A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

zhuzhu, dont get what you mean? actually no more fever n cough better but keep feeling heaty, giddy and taste bitter
hi yuki,

my gynae did the same test as ur gynae.. me also on my 2nd cycle now... will be going for my blood test today. hope all goes well.. but still, i still have to monitor my AF since there's a "AF" at D14.

my gynae also say clomid is for ovulating only.. not induce AF.. that's y he's puzzle by my body reaction also..
Hi Zenn...

It may b the after effect of being sic...yr body may still b tryin to recover...altho the physical symptoms r ok...I always feel blur n weak for a few days after I recover physically...I felt groggy when I woke up tis morng...now I feel better...but I still feel breathless after a short walk...
I meant to say even if you are sick, it does not affect the test result..
Good afternoon ladies,

zhuzhu, oh ok. Was worried when I was taking the medicines hee

Fizz, ya I think so. Guess there are too many virus around
Hi Syang

OIC... at least he has already done a scan before he put u on Clomid... actually, it's better to take blood test...though I hate it too... at least the progesterone level will be able to tell if you ovulate well enough...

My gynae is Dr Chua Yang. How abt u?

Hi Katherine

Ya lor... Clomid will affect AF by a little.. but dun think will be so early leh...
Hi Yuki,
my gynae is at Joo Chiat, dr Lek.Hope my AF come soon then i can start my 2nd cycle of clomid.
Hi Katherine, think the 3 of us start clomid about the same time....
So sorry. Me confuse liao. What is HCG, BFP, AF???? Me Sua Ku lah.

Hi serene, my longest cycle is only 32 days lei and usually mine is around 30 days

I now really keeping my finger crossed hopefully Im preggie now ia already my 33 days liao Should I test again on Thursday???
hi bei bei,

do u hav interval adobmen cramps for tis few days?? i keep having adobmen cramps intervally.. sianzz.. cannot fully concentrate on work..

how long u been TTC?

i tink u can try try on thurs.. AF is mens..
can i join? i wonder can i take ginger while ttc?

hi yuki, katherine & syang, mentioned in the previous thead clomid has side effect. any ideas when can stop taking clomid?
bei bei,

u also have.. mine also not veri serious.. but veri sianzz lor.. i also feel gastric pain even thou i always eat punctually these few days.
anyway i been feeling not my usual self past 1 week.. dunno isst "xin li zhuo yong".

tis is my 1st mth of ttc..
Hi Syang

Maybe u already preggy then dun need to take 2nd cycle already?

Hi Fatty

I always take ginger tea during my menses coz I find that it warm my stomach and have soothing effect... Think as long as not excessive shld be okie...

Clomid can take at most 6 cycles... so probably gynae will advise lor...
hi ladies,
when is the best time to use HPT kit? my AF supposed to come today but not here yet. My AF usually quite accurate one. Have been getting abdominal cramps these few days on and off, but didn't notice any discharge or spotting. Does preggy = must have implantation bleeding huh?
tks momo..

one of the girls told mi doesnt nec to hav implantation bleeding when preggy. mi also no implantation bleeding.. u will know whether is true by 2molow after i see my doc..

keep u update.

I wish you all the best ya

I shall wait till sat b4 testing... Cos sat will be 1 week i miss

Let's pray for each other...
hi beibei and serene..

i also tried for one mth only.. after my customary on 18th mar, we tried immediately cos it concides with my fertile period. Menses suppose to come 6th of next mth.

hb birthday 16th apr, hope can give him a pleasant surprise.

I have some receipes (TCM) on how to "tiao" our bodies to prepare for TTC. will post up when i get back my receipe book from my colleagues.

Good luck to both of u
good luck to beibei, momo & stella...

tks koori : )

stella, i married for half a year.. planning not to ttc so fast but hub wanna to hav bb sooner..
Hi gals,

Can I check is vacuum cooker = thermal cooker?

Carefour selling Endo 1.8L thermal cooker @ $29.90 and 6L @ $65. 1.8L like too small but 6L too big -_-
another ting to check wif u gals.
i will b seeing doc 1st ting 2molo morning, i guess i will b using my 2nd urine of the day for testing. Isst okie to test for preggie??
{serene} - if you are preggie, urine test will show positive one. But if it is too early, the 1st urine is more concentrated lor. Blood test is a more accurate way to test.
hi serene

i agree with koori, its never too early to plan. I have heard from my colleagues, some wait for 2 or 3 yrs, some wait to finish studies. When they got a child, they regret on not starting early.

