A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Thnx for your babydust, need lots of that!!!

thnx for your encouragement & keeping me in our prayers, really hope that one day I can join the mummies league!!! Now I am thinking if I should take a one month break from TTC or go see Dr Du. How long to boil her herbs ah?? my previous TCM only boil for one hour.

Thank you Marble...
posh..discuss w/yr hb to decide..can support each other cos the journey of TCM is tough..Dr Du's herb must boil at least3 hours, every other day..i cant remember how many hours exactly cos my HB did all the brewing..and u will have to see dr du every week, there will be tests before her treatment starts..and u have to take BBT daily..

will join the league soon...have faith..
Hey Joyce - no worries
Do take care and rest well. I find the DPO and CD calc damn stressful too. TRying to relax and enjoy the ML sessions.,....hahha....

Gals - do eat well during TTC time ya? Eat healthy with hubby too cos they also nd to hv gd qlty spermies
Hey Joyce - no worries
Do take care and rest well. I find the DPO and CD calc damn stressful too. TRying to relax and enjoy the ML sessions.,....hahha....

Gals - do eat well during TTC time ya? Eat healthy with hubby too cos they also nd to hv gd qlty spermies
Hi Ms Hoonie, thanks! I also have the book, Supernatural Childbirth from Life Christian bookshop, cost around $10. Its a very good book, teaches that nobody should be barren and attitude towards conceiving and delivery.

Ya Posh, me too, very stressed with TTC and now even worse, keep telling myself dun think abt it but cant be help leh.

Hi Choco, my egg also quite small, average 14mm only, the right size should be 18mm. So gynae say even if i ovulate, the egg may not be good enuf to fertilize. Is this true? Did ur gynae share wif you: Small egg equals no egg anyway?

Thanks Marble for the babydust! Need it desperately! Wish you a smooth and glorious pregnancy! Ya, i will go for further checks, just that very scared to hear more bad things. Gonna pray hard to God to heal me. I want to seek TCM but i dunno if it will interfere with clomid, gonna ask gynae also. Now quite lost, other than take tests, dunno do what next.

Hi Elizabeth, how's baby? Can know gender already? I knew you from previous posts, you sent me email on Dr Du before. Thanks! Now i also contemplating TCM more if it doesnt clash with my PCOS situation.

Was wondering, for PCOS situation, anyone know whether using OPK is still relevant since will have higher LH surges on normal days? Also dose BBT tracking needs to be continued, since cant measure O anyway?
hi maple babies, me ok
keep me in your prayers for my next gynea visit
The TCM i sent to you, they use clomid with chinese herb. U may want to find out more with the physician

can also read the book "taking charge of your fertility" it will give more info..maybe will help answer your questions.

press on..stay high spirited..yr turn will come soon. stress is a big no-no in ttc. when stressed, v hard to get into the mood for BD, then whole cycle wasted.
maple babies

ur egg at least is 14mm, mine at CD 20, the biggest is only 9mm..my gynae say not big then not mature enough so it will not be fertile...

tmr will be CD22, see how big is the egg lor
dolp4...don't despair, look ahead despite the difficult emotional situation. i know how you feel. but nevermind, there is next cycle for us to look ahead to.
Hi ladies

I am new to this forum. Have been TTC since Aug'05 and had a laparoscopy in Jul this yr to remove my cyst & fibroid. Took clomid this cycle and in 2ww now. But have a feeling that I am not pregnant leh...woman instinct...i guess

Hope to get some support & advice from this forum. Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in.
hi all!

dolp- cheer up! there's still nxt cycle to look fwd to

an update on myself, today my 2DPO. O'ed on wed n BD starting last sunday till wed. ytd hb protested liao so rested
but told myself must be prepared too if really din strike again. dun wan to be too disappointed.
happythots and ant - thanks for the encouragement...i always tell myself can try nx cycle but still can't help feeling sad when see AF come.

ant - I hope you will get a BFP this month...all the best

liz, marble or gals who r seeing dr du - if taking her TCM, then cannot go travel right as need to brew everyday? is it see her once every week? for how long huh?

