A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Sharon

Normally u will BD when the temp is lowest.. coz once it goes up by 0.2... means u already O liao... the 3 days is juz to confirm that that's really yr O day... so BBT is usually use as a guide to tell u when u O... and u can roughly predict for the next mth... coz in the same cycle.. by the time, u confirmed that u hv O, it will be too late to BD liao...


Hi babydust

I also done my lap in Nov last yr... yrs seems different from mine leh... though the procedure seems the same... mine was full day... mine cost $5-6k... Fully claimable by insurance... except a few $$... I done mine in MT A... and was given 1 mth's HL...
hi yuki,
Ya think it depends on what you need to "resolve" during the procedure ... mine was just to remove the PCOS ... I'm intending to claim from insurance but very ley chey leh ... was yours easy to claim?
babydust, thanks for the info.

yuki, whta the purpose of BBT? which is more accurate BBT or OPK ? how do u measure andwhen should be the best time for BD ?
bettle bug,
cos the instruction is one tbsp (those ceramic soup spoon) not tsp leh ... and the lady also said will last for 5 days ... that's why so fast loh ... heart pain leh cos not cheap
Hi Babydust

Mine was to remove 2 big cysts and to clear some of the smaller ones along the way... I did my HSG during this procedure too... and was told that one of my tubes abit blocked...

Mine, I claim from co's insurance... juz need to fill in 1 form and get the gynae to fill in the medical report... the rest juz leave it to to the insurer lor... quite easy leh...

Hi Paperplane

I use the BBT to track when I ovulate... I have used it for a few cycles and roughly know that I ovulate on either CD 14 or CD 16... so will work extra hard during then lor... but after a few cycles u wld also noe roughly when is the timing u O.. coz the readings will react in similar manner... for mi, when I see my BBT start dropping normally the 2nd or 3rd day, I will O liao... if u wanna be double sure u can use OPK to check during yr fertile period... once tested +ve can start BD...
hi yuki

okok..thanks for the info too... mi have not use BBT b4, only OPK to test for ovulation. me go BDing even on the faintest +ve, sometimes just anyhow humtum oso.. kekeke..

my DH is going to stay until next week.. eveynite..kekeke.
Hi gals, i went to gynae to do followup checkup, the dark patch is gone! doc say must be fluid, nothing serious, saw my egg! shld be ovulating few days' time.
Today i bought bird nest from Fu Hua, just took one teaspoon, hehe. Din manage to go to EYS.

ask u all smething,do u gals alwaz O on CD14?I Know last mth,my O was on CD17.But this mth,on my CD12,I oreadi notice EWCM,but when i take the urine test it didn't indicate that I am ovulating.Dun know if i have miss my O or not this time..I have arranged for an appt wif my gyn,this coming monday(CD17) to check if I am ovulating,hopefully,still have a chance...
CaiCai, my cycle is 28 days, normally ovulate around CD14 or CD15. I started to use from CD12 onwards till i see a +ve OPK.
Hayashi, i tik we wont all ovulate on CD14 cos it depends on your cycle. If your cycle is longer, then u will ovulate slightly later.
shizuka - AF is Aunty Flow, O is Ovulation and CD.. cycle day. welcome to the TTC family :D

Koori - glad to know that the black patch is gone.

hayashi - how are you ? long time didn't chat

i am good,just abit confused over the EWCM when my O is supposed to be next week...I notice the EWCM on my CD 12,LUCKILY,I oso BD that night...Dun know consider Night or Morning...Because,we BD at 5am in the morning...anyway,i will be see the gyn on coming monday to check if i will be ovulating on CD17.(Last mth,my O was on CD17).
R u buzy the past few days?
hayashi - ya quite busy this week... imagine wed our system down from 9pm.. and i got to work from home to fix it till 2am.

So late still online ya?
Good morning ladies,,

i thought i should be able to get preggie this month but my AF came things morning.. 4 days before my expected AF very disappointed!

