A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Fizz - thanks a lot for the babydust... i am all ready for next round... :D

koori - agree, try alternate day... wish you luck. remember to catch the babydust form fizz....

blueblue - don't be too stress out.. sometimes PMS is quite similar to Pregnancy symptom. Just be careful this 2 days... maybe test with HPK on the 5th day pass your AF. I only got faint BFP previously 8 days later.

if my AH LAO go behind me can or not huh???kekekekekek!!!!

Fizz,let us know the latest results tmr morning....

Blue Blue...I ordered very few HPT oni...cos I tot I wil oni test if Im very overdued or my BBT remains high...so I nid tat 1 more to test tom morng...

BUT HOR...I heard tat Mustafa pharmacy is selling HPT at SGD1 per pc...u can try callin them up first...
bettle bug, thanks. ya hor, can contact her. last time, i wanted to get opk, she emailed me...but already got fm another person...great, will ask her abt it...
Dear ladies,

I am new in the forum. Can I join this thread? I am also in the TTC stage. Have not started reading on what to do or look out for when TTC so really blur and helpless. I have some questions which I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.

Here's my qns:

1) Is there any good gynea which you gals can recommend? I would like to do a pre-maternity checkup. I am married for 1yr+ and no contraception use throughout my marriage life but at the same time, I dun monitor my O period cos I wasnt ready for a BB back then. But I kind of worried if I have fertility problem since there is no "accident" throughout this 1yr+. Hope I am not too "sua gu" to say that.

2) Is there any activities that I should avoid (like spa, gym, etc.)? Also, is there any food I should avoid too (like cold items, etc.)?

3) Is there any other preparation work I should do when TTC? I am totally clueless, HELP!!!

4) I read in one of the posting that there are some months where we don't O, is that true?

5) I have started plotting my temperature but my temperature chart looks weird, it doesnt follow what my friend told me about how a normal chart should be like. Usually temperature will go up when your AF is approaching (not sure if I am wrong) but mine drop instead. Does anyone encounter the same problem as me?
wah!! congrats fizz!

your hb's SA going up to 9% means that it's only a matter of time that you will be preggie soon...and so good that it happened so fast! you have given me some hope that low morph can also strike.

lotsa of BB dust for me too please! wahaha...
Hi ladies,

I also want to get some HPK strips.... i saw some on the websites but its quite ex unless order alot. Previous months, i did not take any temperature or use HPK.. i tink i should do it for this month.

baby26.. do you extra HPK to sell me?
Hey ladies =)

Sorry... I'm new to the thread so find lots of abbreviations used here very foreign =(

Anybody care to enlighten me? hehehe...

I'm also tryin to conceive... but my cycle is not the usual 28 days lor.... range b/w 34 to 40 days.. very hard to determine ovulation timing...

I'm on my 35th day... menses not here yet....but can anyone advise wat are the symptoms for preggie also?

thanks much!
just my 2 cents

1) can't help much here cos i have only been to one and i didn't like him too much...*hic hic*

2) exercising before ovulation should be beneficial but after ovuluation (during the 2 weeks wait before AF comes) you should refrained from vigourous exercise, hot tub.

as for food, i think some girls here do not take cold drinks or "liang" items. but think one good thing you can take is folic acid while you are preparing to TTC

3. going for a pre-conception check would be good. don't know about other preparation work except reading up more about your body, AF etc

4. yes, it is true we may not O on some months even though AF is here

5. errmm..your friend is wrong. when AF is here, our BBT will dive..and will remain low. after the lowest temp, (which means we have O-ed)then our BBT will go up. if after 14 days, your BBT never drop, then you are preggie! :D

hope this helps.
Hi roslyn and connie..



i also want to get HPK, but its so expensive (those in watsons). u want to order from net? we can share the orders if u r ok. But i dont have credit card.

those who have extra ovulation prediction kit, can sell to me?
hi stella, me stay at 587.. we are neighbours ..

me wan to buy OPK from website also. maybe we can combine orders and buy?

yah, we can combine orders. How much do we need to order ? once decided,u tell me how much i have to pay u and i will pass the money to u cos i no credit card.

lets jia you together and add more babies to our neighbourhood!!!
i jus check out the website.. it says 5-15 days.. wah.. very long..

wait.. just to double check.. HPK is ovulation test trips right.. HPT is test for early pregnancy right?
Hi all.. me back again.. kekeke..

my last mth period came 4 Mar till 9 Mar then hor... tis mth came again on 2 Apr.. so mine is how many days cycle ah? kekeke...

who is gathering for OPK??
Hi Stella, thanks.
This thread is v active, I tot I will wait till lunch time to see some postings but nvr expect to see so many postings already.

Hi Kermit,

Thanks so m for sharing with me.

I love gg to spa but not sure if I shld stop now since I am TTC. For my case, I am v insensitive to changes in my body and so my worries are, wat if I was preggie and I dunno yet I continue gg to spa, which I am not sure if its harmful to the foetus.

Ya, I was also told not to take cold drinks or "liang" items, I was wondering is this just beliefs of the elderly or even western docs such as gynaes advice?

