A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

i think you should take the 1st one, cos aft some moving, then ur temp will rise a bit. Our temp, must take when 1st wake up, b4 go up to toilet, dink water.....
yuki, i'm adeline lar. I'm sure u are the Yuki i know.

HAYASHI HAKIDA, sorries i mean chat with u before @ Fernvale thread.

anyway i'm wanna prepare for TCC, any tips gals?
1st of all...CONGRATZZZ to Serene n Blue Blue...gosh...u galz r sooooooooo blessed...hv a smooth 9 mois ahead...

Hi Louie

IMO...I tink tat the best time to BD is the nite b4 yr lowest or O BBT in the morng...the rationale is tat...yr egg may burst in the evenin or at nite...u dunno...by the time u take yr BBT in the morng...n realise tat it is a low BBT...the egg may b on its way down the fallopian tube oredi...by BD-ing the nite b4...u r oso gifin both the egg n sperm time to travel n meet each other...tatz wat my gynae explained to me (the part in bold)...the setbac is tat...we cant predict the time which our lowest BBT wil occur...

Hi Galz

My hb took his SA tis wk...yeah...his morphorlogy has improved well...n it is now oni short of 3% pts to reach norm level...so we wil cont wif his med...n not turn to TCM...we wil cont to jia you...

To all of u who hv TTC for a while...my advice to u is...not oni check on yrself...but on yr hb too...TTC is not oni a woman's tink...the man play a 50% role too...

In any case...I tink my aunt may b home soon...I hv all the AF symptoms liao...my AF symptom is actually the diminishin of all AF/preg symptoms...my nipple doesnt hurt anymore...my bb is soft again...

Hi Hayashi

I wonder the cherry ang mo kio works...I fed him wif amg mo kio for 3 consecutive nites b4 the test...til he was so sic of them...but I wil cont wif my ang mo kio strategy...

Hi Msn

I wil b cin the Dr again on CD16...but I do experience O-in on CD16...wonder if it wil b too late...I m hopin tat she wil do IUI for u...Im beginin to lose hope in au natural liao...

To all 2WW Galz

All the best...

sorie.no impression at all,i dun think i went to the fernvale thread also...

First of all if u just start TTC,stay relax,the best is let nature take it's course,so u dun feel stressful.Stress is one of the factor for not being able to conceive.
Next,u can try using BBT,checking ur cervical muscus and using the OPK to montior ur O date,so as to maximise the chances of conceiving.

Are some sexual positions better than others for conception?
the "missionary position" (man on top) is one of the best ways to make babies because it allows the deepest penetration and so places sperm right next to the opening of your womb. Another position that may improve your chances (in case you get bored!) is entry from behind, either lying down or with the woman on all fours this will also deposit sperm right next to your cervix.

What are the worst sexual positions for conception?
Some experts recommend you avoid having sex while sitting, standing or with the woman on top. These positions defy gravity and may make it harder for the sperm to swim up towards your fallopian tubes.

Should I stay lying down afterwards?
Some experts also believe that you can boost your chances of conceiving by staying in bed for up to half an hour after having sex, preferably on your back with your hips raised on a pillow. In theory, this gives the sperm a helping hand because they're not having to swim against gravity on their way up to your fallopian tubes. (This obviously isn't a good idea if you're prone to urinary tract infections and have been advised by your doctor to go to the loo immediately after sex.)
Peg, don't be upset! Pray tat we'll all grad together

Yuki, u v cute...u actually document down the combinations!! hee hee
Thanks for sharing ur experiences! Don't think I have reached my highest temp yet, coz' its the 2nd day temp rising (today, 36.58). I tried to input tomorrow's temp (3rd day, eg. 36.63)... then the "cross line" came out & kinda confirmed my suspicion tat I cld have O on CD 14 looking at the temp fall/rises over the last few days...

Ok, my gynae blur blur one. He initially tot my cycle is 28 days, so he ask me to go on CD18 to do blood test. I told him mine was avg 32-34days, then he asked me to go bk later! Confusing!! Guess doesn't matter how many days aft u O, sure can test accurately the Progestrone level?

