A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

lp2, think u better confirm with gynae... there are SO MANY DIFFERENT types of cyst! U shd ask him for the type, share wif us or do some research online (there is plenty of info). I had cyst in my ovary... they only took out the cyst & sewed bk the ovary nicely, docs have confirmed it shd not have impact on TTC-ing! Don't panic!!

Ip2, maybe u should ask ur gynae to explain to u. cos i also got some small small cyst and my gynae say dun need to operate. or u wan to get a 2nd opinion?
ryes, how long is ur cycle usually... 28 or 30+ days? If 28 days, then U shd start BD v soon liao... if slightly longer, u have the nice long wkend to BD! hee hee
louie, how big is ur cyst?
my friend recommend me c TCM, cos her colleague c TCM and recover without going operation. If operate, need how many day rest den can walk ard...? by keyhole method?
sharon - i transferred e $$ to u for e OPKs liao.. pls check..

hayashi - i saw the fertility thingy also.. but very exp.. is it really good?

me today is CD09.. if my AF e super irregular kind.. when sld i start testing w e OPKs?
lp2, mine was huge... as big as orange! Tats why admitted v soon. I had uncomfortable pain on my right side. My was a C-cut, not key-hole, gynae wanted to preserve my ovary! Mine was a major op, hospitalised for 5 days. On MC for 1mth

Think its better to confirm wat kind of cyst, some are blood cyst- think recurring. Mine was dermoid cyst - non recurring. Fibriod cyst etc... Actually how u know got cyst, u went for pre-conception check? Better check: recovery time, necc for op - if not op, wat will happen etc?
tink small small one still ok.. cos I surf net, tit say small one will recover back after ovulation period.. gynae say mine too big.. it wont reduce itself, only way is to remove it.. arh...... faint!
I already ttc for 1 mth, den my friend advise me to go chk up b4 ttc, she worried if got bb den found got got cyst or fibriod, will affect bb. Actually I went to c master b4 my wedding, master did tell me I mayb will miscarried if kana bb. So I worried n went chk up.. sigh... y really happened to me!! louie, u mean if key hole operate will cut the ovary away also? *faint!*
i'll be leaving for korea in june...raw food? i thot japan den haf a lot of sashimi...anyway will wat u say....tks
lp2, depeding on type/size of cyst... wat kind of surgery is more suitable. keyhole surgery recovery is much faster lah... some gynaes wld still recommend keyhole. it really all depends.

Can u call ur gynae to check again wif ur specific questions then share again? Guess when U got news, u too shocked to ask him/her anything also. *hugz* no worries lah... many ladies nowadays have cysts
hi louie (louie)

early morning u eng eng ah, so active in thread. Cannot BD now lah, coz I gg HM in May. And also I had a m/c in Feb, so need to rest first and this month was my first AF. So I am waiting for 2nd AF which is next month then BD again.
ya louie, u were right.. I was too shock to ask him anything.. den he oso no tell me n explain to me..
think I will go for TCM n other gynae for opinon...
d_woof, wah.. still long time away ur trip! Me greedy, the lady sea divers along the beach (in Jeju) were selling raw shells tat they catch fr the sea. Me so daring go & eat lor... in the end, vomit like crazy & went to hospital in the middle of the night! hee

Hopefully, u'll have a few days to let ur cycle settle down b4 O on ur trip... sometimes, when u travel a bit hay-wire. Aiyah... don't need to wait until then to BD for baby lah! Must start now!!!
lp2, u still need the info for TCM or seek consult fr new gynae, at least the type of cyst!

ryes, me morning person mah!! hee hee... me not eng, just v sian to do work! haa haa
Wat is HM? Oh, sorry to hear of ur loss... seems like u shd not have probs getting preggie. Take care of ur health now, b4 ttc-ing again lah
Hi Ip2

I have gone thr' laproscopy to remove my cysts too... at this point of time, based on scanning, they are unable to tell whether it's blood or water or whether it's cancerous or not... Gynae wld need to do a lap first and send for scanning... I'm not too sure if 5 cm need to remove or not... mine, I have 2... one @ the right (8 cm) and one @ the left (5 cm)...

Coz cysts are likely to recur again after u remove it... so sometimes, gynae will advise remove ovary... if u dun intend to give birth anymore... but since u still have the intention then juz do lap to remove yr cysts lor...