kth - A warm welcome to join us in the TTC journey...
Hi all,
I am a mummy and have been doing my prenatal and postnatal massages at Alush day spa. Recently, during one of my visits, I happened to hear another customer happily telling the manager that her friend was pregnant after she and hubby went for massages at Alush after 2 months. She said her friend was so happy as she has been trying for 4 years now. The manager said maybe its just coincidence but she did say that they use very high quality essential oil which has good benefits for the body and mind. Perhaps anyone of you would like to take note of this fact
Liz, ok! Thanks for the advise. You eat and rest well ya? Have a blessed and glorious 9 mths!

Choco, o i c. But you have how many big eggs? So how's your scan today? Actually the follicle grow at what rate, as in how many mm per day or something? Did your gynae share with you before? I think I O-ed yesterday. Hopefully from last scan till now, my egg has grown.

Dolp, we jia you together k?! *hugss*

Hi Kth, i am also new. Is this your first clomid cycle? I thot clomid mainly for PCOS. Clomid must take evryday from CD2 rite? Can share with me take for how long and does it cost alot?

Ant, i also in DPO now, DPO1 to be exact. Hmm ... we may be expecting BFP around the same time this mth. Any extraordinary changes or symptoms, share with me ok?
dolp- thks!
hope u get urs real soon too!

maple babies- sure! these 2 wks gonna be a long wait again. my AF supposed to come on my hb's bday! if it doesnt, will be a perfect bday gift for him! keke
eh seems like noboday answer my last posting

elizabeth, u seeing TCM
did ur sinseh advise abt skincare?
will wat we use affect our fertlity beside intake of food?
Hi ladies,

I would like to share with you how I successfully got pregnant. Actually it's another few more days before my menses will be due but I got anxious and decided to do the test. Bingo! I am happy deep in my heart but I still cannot believe what I saw from the result, cos I had mc a year ago and had phobia since. My hubby & I had been trying inconsistantly after the mc and we almost gave up.

After my HB ejaculated, I immediately tilted my hip up with a small bolster. With my legs high up in the air, I did these 2 exercises...
1) Spreaded both my legs and close and spread and close (The idea is to 'open' the entrance of your cervix).
2) To faciliate the flow of semens into your cervic, do this other excercise, it's like stopping your urine and then release and stop and release. (The idea is to create a suction within u to suck the semen towards the cervic to increase chances of preggie).

Do these 2 exercises together and you will get much higher chance in conceiving. Making baby is an art. We gota be creative and we have to enjoy the whole process.

Hope this tip will help others in another success story!

Hi Ant, ya, miserable 2ww now ... me should be DPO5 today.

Hi all, anyone did HSG before? The test that require dye to be injected and xray to see if tubes blocked? Can share whether the procedure is scary? Is it also painful after that? Also, will HSG harm the ovaries?

I am supposed to do mine after next AF on CD9 but i worry it will affect the ovulation, as in harm the ovaries. Anyone knows?
Hi Jullchae - Congrats

About the 2nd excerise you mentioned, isn't it the pelvic excerise? I read somewhere that this excerise actually help to expel the semen out. The purpose to do this excerise is not to confuse us when we check our CM?
Hi gals
Feeling down coz AF reported today... Mission failed again...

Hi marble & jullchae, congrats & have a smooth pregnancy ahead.... Spread bb dust to all of us here lah...

Hi ant, indeed a great bday present for yr hubby if it's a BFP for you... Good luck!!!

Hi posh, tks for yr updates...

Hi maplebabies, kth, welcome!!!
Hi Jullchae


Hi March... dun be sad lah.. juz try again lor... Yesterday juz O'd.. manage to BD but dunno if will successful... coz was having an overnite stay @ MM and was enjoying myself in the bath tub... heard before that if too hot... maybe will kill the egg and sperm... ;p Hopefully, nvr kill them both...
Hi Maple Babies

This is my 2nd cyle of clomid. The 1st cycle was took before my surgery. Then my gynae stopped giving me before she can find any cause of my infertility. I started taking after my surgery again. Actually, I forgot to ask her why is she giving me clomid since I don't have PCOS.

