A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

**Pagin for katerin..**

where is katerine Tang ? how's her result? is she preggie liao ? cos i want to ask her opinion regarding the gynae that we are seeing now.. want to hear her comments...


not quite sure what you mean about the link between egg follicle and progesterone. but follicles must be able to grow to 20 to 22 mm before it can be released. after it is released, the corpus luteum will disintergrate which produced progesterone. so typically low progesterone may indicate that there is no egg follicles released -> which means no dominant sized at O. your scan at CD12 will give you a good idea whether there are dominant follicles or not.

oh, you asked the people at the medicinal hall to tell you what the herbs are for huh? for TCM, must be patient i think, it is not like western medicine that would produce results immediately, but to build up the body..and in our case, to improve egg quality.
Hi Ip2

Think in that case, u might wanna see Louie's gynae for the op... think KK cheaper...

Actually, after the op... I rested for one mth... then start TTC liao... my gynae also advise me to start TTC earlier... if got preggy... likelyhood is that cysts will not re-grow...

For now, it's better dun take some of the TCM pu pin like ginseng... coz it actually hastened the growth...

Hi Paperplane

Think in that case, u better change yr gynae then... occassionally, my nurse will tell me that she will come me back... coz too busy... but nvr have they lost any reports... so careless wif confi information like that... how can?

Too bad, dun live in the north... so dunno which gynae is good there... see if any other gals can help...
hi yuki, so true hor, the first visit was okay but the second visit i was starting to feel uncomfortable oredi.. somemore he told me they misplace the letter and i called them 5 times and the clinic nurse sound very rude leh.. ..shit.
yuki, louie, sharon
thanks for ans all my question.. after listening to all ur advises, I m now more positive already.. (since crying for 2 days after know the cyst thing)... I have already fixed appt with kk gynae consultant on next wk.. will keep u all update.
Y not u try yvonne chan at TMC? my friend recommended.
somemore the last visit i told him regarding the itchiness and lower abs pain and i requested to do a U/s. He just ask me not to be too paranoid regarding the pain and never prescribe any cream or medication for my itchiness, never even border check oso...

in the end, i went back to see my family lady doctor regarding the 2 symptoms lor. I complained to her.. hehehe.. Now i will do my blood test through her and waiting for her to recommend a lady gynae
Hi louie, I did an ultra-sound. Not sure whether tt is the same as V-scan?
I did it quite some time ago, after I got married but tt time hv not seriously started ttc-ing yet. The doc did not explain the reports to me so I also not too sure how to interpret...hehehe me blur.

lp2, I also heard tt Yvonne Chan is gd. I think I may go to her
her clinic no is 62564664

ultra sound n V scan is different. my gynae did a u/s scan but he say cant c clear.. so he did v scan n c the cyst very clearly.. u/s scan is on the stomach but v scan is to insert a equipment to ur private part..
paperplane, me here..

wat u want to ask abt Dr. Wong?

me got an experience with him is that he misplace my patient's card..
besides, that time i have a bleeding 14 days after i consumed the clomid.. he also had no idea of wat's going on.

me tinking of seeking for a second opionion.

btw, me not preggie yet... still waiting for my AF to come..
Hi Ip2

Dun cry lah... the first time I heard it, I got a shock coz nvr admitted to hospital bf mah... suddenly gotta to go for surgery....

But after reading abit more abt it... then more relax liao... my gynae also very willing to answer any enquiries I have... so, at least, put me @ ease lah....

Hi Paperplane

Mine is @ $5 plus... for 50 mg for 5 days... from my gynae... how come yrs so ex?