But I was surprised that yr gynae didn't tell u the details or explain to you... mine explained to me why mine was urgent (coz very big liao... scare burst anytime...), the likely ways how the cysts were formed... and wat I need to do...

Lap is mainly a 3 keyholes minor op... one @ belly button (can't see), the other 2 at the sides abit lower than yr belly button positions...

If u need more details, let me know...
(As of 24 April)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 3</TD><TD> 7 May</TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD> 9 May </TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 5</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 24-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zenn</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> 24-27 Apr</TD><TD> 10 May</TD><TD> 32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasnie</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 36-40 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD>10</TD><TD> 29 Apr</TD><TD> 16-18 May</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 11</TD><TD> 29 Apr</TD><TD> 15 May</TD><TD> 31-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 30 Apr</TD><TD> 15 May</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 6</TD><TD> 7 May</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 34-36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 5</TD><TD> 8 May</TD><TD> 20 May</TD><TD> 32-35</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 4 May</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 14 dpo</TD><TD> 23 Apr</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> 20 Apr</TD><TD> 5 May</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 9 dpo</TD><TD> 27 April</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> 4 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> 17-19 Apr</TD><TD> 2 May</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Roslyn</TD><TD> 20</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 5 May</TD><TD> 27-33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MSN_Queen</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> 4 dpo</TD><TD> 1 May</TD><TD> 28</td></tr></table>


Juz saw yr question abt keyholes op... it's normally a day surgery but coz nobody @ home to take care of me... so my gynae advise I stay in hospital for 1 day... then discharge the next day... I was initially told that my MC will be 2 weeks... but because I have minor thalassemia... so, after op, I always have fainting spell... that's y... I was given 1 mth's MC instead...
yuki, is there any danger on tis op? I have low blood pressure, scare not enough blood leh... the keyhole op can remove so big cyst? I really cant figure out how to remove so big cyst with such a small hole opening?
Hi ladies,
I remembered tt I did a preconception check-up after I got married and last weekend I went to dig out the medical report. I realised tt I did an U/S scan but the doc did not explain to me the results.

The report says that I hv 4 follicles each in the right and left ovaries. The biggest follicle on the right is 19mm and left is 13mm. My right ovarian vol is 19.5ml while left is 6.5ml.

I should be in my CD 8 or 9 when I did the scan. Are my results ok? My left ovarian vol seems so much smaller than my right one...I hope there is no problem

I really hv no idea wat the report is all abt...hope someone can help me interpret...
yuki, thanks for updating the table...

i am now calculating when is my O day, maybe will plan for a short trip to go relax with my hubby. cos he stressed at work and i stressed with TTC...

it sounds quite alright. a follicle is considered matured at 20 to 22 mm...so if at CD8 or 9, you have a dominant follicle at your right with size of 19mm, that follicle is about to ovulate.

also, 4 follicles at each side also sound normal. i think PCOS is when you have more than 10 small follicles/cysts on each side with no dominant sized ones.

i am not sure about the ovarian vol tho.
Hi Ip2

Dun think wld be too dangerous lah... unless there's complication... how low is yr blood pressure? Mine was very low too... I also have minor Thalassemia... but I'm still okie after the op... so, shld be okie...

I dunno abt yr gynae lah... but mine, she cut the cysts into smaller pieces first before removing them thr' the keyholes... I must say that she's really skillful... but nvr try other gynae... so dunno whether if every gynae do it this way also...
Hi Sharon,
I had transfered the $ to our account for the OPK. Does it comes with a instruction sheet? Cos this is the first time I am using it.
How to calculate my O day? MY AF is on April 21st and a 31-32 day cycle.
hi lynn, i think there are instructions on the OPKs.

i will check my acct tonight then will send out to u gals tmr morning. as for calculating ur O day, i can't help u cos i also dun know! haha... maybe other gals can help u
hi yuki,
may I know who is ur gynae.. my friend recomm me KK hospital Doc KT Tan (Kim Teng). I dunno whether she good anot.

O day is estimated to be CD14 for a 28 day cycle. if yours is 30-31, could be CD15...

to be safe, start testing from CD12 or 13 onwards.
Hi Lynn

Yr cycle looks pretty similar to mine... My estimated O day is 7 May (Sun), yrs one day earlier than mine... so, wld be 6 May (Sat) lor...

