A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


my gyn didn't know if i have O yet or not....Because during my CD 16 TO CD 18,I couldn't detect my O due to an error in my fertility monitor kit...So i presume i haven't O yet....
but my fertility monitor kit shows that i may O for the next 2 days....That's why my gyn tells me to go down and do the scan tmr....He says I may have a late Ovulation which means I may have a longer cycle this mth....


u are wrong....there is one urologist who ever told me that woman must alwaz pee after an intercourse to prevent the UTI...He says those good spermie will have flowed in already....So,he says nothing to worry about those spermie flowing out one....


I will try to relax tmr...How are u feeling today?

i think u should wait untill the first day u missed ur AF,do a HPT again....and if it shows <font color="0000ff">BFP</font>,then congratulation to u....

Very chiem...I belong to one of those who cannot tell the difference between the mucus discharge.
Guess that's why many make it diffcult for me to succeed.
yuki, u haven't O this mth?

i also dun know if i O already or not but i think not yet, maybe today or tomorrow cos yst tested with OPK and it shows a faint line. today will test again. if today got line again then got to OT again...

dun worry,the EWCM is not a reliable enough indicator to pinpoint the exact day of your ovulation....Do u use the OPK or BBT charting?
Hi Sharon

Dunno also leh... I supposed to O on Sun... but this few days BBT hor quite consistent leh... On Fri &amp; Sat it's 36.2... Sun, it's 36.3 and today is 36.4... tot will O on Sun... but dunno if it's because on Sun, I nvr on Air-con, that's y, BBT higher... See my BBT tmr how lor...

But so far, test OPK, nvr get any line before... so dunno if O already or not... I'm getting abit crampy now... not too sure if it's because I'm going to O liao... or juz coz need to pass motion... hehehehe...

Hi Hayashi

Then u better go and scan and see what's going on lor... hehehe...
yuki, same experience.

i experience so many times that the spermie sure flow out as soon as we get out of bed whether is it we stand immediately or left there till next morning leh. As I will not "wipe out" all his soldiers but deliberately "keep" some of them inside me so I always expereince them flowing out the next morning. Anyway as long as one of those spermies "work", I would be very happy liao.

do you do anything to UTI? I feel the itch and will keep washing with those lady hygience soap every time after I pee, me abit kiasu hor.. Also last time doc prescribe me something like "orange tea" to drink, I can't really remember. My DH says eat more cranberry can cure UTI.

Elizabeth, no pee how to keep going pee for few times before BD? Then hor everytime want to start "action" or during "action", the pee come and disturb.

piggy, i hope your mum is the principal, please give me my grad cert now!!!
i think u mean those vaginal wash... dun use those if u r bd-ing near O cos those r not sperm-friendly... read the labels

and yes, cranberry juice can help to reduce chances of UTI
Hi Penguin

For mi, if I were to stand up immediately... can feel the spermie flowing out liao... if more than 30 mins... can feel a little... if overnite... juz a little... but dunno if that's discharge or spermie... hehhehe...

Hear that washing too much wif layd hygience soap may not be too good... u may ended up very dry... so, I also dun dare to use too much of that... only during certain times when I feels that it's abit smelly... or itchy then use lor... I heard of cranberries juice but not orange tea...

I know to prevent UTI is to pee once bf BD and once af BD... But since I'm TTC, I only pee once bf BD... and sometimes... if really cannot stand it anymore, once after BD...
BTW, gals, when do u gals normally test for OPK? so far, nvr get +ve leh... dunno when to test is better...

Today, I also dunno whether I shld still test or not...

Have been feeling crampy since morning... but shld hv O yesterday... though my BBT doesn't looks like I've O...
I tested starting from CD 13 last week... but got a faint line only on CD 15 and CD 16, but the line never got darker than the control band... then on CD 17, tested, no line liaoz....
So what's the outcome? I also dont know... maybe O'ed on CD 16 night... then CD 17 cannot detect anything liaoz... kekke.... my eggs swam too fast...
so far i only tested once that the line on the OPK is darker than the control line but still never strike! haha...

i thot the vagina wash is only to the exterior? how come it's unfriendly to spermies?

btw, my hubby say if this cycle still never strike then he will go for SA

last weekend heard frm a friend she is preggie and is having twins then yesterday heard another friend jus got pregnant. why all my friends are preggie except me?
Hi Sharon,

Dont be sad... it will be your turn soon....

Heard from my colleague saying pregnant is contagious.. last year... my colleague got pregnant, then another 2 colleagues also got pregnant... and all gave birth to a baby girl...

So your chance will be coming...
Hi Piggy &amp; Sharon

Actually, when wld the OPK reflect as +ve? the whole 24 hrs bf O... or juz a certain timing bf that... I'm confused... coz it indicates that if tested +ve shld BD within 24 to 36 hrs... so, if u were to test again every 12 hrs... wld u still get +ve results?

Wat does faith line means? Tot, under the instruction, it's supposed to be treated as -ve?
Hi yuki,

Exactly lor... faint line means -ve.... then wat is the difference between faint line and no line... faint line means got a bit of LH surge but not so much as to have ovulation next day... and no line means no LH surge at all?

I also.. blur lar... anyway... i think kermit says maybe on CD16 night I O liaoz... thats why on CD17 no more line.... hehehe...

