A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi marble

I was told by my gynae too tt i've RU when i did ultrasound scan few mths ago. Hv read tt it is better to BD in doggie style for those gals with RU & lay flat on stomach & to put pillow under the upper thigh after BD. Did you do this when achieving yr pregnancy? I also noticed tt when I BD in missionary position, the sperms tend to flow out. So, nowsadays, we usually try the doggie style.

Hi livvie,

So sorry that I mistaken that you had PCOS...
I have retroverted uterus too and my gynae says that is not a big issue too..

As for your confusing Ovulation test results,I really dun know how to explain that...
Maybe you can ask your gynae about it?? I have seen +ve on OPK before leh..
Hi marcharies72,

I'm also told I've RU. Not sure if lay on stomach method helps to conceive thou'. U tried to do that after BD in doggie style? will the sperms flow out?

no i did not do the doggie style when i got pregnant. basically, we just do missionary, after which i prop my bum up on a pillow and lay in bed for 20-30 min.

it's normal for the semen fluid to flow out when u get up. according to my gynae, it's ok as most of the sperms would have gone up the cervix. what flows out is the fluid that carries the sperms in the ejaculate.
Hi style99, yes i tried to lay flat after BD in doggie style to prevent the sperms flow out. Noticed tt the flow out is much lesser than if i BD in missionary position.

Hi marble, the flow is out after my DH ejaculated & pulled out when BD in missionary position.. i havent even get up yet... so wondering if those are sperms or semen fluid?

Those that flow out shd be semen-sperms. You might want to try having yr hubby not pull out immediately after he comes. Let him rest in you for abt 5min, then slowly pull out. Then you put pillow behind u for at least 30 mins. I found that this helps reduce 'wastage' or 'overflow.
hahha. Best is if you do NOT move or stand even after 30min. Stay in bed for as long as you can ...so the dear spermies can con't swimming towards yr uterus.
Hi, just want to ask. could we actually test that we are pregnant 4, 5 days before our next menses are due? or we have to wait till we 'miss' the menses and test for pregnancy?
hi elizabeth!
very busy wi work recently so seldom have chance to log in
thanks for ur concern! i'm fine...
last wed consulted dr du... seems like i ovulated on this tues & wed, so she asked me & hubby to "work hard" hee... but only 1st round into her med, so dun dare to pin high hope loh.. how have u been? coping well wi ur pregnancy?

hi anne, how are u? do keep me updated if there's any good news oh!
hi dodo, me coping ok..still nausea n tired but better than the last few weeks..

u must jia you!! maybe this weekend should jia you too...can BD till CD27..hee..hope to hear good news soon. take care.
that's good... u must take care and have more rest oh...

thanks! actually according to my BBT and mucus, i believe i ovulated on CD29 which i think it's normal for me coz i ovulated ard CD35 TO CD38 for the last few cycles... i really wish to announce my good news to u soon... ^-^
Hi Dodo

Nvr see u for a long time... hope u r getting on fine. Do take care of yourself... and hope to hear good news soon...
hi yuki!
thanks... im fine. hope you are doing well too
i look forward to your good news too!
xmas is coming, maybe we shall put this TTC thingy aside hor, and indulge ourself in festive mood... im now cracking my head, no idea of what xmas gift to buy for my hubby...
hi caitlyn!
thanks oh... i dun wish to pin high hope to avoid disappointment later on... hee... just continue to drink my med loh
hey gal, saw ur previous post tt u saw bb's heartbeat! tt must be a wonderful feeling ... so when's ur EDD?
dodo - glad to hear tt u're staying positive! it sometimes happens when u least expect it.. yup.. it was very amazing.. my EDD is 4jun.. may change coz my menses irregular so no way to pinpoint conception date to get a firmer edd..
Hi Dodo

I hope so too... ya lor... i sure can enjoy my x'mas at ease... coz my O in Dec, my hubby not around in s'pore... so no chance to BD... so, nothing to worry or think abt too... so, definitely can enjoy my x'mas in peace... hehehe...

Wow... Caitlyn

Didn't see the post abt u seeing yr bb's heartbeat... must be an once in a lifetime kinda experience... so wonderful...

Hope u get a confirm EDD soon...
yuki - hee.. so i guess u din see my post abt dr chua being super exp compared to other gynaes? hee.. but will stick to her for this preg coz she's been super nice.. but really burning a big, fat hole in my already holey pocket..
caitlyn - ya, so i just enjoy my "er ren shi jie" 1st bah... i try to "sa jiao" more now, if not next time will be baby's turn to "sa jiao".. hee..

yuki - oic.. hee.. my hubby next week also not in spore... need to go china for seminar again
lucky mama said wana come and stay wi me... then i wun be so lonely... and i cant manage to brew the med myself also... hee...
Hi Caitlyn

Ya lor... she's X lor... but I think for first child whereby u r still abit loss abt the childbirth process... try to find a gynae that u r comfortable wif... someone like Dr Chua... at least, feel more assuring lor... I rather spend abit more $$ rather than regret later...

Hi Dodo

hahhaha... mine going to australia for his re-service for 3 weeks starting 4th week of Nov till end of 1st week for Dec... and I'm suppose to O beginning of 1st week for Dec.. so won't be able to catch him lor...