But as mentioned by kermit... it's better to start BD from CD 12 onwards... and if there's nothing wrong wif yr hubby's SA, then can start on CD 10... alternate days till CD 20...

Hi Ip2

Mine is Dr Chua Yang @ Bt Timah (Chun Tin Road), she normally op in Mt A, Mt E &amp; Glenagles... I chose Mt A the last time... almost my full bill claimable by insurance so, dun need to pay anything...
Thank you Kermit..

I am working shift work. Tonight I have my nite shift. Taking BBT is quite difficult with the irregular sleeping pattern. So I have planned to stop working nite work from 2nd May to 11 May. Hopefully my husband have the energy. His working hours are long too (11hours)
oh.. I only have ntuc incomeshield.. no other insurance to claim... tink not enough to pay so x hospital $... so can only op at kk...
Hi Kermit,

How are you? Any morning sickness or loss of appetite?

Yuki, my estimated O day is also 7 May. Looks like a few of us O ard the same time this cycle. Must work hard
Hi Ip2

I think the total charge is abt $5k plus... coz I stayed in A1 ward, if cost is an issue wif u, can choose to stay in other classes too... discuss wif yr gynae to decide lor...

As mentioned earlier... my full bill claimable via insurance... except for less than $100... which I deducted through my Medisave... but still waiting for the settlement letter from my company's insurance before I decide whether to claim the remaining from my personal insurance...

Are you working now? Does yr company cover u on hospitalisation &amp; surgical? If they does, this can be claimable... or else if u have personal hospitalise plan, can cover also...
Hi Tami,

Ya lor... a few of us normally abt same timing... hhehehe... good mah... can remind each other to work hard...

Hi lynn

My hubby didn't do SA yet... but I think some gals recommended CARE @ Paragon
hi tami

not yet! appetite still good even though i always have the wanna-puke feeling at the back of my throat...maybe it's still early for me lah. i am only 5wks 2 days today

not sure if i want MS to start or not...sigh..having it means that bb is growing well...but then again, like so torturous like that...
yuki, ya I m working... but is under small coy... they dun cover hospitalisation bill...
I only have ntuc incomeshield.. I chk with them, the 1st 2k n balance 10% is payable by us, the balance 90% is claimable. So at least I need to pay 2k+ for the fee... I dunno tis 2k+ can pay from medisave anot...sigh.. I tot after chk up can ttc like u all.. who know tis will happen... my bb plan got to delay...
Hi Lynn
My hubby did his SA at TMC. They hv a room for him to use and he's supposed to collect his semen in a container.

Tmr he will be going for another SA and also the semen culture and sensitivity test cos they found some micro organism in his semen the last time.
Hi yuki, yes yes, we can remind each other to work hard..kekeke

kermit, if I can get pregnant, I won't mind hving MS. But then again, I can say tt now, but if I really hv MS, I may regret it....hahaha

Anyway, do take care of urself and hv lots of rest...envy envy u..
lp2, i did mine at KKH. I stayed at B1 (4 bedder, air-con wif toilet) only paid $2000+. Mine was done by Snr Consultant. If ur gynae is consultant, charges shd be cheaper

Don't have to worry so much, most gynaes shd know wat they are doing, whether C-cut or lap. Confirm wif ur gynae tat watever surgery mtd, it shdn't affect ur ovaries so tat u'll not have problems conveiving in the future.
Tami, u did a V scan? Ur scan results look good... me gonna do aft May Day on CD 13. Wonder if my egg folicle looks ok! Sigh...

Kermit, u have any idea wats the link bet the size of the egg follice &amp; progesterone level @ DPO7? Coz' progesterone is released by the corpus leteum. Glad u're doing well
My TCM trip to Thong Chai not v informative... when I went to buy herbs fr medical hall, realised tat the TCM doc didn't say how many pkts to take also! its a gen med to build up kidney - supposed to help O, &amp; herbs for cough &amp; phelgm. Confused man!!!!
very sianz.. i went for bloodtest on 13/4/05 thursday and after 3 days my gynae still nevr call me.. I called him several times but he cant be reach and i lft a message to ask him to call me back asap...and GUESS WHAT ?? he say forgotten where they kept the result. Need to search and call me again. He only call me last saturday 22/4/05.. to say it is negative..

i think i wan to change gynae again, i am not comfortable with this exisitng one. any gals can recommend Female gynae to me in north area ?
