A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


Congrats.....Dun have to worry abt ur hubby SA results anymore...U have worried for nothing the past week...U should be hearing our grumbling instead....

WOW....There will be 3 babies born in the same mth this year....

I mentioned my EWCM 2 to 3 days ago....My O was yesterday,CD 15,ealier by 2 days....

Hi Hayashi...

Yah lor...I was worried cos I hv no symptoms at all mah...my silly hb was so doubtful abt the results when I tested wif my internet HPT...he oni showed interest when I showed him my ClearBlue results...whahaaaaaaaaa...

Jus now I wen to my MIL place for dinner...she brewed soup wif Malacca cong cao...supposed to b gd...but they looked like big fat caterpillars...dun dare to drink...but I took a sip...really nice...jus eeky...(she doesnt noe abt my update yet)

I used to hv EWCM b4 my actual O too...it is norm...yr body is preparin for the soldiers to swim up mah...ai...so did u jia you last nite or not???...wish u ALL THE BEST!!!...

I tink i m exactly 4 wks...dunno if I shld wait 2 more wks b4 cin my gynae...tinkin of goin away durin Gd Fri actually...

I start to JIA YOU on my CD 12 liao....plus yesterday nite...and tonite and tmr nite....Dun KNow my AH LAO can take it or not.....

Think u should see the gyn before gg for ur trip...

I must go over the other side and CONGRATS your hubby now...

Wad Cong Zao???Must be very bitter rite????

Cong cao is cordy...cordy r made fm worms actually...jus tat the norm ones we see r dried ones...I tink his mum bot the raw ones...the actual worms...which r cheaper...eeeeeeeeek...

Hahaha...later yr hb ka neng liao...betta go to bed early tonite...hope u wil hv a Christmas bb...
KA NENG....BUAY lah...This morning he ask me dun know he still have enough sperm for tonite or not...So just now after dinner,make him eat alot of ANG MO KIO
hi fizz,


hi kat,

yup i stayed in blk 585, dr 16. Just met my neighbour, she is preg..just now went to causeway pt, so many preggies

hi penguin

the "rou cong rong" is a kind of chinese herbs, should be able to get from medical hall
Stress Reduction Tips

According to a recent study, more than one third of women trying to get pregnant in the US believe stress is the reason they are not yet pregnant.1 While there are other reasons for not getting pregnant, stress can reduce your chances of conceiving if it reduces your desire to make love on your most fertile days. It can also change your menstrual cycle from month to month, making it harder for you to know when you are ovulating. Trying to get pregnant should be a truly joyful time for you and your partner, so try to relax and enjoy it. Here are some ways to help reduce your stress level right now:

Let your friends or family know if they are contributing to your anxiety over the process of trying to conceive. Most likely they mean well, and don't realize how their questions or comments about your efforts to get pregnant may affect you.

Talk to your partner about how you are feeling and listen to his concerns. Try to work together to reduce the stress that might be impacting your relationship.

1) Take a bath together - baths can relax your muscles and restore your intimacy at the same time.

2)Trade massages - touch is one of the most powerful ways of showing your partner your love.

3)Read a romantic book to each other - getting carried away in a romantic story can lead to getting carried away in each other's arms.

4)Have a pillow fight or a tickle war - laughter is a great stress reliever, and an endorphin rush. It may help put both of you in the mood to try again.

5)Strip poke - games can help put playfulness back into your love life!

6)Give yourself time to be interested in other things. Making time to read a novel, start a new hobby, or join an exercise class can help free your mind and relieve some of the anxiety that comes with planning a pregnancy.

7)Get some rest! Even if your schedule is packed, setting aside one or two nights a week to go to bed early may help you face the rest of the week with deeper emotional reserves.

8)Consider learning breathing exercises to relax or taking up meditation. Ten or fifteen minutes of meditation in the morning can start your day off right, and you can do breathing exercises throughout the day to help take the edge off stressful situations.

The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor can help relieve some of the stress of trying to conceive by taking the guesswork out of identifying your most fertile days. By more accurately identifying more fertile days than any other method, it can take some of the pressure off of you, your partner, and your relationship. Monitor.
Menstrual Grief - You're Not Alone

If you've been trying to get pregnant for more than a few months now, it's normal to be meeting each month with a little more expectation, with a heightened sense that this will be the cycle it happens for me. Society leads us to believe that all women get pregnant quickly - you may feel surrounded by women who got pregnant 'at the drop of the hat.' But as each month passes, heightened expectation and excitement can turn to heightened disappointment. If you feel like you're on a roller coaster, you're not alone.

There's an emotional cycle that goes along with the menstrual cycle and women trying to conceive need to pay attention to both. If you've been trying for more than three or four months, maybe this sounds familiar: At the start of each cycle, you start out feeling excited, intrepid, confident that this will be the month it happens. Towards the middle of your cycle maybe you feel preoccupied, both with when you'll ovulate and with maximizing your chances of fertilizing this month's egg. After ovulation, the waiting period begins, where each day brings you closer either to joyful news or menstruation. Towards the end of your cycle, the common symptoms that menstruation will soon begin can also be construed as signs of pregnancy - sore breasts, bloating - making an unsuccessful cycle even more of a disappointment.