We BD on my 'O' day leh.. somemore we BD more often.. before.. on the O day and after O day.. i did not use the OPK strip to test.. i think i should buy that to test my O day.. easier to strike..
We tried for 4 months liao.. but not successfull.. do you think i should see a gynea?
Hi Gers...

My BBT dived tis morng oredi...so confirmed not preg...even tho my gynae advised us to BD on the so-called "perfect timin"...anyway...Im almost...yeah...almost...immune to disappointmt oredi lah...try again lor...til I feel like gifin up...jus tat...I feel heart pain more acutely...cos its is the last cycle for a 2006 bb...wil c gynae again...

Hi Elaine...

My TTC timeline is almost the same as yrs...
Hi gals

I had Dr Ben Neo at mount E as my gynae when i had an miscarriage during july 2004. He did a D & C for mi. After tat,im been goin back for check up... Then i feel tat it's time for mi to TTC so i asked for his advise. He did blood test and prescribe some medication for mi. But i forgot wat's the medcine liao. I juz took his medication during feb 2005 and i got pregnant during april 2005 so follow up with him. His consultation is not expensive as i paid $250 as a package for scanning but every visit muz pay $50 (consultation) plus cost of vit if needed.Yes,detail scan is $280 done at Camden medical centre by Pro Anakumar,u will get back a cd rom contain all the scan of bb,unlike detail scan done at hospital which cost only $90 plus. He's a experienced n nice gynae if u are trying TTC,would strongly recommened him. Now i ald gave birth to my little princess. Don know if he still remember mi,if u gals are goin over,can say recommened by Esther. The gal who miscarriage twice...If u wish to know more,can pm mi. Don be discourage,jia you!
Hi Koori , thanks for the advice.
will try again . my 2nd miss , coz AF came on Thurs .
i hope i can strike next cycle. alwys wanted a DEC baby
hi char

welcome home, how's your trip?

Side issue..
Oh so u hv chinchillas?!
I have them too, in the past, I hv 4, but all died. I really really love them. Due to VERY VERY HEARTBROKEN, I decided not to have chinchillas or small pets anymore... I cried for days and nights.. Their pix are all right up on my wall here in front of my PC I am using now! So can u understand how deeply my love towards them, sigh...

I am on CD32 today. My AF is due today and I hope it will not come. However, I am having this AF cramp feeling already...

Paging for blueblue, how is thing for you?
hi caicai,

u also tried second time? me too

i dont expect my AF to come so early. Supposed to come next week. Now cycle haywire liao.

my hb always say he wants dog baby, looks like it is impossible. Just now when my hb saw me took pad, he was like "huh"..can sense his disappointment also


think u gals can understand how i am feeling now.Actually , i dont dare to tell my friends cos most of them are not married. Secondly , i am just married for 3 weeks ,so people always tell me wats the hurry.
gals ,

i have a recipe to share:

450g rou cong rong
38g dried mussels


rinse all ingredients. soak dried mussels in water
boil all ingredients with 5 bowls of water over high heat for 45mins or until soup reduces to 2 bowls.

eating instruction: once in the morning and once at night,for 3 consecutive days as one complete cycle.

functions: benefits the kidney and promotes sperm production.It is effective in curing barren females and adnormal menstrual discharge.
stella ,
hehehe i also dun dare to tell my frens , coz when i never strike , i worry that they will ask me why so long still no good news .....
TTCing is such a stressful process .
here i am...AF due from 29-31 Mar as my cycle is from 28 to 32 days. Now 1 day overdue and I tested in the morning but neg..think my AF going to hit me soon...cos been v stress with work this month and maybe delay lor...

but hor, i've been having mens cramp for the past one week....on and off....sigh..dunno come or dun come..is a waiting game...
hving the cramp now while typing too...hope dun turn up in e morning...

How abt u? hope ur AF also dun come la...better mia for 9 months...good luck....