Sharon, wat did the Progestrone test tell u? Did ze doc explain, whether got O properly. Do u get a % of something or how is the chart interpreted?? Think I'll call up KKH to ask for the results when I do the blood test, then call the nurse to check ze result + my HB's SA results also.
Hayashi, miss wat chance??

Fizz, thanks! I BD on sun nite, my lowest BBT was tue morning, got BD yest nite also lah... so dunno whether got chance or not. Coz I'm not expectly my lowest BBT to be on CD 14... tats q early leh, I never had 28 day cycle usu at least 30, avg 32-34.

it's not BLUE BLUE,it's Bei Bei....

So seems like ur AF is delayed....

Yah,should continue to eat ANG MO KIO,u dun force him to eat everyday lah....JUst treat it like eating fruits after a meal lor....Actually,very nice to eat wad....Moreover it's an antioxidant....

I also JIA YOU for u and ur hubby...Hopefully, 1 month later,the SA will be back to normal.
Fizz, sorry... one more qn, wat is the normal count for SA, i.e the normal %? Any idea abt the progestrone test, wats the measurement of normal??
Hi Baby26

Hahhaha... u very funny leh... so yr hubby BD wif u in daze lah... haven't wake up?

I just told my hubby yesterday that this cycle we will start BD from CD 12 ... instead of CD 10... to preserve his sperm... so even DIY is not allowed... hahahha... he was like

Hi Sharon

Sorrie... Hayashi is rite... shld be 12 to 24 hrs... wrong info..

Hi Hayashi

If I were to tell my boss that, he will tell me... great... dun bother to come back after that... hahahah..

Hi Gardeline

Adeline(Adel)? Or the Adeline that got married in Sept? hehhehe...

U juz started? Maybe will be like Serene & Blue Blue... once start... graduate already...


(Blue Blue...mabbe u wil b the next one...so u can rec the congratz first...


My O was delayed...so my AF lor...

Hi Louie

Diff labs hv diff benchmark %tages...so u can oni compare agst the same lab results...under Parkway Lab (for ESH, GEH n MEH)...the benchmark for norm sperm is >14%...I dun do progesterone test...so I cant help u wif tat...

i think my boss will let me off for the day...Because,he knows i crazy over TTC oreadi...


maybe u will strike soon too,coz alot of ppl thinks u are preggie now....
Hayashi...itz ESH...but the gynae is based at a ESH Statelite Specialist Ctr...u wanna go too...go to yr gynae lor...
Hi Louie

Coz think the speed of travel for sperm & egg... can't be sure mah... so in term of math... they are already "unknow"... so gotta use all the different probabilities to see when is the best time lor... if always use the same timing... sekali sala... try till die also won't get how...

As for progesterone... my cycle switch from CD 28 to CD 32... no matter which cycle... my gynae always ask me to go back on CD 21... After the blood test, there will be a reading... and from that reading, gynae would be able to tell whether u ovuluate well enough ... the 1st time bf the Clomid, my level was low... so my gynae told me that I did ovulate but not well enough... so ask me to take Clomid... after that, the 2nd blood test shows that my progesterone level increases and the results was very good... according to the gynae... perhaps, when u get yr blood test results that we share our readings lor... heheheh...
baby, yup.. i tested for very long.. all -ve for my OPK. will continue to test lor.. but i scare i test wrongly leh..
hi gals,

remember to go jogging or other exercises regularly.. both hub n wife. so tat u will hav healthy eggs n sperms.. mi n my hub start jogging regularly at nite since Feb.. so i m tinking exercise really help in ttc.. u gals can try try..

mi now gastric pain.. n feel nausea..
hi gals,

remember to go jogging or other exercises regularly.. both hub n wife. so tat u will hav healthy eggs n sperms.. mi n my hub start jogging regularly at nite since Feb.. so i m tinking exercise really help in ttc.. u gals can try try..

mi now gastric pain.. n feel nausea..
er...which is true? BD at nite as what Hayashi mentioned research state tt...or what Fizz gynae advised? i am getting confused?
sometimes i can see information...not too tally among u ladies...

serene & bei bei, congratulation! can share both of u BD at nite or morning? hope u can share some of ur tips...10q!
Wow, yest came here saw one pstriked and today another one! congrats to serene and bei bei once again.