Ya... my colleague is like that lor... that's why that time she pregnant.. i so scared.. i will be the next wan... who knows... never leh....
does anyone here have a really dark line same as the control line photo to show?

I am at times confused by the faint line, duno when is considered dark also.
really so many friends and relatives around me are preegie. my sis, 1 colleague, 3 friends all pregnant! haiz.... sometimes i very sian till i feel like giving up TTC but i know my hubby love kids and it's really torturing when u hear that friends or relatives are preggie
ryes, my last cycle got dark line when tested with OPK. but never take pic lah.... take for wat, but will take pic if HPT shows +ve... wonder when will it be
i think is good to ask ur hb for SA... i visit gynea for my report and hb SA report. then...
my hb SA is poor, although my report is good, hv a bit of PSOC (but dr said still alright)... so i will do IUI for my next cycle...

yup, my hubby actually say wan to go for SA this week but i say cannot cos this week is when i will O. so if still never strike this cycle then he will go for SA lor

btw, whose hubby did SA b4? wat's the procedure?
Hi Piggy

Hahahaha... so we both blur blur try together and hopefully, strike together also...

Hi Baby26

The results take how long to appear and wat time did u normally test?
Hi Yuki....

Ya.. we blur blur try lar... maybe will really kanna... but me going to try only on CD13.. so maybe you get to see a darker line first... you let me know lar... what it looks like... hehehe

Normally I test at 7pm when I reached home... but I never hold my urine for 4hours... how to hold sooo long.... I always go urine before go off... so at most 1 hr...
Hi Yuki
I started testing OPK on CD16..also nvr get a +ve result
Yesterday i got a faint line but tdy when i tested, the line is very faint. I'm supposed to O yesteday but no EWCM at all...think the OPK result is really confusing....
normally i tested abt 7pm, the result take abt 5mins to 10mins. i got +tive very dark line last few cycles, but this cycle very strange leh....jus quite a dark line only...maybe i not O or not O well, my BBT still low.(CD 25 oredi).

according to my gynea i O well last cycle... but this cycle dunno, wait my AF to come, then will do IUI next cycle... but still didn't give up, sekali strike this cycle...
then no need to waste money for IUI.
now then i know must hold the urine for 4hr and i aredi forgot whether i did that or not for my last few cycle, and got +tive leh. This cycle i realise i cant hv +tive, cos this cycle i got easily high tight during my O,maybe due to this.
SA very easy one...my DH did it in SGH...they give him a container,ask him go toilet and 'eh hem...'do it himself,and collect the semen sample in the container and faster give the nurse...that's all.....

thanks for the info. but hope my hubby dun need to do SA if i strike this cycle.

i tested with OPK jus now and it's a faint line again
haha.sharon..i also test opk..also faint line leh..but funny leh... from sat already faint line till now..dun noe accurate or not...
char, yst i tested and also faint line.... dun know wat's wrong. i also feel warm leh, i also took clomid. whenever i'm outside office, i will start to sweat even the weather is not very hot.

btw, where can i buy pre-seed? thinking to try pre-seed
hi sharon ,u can get preseed from poly clinics or the pharmacy at isetan scotts basement...baby26 bought it at jurong polyclinic..6 for $29.90....
i warm until even sweat in office leh... so sticky and uncomfortable...dun noe isit becos of the clomid...even in the night, will perspire when i sleep...aiyoh...
okie, i will go buy pre-seed tomorrow after work. isetan scotts bsmt? frm the pharmacy or inside isetan supermarket?

char, last time when i sleep i always cover blanket with fan on but now i seldom cover blanket cos i will feel warm. in office i not warm, i got wear jacket cos my seat is freezing cold
hi sharon,
the pharmacy is outside isetan supermarket...
ya lor..wonder if any of the gals face the same problem...the clonmid make us so 'hot' man!!!hehe!!
char, is this ur 1st cycle of clomid?

last few cycles without clomid, my BBT is always around 35.9 but after i took clomid, my BBT is around 36.2
hi sharon..
ehh...i nv take bbt one leh..cos i very hopeless..always can't remember to take the temp when i wake up..bt overall i feel super hot...but my o like shifted leh..cos doc say can BD on CD12 onwards,but today is my CD 13,but no real sign of O coming..opk gt very faint line only...

i think it's a routine for me to take BBT now everyday already. on weekdays, when my alarm rings, i will insert the thermometer in my mouth then my eyes will close again until the thermometer beep. on weekends, i set alarm to wake myself up for BBT...

maybe u have not O lor.. how long is ur cycle? my gynae ask me to BD from CD10 to CD20, but this cycle is very luan also cos my 1st cycle (wi clomid is 31 days) and my 2nd cycle (with clomid) is 34 days so i dun know abt this cycle
sharon and char,

besides feeling warmth after taking clomid,do u gals experienced any side effects?


my ah lao also done the SA recently....He did it at home and I send it to the lab within 1/2 hour.

i only feel warm lor... besides that no more side effects

send to lab? my gynae is in a clinic leh, then i got to arrange with my gynae? if not, i won't know where to send to
hi baby26 (baby26)

thanks. wah ur lines are really dark leh. Mine wont one leh, so at times duno got o or not.

hi sharon, u can arrange with the clinic..the sample need to reach the lab within 1hr...ya lor..think all go BD liao...
hi hakida...
me feel very warm lor...other than that,there r no other effects on me leh...