Read from posting from 1 lady that she tested on first day when she missed her AF, and it is neg. But three days later, positive.. mean the HCG is so low on her first day...that cannot detect and she is already preg right? anyone knows if we go to GP and test, can detect now if I am 2 days after missed AF

got my bloodt test result yesterday. my gynae say same as previous test. that means no ovulation again. but he duno why in the middlle which is D15, "my AF" came. still can't explain. so now he say me to monitor for 1 mth to see if my AF got come anot. din prescribe any clomid for mye now.. so sad. now i can only wait n see onli.
hi fizz

the rou cong rong is a type of chinese herbs. I also haven tried this recipe yet, going to medical hall to buy it

yah, i think dried mussel is "hou si", chinese medical shop sells that, usually displayed with dried oyster and scallop

hi blueblue,

good luck to u!! from wat i understand, some GP also use HPT, which is also unable to detect low level of HCG.


are u staying in woodlands ? if i am not wrong, we chatted in woodlands thread before. anyway, my area lots of newborn..so envious.
wong, thanks for the info re getting referral from polyclinic. So you went alone to the polyclinic (not with hubby) right?

hakida, wahh.. you are so nice to your hubby.

fizz, did you take any western medication when u have your leg cramp? cos last time when I take western meds (for normal illness) I will have cramps at night. My mom said its because the medication is too strong.

ladies, here is the website for the huiji waist tonic http://www.huayfenghang.com.sg/HtmlProducts/WaistTonic4.htm

avenie, twinkle, bye bye..... hopefully you got good news the next time you come in....

congrats bei bei and serene....

sighh..according to FF, my O day is CD12 this month.... missed it!!!!! no wonder I had been using opk for the past few days and its always -ve. Plus suspect I got UTI again
my 3rd case this year

elaine, gynae usually suggest trying for 1/2 - 1 yr (depending on your age) before seeing a gynae. But then if you are talking about pre-conception checkup, then should go for it before TTC lah.

BTW, anyone know if UTI will affect BBT temperature?
hi stella, thanks for sharing the recipe, but cannot understand what is "rou cong rong"??

blueblue, no news from me too, waiting game. Same as you I had the pre-AF cramp on and off. I won't pin much hope already else if AF really turn up would be even more disappointed. Let things be since wat we can do is only to wait.

As for the HPT kit, I will use it if AF didn;t come for 1 week plus after expected, otherwise I will still wait lor.
hi stella,

yup.. im stayin at woodlands.. u also?

ya.. saw a thread on woodlands mummy.. they organise alot of family outings.. so envy.
Hi Gerz...

On Fri at DPO13...my BBT was 36.98...when it dived to 36.48 yest at DPO14...I actually took it twice to b sure...I was rather disappointed...altho not too disappointed...as I was expectin tis to happen...tis morng at DPO15...it surged to 36.94...I took it thrice...as I really cldnt figure out the trend...

Somehow...I dun hv the feelin tat AF is comin...so I took a HPT bot over the net...it turned out to b a
...within 2 mins...wen bac to sleep...took another similar HPT when I woke up...a fainter BFP...then I wen to buy ClearBlue...n I got a BFP within 1 min...kiasu hor???!!!...

So I guess Im preg...

...to b confirmed by my gynae...mabbe 2 wks later...

In any case...Im a bit worried...as I hv absolutely no symptoms...except norm sore bbs...very slight sensitive nipples...no nausea...no cramps...(mabbe I dun norm hv AF cramps except on CD1)...no freq urination...no fatique...

Thx for all yr support...time to hear my grumblin n moanin...
hi fizz,
congrats! good news!!! btw, the HPT that u talked abt...is it the same as those at pharmacy? I want to test but very expensive..cant afford to keep testing...

Hi BlueBlue

The first 2 HPT which I used were bot fm the internet...midstream ones...almost similar to the in-house brands at Singapore personal stores...costin abt USD1+...the ClearBlue one was bot fm Guardian...muz use a branded one for double confirnation...