blueblue ah, zenn and yuki wrote that u r the one who strikes leh, think u hv good chance liao, coz "Good things come thrice mah!"
ladies let's all JIA YOU together and graduate in a batch!

yuki and hayashi, both of you very knowledgable leh!!! Thanks for sharing. Me here blur sotong..
Wow, yest came here saw one striked and today another one! congrats to serene and bei bei once again.

blueblue ah, zenn and yuki wrote that u r the one who strikes leh, think u hv good chance liao, coz "Good things come thrice mah!"
ladies let's all JIA YOU together and graduate in a batch!

yuki and hayashi, both of you very knowledgable leh!!! Thanks for sharing. Me here blur sotong..
Hi Hayashi

U mean the sperm sleeping in the nite? hehhehe... juz joking.. but morning hard to BD for mi.. except weekends... coz my hubby start wk @ 7.30... if BD in morning... gotta wake up @ 6 am... wow... so early... think my egg haven't wake up yet... hahahaha...

Hi Sharon

Progesterone is recognized as a vital female hormone central to successful conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Progesterone is a female sex hormone that is secreted by the corpus luteum to prepare the endometrium for implantation of the fertilized egg. Following implantation, progesterone is then produced by the placenta during pregnancy to prevent rejection of the developing embryo or fetus. Therefore, progesterone plays a significant role in reproduction. Progesterone:

Helps create a fertile environment in the womb and promotes the survival of the fertilized egg through healthy implantation.

Strengthens and maintains the secretory endometrium which sustains the embryo throughout pregnancy.

Prevents the premature shedding of the secretory endometrium (menstruation).

Hi Serene

Hehehehe... I juz sign up for yoga and sign my hubby up for Gym sessions... so... at least once a week... we will be having exercise... hopefully, it's sufficient... coz not interested in jogging @ all..

Hi Serene

Take light meals each time so that u dun feel so terrible... morning sickness is common and can be quite bad at times... u must be prepared... heard from some gals that it's better to eat some biscuit first before starting the day activities to curb the urge to vomit.. try to keep some "ser buay" wif u also lor...

Hi Penguin

Knowledgeable also bo heng leh.. till now not preggy yet... so fed-up @ times...
Hi Fatty

It may be good to BD in the morning as Hayashi mentioned coz spermie is more active but if u do not have the luxury of time... then no point also... if u BD in the morning and get up of bed immediately to prepare for work.. sperm also flow out in the process... then also no use rite... and if too rush...
or haven't wake up... also no mood... in the end become too stressed...

So, if u can, then try to BD in the morning... if not, in the nite would be still okie... I think...
Gals, can I check how much you gals usually paid for when going back gynae for blood test? Each time we have to pay consultation + blood test?
10q, serene! such thing cannot base on individual. if so TTC wouldn't be difficult for us anymore. doing survey to check on the possible best time to get preggie. u see getting the best time is important bcoz our egg don't wait for us...
sharon, i ve no idea wats the usual rate thats why checking wif you gals. i remember gynae mentioned abt $40 for blood test for pre-conception but not sure issit same rate for all kind of blood tests. consultation fee varies also
Seems like many gynaes r askin u galz to do bloodtest...my gynae norm asks me to do a u/s near my O...

Hi Kermit...


Jus b careful lor...Andriol muz b prescribed by the dr...as he/she deems fit...altho the nurse told me tat it is a supp...some info on the net says tat it is actually a form of steroid...anyway...diff pple react diffly...has yr hb gone for any SA?

the research states to maximise the chances BD in the morning....But,its still up to individual habits and timing...Take note,it's to maximis the chances,no gurantee that u will defintly conceive
Usually in the private sector,the consultation charges for follow-up visit is between $50 to $70.
As for the blood test,depend on which lab the clinic send the specimen to.Some labs are more expensive than the other.
Hi Zenn

My gynae chrges $45 for subsequent consultations...$60 / $65 for first consultation...I noe of a fertility specialist who chrges $120 for first consultation...it all depends...it is ard tat range...

*hmmmph...lookin ard...no late owls nowadays???*