Hi Katherine

Yr AF haven't come? so long already? does that mean got chance?
sharon, the bleeding juz look like "AF" lor.. last for 5 days... even alot more than my normal AF.

when i first saw the brown discharge, i went to see him. he say is normal n will last only 2 days.. suddenly the next day.. lot more blood.. n painful cramp as well. so i went to see him again asking why.. but my gynae duno also.

yuki, ya lor.. my AF still have not come yet.. i did test using HPT but is BFN leh..
so now me hesitating whether to go see him anot.. cozs she ask me to monitor for 1 mth lor.. now is 1 mth liao.

tinking of changing to another gynae or switch to TCM...
kat, how much does he charge u onthe clomid ? mine is $25 per box, so if he gave 100mg, then it will be $50/- are u also paying the same amount as me ?
Hi Katherine

When did u have that? wasn't it during yr AF period? was tht considered yr AF already, that's y your AF didn't come... actually, your cycle has restarted?

Gynae shld be able to a scan rite? from the scan, they shld be able to tell roughly wat happen izzit it?
kat, he misplace ur patient card huh ? wow like that very jialat.. i thought i the only one experience it.. i dun think i am going to see him again. find that he is not very ocncerning rearding lady sympton leh.. maybe for those he consider not very important or serious lor.. but i am paying private fee and yet get this type of consultant.. although the clinic distance is very near but i am thinking for alternative liao..

yuki, yalor.. dunno why he charge $25 for 5 tablets leh.. $5 per tablets.. very ex..
katherine, u mean ur gynae dun know why got the bleeding? did she do a scan for u after the bleeding to find out more?

yuki, the cloimd u took is 50mg or 100mg?
paperline, KKH gave me 20 tabs (50mg for 4 cycles) only cost me $2.30! V cheap only....

lp2, good tat u did a V scan. when I had the op still not married (virgin mah) so, hosp of coz' won't do V scan for me then! KKH shd be q ok, my stay there & experience was q good. Only now when TTC-ing, they won't be as proactive as pte lor, tats why I deciding to switch to see. Coz' if I do start clomid or watever, best to be closely monitored by gynae
Me also cry when I 1st heard the news, i only started wk for 1/2 yr then! When I was hospitalised, tis gal only 17 y/o but got 4 huge cyst - her gynae did lap instead of c-cut lor. Guess ur doc will know wats best for u lah

kermit, thanks for the explaination. Hopefully, when I see new gynae, the scan will show tat I am releasing eggs lor!! Anywae, my progesterone blood test did on DPO2 won't be as accurate as done on DPO 7 like u said! Blur me!!! TCM - guess more general, me also blur blur when it comes to TCM...
Hiya ladies,

Morningz, just came back from follow up appointment at SGH. Was admitted last month due to gastritis. Today doc did an ultrasound whoaaa .... shocked first time do from the Vagina!!! Keep asking the doc are you sure??? Pain or not??? Boy was i trembling!!!

Reason for ultrasound, anaemia due to too much lost of blood during my period. Thank God everythig alrights' she recommend i take pills to reduce blood flow i dun want so just resume my iron tablets enuff. 1 less table is good news! Aiyoh feel very pai sey lah just now think doc almost laugh hehe.

Told doc me TTC doc recommended i take Frolic Acid even from now. Whoa now really feel like I'm in the same league hehe. Still having my period cant' wait to be O.V.E.R!!!

Me also now down to 28 days cycle! Issued my concern to doc just now about the 1 week ealier thingy. He said normal must be due to stress. Nuthing to worry about. Such a simple answer to our mind-boggling question!

Work Hard, Play Hard (",)

yalor, it is so ridiculous, somemore i asked the nurse why i need to pay $50 for the clomid (2 box), she say its the normal price.. felt cheated..
thanks for sharing the cost of clomid..

