A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Yuki,
would like to check with u..
you AF come on the day itself after u get a low temp? I'm still waiting for AF to come.. latest should be this sunday. early should be today or tmr.. but i measured 36.68C this morning.
hi all,

congrats to pinkfur and gd luck to those who are trying, esp dodo and joyce.
i think i did post one or two in this thread some time back.

i am getting depressing now. i tested a faint line this am and ytd am. last nite i hv slight brown discharge. the brown discharge continues today. i wonder if my AF is on her way. btw, i am 13dpo and AF dues this sat/sun.

gd luck to everyone! jiayou!!
Hi ailen,

You test a faint +ve on preg test? Coulld you be pregnant? Maybe you just wait for a few more days and try testing again if AF not here...

With regard to your BBT pattern,I am unable to enlighten you on that coz I dun take BBT :p
Hi hoonie,

I have been testing since 10dpo until today.

10dpo-blank, nothing, pink
11dpo-a very very very faint line
12dpo-an obvious faint line
13dpo-an obvious faint line (exactly look alike as 12dpo)

Guess that I will hv to continue testing until AF comes or I see a double solid line. I have been experiencing right lower abdominal cramps since 2dpo. I nvr experience PMS cramps before (touchwood), I dunno how it feels actually. That's why I can't compare
Morning ladies..

Hi Alien,
A line is a line. The brown discharge might be old blood left over from your last menses. But if it's still continues, you shld see a gynae ASAP. Usually a pregnant woman, temp will remain high. Good luck to you! =)

Hi March-Aries72
Sometimes the O kit cannot be a gauge for ovulation. Monitor your CM will be better. =)

My morning BBT measured at 37.4 today, and I assumed my AF shld reported yday or today. But my body's still so quiet except for some slight milky discharges. I dun wan to get my hopes up.. but just can't help thinking of it. I kept telling myself AF SURE will arrive these few days.
Hi Joyce,

My brown discharge is very little only. Thiking to make appt to see gynea soon, but I dunno wat to tell gynea. So will wait for AF dues then decide.

You stand a very high chance ya. Did you do pregnancy test?
Joyce, wow you really can "ren" hor. I cant leh.
Hi Alien & joyce,
both of u are in the so call 3rd phase of ur bbt charting.. see below..

Third Phase Temps
Many women experience a third phase (Triphasic Phase) which is temperatures climbing to yet another level that is approximately 3/10's - 4/10's over the Luteal Phase high. This is due to the HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone that is produced if conception has occurred and when implantation takes place.
- The triphasic curve supposedly shows implantation. Many typical pregnancy curves are not triphasic, and many women who have triphasic curves turn out not to be pregnant.
Hi Yuki,
36.68 still high ah.. i tot low liao..
like alien, i have been testing but return is -ve. and hope it stay this way cos i'm on alot of medication now that are harmful to pregnant woman.
Hi kth, thanks for yr info. abt preseed. Didnt test the O strip yesterday but got BD last night. Will monitor the temp now & had noticed tt my temp shoot up to 36.8 ~ 36.9 on CD20 last mth.

Hi joyce, ya did monitor my CM too... but thought to use O strip to pinpoint my O day lor... Hey hope to hear gd news fm you ya... Good luck...

Hi alien, heard tt faint line usually is faint positive... so it'll be quite high chance tt you're preggie... The brown discharge might be implanation blood. If you feel unsecured, go to see a doc & tell him/her tt you suspect you're pregnant & would like to do a blood test. Update us with good news ya...
Hi Alien,

I read that blood test results for pregnancy typically take several hours to receive. Not immediate. If you test today, will get result tml.
Hi march-aries & joyce,

thanks for your explaination. i just went toilet and noticed my brown discharge kinda stop liao.

2ww really a long wait for us. very torturing.
Joyce, true. I so scare to see red now. Dunno how to describe the feelings. I told myself to eat well, sleep well and rest well. Hopefully all the effort works. I dont wan to put too much hopes on it. When it comes, it comes la.
hihi joyce, yuki, alien, march, pinkyfur....
my mission failed! sob sob... AF reporting this morning... BBT indeed a very good guide for me, coz my temp drop to 36.49 yest morning, then my cramp getting more intense, followed by my AF reporting... but i wun give up!!! gonna try hard again till i get to see my 1st BFP!

good luck joyce & alien! hope to hear good news from u soon
hi anne - thanks!! ask u something, did dr du said we can eat those food tt she normally refrain us from eating during our menses day? coz we not having med during those days right? thanks
Hi Dodo

Sayang Sayang...
We try again next cycle, okie? hehhehe... except that... this cycle... I can't coz nobody to "donate" spermie
to me this cycle... hahahha... my hubby's outta town... if my cycle continue to be so regular... then the next time I try will be on NEW YEAR'S DAY.... hopefully, that means good luck!!!!

We gambatte!!!!

It's TGIF... So relax and enjoy the weekends...
Morning gals!

Dodo.. jiayou jiayou!!

My morning BBT today measured at 36.9, it dropped from 37.4 yesterday. SO I guess I'll meeting HER very soon although it was overdue by 2 days. Maybe today? Latest I think tml bah. And yes, tested BFN this morning. So I'm very confirmed this cycle was already a flop.
yuki, joyce & caitlyn - thanks thanks! *sayang u all back*
ya, i will jiayou... i gotta learn to take this easy, so life will still be very meaningful and colourful...
dodo, keep up the high spirit..
*hugs n prayers* for you..jia you!

regarding dr du's restriction: maybe u can cheat a bit and eat whatever u want during this AF period..hee..my opinion lah..
Hi dodo & yuki,
dun give up! go go jiayou!

Hi joyce,
as long as AF didnt show up, you still have chance. be optimistic ya!

Hi everyone,
i am 14dpo. AF dues tmr. i tested darker line than ytd, but still no way compared to control line. i did not take temp today.
jiayou jiayou!!! try this - curse the bloody AF and say u dun wish to see her next mth.....u will feel better.... it works for me cos so angry at times....=)

I also experience a drop of temp (from 36.8 to 36.6) on AF day but it went up again the next day.... so still got chance.....have faith!!
hi dodo, yup dr du told me that i can eat the stuff that we not supposed to eat during menses, except coconut... then cd5 then start taking the herbs again...
dear all,

i got a BFP this am. 2nd urine. i used 3 strips to test before i came to clearblue digital. clearblue digital showed pregnant within a min. all using same urine. today is my AF dues day.


bb dust to everyone. dun give up!!
congrat alien!
so happy for u.
Hi joyce,
don't give up.. my menses is late too.. but also test -ve. hmm maybe can go try a Clearblue digital too. cheers
Hi ailen,
You got any preg test strips left?? :p Can sell back to me..let me heng heng also..

Hey Blueblue *wave*...

How are you? Long time also never see me...Hee..Blueblue also buy OPKs from me one...Almost all my buyers already graduated...Dun know when is my turn..
Congrats Alien!

Initially felt depressed, now no more cos saw your good news, haha.

Sian leh, tested again this morning, -ve again!!! ARGH!! If I'm not preggy, then AF come lah..

Hoonie ah, I may need to buy strips from you again liao.. but hor ask you, strips better or midstream better huh?