I took my clomid starting from CD2 to CD6 (once a day for 5 days). The pill is not expensive, I paid $12.50 for 5 pills. Let me know if you need more info. I had hsg done during my laparoscopy surgery. But I can't feel anything as I was anaesthetized. I don't think hsg will harm the ovaries. In fact, I heard that you will be very fertile for a few cycles after the hsg, as it clears the blockages in your tubes. My SIL did the hsg and she said it was not painful.

Last but not least, congrats to jullchae!
Hi yuki, Wow.... must be a romantic weekend hotel stay for yr hubby & you!!! Hmmm... good good good... with such rest & relax atmosphere, maybe high chance this mth for you to get BFP leh...
Hi Caitlyn

U mean u also stayed over during 4 and 5 Nov? hahhaha... so coincidental? Never see u one leh.. hehhehe... if say earlier than at least can meet u @ the hotel... hehheh...

so, how are u getting on wif yr bb? can see the sac already?
Hi kth

Think u better find out more before eating clomid... dun end up like me...

Hi March

Romantic? not exactly... but really relax lah... juz dunno if hot bathtub will affect or not... anyway... also O'd liao... so, worry also no use lor... juz relax now lor... this weekend going Genting... hopefully, time pass faster...

at CD 22 my edd only 7mm..doc say the 9mm could be cos a few eggs clock together...worse, i got a 1cm flobrid, but he say is not serious to make me infertile...

he did not say at what rate the egg suppose to grow, but it should be abt 1-2cm to consider mature..

did a blood test and will get a result this sat....
Hi yuki

What happened to you about the clomid??

Hi gals

I have a sensitive question for u all. I heard that saliva could kill the sperms. So do u all have foreplay (as in oral sex) before the real act?
Hi Kth

I had a lap before I took Clomid to remove 2 blood cysts and after that... had to take clomid coz my progesterone level was low... but after 4 cycles of clomid... think it over-stimulated my ovary and a huge blood cyst has grown over my ovary and I have to remove one of my ovaries... that's y, I say gotta be more careful... take Clomid only when it's really very necessary... coz may affect yr body...

Hi Joyce

Hahahha... mi and some frens driving over this Sat... and staying till Mon... maybe will see u there... but also won't recognise u lor... hehehhe... hope u have fun over there...
Thanks march for the welcome!
Lets ganbatte together!

Hi Kth, i think clomid is generally used to stimulate O not just for PCOS leh, may be tats why you were given ... maybe gers here can confirm? But its indeed strange she hasnt confirm your cause before any prescribtion. Cannot take too much also, harmful to ovaries so must use only in good mths, dun waste mah.

Really ah? HSG can increase fertility? Ok, me couting down now, today DPO5 hope this mth striked then no need go thru all that tests. Gynae advised better do HSG check cos if tubes are blocked, no point stimulating O (i hv PCOS so din O very well). Thks!

Hi Choco, i read that egg can grow 1mm per day so hopefully now its bigger? You test whether O already issit? I also contemplating that test, for progesterone level rite? Can check for preggy at same time too rite.
Hi Kth,

I agree with Yuki to take clomid only when really necessary. I took clomid in my first cycle after lap and it resulted in a MC. Altho it's impossible to say what exactly caused my MC (could be chromosomal defect, poor egg quality, whatever), my gynae said clomid does result in a higher than normal chance of miscarriage. btw, i was on clomid altho' i had no problems with ovulation. basically gynae jus wanted me to conceive asap after lap.

subsequently i also took a few rounds of clomid and it gave me sharp pain in the ovaries and prolonged my luteal phase to 19 days (from normal 16). So it's true clomid can overstimulate your ovaries.

