A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

momo, i no implantation bleeding.. but i m preggie.. so hope to hear good news from u.

gals, any gynae to recommend?? i hav to start searching for gynae liao.. but 1st i must see wait for my UTI result.. n hope to cure it..

Serene, congrats!!!! really happy for you as I have read from your past postings that you have UTI...and who knows preg too...God's gift!!!
Hi Belle

Hmmm... on Sun, wat's the BBT?

Hi Serene

Congratulations!!!!!! Spread your babydust to us...

Really envy you...

As for the UTI, since u already no longer feel the urge... it should hv partially recovered already... juz wait for the lab results first and see how lor... Dun worry too much...

Hi Sharon

My gynae told me to try CD 12 to 20... coz my cycle is abit longer usually... she say so as not to compromise on sperm quality, it is better to start only on CD 12... but think it differs in accordance to individual...

For mi, I normally O on CD 13 to 17 anyway... so would juz try her method this cycle and hope to strike lor..
yuki, actually gynae also ask me to OT on CD12 to 20, then he say if we want, can also OT on CD10 lah in case O earlier this cycle

i also hope we can graduate this cycle
tks gals :p spread all the babydust to all of u.. sprinkle.. sprinkle..

hi blueblue,

my symptoms veri alike to AF. I got sore boobs, i got adobmen cramps intervally for days, i got gastric pain also.. tink bcos i dun eat when i hungry. i get hungry easily.. i get hungry 2 hrs after i taken diner. i also pee frequently (dunno due to my UTI) but i dun hav any impantation bleeding..

my doc advise not to do spa as they will b using some aromatherapy oil which might harmful to bb.

sorrie i dunno abt hilton.. cant provide u much info..
hi gals,

i m wondering how to know which week i m in liao.. i m CD40 now. my O shld b @ 6th-10th march. BD on 4th, 7th and 9th march. my cycle always between CD32-36.

when shld i look for gynae?
congrats! today CD40 means dat ur foetus is 5 wks & 5 days old... u can start looking for gynae now. 1st apt within 6 - 7th wk of ur pregnancy. remember to look for someone u r comfortable wif, as ur gynae will be wif u till u give birth.
hi juju,

my cd40 start from my last AF which is 18th feb. my O is around 6th mar-10th mar. so shld b less than 5weeks? i dunno how to calculate??
Hi Belle

Think if that's the case, likely to be CD 4 today lor...

Hi Sharon

Ya lor.. for previous round I started from CD 10 also... but after wat the gynae say... think also quite scare... coz if I O on CD 16... the sperm quality will definitely be compromised after 2 previous round... so perhaps, to preserve more good spermie to meet my egg... will start CD 12 this time... heheheh...
thanks yuki! of coz' will ML lah, but wondering is it too late to BD mah! Hee hee!! Been q stressed at work, so hope Ovulation not disrupted or watsoever lor...

All ze best to u also, no BBT/OPK monitoring etc... maybe will be more relaxed
yuki - very strange leh! i thought spermie... is created 90 days ago... how does they define the quality leh...Some how I read from other medical site which recomend couples to BD more often as it will improve the sperm quality as it was replace by new one... wonder which theory is correct!
bettle bug - b4 my hubby did his SA, the instructions were for optimal sperm supply to reach optimum, shd wait 3-5days. But since our Egg has such "short life span", qty (more times of BD) may still be more EFFECTIVE than optimum supply of spermies lor
hi feliza,

doc charge mi 15bucks for the pregnancy test.
i never buy the pregnancy kit to test myself.. y did i ask doc to test for mi cos i m doing follow up on my UTI.
Hi Serene,

Thanks for the info..Tot it will be quite exp, actually 15bucks quite ok lor.
Btw, Congrats..Spread your babydust to us...

hi hakida,

i strike the 1st mth of my ttc.. i never tink will strike so fast as i know normally it will take a few mths b4 strike. jus try try.. i still dun believe i preggie..

hey gals,

anyone know how to calculate which week i m in now? base on the info i posted earlier on..

tks gals.. i sprinkle sprinkle babydust to u gals..
i think i better start to take my temp frm tmr morning onwards. btw, where u all buy the thermometer from? it's one or two decimal point?
Hello lady..

Wah so long time never come in, so bz with work lor.. cannot catch up liao..

Saw someone graduated!! Serene, congrats to you!!! yeah pass us some baby dust...

serene, juju actually calculated for you that u r in your 5th week 5th day. By 6th week, your gynae would be able to let you see / hear your fetous heartbeat, like a gallop horse, very cute one!!

