! dun be discourage k... so did dr du gave you med in advance since she will be away for quite a while?
Hi Anne & dodo,
Thanks anyway.
btw, my temp hit high today @36.82. but for the pass few days, i didn't BD. :p the last one done was on Sat..
Anne, Jia You! good luck will fall on you and dodo soon. cheer!
redtea - thanks!
oic... maybe u can monitor ur BBT for the nest few days, see whether is it still stay high... then you will notice a 2 phase pattern on ur BBT chart...
Yo Gals... juz now went to toilet got abit of brown discharge.... but it's only my 11 DPO... could it be implantation spotting? But based on my BBT, I dun see triphasic pattern leh... so far after O... my BBT is around 36.6...

Alamak... now my mind is running wild...
sure whole day no mood to work and kept thinking abt it.... Hopefully, got good news this month... coz I managed to BD twice on the day bf my BBT hit lowest and once on the day I O... If I get preggy then my bb will be Made in Marina Mandarin... hahahha...

Die liao... go crazy liao... maybe day dreaming lor... hopefully, my day dream will come true... keep fingers cross for mi, okie....
hi yuki, wah! can sense tt u very excited!!! keep my fingers & toes crossed for u
actually my mind also running wild now... i will wait for a few more days patiently... really hope i can announce my good news to u too!
hi all.. long time nvr come in here.

yuki- can really sense ur excitment! keke. all the best! observe for a few more days. today my 15DPO alrdy. no sign of AF yet.

dodo- i also waiting for few more days then test!
hoonie - hi hi!! me put on 0.2kg.. haha.. not alot but gynae says at least nvr lose despite ms.. me stil worry alot coz my tummy not growing n symptoms of preg also starting to disappear.. worry tt bb not strong or heartbeat stopped.. but trying to stay postive lor.. wldn't want bb to come out a worry wart also.. hee

yuki - jia you jia you!! keep us posted!! =)
ant - wow.. today ur dpo15 already huh... good lucks!
must keep us updated oh!

caitlyn - thanks! spray some baby dust to me, i wana get "dusty" in it!
aiyo gal, dun worry k... everythg will be alright, dr chua will do all the necessary checkup & monitoring for u so to ensure ur baby growing healthy
yuki...will keep u in prayers...
dont think too much...just pray for high high temp day by day...hope u get a BFP this month.

anne, dont give up..tell dr du u AF, she will prescribe med to speed up AF. then start new cycle again.. press on..jia you!

dodo n ant..jia you! hope to hear good news from u gals..
hi liz - thanks! i need you baby dust as well... hee
i try not to read too much into the symptoms... to avoid disappointment later on... dr du had set a date for me, so i will just test it on the day if my aunty not here yet... so what i can do now is only praying hard...
Hi Dodo

Ya lor... very excited hor... U must be really excited too...

Which DPO are u now? Hope to hear good news fr u...

Hi Ant

Got chance wat DPO 15 liao... heheheh...

Hi Elizabeth

Thanks... praying everyday... I hope the spotting will go away tmr... then maybe it's not pre-menses spotting... then chance higher... hahahah...

Ya lor... Caitlyn... want BB dust fr u too... wanna bath in it... hahhaha...
hi yuki - mine still early... ard DPO 8/9... i can only pray for the best... but tell myself to be mentally prepared for the worst also... hubby is in tianjin now... i miss him more than think of this loh... hee... :p
thks all! will definitely keep u all informed

dodo- me too, prepared for the worst in case of disappointment. i bought the preg kit liao n got this urge to test! hee but told myself to wait for 2-3 days.
Hi Ant & Dodo

Ya lor... I also scare of disappointment but can't help hoping and praying...

My hubby flying off on Monday morning for his re-service... thinking of testing on Sunday which is 14 DPO... hehehhe... usually AF will come on 15 DPO... but tot give him the good news if any mah... hehehehe...

Say until like really preggy like that hor... but no mood to work also... kept thinking abt it... hahhaha...
caitlyn- dun worry too much, everything will be fine... shao chi duo cha maybe can help in ms

yuki, ant, dodo - Hope you all get BFP soon. All the best and good luck!
hi yuki - it's good to dream abit of it... but we must prepared for the otherwise... the disappointment of past few months make me start to dread of it...

but i sincerely wish u good lucks!
you are very courageous and brave... and i hope u will be "graduate" real soon as well and share the good news wi your hubby, he will be definately over the moon! ^-^
just came back from gynae. This mornning I had a scare because I kept getting the tugging feeling on the left of my tummy for abt 3 days already. Through the v-scan, I managed to see my small waterbag but because it's still early, I still cannot see the sac yet. I am not bleeding or anything so gynae said I m 99% pregnant...the 1% depends on how much and well the sac can grow for the next 1wk...wish me luck!
yuki- yalor, i also no mood to work thou lots of things to do. haiz. keep thinkin shd i test today, tmw or sat? hahaha... siao alrdy =P

livvie- all the best!
Hi Livvie

All the best to a smooth 9 mths ahead..

Hi Ant

Hahahha... at least today already yr 15 DPO... today only my 11 DPO... still got a few days more before 14 DPO... hahhaha... dunno can stand it or not... sekali... half way already go and test liao..
ant - me too leh... very sleepy and tired... though my work is piling high... :p i can understand the feeling, very hard not to think of it right...
Hi dodo

Ya lor... I also scare of disappointment already... so, that's y, trying to keep calm... juz can't help dreaming lor... hehehhe... hopefully, by next Mon will noe the good or bad news liao... then u will either see a crying or laughing face... ;p
yuki - yes, we must never lose hope.. be it good news or bad news, must still smiling and fight the next battle again k!

btw, ur BBT ard 36.6+ for the past few days huh? me too leh, not tt high compare to others... dr du told me tt my BBT is on the low side, then i joked wi her , told her tt im actually a cold-blood animal in disguise... hee...
dodo- i think i o-ed already but haven't detect 3 high consecutive temps so still not veri cfm. now, in CD 15.
I consulted dr du yest and she sent me for blood test and my hb for SA test. (have to wait til CD2 then can do the blood test)
But, this cycle still trying hopefully can strike.

livvie - All the best to your pregnancy journey.
dolp4 - so u have consulted dr du, how do u find of her?
she arranged you to go for blood test huh? i did scanning but not blood test... yes, though im only 1st round into her med, chances of striking not high at all... but i still have this wishful little thoughts...
dodo - i found the way she talked veri funnie... she was veri busy becoz her hp kept ringing ;p...yes, she sent me for blood test becoz i told her i got done a blood test last year and found that one of the hormone prolactin was slightly above normal range. I told her that i had done an ultra/vaginal scan and everything ok.
can understand how u feel...sometimes, i oso got this wishful little thoughts...but, who knows miracle can hapen. I wish you all the best.
dolp4 - haa... i share the same sentiment as u!
she very funny and humorous... she always said i behave like small girl, "dong dong hee" and very talkative... hee :p
oic... so u shd not have a big prob, dun worry u will strike soon! heard many successful stories of dr du... how i wish i will be the next...

thanks for ur wishes! ^-^
Hi Livvie, congrats & have a smooth 9-mth ahead...

Hi yuki, dodo, ant & redtea & dolp4, wow... you gals are in 2WW now... hope to hear BFP good news fm you all...

Hi anne, dun give up & look forward to the new cycle...

Me in my CD11 now... waiting for O... Both DH and me had visited a sinseh to "tiao" our body... Have been continuously taking his herbs for a week since CD4. Juz visited him today & prescribed me another 1 week herbs. Hope it helps to strengthen our body & get it strike soon!!!