The most important thing we want to convey is that your feelings are normal and you are not alone in this. There are ways to help ease the strain however. Try talking with someone who has been through the same situation. Just sharing with someone else can help put you at ease. If you can't find a friend close to home, take a look at an online community. Several Web sites dedicated to women trying to conceive have bulletin boards where women talk about their experiences, and many women reach out for 'cycle buddies' - someone else who is on the same cycle schedule to share with. Sites with active bulletin boards include www.preconception.com, www.babycenter.com, and www.conceivingconcepts.com.

Remember your partner through all of this. Men may silently suffer the emotional impact of having difficulty trying to conceive as a couple because they are not accustomed to sharing these types of concerns, whereas women may be more used to dealing with reproductive issues.

Ben Neo,very nice and funny chap....Alwaz very cheerful..


My ah lao,still not ready to go to bed yet leh....
blueblue, me too!
i am trying to be less stress, actually i tik stress is my main obstacle. I tik sometimes stress is really hidden, i din know i am stressed till i dreamt of work at night, tik this is telling me that work is stressing me out without me knowing it! hope to relax as much as i can.
Hayashi, now ur O period? Mine also around this time! me CD13 today, last 2 mths i ovulate @ CD15 & CD14.
koori...let's share the babydust...hee hee. mar was a stressful mth for me too cos financial yr closed....super busy and hopefully din affect my ttc....u dun think too much abt work....not gd for us...afterall it is just a job...
Blue Blue...

Today is my DPO15...my AF wil norm arrive btw DPO15 or DPO16...wat prompted me to test is tat...my BBT dived yest...n surged today...so I was confused...n I din hv any spottin which might suggest the comin of AF...

Symptoms...jus sore bbs (not very sore...jus like pre-AF)...n slightly sensitive nipples...lite occasional ab pullin (like my norm pre-AF pulls...I dun really hv pre-AF cramps)...on hind sight...I did feel a bit uncomfy after car rides sometimes when I was the passenger...but then again...I m prone to motion sic...or after meals...but I attributed it to my flu bug last wk...very slightly more yellowish stain on my panty liner...

I more I type the more I stress...tink I wil test again tom morng...to b sure...


Seduce yr hb lah...til he buay tong...n muz go to bed...


Blueblue, i am trying not to think too much. My boss have high expectations and my subordinate is not cooperative at all. I got difficulty managing her, but i try to relax more. Hope i tik less of work at home! i enjoyed myself on Fri, managed to go shopping alone and taking my own sweet time.
hayashi, i got faint + line on Sat and more + line today on my fertility test. My OPK showed a very dark line last mth on CD14, this mth not as dark , i guessed perhaps tomorrow will have darker line.
My gynae ask me to start the OPK on CD13 but i kiasu start 1 day earlier, keke

BA JIU YOU SHI that u are preggie....U test 2 times oreadi leh...Then u have more discharge also....

I seduce him....Later he BUAY TONG,then kick him away how???
fizz - congrats!

I suggest you to visit your gynae immediately if you still tested postive tomorrow morning. Remember to use your first urine. It is the most accurate. Do not take anymore tonic or chinese herb at the mean time. Avoid raw food, food that is too liang.

Please spread the baby dust to me also ;)
i missed my AF 2 days liao...tomorrow will be 3rd day...AF cramps since last weekend...sometimes, dun understand my body liao....eversince I started to TTC....ha ha..hormones changes, going haywire.

must wait for u to come in first mah...U want to help me save the two long posting I post above...KAM SIAH!!!!
koori, if u tried this morning, then dun need to do tonite. I visited my gynae and she told me that if do everyday, oso not good, cos sperm quality will degrade. better to do alternate days or every 3 days. maybe u already striked liao leh...so tomorrow can BD again to make it 110% sure!

in that case try tmr morning or tmr nite lor....


it's like this when we are stress or buzy wif work....
Hi Bettle Bug...

Thx...wil def test again tom morng...now my heart is bu shang bu xia...

Hv jus couriered 10 tonnes of BBDUST to u...rem to look out for the courier boy tom...
blueblue, yes i did try for everyday during Feb but also not successful, don tik its good to BD everyday. Gynae also suggest alternate days is better. Perhaps try tmr night.
u hv any leftover HPT? I may want to get some to test...cos I hv been buying clearblue and burning a hole in my pocket liao...ha ha...btw, I strike already broke...I can buy over from u...

I want to say GONG XI to ur AH LAO also....Tell him must go library more oftern now,read up on antenatal care and how to take care of BB....

Yalah...yalah....So many of u kicking me out now....I go and eat supper first.....Then got energy to BD later...
Hayashi, JIA YOU!
i find that i can BD better in the morning (weekends lah), cos at night i felt sleepy most of the time. ; p
Fizz tested three times....Fizz, dun worry..very sure u r pregnant liao...just take good care now.and I also think u should visit gynae tomorrow even if it is too early...it is always good to start early...u know...just like ttc...I shld hv started early...ha ha....lesson learnt!