One lady friend who concentrated so much in career, told me that co can replace u anytime, everything u build will come to a standstill. By the time she wants a child, its too late.


hope to hear good news from you
(As of 29 March)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO / O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 4-6 Apr</TD><TD> 21 Apr</TD><TD> 28 32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 13</TD><TD> 7/8 Apr</TD><TD>?</TD><TD> 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> 3 Apr</TD><TD> 17 Apr</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> DPO 11</TD><TD> 1 Apr</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enerus</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> DPO 15</TD><TD> 28 Mar 06</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pepper</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> 1-Apr</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> 30 Mar/1Apr</TD><TD> 15 Apr</TD><TD> 32-24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Katerine</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> DPO 5</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> 7</TD><TD> 3 to 9 Apr</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 32-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> 2 Apr</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD>31-35</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> DPO12</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>MSN_Queen</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> DPO 12</TD><TD> 2 Apr</TD><TD> 28</td></tr></table>
Hi ladies...

Not been here for a while, so busy! Sianz
I noted that my temp started to rise a little today (presuming yesterday was at its lowest), still got chance to BD rite? Today likely to be O? I haven't used OPK yet, tot of starting yesterday, but forogt the timing!! Arrghhh... Anywae, now I am soooo confused
my sis jus got pregnant after 5 yrs of ttc-ing! so HAPPY for her! she was also diagnosed with PCOS and she took clomid for a few cycles. but stop for some time liao... she got pregnant without clomid!
today is my CD09.... waiting for my fertile period to come... but i always very lazy to take my temp! think will start tmr...

anyone's hubby did the sperm analysis? how does it go about?
yes, they are the same. You can check with OG, they may have a in-between one. I went to SAFE at Harbourfront two days ago, and they are selling also.

I tot i have got over the chemical pregnancy thingy, until Monday and I started crying again when I was praying. Surprisingly, after that cry, I did felt much better.
Hi Louie

Dun be too stress over all these BBT &amp; OPK... if u forgot to take... then juz continue to BD lor... anyhow hamtam anyhow preggy mah... hehhehe... anyway, u dun need a thermometer to tell you whether u need to make love or not, rite? juz do it whenever u hv the mood lor...

Hi Sharon

Wow... your sis must be real happy... I understand it's not easy for PCOS ladies to get preggy... Congratulate her on behalf of ALL OF US... okie...

Anyway, our CD pretty close... it's my CD 8 today... this cycle, I'm trying to juz go without BBT... coz I find that sometimes, with BBT, u always only wanna BD when u think it's fertile... and stop once u think yr fertile period is over... so tot.. this mth will juz desert it once and try anyhow hamtam... see can get or not.. hahahahha...

Hi Peg

Do take care... God has his reasons for doing everything... so, if he felt that the baby should not stay with you... it may be the baby is not healthy after all... and you deserve a much better baby... dun be sad... I'm quite sure you will get preggy soon again...

Try also to take some "bu pin" or see TCM to make sure that your womb is ready again for TTC, okie... take care...
yuki, i have monitored my temperature and it has risen for many days now. So when do i count as DPO 1? my normal basal temp is 36.1 on Sat and on Sun onwards it kept going up everyday and today it is 36.8! i got sore stroat. think the temperature is too high, maybe too heaty liao.
So can i consider today as DPO4?

And i used to think why my body temp never go up. Now it is to high i think i am having a mild body overheating.
hi zenn, bei bei, momo, stella, koori, hakida,

i m back from seeing my doc.. i m preggie.. but hor my UTI not recovered leh.. doc sent my unrine to the lab to cultivate the bateria in my urine.. they wanna to know wat bateria is tat?? will know the lab result in 5 days time. thou i m happy but quite worried..

hav u gals know anyone who is preggie n also got UTI (urinary tract infection)??

i tried ttc for 6mths although i married for almost 3 yrs liao... my menses are irregular lor that's why my gynae gave me clomid to regulate my menses
