A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yes, yday not as dark, tik today is the darkest of all the 3 days i took. its as dark as last mth, but last mth i din manage to BD successfully. Thats why this mth, i BD before O cos i scared cannt BD successfully again.
I had chemical pregnancy. my cycle haven't come back to normal. although AF came... but... not in FULL lor. So i got to wait for next cycle.
koori - how come you are still here... go to BD lah... aiyo.....

zenn - welcome back... long time no "see"

hmmm let me give koori another kick....

Im really gettin worried...wei she mo you xi ke shi mei you symptom leh...


My hb n I super kiasu...we delivered the SA sample to the lab ourselves straight away...instead of the clinic...kekeke...

Bettle Bug

I made the appt on Mon morng oredi...cos my gynae alt btw 2 clinics...I m hopin at I wil b able to c the lil beanie at wk 5...

Blue Blue

Which DPO r u now...

Cai Cai


Serene n Koori

My EDD cal fm the internet is 09/12...hee hee...YES...2006!!!

My hb niam me jus now...told me tat everyone fm the other thread knew oredi...u hor u hor u hor...

some woman dun experience any symptom at all.while some experience at a later stage of preggie....Come on gal....U have worried for so long...Now,loosen up abit...
Hayashi...yest I felt the earth moved after midnite yesterday leh...KEKEKE...

I wen to c my TCM tis afternoon...she gave me some an tai TCM...
Fizz...Oh No...Chinese herbs again....YUCKS....

i bet u can't even think properly now....I think i will cry out in tears if i know i am preggie...TEARS OF JOY...

Surprisingly...I was rather calm the first time I saw the BFP...

Dunno issit too excited...I slept at 1am last nite n woke up at 4:30am...after tat..I cant get bac to sleep til now...
Hi Zenn...

Can leh...actually the test line came up almost immediately on the day my AF was supposed to b due...I tink it depends on the HCG lvl...wonder if the gynae wil check on the HCG lvl...

if u go to the gyn nex week,the gyn will use the U/S to scan for u...then he/she will measure the size of the feotus and let u know ur EDD according to the growth of the feotus

ur preference u can go this week if u want...I went to see when i was 6th week...becoz i couldn't tahan the nausea and vomitting,i tot maybe have some medicine to substain the vomitting,but actaully there is no medicine to take
Hi Hayashi Hakida,
Are you Sophia Wedding's Bride? I am one too; just had my AD. Hee... Now TTC.

Pls advise what are the short forms stand for in this thread... I am totally lost.

Thanks so much!
blueblue I hope everything for you still hang-on, I also hope yours is not brownish discharge!

blueblue, bettle_bug and hayashi really expert in this area liao.. what they said is correct

since Sun I already got this brownish discharge. yest clear, then this morning AF reported. OK brownish discharge at AF due date means "AF reporting".

Today got to "ma fan" yuki to help me update the table for me already...

yuki, trouble you again to help me update, thanks
<font color="ff0000">penguin8 / CD01 / DPO? / AF due 4 May 06</font>
Wa, heard abt your good news made me disappointed.... haha... coz we are abt the same time at the last cycle. Then the time when Dr ask u to BD, oso the same things she told me leh....

AF reported ydae, much expected coz breast very sore already. Think now going to book for another appt on CD12 again
Sigh..... abit sian leh.... my doggie no more liao....
So happy that you are able to catch it on time!

the table gotta chg already.
CD1: 3rd April
AF due: 1st May
Cycle: 28 days
We must jia you jia you and catch up with fizz......

Try harder again next cycle... our dates will be ard the smae too....

yah i am sophia wedding bride,u just got married huh....dun stress urself okie....take it easy and high possiblity that u will strike early.

AF = ur menses
DPO=Day past ovulation
CD=Length of ur cycle.
chance for doggie in chinese year lah... but 2007 consider piggy already leh.... in term of age oso different liao

Sigh.... must ask the dr to make special chant like waht she made to Fizz.... hahaha.... ask her to niam niam the date properly! whahhaa.....
MSN!!!...U R SO FUNNY!!!...now I luff til I cant stop liao...ya ya...rem to make a special request for the niam niam geng...n she was machiam funny...she used her fingers to count the dates...while niam niam geng...like those fortune tellers liddat...LOL!!!

Actually...I did an estimate...if u conceive in yr Jan cycle...yr bb wil b due in early Jan...n 1st time bbs wil norm be born ard 38 wks...so u may still b in time for a Christmas bb...

we went to the same gynae leh... didn;t know she work PT too leh... haha...

hahaa... well, I saw her count the dates with her fingers b4... and if she like can't rem properly, she will use the circle color chart to turn the dates lor... hahahaa....
Wa, not bad leh... U still can help me est the date if strike ah.... well, I MUST PRESSURE Dr Heng to niam the correct date liao..... :p

I PM u oredi...


Actually I dun feel tired easily eh...considerin tat I clocked 3.5hrs sleep the previous nite...n 5hrs sleep last nite...Im still pretty zeng sin...


Dun b sad okie...I guess tat ALL of us here noe tat kinda of feelin...once u start TTC...yr worries dun end even when yr kids r married...*gif u a bottle of bbdust*


Thx...kekeke...Im still wearin my 3 inch heels...jus tat I try to b more careful on slopes n slippery rd...cos I ever si jiao chao tian b4...n bruised my bum n legs...

u want me to HATAM U is it???Still wear 3 inch heels....Go and change to flat shoes now!!!!
and goodness sake,please sleep more okie....

I dun hv flat workin shoes leh...cos Im short...hehehe...gd excuse to go shoppin hor...
...tink I wil try lookin for a pair after confirmation wif gynae lah...
haki, i am taking clomid (2nd cycle) now cos my menses are irregular...

fizz, u took clomid? u got experience any side effects?
Hi Bettle Bug...

Sorri tat I forgot to reply yr post last nite...too many nite posts oredi...read till cross-eyed...

We actually started TTC seriously since Nov last yr...tis is actually my 4th cycle...my hb din take much supp...the primary one shld b Andriol...plus some similar supps which he took the previous mths as well...so I dunno if it helps...GNC Mega Men (Vit E n Zinc r nided to supp Andriol)...EYS deer tail pill (b4 O period)...fresh oysters (durin BD nites)...chix essence...