My frens coming over my hse on the 1st weekend to stay over nite... and after that think i can manage on my own lah... coz my father in law will be driving my hubby's car, so he will continue to fetch me for work and send me home after dinner... so nothing to worry abt... maybe got some time on my own also good... can watch DVD the whole time... hahahah...
yuki - wah... seems like you have make all the necessary arrangement
good! actually i wan to learn to knit a scarf for my hubby, but i think cant make it on time as xmas gift...
Hi Dodo

hahhaha... most arrangement made liao... juz that haven't decided wat to buy for my hubby... hehehe...

If u nvr knit before think abit hard to complete by then lah... u can try anyway... no harm mah..
yuki - ya loh... think im over ambitious.. hee.. maybe i will bake cookies for him... but not innovative leh... or i do a 2007 calendar for him, containing all our photos!
yuki - yupperz.. but really very drainig for hb n me coz we just bought a resale flt (din noe bb was coming when we signed) tt needs a massive reno.. so will have to take reno loan.. $$ will be super tight for a few yrs..

dodo - keke.. u very sweet.. =)
Thanks Yuki. May I ask what is DPO?

sorry, did not follow the thread well. i'm TTC now and usually pop in the thread when i 'failed' in that month to read all the encouraging and determination on the ladies who are TTCing to feel better.
Morning ladies,

This month not really trying but I do make out during fertile days. So I still hope there's a BFP this month end. This will be my 2nd cycle.

By the way, I will be heading to Genting tml. Hope everyone have a nice weekend.
Hi all
I hv been TTC for years but no luck

Saw a doctor last year. Was put off that doctor didn't blink about putting me through laproscopy on my second visit, after my ultrasound tests turn out ok. I'm scared of surgeries! So I said, no thank you and ran off. Thinking of getting another doctor again. Anyone to recommend?
Hi ladies,

Recently I have started taking my BBT. My temp is always below 36'C. Is it normal? I sleep with my air-con on.

Hi Rebecca,

You may see another gynae for second opinion..Have you gone through all the neccesary tests like ultrasound scan,vaginal scan, HSG test(to test for blocked tubes) and blood test(test for ovulation)?? Your hubby leh? Have he check his sperms??
Just tested positive on the Clearblue Digital I will only get to see my gynae tomorrow to confirm it. If it is really confirmed, hope to spread some baby dust to all of you!

I didnt track my BBT and the ovulation kits didnt work for me as I had negative test results for every single kit I used. I had the feeling I was ovulating because of my EWCM. I went with my gut feelings and went for an ultrasound and v-scan immediately even though my ovulation test results were negative. Through the scans, the gynae saw the enlarged follicle, which is also usually present when one is ovulating. Although the enlarged follicle does not always means that you're ovulating but chances are rather high when there is one.

I guess my advice is not to trust your ovulation kits too much, esp when you get negative results. I realised that many here rely on the OPK results very heavily and are affected by the results. If you have EWCM and that nagging feeling that you're ovulating, go see the gynae to check. You can request ur gynae to do a blood test to check if you're ovulating as it is the most reliable when it comes to checking ovulation but I didnt do the blood test as I wanted to "try" first and only do the blood test next cycle if I did not get pregnant.
hi elizabeth and dodo,

i'm doing fine, been quite bz lately... went to see dr du yesterday... she told me to monitor my bbt for the next few days (coz AF may come soon) and call her on wed, then she'll pack the herbs for me b4 she goes to china... hopefully bbt stays high... but i dare not pin any hope tis mth also since its the first mth i am taking the herbs..
hi anne, dr du going away soon? thot she just got back from europe...busy dr.

just try since dr du has give the go-ahead..be positive..u might just be suprised..
hi livvie- COngrats to you

anne- there may be miracle! Good Luck! cheers

m seeing dr du this wed pm, hopefully everything is fine...

caitlyn- long time never hear from you...take great care of yuorself and bb.

apple- Just to share my BBT was low ard 36.29 to 36.39 before O and aft O was ard 36.68 to 36.79.
just to understand if there is a higher chance of pregnancy if the couple were to have sex 1 week before and on the day of the ovulation??
hi eliz, last cycle and for the past few cycles i always bd on those fertile days which means when i see my EWCM and opk show positive. Mission always failed. This cycle duno still can BD or not becoz gg to see dr du then need to take med. Maybe u can advice me?
hi dolp, if dr du ask u to BD, that means she thinks your body is ready. I remember when i first started her herb, she forbid us to BD cos she said need to let her medicine runs its effect on our bodies. so maybe u want to check with dr du?
I just got back from the gynae. I am quite worried because the pregnancy sac cannot be seen through the ultrasound scan yet so really hope it is not ectopic or biochemical pregnancy. I will need to go back and see her again

Do hope for the best for me, gals!
Hey livvie,

Dun worry so much...It could be too early to detect the sac..since you mention that your menses is irregular rite? *Will pray for you...* Remember to pass baby dust to me ya...
Awaiting your good news...

Hi Hoonie
Yup, gone for scans and O test. What is HSG test? I am so ignorant. I think this forum is great... it's great I can share with people about my situation, and learn so much. Thank you.