So good ler, me still not yet strike. Already 2nd round..

I hv no sympton of being preggy (sore breast, freq urine, bleeding etc...) and feel like my AF coming, abs pain. I am in my CD29 already and I had the AF coming sympton instead... If no strike, AF will be coming on 1 or 2 Apr.

I hope my AF lost her passport..

Dun Worry...I will follow after u....Hee!Hee!

There is a calendar to count one...I go back home then count for u okie...

Defintly,ur EDD will be in mid or end dec...
Hi Bettle_bug

Izzit? I also dunno leh... my gynae told me that... so, juz believe lor... anyway.. I always start on CD 10 and still no news... so will try starting on CD 12 instead and see ow lor..

Hi Serene

Think you can calculate from the 1st day of yr last AF...

Hi Gardeline

Then, maybe... hehehehe... I was in that thread for awhile... but coz most of them play $0.50/$1 but I only play 10/20 cent... so dun think can get anyone to play wif mi lah.. heheheh...

So, u still play mahjong frequently?
yuki, u know who am i or not? i also play small small but i stay in East u in West rite? then u got tonsil op remember? anyway i'm in ur friendster de... haha
hi gardeline(waveing)

serene,u also just got married right?usually,newlyweds,very easy hit JACKPOT one...


my friend also dun like to play wif me,claims that i am very slow...

u got went for tonsillectomy before??
I working in a ENT clinic in paragon.Next time u want to see ENT dr,let me know lah...I tell my boss u are my friend,he charge u cheaper
U r back....we din managed to chat for a while liao...My AF due liao...hope our AF lost their passport together and go holidays for 9 months..
Sharon, at first i was thinking of getting one thermometer with 2 dec points because my temperature always the same even though i suspect my O is due, but now i realised don't need. With the OMRON one dec place, my temperature change is already super obvious.
Usually my temp is 36.1 and after O, it went up to 36.4, then 36.6, then 36.7 and finally 36.8 in 4 days in a row. So u see, it is such a huge jump. With 2 dec places maybe will be very confusing because u are monitoring too minute changes which may be just due to the aircon or outside temperature?

but not sure whether it differs individual to individual. But my friend's temp change is also quite obvious using the 1 dec place.
congrats!! u graduated liao...

i also wish that i can
, but my AF came today...

i felt preggy, but no lor. Had bad cramp and gastric pain yesterday night, so keep waking up. Then morning my AF visit me liao. So sad...
i tested (+tive) OPK CD15 last nite, this month i never take BBT, so dunno whether today is my O or not, last few month i FF chart, normally test 2 days then O......
My last AF 35days and O on CD 20, actually want to start test on cd17,but last nite i feel my O pain, so i quickly go and test then (+tive).i and hb faster BD last nite...hehe.. cos didn't BD last few days, actually plan to save sperm quality till fertilise Period....
i told Dr , i hv O pain, he said i "xin li zhou yong".... but i dont think i sensative, if not i feel some pain, maybe i already miss my O liao....

Congrat..... so lucky to you first month can strike lioa....
Hope everybody here can get the BB dust from you...

hey gals,
i hv extra HPT, anyone interested can email me: [email protected]. then can arrange to mail it to you.
i think very much more cheaper then phamarcy....
Hi Gardeline

Are u sure u got the rite person? I'm staying in the west lah...
wat's Tosil's operation... so far, I only went for Laproscopy... is that the same?

Wat's yr nick in my friendster? Coz my friendster mostly are friends that I noe... but not from the webby leh...

Hi Hayashi

Hahahha... mi choose those not so good players... so, so far haven't get complain that I slow yet... coz we all very slow together mah...

Hi Belle

Hahhaha... sorrie... it's DPO 4... sala...
Hi Baby26

Normally, when OPK positive... u shld O within the next 24-36 hrs, rite? So, shld be very high chance lor...

Go home & try again tonite lor... heheheh... then after that, maybe, alternate days... juz in case, if this O pain really xi li zhou yong...
sure will try again tonight...hehe.. very sian and stress of ttc....especially the 2ww....
i always feel buping (sound glot...glot..)of my O during O period...today whole day i feel the buping.....
maybe you can update for me the O on today.
hi hakida,

tks : ) i really not prepared to b mommy so fast.. i got married last sept.. sigh..

thanks to singapore motherhood.. else i tink i still blur like sotong..

momo... jia you! jia you!.. last nite i hav same symptoms as u.. but pain veri mild..

actually did u gals put both ur legs upwards for 20mins after BD?? was taught by a colleague of mine.. she said to let the sperms swim faster to the egg.. haha..