Yes, I did heard of folic acid. Heard that we should start taking it 3 months before u target to conceiving? Do u know if I can get this folic acid from GP? I find it weird to go to GP just to ask for prescription of folic acid, so thought I can ask for it when I visit the doc for flu, etc.

I wanted to get a book on wat to prepare for pre-conception but cant seems to find one.
And Ive read the temperature chart many times, still dun no the details well. From the way you put it, does that mean that temperature will be LOW during our AF??? Oh dear, this is totally different from what Ive heard from my friend. That means to say, at the lower point (just before the temperature goes up), is when we are about to O and this is part of the fertile period??? Then when temperature goes up, we have O-ed, meaning is this still the fertile period??? My, I think I am very blur but this is what I can conclude after reading your reply and some of the postings above.

I am quite interested to go for a pre-conception check, did many of you gals did that as part of your TTC program or is that not necessary?

This is something new, now then I know that we may not O on some months even though AF is here. Thanks for the info.

I think my BBT is really weird, my AF is very constant from 6th of the month to 11th or 12th of the month. Just on 29 Mar and 30 Mar, my BBT was 36.6 and then on 31 Mar, it went up to 36.8 and one day later, it went down to 36.6 and tdy, again 36.6. It just doesnt seems to follow the normal temperature chart. Anyone else having this same problem? Talking about BBT, is it a must to take it immediately after waking up? I have the habit of lazing in bed and dosed off after the alarm goes off and I was told in such case, if I take the temperature after I laze in bed or fully awakened from dosing off, the BBT would not be accurate already. Because of that, I stopped taking temperature for one whole month as I was too tired with work during the whole of Feb and only re-started in Mar.

check with u all, how much opk is needed for a mth har? lets say my calculated ovulation is 14/04/06.. then i should test once on 12th, another on 13th until i see two lines?

if so , think i need ard 20 opk bah..

are we going to consolidate HPT also?
hi rosyln,

our BBT can be influ by other factors too. for eg. if u are down with slight fever, flu, u might see a sudden "spike" in yr temp. for eg. like my BBT reading for this mth, my temp was abt 36.58 on CD12, then on CD13, it spiked to over 36.78 but on CD14, it came down again. due to the reason dat i've been doing BBT charting over a few mths, i kw dat my O day is normally aft CD15, hence i discounted temp on CD13. it may be due to some other reasons dat my temp was so high for dat day.

u'll need to see a constant high temp for min of 3 consercative days to conf dat O has occurred. oso, try to take the BBT around the same time everyday as our body temp will increase with each passing hr. and yes, have to take immed aft u wake up, the first ting u shld do is to grab for yr themometer and start taking yr BBT.

cos if u forgot to do so and only take aft u get down fr the bed etc, yr body temp wld have increased oradie and this will give u a higher BBT reading...

hope this helps

as i may be busy with work at times, i may not be so prompt in answering any postings. so u see dat i "mia" for quite some time, u can juz drop me a pm...
hi roslyn.

folic acid u can get from ntuc pharmacy..100 pills for $2.50

for bbt charting, i use instruction from there: www.fertilityfriend.com

yup, we dont ovulate every mth, for me, i din not ovulate last mth, thus no matter how hard i tried,also no result.

if the temp is constant( no significant rise), means we did not ovulate.

as for "liang" items, its the advice given by chinese doctors. they believe woman womb must be warm
hi roslyn

erm..let me try to clarify..

a normal BBT chart is Biphasic...meaning there are two phases - before O and after O

before 0 = first day of AF, my BBT will dive (this is when i know i am NOT preggie..hoohoohoo..). and it would trend between 36.2 to 36.4 in my case

ovulation - BBT taking is actually a looking-back method, which means the lowest temp would indicate to you that O HAS happened. after O, my BBT would climb consecutively for 3 to 4 days. the fertile period is actually that 24 hrs after your egg is released.

after O - temp will rise and then trend between 36.7 to 36.9 in my case. it would remain like that until AF comes and then dive again.

go and take a lookie at fertility friend that stella said. you will get an idea what is a biphasic chart is like.

high temperatures will harm the foetus, so avoid going to spas, hot tubs, saunas, steam room during the 2weeks wait.
(As of 2 April)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO / O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 13</TD><TD> 4-6 Apr</TD><TD> 21 Apr</TD><TD> 28 32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 7/8 Apr</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 3 Apr</TD><TD> 17 Apr</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD> Congratulations</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enerus</TD><TD> 32</TD><TD> DPO 20</TD><TD> 28 Mar 06</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pepper</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> DPO 9 ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> 1-Apr</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> ? </TD><TD> 19 Apr</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 35</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 20</TD><TD> 30 Mar/1Apr</TD><TD> 15 Apr</TD><TD> 32-24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Katerine</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> DPO 7</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 3 to 9 Apr</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> DPO 5</TD><TD> 31-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD> 33</TD><TD> DPO17</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 20 Apr</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MSN_Queen</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> DPO 17</TD><TD> 2 Apr</TD><TD> 28</td></tr></table>
hi everyone!

congrats, fizz!

today is my CD14, think havent O... will continue to BD every alternate day as instructed by my gynae...
To the new webbies here....WELCOME!!!!