Having said that, still, clomid has it's benefits and usefulness. My TCM dr says it's particularly effective for PCOs patients.

i did not use any O kit to check beforehand...just went to the dr straight and tell them i trying for bb but no news...
for the past few mths i also did not deteck any CM, so was very doubtful whether i O or not...
now after the scan, i am sure i did no O...egg did not grow...
maybe today will go back and check with O kit ..but today is my CD 25 so i doubt i will O...

ya, the blood test is for the progesterone level, the doc say if no O for next mth will put me on O medicine to make me O, which i think is the clomid...now will ask properly before taking the medicine
Sometimes I dont know what to think too...I am not too sure if it is the ovulation strips or me. About 2 weeks back I was quite worried when I observed my CM and it was obvious that I was O-ing but for 4-5 days in a row (starting 3 days before the CM became more obvious) I used the O strip and it turned out negative still

I went to see a gynae because I was about the discrepancy. She did the v-scan for me and there was an enlarged follicle which usually is a sign of O and while doing the scan for me, she saw my CM and she also said that it is the kind of CM that indicates O. Anyway I returned home after and checked using the O strips for 2 consecutive days and it was still negative. Btw, the strips are NOT expired ones.

I dont know if I am preggie yet because I have irregular periods but this is something you girls can think about
hoonie: nope I was not diagnosed with PCOS. I did both the ultra sound and v-scan and everything is normal according to these scans. Gynae gave me an all-clear. According to the scan, I have a retroverted uterus (which is my main worry now) but I dont think that affects my Ovulation tests. I will probably see another gynae for a 2nd opinion about my retroverted uterus.

Anyway girls, my personal feel is that it is advisable to seek 2nd opinion on gynae matters and not be so easily sucked in what gynaes say.

One friend who had irregular and sometimes absent periods saw a gynae from a reputable hospital and the gynae just diagnosed my friend with PCOS. However, when she sought a 2nd opinion, the 2nd gynae said that she might not be suffering from it after all.

The gynae that my other friend saw told her after some checks she might not be able to conceive easily due to some problems(forgot what the reasons were that the gynae told her) For entire 6 mths, my friend was so depressed over it. Something just told her to seek a 2nd opinion so she did and the gynae gave her an all clear instead and told her that there is nothing wrong with her! She hit the jackpot the 2nd mth she tried.

When you seek a second opinion, try not to tell him/her too much about what the 1st gynae said so that he/she is not "blinded" by the previous diagnosis. Sometimes you gotta go with the gut feeling that you could be alright after all and do more checks.
Hi Marble & Yuki

Thanks for sharing your stories about clomid! I will definitely check with my gynae why is she giving me clomid. I think she wants to regulate my O as they were quite inconsistent before my op (I O'ed on different CD every mth).
yuki - no.. i stayed over the weekend before.. hee.. but din have fun coz ws suffering from MS.. haha.. luckily it ws free coz we redeemed using credit card pts! haha.. i'm now in wk 9.. saw bb's form n heartbeat.. dr chua has been very very encouraging so even if she's on e exp side, intend to stick with her for this preg at least! =)

what do u mean by retroverted uterus? from the ultra scan, how does it look like on the monitor?

when i went to do my untra scan, the doc only say this is uterus, this the the baldder, this is the ovaries, but all i see the back and white spots...
i can only tke his words as true
hi livvie,

my first gynae told me i have retroverted uterus too. according to him, it's no concern at all. can still conceive naturally but i read that doggie position during BD is better for conceiving.

retroverted uterus (RU) are very common n is normal,
it will not affect fertlity, so dont worry
just like people who are being left handed
I had retroverted uterus and that is what my gynae assured me
n my gynae had RU too n she has 5 kids
some women are born with it, some are cause by endometrosis
for me, i am born wif it and I conceived naturally before

more info frm web:



u can do a google/yahoo search to find out more info

yeap am aware that a lot of women still conceive despite the retroverted uterus. I did a lot of reading up so am not unduly worried abt the retroverted uterus but gynae says it is probably the reason why I get terrible backaches during my period. Women with RU tend to get more backaches.With my irregular periods and funny OPK results, sometimes I really dont know what to think.

choco: a retroverted uterus means it is tilted backwards.