My family doctor say she charge a reasonable sum for clomid and was wondering why my gynae charge so ex..

i swear not to go back to him again
paperplane - ur gynae doesn't sound trustworthy.. not someone anyone'd feel secure with.. so i think sld change.. tt's hw i feel frm ur postings lah..
paperplane, urs come in a box? mine is just 2 strips put in the clear plastic only. Its a different brand? mmmzz...

mistique, so the scan got see if everything is clear, i.e. no cyst or anything as well?
Get some good rest ya!
sharon - did u receive my $$? i was just reading the previous posts then realise juju wants e sticks.. so how? sorry for e trouble
actually i've done e v-scan before.. wat can tt detect? tt time e doc just say tt ovary looks normal.. but tt cannot detect whether we ovulate is it?

welcome to the world where we get prodded left, right, centre in our private parts and don't bat an eyelid! puahaaha!

you are still CD1 to CD5? and doc did a v-scan?
u got cysts? who in kk do u see ? how much is the operation ?

it is my true encounter lor. i told the whole thing to my family doctor, and she will help me to get lady gynae.

i also dunno why come in a box leh ? but the name is the same as what i get from SGH pharmacy. same size, same colour, same dosage.
paperplane - care to share who ur current gynae is? or at least which hospital he deliver? must ensure i dun go to him man.. scary.. i hate it when such things happen coz they're supposed to be the professional and reassure us and give ur accurate info and make us feel safe lor! esp when we all blur blur abt such things..
I goin to c Doc KT Tan (Kim Teng). Heard she is senior consultant... I dunno how much the op, cos my appt with her is next wk...
exactly lor, he deliver in TMC or Mt Alvernia.. his clinic is at admiralty MRT.

Is it a male or female gynae ? how do u find her ? do he/she see patient on weekend ?
why ur gynae so irresponsible one?

ya please seek 2nd opinion n change ur gynae
maybe u can go TMC?
Yvonne Chan is good,
my gynae Dr Eunice Chua is also good, been wif her for 2 yrs liao
gentle n experience gynae
lp2, she's HOD of KKH. My gynae is also snr consult
when u see doc, just ask for MC if ur company can't give u time-off.

If finance is a prob, u cld request to stay B2 (6-bedder). Depending on wat plan u have wif Incomesheild, 1st 2k if pay urself... u can't claim bk much one.
I have not seen her... next wk is 1st appt.. is a female gynae.. my friend told me she's good.. she only available from mon to thur..thur full day, mon- wed morning...mayb u can call kk appt hotline to chk? 62944050..
paperplane, yup. same amount paid for the clomid.. thought is around the same price so din really ask why so ex.

yuki, i also duno leh.. i did consider that bleeding as my "AF". So since that AF till today, is D34. Till now, my next cycle of AF have not come yet.. so im reluctant to go n see my gynae lor.. cozs now i have sore nipples n i feel very tired which is syotoms for my AF coming.

sharon, yes.. i went to see him on D2 cozs the cramps is really unbearable. he did a scan for me.. say my ovaries swollen.. other than that, no problem.
maybe in general, there are gals with (no ovulation problem)find him okay lor.

but me a bit different lor, got ovulation problem, maybe need abit more concern mah.. Private leh.. means what ? more expensive charges than govt, he should be more professional and caring (at least), not just a 10 mins consultation and jump to conclusion of his assumption...
lp2, louie, caitlyn, yuki, sharon, val, kat and all gals thanks for sharing these with me..

I am determine to switch gynae. But i prefer experience lady gynae (the one i last time saw in SGH not expereince), thats why i switch to current one and experience nightmare.. kekeke
paperplane, me v confused... u seeing govt or pte? 10mins still q ok, sometimes 3-5mins done liao lor, some doc! hee

lp2, shd be ok... if not they can give u the time-in & time-out chit to certify tat u were indeed at the clinic. Maybe u shd go to ur current gynae's office to get a report of ur scan etc, check the name of the cyst as well. Then don't have to spend so much to re-do certain procedures!

i waiting for my family doctor recommendation, but i felt that gals here have better expereince with the gynae, so i am open to all choices..TMC or KKH

caitlyn, i will sell the OPKs to u cos before i post here i already sent juju a few emails reminding her abt payment. i will check my acct then send out the OPKs to u.

juju, sorry abt it cos ur payment is late and befpre u say u still wan the OPKs, i already ask caitlyn to transfer the $ to me.