Beside using the BBT,u can try using the ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor kit to maximise the chances also....Both kit are from Clearplan,can get from guradian or watson
(As of 2 April)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO / O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 13</TD><TD> 4-6 Apr</TD><TD> 21 Apr</TD><TD> 28 32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 7/8 Apr</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 3 Apr</TD><TD> 17 Apr</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD> Congratulations</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enerus</TD><TD> 32</TD><TD> DPO 20</TD><TD> 28 Mar 06</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pepper</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> DPO 9 ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> 1-Apr</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> ? </TD><TD> 19 Apr</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 35</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 20</TD><TD> 30 Mar/1Apr</TD><TD> 15 Apr</TD><TD> 32-24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Katerine</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> DPO 7</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 3 to 9 Apr</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> DPO 5</TD><TD> 31-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD> 33</TD><TD> DPO17</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 20 Apr</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 3</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 2 May</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MSN_Queen</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> DPO 17</TD><TD> 2 Apr</TD><TD> 28</td></tr></table>

Hi Berries

Hehehehe... pai seh... overlook...
Hi Fizz

I remembered u as one of the first few TTCers that I gotta know when I first join... really happy that u got preggy... but felt lost &amp; disappointed that I can't be with u...

This TTC process is very de-moralising... as much as I wish to be more positive... the results always negative... aiya... so... good for u... dun hv to go for IUI and all.. already preggy... so luckily u 2 missed the deadline then also hor... hehehhee...
hi gal *wave*

i having a problem here...sometimes i bd just b4 o..i experience bleeding like period but very light. seen a doc and she says its normal. But this month i started to see light period also...but this mon is after the 'o'. its abt 5-6 days after the o...any clue wats wrong with me?
i also very disappointed whenever AF comes or result is negative when i tested... although my parents and mum in law never give us pressure, but i stress myself.. sometimes whenever i think of it, i will cry
Hi Hayashi

Juz give me yr details lor... I will add for u... if u wanna noe how... gotta follow a thread that I've given earlier...

Hi Sharon

I think I'm like u... my parents or MIL... all bo chap... but I gave myself pressure... coz I'm someone who's goal-oriented and practical... and when u can't achieve something... and worst of all ... dun understand why... it become very frustrating...

Hi Fizz

Btw, juz went thr' some messages that u hv previously sent out abt when to BD... and I track back my previous few cycles... I then realised... never once have I BD one day bf the temp hit the lowest... I always BD on the day itself... or 2 days before that... alamak... maybe, that's y... till now not preggy... this mth fed-up... nvr take BBT... so, dunno the temp also...
symptoms will start to appear slowly.......its not once you know you are preggy you will get all the symptoms..
yuki, dun know why i am like that... haiz...

dun know when i can graduate... i jus started to take my temp, think i haven't O. my temp goes up n down, up n down... makes me so blur! today it's down again. if say my temp for the next few days is up, it means that i O today?

I had mornig sickness on my 6th week...and by the 8th week,i can feel the cramps(thats the expansion of the muscle),frequent urination(esp at nite),leg cramps....
But every individual's symptpms are different..Pray hard that u dun have mornig sicness...dats the worst

y dun u try using the OPK or other methods to determine ur O..I feel that temp charting is abit tedious and confusing for me....


u want to update for me...GAM SIAH....

TODAY IS CD 17,DPO IS 3,EXPECTED AF IS bewteen 16 to 18 APR,cycle length is 30 to 32 days
took my BBT for the past week..haven been around 36.8 bu today plunged down to 36.5...really scare AF attacking anytime....

same here.. though i just tried, but cant help feeling sad when i see my AF.

No one pressure me, but i pressure myself

hi baby,

u might be having implantation bleeding, meaning the foetus "drilling " to be attached!..meaning u might be preg!!

sharon and yuki... jia you! one day we can have a announce that we suceeded!
haki, think i should try OPK method... i have some OPK kit at home. shall try tonight. btw, got to test around the same time on the few days?

Hi Christine,

Thanks for sharing too. Glad to see so many helpful ladies around in this forum. So the key point is, only after taking for a few cycles then we can roughly know when is the O date.

For me, its not on taking temperature after getting off the bed, rather, its more like taking it after I awake from my short dosing / lazing session in the morning after the alarm goes off. That means to say, after the alarm rings, I am awake already but sometimes, I will dosed off again, if I take the temperature after I am fully awake, is that still accurate?

Hi Stella,

Thanks, I didnt know that folic acid is so cheap and can be gotten off the pharmarcy rack. Ok, I think I will go get myself some after work today. Really appreciate that.

As for the liang items, I think I will try to avoid if possible. Actually, I tried not to take cold drink during lunch time just now but too bad, the KFC here told me that theres not hot drink. Feel v guilty taking cold drinks just now.

Hi Kermit,

Thanks for clarifying.

I will go and take a look at the chart that Stella mention and link it to your explanation here.

Huh, I think to play safe, I shld avoid going spa altogether, in case I hit the jackpot during my TTC and I still do not know.
